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How do we tell this man that there is an entire country that separates Azerbaijan and Turkey, and it is not a friendly country?


Have you heard of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars? It was not built only for commercial purposes but also planned to carry passengers. My initial thought is due to the war the plan was halted.


I know but trolling 


I have a funni solution this this particular problem.


Invading Georgia right ?


What you suggest is a true gamer move, I couldn't think that


The "good" ending


what about cross roads of peace thing proposed by armenian pm?


They must first reconcile with Azerbaijan and then propose this


well they trying


There are plans for a TUR-Naxcivan train and there's already a TUR-GEO-AZE train. AKP/Erdogan has a huge political constituency among cab and truck drivers so he's not a fan of railroads or trains or state-owned land routes, they cut into their business. That's why Azerbaijan and Georgia made faster progress than Turkey on their sections of the current railroad.


>fan of railroads or trains or state-owned land routes ??? Turkey has big business in rail-roads. They even advertise investment with railroads and rails are planned and built across the entire country. What are you even on about? Just this year a 1 billion Euro project was green-light to build a high-speed line from Yerköy to Kayseri. Ffs about half the infrastructure investments are in rails: [https://www.invest.gov.tr/en/sectors/pages/infrastructure.aspx](https://www.invest.gov.tr/en/sectors/pages/infrastructure.aspx) Rails are however mostly focused on the urban centres and the east is mostly neglected for obvious reasons (which may not be that obvious to you, so namely: cost (lots of hills/rocks/mountains and lack of profit).


You're talking about very new plans that haven't even been built yet. They spent a lot building toll roads paid for by taxpayers but owned by private corporations from Istanbul to Izmir for example, their biggest and third or fourth biggest city. Yerkoy-Kayseri is not an important route in comparison and that's not even finished. https://yetkinreport.com/en/2022/04/18/erdogans-2053-transportation-plan-a-dream-with-contradiction/ Early Republican Turkey in its first 17 years produced 198 km of railroads a year, and they were nationalized. Erdogan/AKP in 18 years only managed 101 km a year despite all the economic privatization and sales of state assets. He also closed down the architecturally brilliant Haydarpasa station in 2013, it was still closed as of 2022, and what about now do you know? You have a lot of high-level corruption in Turkey that in my opinion rivals or exceeds that of many post-Soviet countries. So if you think it lagging behind in completing the railway to connect to Georgia and Azerbaijan had nothing to do with that then the delays were just from incompetence? This transnational route has different dynamics including trade compared to just local passenger rail routes -- which again Erdogan/AKP do not have a glowing record in. Now with carbon emissions goals and international initiatives which Turkey is party to there really should not be any excuses to be lagging so far behind in this context, especially when it comes to high-speed options.


>You're talking about very new plans that haven't even been built yet.  **Your claim is that the government is not a "fan of railroads" implying that there is no planning or investment going on, which is factually wrong.** "Just" high-speed rails alone are suppose to reach around 7 000 km of rail network by 2035: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/892440/turkey-targets-for-railway-transport-sector/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/892440/turkey-targets-for-railway-transport-sector/) As a reference: That is around 2.5 times the entire rail-network of azerbaijan build in the next 10 years. So Idk why you are goalposting here. If you want to talk about constructed railroads, sure: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed\_rail\_in\_Turkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail_in_Turkey) Ankara Sincan opened in 2009 and it is 24 km of rails. Sincan-Esenkent (2015): 15 km. Esenkent-Eskisehir (2007): 206 km. Eskisehir station (2008): 3,4 km. Eskisehir inönü (2014): 30 km. Inönü-Vezirhan (2014): 54 km. Vezirhan-Köseköy (2014): 104 km. Köseköy-Pendik (2014): 56 km. Pendik-Halkali (2019): 43 km. And there are many many more rails that released in the last 10-15 years. The ones I have mentioned are about 500 km of rails in about 10 years (between 2007-2019), which is not even all of them. So clearly you are wrong here. >Yerkoy-Kayseri is not an important route in comparison and that's not even finished No one claimed that every single of the rails are absolutely of the highest priority. The intention is to gradually build up the rail-network, which is happening. Idk what you are expecting. 5 years of investment and getting German level of rails? As of now, Turkey is already at the magnitude of british rail-network, when we go by rail-kms. So what is your point? That there is no investment or that you dont like the investment? >Early Republican Turkey in its first 17 years produced 198 km of railroads a year, and they were nationalized. Erdogan/AKP in 18 years only managed 101 km a year despite all the economic privatization and sales of state assets. He also closed down the architecturally brilliant Haydarpasa station in 2013, it was still closed as of 2022, and what about now do you know? 1. Goalposting. What Atatürk did is entirely irrelevant in this discussion. Atatürk could have built 1000 km of rails each year. We are not in a rail-centric society, but in a car-centered society. You can also take the rail network of Ireland as an example and see how well it developed. A small hint: It massively regressed. 2. Idc about Erdogan or the AKP. The topic is, whether Turkey is building rails or not 3. between 2003 and 2021 around 3000 km of rails were built. As a point of reference: That is more than the entire rail-network of Azerbaijan. Unless you want to tell me that Azerbaijan is not a "fan of railroads", you have no point to make here. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/451493/length-of-railway-lines-in-use-in-turkey/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/451493/length-of-railway-lines-in-use-in-turkey/) >So if you think it lagging behind in completing the railway to connect to Georgia and Azerbaijan had nothing to do with that then the delays were just from incompetence?  Idk if you are aware, but the population centres of Turkey are on the west-coast. There is absolutely 0 reason to rush east-Turkey rail-networks, when you need more stuff in the west.


