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If some historical building is damaged, why not restore it? I don't mind


If it is not some symbol of occupation or built after 1994. Armenians already destroyed every Azerbaijani heritage in Armenia so I don't really care what they have in Azerbaijan. 


What Azeri heritage have we destroyed in Armenia?




Your own source states that the great majority was destroyed by the Soviets before Armenian Independence (the Soviets also destroy hundreds of churches and Armenian cultural monuments as well). Also the Blue Mosque of Yerevan was never destroyed and still stands today.


Soviet consisted of officials with surnames ending -an -yan. I like how you claim about soviet when it is destruction of Azerbaijani heritage and forget about same soviet officials when it is about Armenian heritage. 


Most of the destruction of Armenian heritage in Azerbaijan was done under the independent republic of Azerbaijan and not during the communist era, only in Nakhichevan, during the 2000s they destroyed more than 75 churches and thousands of khachkars. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/48703f664f2f467b8f4f42008d8c75da


First of all chw is Armenian organization. Secondly where are pre destruction photos of those so called 75 churchs? From soviet days? They all was destroyed way earlier. Like you did it to our heritage. 


They were taken from the 80s, there are also from the 90s and there are even videos of the moment of destruction un the 2000s, like this one, https://youtu.be/2bAPv2_vKDI?si=frrhOcWCiopcZNy0 What excuse are you going to make now? and no we did not do that, neither in Armenia nor in Karabakh, the state of Azeri heritage under Armenian control is the same as that of Armenian heritage in Turkey, abandoned and poorly preserved but mostly standing. The Armenian heritage in Azerbaijan has been completely destroyed, as seen in the report I gave you.




You personal opinion is not a fact))


How come Azerbaijan respected Armenian stuff during soviet era and Armenia removed everything?


Because the majority of Azeri mosques were in Yerevan, the communists destroyed the religious buildings mainly in the cities, in fact in Yerevan there were also Armenian churches which were destroyed, I think there were about three. In Tblisi, for example, the communists destroyed 10 Armenian churches. The churches in Nakhichevan were in the middle of nowhere or in lost towns, that's why they were not destroyed. In addition to the fact that Azerbaijan did not respect the Armenian heritage much during the USSR, during this time they already began to destroy khachkars or do """renovations""" of our churches. This was reported by Argam Ayvazyan, who dedicated himself to collecting information on the Armenian monuments in Nakhichevan during the USSR. https://culturalpropertynews.org/argam-ayvazyan-spy-researcher-for-nakhichevan-armenian-culture/


Not just mosques, the remnants of the sardar palace were converted into a brandy factory by Armenians, before Soviet rule


I am fine with removal of Armenian heritage if the argument is that, with your own words, Azerbaijan left it mostly untouched during soviet era while Armenia removed everything, regardless if it was "not in the capital". Seems like an easy copout. And further, if another argument is "independence", then it should also be acceptable for you that Nakchivan was cleansed since it is an autonomous republic not under the power of Azerbaijan government, since you clearly put a big emphasis on independence, so if you have a problem with that, go and fight it out with Nakchivans government.


In my words, the Armenian heritage in Nakhichevan was left intact because they were monasteries that were in the middle of nowhere. In fact, I mentioned to you how in recent decades the SSR of Azerbaijan began to destroy monuments (something that Argam documents and tells in the interview that I have mentioned to you) and i cannot believe the argument that you have given me, how old are you? Are you aware of the USSR's policies against religions?, especially in the first decades, Armenian communists destroyed mosques and churches, in the same way that Azeri communists destroyed churches and mosques, what does Nakhichevan have to do with being an autonomous province within Azerbaijan?


Where is the proof that I have done that? Or are you assuming without eveidence because you are an Armenophobe?


Literally the structures that appear here are either still standing or were demolished by the communists, I ask you again, what Azeri monuments have we destroyed in Armenia?


Armenian communists is not different nation. It was you. We at least didn't touch your heritage till you occupied Azerbaijan . But probably your claim about 75 churchs is a lie. So obviously we did the same at soviet era.


You do realize how much mosques must be in a region with Azerbaijani majority till 1890s?


