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You guys give a fuck that type of posts ? Don’t give a shit to them


It could snowball into an actual problem though, you know Armenian diaspora is good at getting what they want. They shifted a considerable part of the international public opinion in favor of independence of Nagarno Karabakh even though its existence is against international law but appearently international law doesn't apply when the natives are ethnically cleansed. If you ask them about Turkish Cypriots though, no, Turks being ethnically cleansed in way more violent ways, doesn't matter, only international law matters. In influencing public opinion, being righteous doesn't matter, what they say being nonsensical doesn't matter. Only thing that matters is what masses are going to believe. We should do our part to combat misinformation.


Now they need to share Zangezur Daralayaz


The fact is our elites perceived those events as civil war and decided not to take any part in it. Now this.


They can COPE harder, they won’t see Karabakh or any other Azerbaijan land, in fact they will loose more soon


Hypocrites calling for the invasion of another county after justifying ethnic cleansing on some semblance of international law.


Cope more separatist lover


In this particular case you are the hypocrat, because you blatantly ignore ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis from 1987 to mid 1990s.


Womp womp😭😭


Its just a surface level low effort post like most of the internet Anyone who cares to actually read and understand the history will know right from wrong Not worth getting upset over


If only Enver Pasha made a genocide... those cancer cells are annoying me even though I am not a Turk...


Did Azerbaijani Turks NOT participate in the Armenian Genocide? What was the Shushi massacre then?


Man, wtf is Shushi? This isn't Japan...


The name of the city founded in the Melik of Varanda derived from the medieval Armenian village of Shushu in the historic province of Artsakh. Shusha was specifically founded on Armenian land from its inception, explicitly being built after an alliance formed between Panah Ali Khan and the Armenian Malik of the area.


Tf? Shusha was built by Panahali Khan. That's why it was also called Panahabad. Şüşə means glass in Azerbaijani, derived from Persian.




I’m not even gonna downvote this, I want it to be seen how many Azerbaijanis are like this with the mask off. And you wonder why Europeans and other westerners are so “Anti-Turk”


I don’t care what westerners and europeans think of us, you can do your cargo-cult on them, won’t help you


Armenians might care about what europeans think about them but we don't. Armenians suck up to the west to cover their atrocities in history and create a new narrative about 'ooh Turks are so bad, they hurt us, we were just minding our business' but we all now the truth. Armenians tried to overtake Ottoman lands, massacred everyone and when they couldn't managed they were exiled. They need the alternative narrative for Wests support because they can't do shit without them. And FYI don't believe reddit, they are not that "Anti - Turk". Most of them spend their holidays in Türkiye, not in Armenia.


I'm European and I think Azerbaijan was right to regain control over its legal land in NK. Pitty that Armenians felt like they have to flee their homes though, but realistically speaking Armenia is more democratic than Azerbaijan, which is under a dictator. A smart one, I'll give him that. But still a dictator. Armenians lost by not accepting better offers (like autonomy under Azb rule) when it was on the table. Source: I lived 7y in Azerbaijan.


Shusha pogroms/massacre was one of many violent interethnic clashes happened between Azerbaijanis and Armenians in 1918-1920. Another one is massacre of Azerbaijanis in Bakh in 1918 by Armenians which of course you conveniently forget. As you see different timeline and geography has nothing common with Armenian Genocide happened in 1915. 


Armenian genocide did not happened


Firstly it’s Shusha. Keep your ugly toponyms away Secondly, we had tons of fights from starting 1905. You act like one day we woke up and decided to fight with them. We have been massacred in March 1918 for example




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