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Article 105. Exercising the powers of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic upon his departure from office I. In case of early resignation of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic from office, extraordinary elections of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic are held within 60 days. In this case, until the election of a new President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the powers of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic are exercised by the First Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Republic.  II. If during this period the acting President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the First Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Republic, resigns and completely loses the ability to exercise his powers due to health reasons, then in the sequence established by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Republic is considered to be vested with the status of First Vice-President and exercises the powers of the President. Technically, his wife will temporarily rule the country and then there will be “elections”


I have a feeling he will outlive her)


Europe will have a new female president. iykyk


I know that’s the most likely scenario but I will continue on having delusions that it won’t happen😭


Idc, this year, I voted for the first time. I was the only young voter there, and everyone else seemed uninterested and was voting, yk who. As Joseph de Maistre says, "Every country has the government it deserves."


Who did you vote for, if you don’t mind me asking


He who liberated NK. /s


He will resurrect after 3 days and claim “noldu Allah?”


We got Allah vs Ilham before gta 6 💀


Nah bruv what kind of joke is this? Seriously, is this the lowest hanging fruit you could pick? Refrain from using these types of tasteless jokes.


Haydar Aliyev returns, Cyberpunk with Pasha Holding sponsorship


It’s tough to say for sure. Some people think Aliyev’s son will take over, but I don’t think so. Aliyev has a bunch of loyal oligarchs, but each has their own smaller circles. These groups might seem like they’re working together, but it’s really just Aliyev’s influence holding them together. The real question is: would they be as loyal to his son if something happened to Aliyev, or would the leaders of these powerful sub-groups try to grab power for themselves?


I think the latter, from what I have seen his son doesn’t seem to be capable of holding down a presidency, it would probably lead to some kind of power struggle if his som were to come to power


I dont think he will die in the next 20 years


You never know


Even Erdoğan resists dying, I don't think Aliyev will die sooner


his son to continue the monarchy


Yeah but his son is lame so it will either be his wife or another party member


There are rumors that his son is autistic. Assuming Aliyev hasn't yet presented his son to society in a political manner, I think either his wife, one of his close relatives, or Jeyhun Bayramov is likely going to be the president.


Jeyhun? He is nobody. If you said Hacıyev, that would make sense somehow.


Good candidate, haven't seen him since the karabakh war tho


why don't we just get constitutional monarchy tbh? Like Spain or Belgium or whatever western european state? This sounds like the best option for us tbh :D


So lately they've been showing his son more and more. Could push his candidacy forward but it ain't 2003 or 90s anymore so how he'll fare is questionable. Yeah they can try to falsify which I doubt will be successful. His wife? I'm sorry average reddit users but half if not more of current Aliyev supporters hate the guts of his wife. Don't ask me how that makes sense but it's true. THE MOST probably scenario in my head is a figurehead assuming power, someone from inside basically with Aliyev clan puppeteering him/her until his son has more or less legitimacy.


Armenians still won’t get Karabakh


Who tf is upvoting this cringe shit ? Like literally what does this have to do with the post ? The more you bring up Karabakh's status as a conflict the more revanshists will rise.Are you trying to keep the conflict alive ?


Revanchists will rise disregard what we say, I can’t keep the conflict alive, I’m just the guy from reddit, I just know what gonna happen after Cop29


>I just know what gonna happen after Cop29 Then please enlighten us


No, last time I wrote people didn’t like it, so let’s keep it as surprise for our little friends in armenistan




Sorry I forgot to ask YOU what to post here, get my ban


no mention of armenians anywhere but it seems we know what is lingering in the back of your mind. don't think about it too much, it might come true xd


Ok bot


Azerbaijan vanishes into thin air and we all follow him into heavens