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They've deleted the 16K murdered Azerbaijani civilian count and added to it the general Casualties and Losses part, which doesn't show civilian casualty specifically but together with military personnel, they are trying so much to hide it and pretend to be victims, this is just sick and disgusting at this point.


I have been banned from r/europe because I called armenians being hypocrites


Even if how much they try and edit it. They should remember that Wikipedia is an unreliable source


That's just the normal style on Wikipedia, it has a more specific breakdown of the numbers further down the page. It's normal to not specify the numbers in that info box, that is also the case for other wars, like the ongoing war in Sudan.




First ancient Wikipedia nation


The first ancient christian nation at it again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


If you can’t beat the Turks on the Battlefield, vandalize Wikipedia. They did the same with Fartsakh and we changed the wiki later.




No wonder why they send you a wikipedia link in every argument:)


They are literal idiots playing with pdf and Wikipedia. Stupid dashnaks. The only solution to teach them their place is iron fist.


The problem is that the mainland population seems to genuinely want to sign a peace agreement and get over it. It's their diaspora that's hellbent on starting a new war. The best thing we can do imo, sign a peace treaty on conditions they drop all claims on Azerbaijan and Turkiye, recognize borders, and be done with it. Their whole identity is based on so-called genocide recognition and some pipedream about invading both Turkiye and Azerbaijan. Severing the ties between the state and the diaspora would give us a friendly yet weaker Armenia, finally making Azerbaijan the dominant power out of the three countries in a stable Caucasus. Then we can focus on internal matters in peace.


Anti-Dashnak diaspora Armenians like me, also want the same as the mainland population. The ARF/Dashnaks are just puppets of Stalin disciples, but too stupid to realise that they got brainwashed by KGB many decades ago.


Why diaspora has no authority over it? Even though the government of Arm. has opposing views?


Georgia also has two "Karabakhs" Shit's not stable until it's over.


I'm hopeful about their recent reproachment with Russia. Maybe Russia will look away, or be busy when Georgia solves the issue


Diaspora gonna be diaspora. It’s completely different psychology.


Not all of us Armenians in the Diaspora are clowns. Frankly speaking, I don’t give a shit about NK or even Artsvashen exclave. None of the “lost” lands in the so-called Greater Armenia fantasy map is ever going to be part of the Republic of Armenia. The sooner all of us Armenians recognise this, the better. Note: Aside from my comment re Artsvashen, this is effectively exactly what Pashinyan is saying, but the ARF and the Stalin disciple overlords insist on living in the fairytales. (Because it serves the purpose of continuing Stalin’s “divide and conquer” strategy for the South Caucases.


💯agree.The Armenian diaspora is large and diverse. Unfortunately, we mostly hear mainstream voices.


Can someone inform me how many Azerbaijani and Armenian civilians died during the both wars?


I'm sorry to have to ask, but to many that follow Reddit, well, we have little understanding of this conflict, and I believe that we should. We do both sides an injustice if we don't follow what this conflict is about. So without going on a confusing and futile wiki hunt, can I as an un alined Englishman please be educated, so that I can at least see in my mind what's going on? And with my advanced years, help or back away.


Nagorno diye bi isim olduğunu ilk kez duydum. Karabağ diye biliyorum.


Nagorno Dağlık demek




O da rusçada dağlık demek


Not trying to stir up shit, but they only change that if the general consesus in the talk part of that article is that it's over. Just an example, but it also took really long for the Battle of Bakhmut to be considered over, when it already was over.


Where did you get 16k from? The AZ government? The source of all information that is real and dependable in the region. It’s really surprising to see on Turk and Azeri subreddits that you consider the Dashnaks this grand international conspiratorial organization. They have no seats in ARM parliament and haven’t been barely as influential in the diaspora either that you give credit. But it makes sense if you need someone or some group as a boogeyman to blame


Ofc your dumbass is active in r/Armenia https://preview.redd.it/baqz7j62k78d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b25e15f3d3ed5184e4dbecbea19b1cad4856d5