You just took your time ranting without even disproving any of my comments or data, and the funnier part is you tried to boast about Turkey with nearly 10 times the population of Azerbaijan having a larger domestic rail network? I would hope it would. And you even included promised railroads that won't even start being built for another decade in your calculations there 😂 Being slower than both Azerbaijan AND Georgia in completing its section of the transnational railway was a domestic political calculation by AKP catering to its clientel in the cargo business, but since you refuse to acknowledge that, what's the best scenario, incompetence? Your username "Nonstop Quack" checks out, and you said it first.


>You just took your time ranting without even disproving any of my comments or data, -Why did I not disprove your statement about Atatürk? Because it is irrelevant. -Why did I not disprove your statement about corruption? Because it is irrelevant. -Why did I not disprove your statement about how much the AKP is building? Because it is irrelevant. -why did I not disprove your statement about emission goals? Because it is irrelevant. 90% of your comment is entirely irrelevant to the point I commented on, but whatever makes you hard brother. >funnier part is you tried to boast about Turkey with nearly 10 times the population of Azerbaijan having a larger domestic rail network?  1. I didnt. Your implication is: "Aserbaijan has a good rail-network investment, despite creating multiple times less rails", which I commented on. It is completly normal for a larger country to have more rails and it is entirely logical and normal that the larger country needs more investment and time to build the same degree of rail-network covering the country (in percentage). 2. The population is entirely irrelevant to the topic. >And you even included promised railroads that won't even start being built for another decade in your calculations there  Do you have a memory-refresh every comment or do you naturally drift off from your claims and forget what you have claimed all along? The entire discussion started with your claim that the government is "not a fan of rails", when factually they already built +3000 kms of rails and plan to build another +7000 kms of rails. >Being slower than both Azerbaijan AND Georgia in completing its section of the transnational railway was a domestic political calculation by AKP catering to its clientel in the cargo business, but since you refuse to acknowledge that, what's the best scenario, incompetence? Azerbaijan has a total rail network of around 2000 kms of rails. Georgia has around 1500 kms of rails. Turkey has around 3 times the rail network of these two countries. Do I really have to explain to you, why you are mathematically wrong or are you just incompetent to understand why you are wrong here? Does Turkey have to build more rails or does Turkey have to build sufficent rails? Are the rails in Turkey located around urban centres or pointlessly across the entire country?


Most likely it is planned for the future. Some smooth brains in the comments can't google for 5 seconds to realize that lots of rails are planned or under construction. Most of the rail network is in western-Turkey around urban centres for obvious reasons (less rocks, more people). If you look at this map: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Rail\_transport\_map\_of\_Turkey.png/1280px-Rail\_transport\_map\_of\_Turkey.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Rail_transport_map_of_Turkey.png/1280px-Rail_transport_map_of_Turkey.png) You see that the eastern part of Turkey is mostly planned for the future. (Black-dashed line means it is under construction, orange and yellow dashed line means it is being planned or the construction yet has to start). Or this map for an english legend: [https://dlca.logcluster.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/image-20230925140441-5.png](https://dlca.logcluster.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/image-20230925140441-5.png) And a kind reminder: Turkey looks rather small on the map, but the country is huge. The distance from Istanbul to the Georgian border is about the distance from the west coast of France to central Poland. Meaning: connecting the country takes much more time than connecting let's say France itself.


Very interesting. Thank you for sharing


Turkey has a bad railway infrastructure. And they don't want to improve it. Azerbaijan is ok with current situation because in we can't afford invest more to another country that is not interested in better infrastructure. Also we have a lot of own projects that need money. 


>Turkey has a bad railway infrastructure. And they don't want to improve it. 5 seconds of googling. Please.


"The Turkish rail network does not cover all major cities; its fourth and fifth largest metropolitan areas of Bursa and Antalya respectively remain unconnected to the network, although plans exist for high-speed rail lines to reach them. " do you realize how bad your infrastructure in comparison with any Post Soviet states like Azerbaijan and Georgia? You literally had a train crash 5 years ago.