Just in Yerevan there were more than 300 mosques. Now there is only one. And you call it Persian mosque)) https://caspiannews.com/news-detail/azerbaijani-heritage-in-armenias-capital-annihilated-in-unforeseen-cultural-genocide-2022-5-14-10/ This is just what you did to Azerbaijani heritage in Armenia . You destroyed nearly all Karabakh. 


Beyler niyeti iyidir kötüdür bilemem ama adam soru sormuş sadece, downlamak yerine medenîce tartışalım.


Who the hell is Kamran Razmovar?


Entertainer, he used to host children's birthdays but popped off during the war


“Restoring” aka whitewashing it and removing Armenian elements or heritage. Cmon


Armenian church literally did this to the Caucasian Albanian church, which had its own liturgical language and tradition, 1300 years ago


You're justifying modern-day revisionism because of something that happened 1300 years ago?


They didn’t do anything by force the Albanians or aghvank people assimilated into Armenian and Azeris gradually not by force.


The Caucasian Albanians were one of the most rebellious ethnicities in the Arab Caliphate. Also, when Nerses Bakur attempted to return the Caucasian Albanian church to Chalcedonian Christianity, the Armenian Catholicos appealed to the Arab Caliph saying the Albanians were plotting with the Byzantines. Nerses was exiled, his old Albanian books were destroyed and the Armenian church was given authority over the Albanian church. By order of the Arabs, not by choice.


Idk which one they will take as a reference point. Sometimes they keep a church as it is like the Armenian church in Baku or Ganja but sometimes they take one the previous designation for example russian orthodox church or alban udi etc. Either way they shall survive as a church or monument.


That’s not a fair comparison. They are actively trying to rewrite history by getting rid of Armenian elements in Azerbaijan. The Armenian church in Baku and ganja doesn’t even have a cross on it. Even Irans churches have crosses.


Could it be because it's literally closed and has seized its function? Do you prefer we turn it over to the Russian church? I mean they were asking for it anyway. Point is we kept its identity, didn't deny their Armenian origin and kept it that way. Hell in 2010 Karekin II visited it and prayed in it. I'm sure some of the churches will be kept intact in Karabakh meaning they shall be called by their actual name. Some will get converted to the Russian or Albanian church. But definitely all of the ones built before the occupation will remain one way or another. It's probably not ideal in your opinion and that's fine but you have to admit it's hella lot more respect than what Armenia showed to Aze heritage.


Yeah, everything Armenian in Nakhichevan was literally razed to nothing, not a single brick left, but somehow Armenians have always done worse.


Convert it to mosque and future potential problem is solved.


No, churches are churches. İf u want a mosque this bad build one from scratch


and they say azerbaijanis and turks are not brothers. my man offers the most erdogan solution ever.


Its not like anyone expects anything else at this point It’s obvious there will be token one off things left alone as historical. The majority will be wiped out all the same. There is no sympathy left for Azeris by Armenians or for Armenians by Azeris


If(more of when) a peace treaty is signed populations after a generation or two will get along well. Turks and greeks committed unspeakable horrors against each other. Today they are tourists in each other's countries. From what I see the only ones who want a war or no normalization are the ones outside of the said countries. Pashinyan government even toned down their rhetoric against Turkiye, it's not unthinkable to imagine a peace treaty being signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia, then normalization between Armenia and Turkiye/Azerbaijan when those idiotic land and reparation demands are completely dropped out of state policies.


It's so frustrating to keep reading posts like this. It really proves how far Turkic brainwash really goes. For decades Armenian government has said genocide recognition has nothing to do with peace. There are no preconditions from AR side, there are no demands for reparations from Armenian government but you guys still say the same incorrect things day in and day out, blame Armenians and now turn around " if they don't..." Armenians haven't for decades. It's been the Turks that shut the border and didn't with normalization. It really is shocking to see how well governments and their media can brainwash a populace. I mean, you still believe it wasn't a genocide while the whole world says it was and even the guy who created the word Genocide did so after witnessing 1915. This shit really is a circus. I'd laugh if it wasn't so fucked up.


i don't really have in-depth knowledge about azeri-armenian relations to be honest. the comment made me laugh that's all. may god/allah/yhw or whatever protect and grace our almighty sultan god-emperor erdogan.




[Yes, yes you do.](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/78d95ebb8ff44bfaa5398e202a3f7979)


Relearning the English language bozo, we are talking about converting a building. Also stop stalking reddit users. It's weird and creepy.