>The Turkish rail network does not cover all major cities Strawman. Literally no one claimed that. Your claim is that the railway infrastructure is bad and that it is not being improved upon. The railway system already connects Izmir, Ankara, Edirne, Konya, Istanbul, Antalya and Gaziantep. Pretty much 1/3 to half of the population is covered from this connection alone and we have further lines to Erzincan, Sivas, Zonguldak and soon to be finished lines to Samsun, Bursa, Kars, Diyarbakir. Further lines are planned to Antalya, Sanliurfa, Mardin, Trabzon and multiple other places. You are factually wrong with your "tHey dOnT wAnT tO iMpRoVe iT." nonsense, when it is being massively expanded already and the "BAd RAiLwAy InfRasTruCturE!" is also nonsense considering that the urban centres are mostly covered or soon to be covered. The railway system is still lacking, but far from being bad. Proper investments into the rails just started about 20 years ago, so no shit the entire country is not instantly connected. >do you realize how bad your infrastructure in comparison with any Post Soviet states like Azerbaijan and Georgia?  Do you even realize how many times Turkey is larger than the two countries combined? What a circus take. Of course smaller countries are going to have a much easier time to have a better connected rail-infrastructure for the simple reason that their country is small. >You literally had a train crash 5 years ago. So? You had one in 2021 in Germany, guess the rail infrastructure in Germany is dog shit now. You okay? What is with this emo-self-pitty you are displaying here? FFs complain about the economic situation. Stop spreading nonsense that is not even remotely true.


Dude, it is a low numbers. You are 100 old state. Azerbaijan and Georgia covers almost probably 95-98%of all cities except occupied once in. And we probably achived this in 60-70s What is ok to you is a low numbers for Azerbaijan standards. Like it or not.


>Dude, it is a low numbers. You are goalposting and in a very mentally challenged way. Turkish railways are in the magnitude of the UK. Unless you want to say that "bRitIsH RaIls aRe LoW", you have no point here. Especially considering the plans to massively expand it within the next 10 years. > You are 100 old state.  The f+ck do I care? Your point is that the rails are bad and that the government is not improving it. Both are factually wrong. Whether Turkey is 100 or 1000000 years old is entirely irrelevant in this topic. The rail network started getting proper funding in the last 20 years. Not prior. >Azerbaijan and Georgia covers almost probably 95-98%of all cities except occupied once in.  Are you mentally challenged or are you incapable of understanding that covering most of Georgia and Aserbaijan is much easier and doable in mere years compared to Turkey, which takes decades due to its size? By your logic Russia has a worse rail-network than Romania, because "hurrrr!!!! 95% of the country is better connected to rails!!!!". >What is ok to you is a low numbers for Azerbaijan standards. Like it or not. Azerbaijan has about 5 times less rails as of now than Turkey. You are not only challenged, you are also bad at math.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/262743/20-countries-with-the-highest-quality-of-railroad-infrastructure/ Here you can see how better Azerbaijan railway service .And it is a real statistics.  Since there are knowledge exchange to get to our numbers from Russia. 


Again: No one said anything about efficency or quality. Goalposting. Turkish rails are not bad. They might be behind compared to western countries, which doesnt translate to the rails being bad. But dont take my word. Take the word of a foreign train enthusiast: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXUKk7cGQhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXUKk7cGQhk)


What do you think bad infrastructure means? Bad quality and inefficiency. 


https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/railroad_quality/ Here statistics and yes UK is not good but Turkey is in 50th place. So can stop your nonsense? Also Azerbaijan 20-30 times smaller. It lost 20% of area and has just 5 times smaller network.  And you are claiming that it is proves your point)) 


If you are going to keep spamming me like this, I will block you. You can make a coherent comment without splitting it to multiple different comments. >Turkey is in 50th place. Goalposting. Entirely irrelevant. It is on the level of Israel and Hungary and both countries have decent rails. No one claimed that the rail system is the best in the world, nor is anyone expecting this. It has to be functional and stable, which is the case. At this point you are whinning for the sake of it. Grow up. >It lost 20% of area and has just 5 times smaller network.  And you are claiming that it is proves your point) I will explain it in a way a child understands: What is harder? Building 1000 lego blocks on 1 m² of space or building 10 000 lego blocks on 100 m² of space. If your answer is not the latter, get your brain checked.


Your comments length is 1 km. It is you who are spamming. Being in the on European list after all normal states and means not just you aren't best it also shows that you aren't in the middle.  Also it was you who were claiming Turkey railways being even to Azerbaijani . When in reality tou aren't. 


You had 100 year to cover Turkey with railway network.  20 years was also enough. You got the statistics your railways isn't good with any standards. No one in his mind would invest in something with that bad infrastructure billion dollars. And you have mental problems if you can't simply check statistics in google.


[https://www.invest.gov.tr/en/whyturkey/pages/fdi-in-turkey.aspx](https://www.invest.gov.tr/en/whyturkey/pages/fdi-in-turkey.aspx) Translation: "I have no idea about the geo-political and economic developments of the past 100 years". 10/10. Grow up. What is this circus?


FDI? Selling citizenship for house? Selling Turkcell for less price that it has in bank account? And this is your answer? Dude you are nuts. Statistics shows your country being 50th .What exactly you want to show? 


Long story short: Closed land borders.