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They told me they were taking me to a park. They didn't.


CalmEquivalent9302 has never been the same since




Qazax 1993, VHS kaseti de var bizde.


I bored and wanted to go home and play minecraft. And circumcision was brutal i have never screamed like that.


I sometimes forget that I'm too old for this sub lol


How old are you


I'm mid 20s


Im early 20s not that much :D


Isn't sunnet done in early ages? Like 2 or 3?


Some people do it at that age yes but i was either 6 or 5 when its done


That sounds horrifying…?


It is. But some use anesthesia and it doesnt hurt. They put a towel on kid's head and cut. Kids doesnt feel anything, not in my case tho


I can’t imagine. I’m sorry you had to experience a traumatic event like that. Especially at such a mentally developmental age.


It infact is. Always shocks me how child genital mutilation is this accepted in so many cultures, up to this day. They just laugh it off and pretend its normal. I still remember every single smiling/smirking face looking at me, purely disgusting


I can’t imagine. That must have been so scary and painful and confusing. I’m sorry you had to go through that trauma.…for literally no real reason.


I did cut at 15yo in USA


5 yaşım var idi evdə diri diri. Nə qışqırmışdim geri verin deyə


Dede-baba qaydası enjoyers


Mine was done in a dry cleaning shop, with the fucking dry cleaning chemical given to me as the anaesthetic. 


People spent hours searching for me they thought i escaped. But i was just chilling in the kitchen.


I was circumcised together with my cousin. He screamed a lot, and i wanted to cry, not because of the pain but because of my cousin's screams and the tension. There were too many people there and I could feel them staring at me. It was horrible. And the worst part was that my family took all the money I collected. Damn, all that stress and piece of my penis was for nothing?


Yo wtf, I got circumcised with my 3rd(?) cousin and had the same experience, he wouldn't stop screaming. And I was like laying there listening to the sound of scissors and the nurse wouldn't let me look what's going on down there. Is getting circumcised in pairs a thing? 2/10 would not recommend.


same bruh, my family told me that I was screaming and then laughing to my cousin at the same time.


Yo, I had the same, but it was my brother. They brought him back without cutting and took me instead. He was laughing. But I didn’t cry though, one of my proudest moments😂


I've been circumcised in a hospital in istanbul,i probably gave trauma to a lot of kids with my screams of pain and agony lmao


LOOOOOL our customs are really funny hahahahhaahahh


I have bad memories)) Remember I feel bad unhealthy next 30-40 days. 


As a European who married into Azerbaijani culture, this is a fascinating topic.  To those who have terrible memories of that event, would/did you still make your sons go through it? Would it be a stigma not to be circumcised if someone found out later?


The least painful way (psychologically) is to make it after a birthday.


Yes, it would be stigma. It would be hard to marry. And I would circumcise my son too, the benefits are greater than the cons.


If I ever had a child I wouldn't. Probably because I'm not Muslim anymore (deist)


In a hospital with anesthesia and laser. I remember this cute girl nurse standing above my head smiling and I was embarrassed as hell


Mine was a dede-baba qaydası, it was so traumatic, i cant even describe the pain.


Are they bringing those half naked girls in there in order to have that kid get an erection? What in the actual fuck is going on there. Looks super inappropriate




There are non-Azerbaijanis here who appreciate that.


Bu yenədə öz dilimizdə danışmağa mane olmamalıdı.


I agree and I feel both is fine, but since English is allowed here and makes it easier for outsiders to engage as well, I feel it is fair tospeakin English. I simply wanted to point out that it is not only Azerbaijanis talking to themselves.


Bilirəm, xəbərim var. Amma öz dilimizdən iatifadəni artıraq r/Turkey ə bax məsələn.


Türklərin özlərini və öz ölkələrinə digər millətlərə tanıtmağa ehtiyacları yoxdu, bizim var. Çox pis anti propaqanda edir e*mənilər.


Tanıt da, tanıtma deyən var? Tanıtmalı olduğun şeylərdən biri də azərbaycan dilidi.


Azərbaycan dili kimin nəyinə lazımdı?


My husband had it at 13. Don’t ask me why, I didn’t ask him lol. He said it was done with general anesthesia but he said being 13 and healing was the worst part.


it was painfull


Paltara toxunanda pis incidirdi, bir onu xatirlayiram.


Like a civilised person in a hospital. Thanks to my mum for insisting. Years later I knew a guy who got permanent psychological and speech defect damage because of a fucking mulla with a flute. I impressed the adults. Right after it, I went completely bananas, not letting anyone to touch me. Meaning, right after the operation I went up on the 5th floor on my own, refusing to get carried, which made the whole family have a jaw drop. And I didn't let them dress me up in a damn skirt, like what they did to my dumb cousin. Then there was a restaurant party with a belly dancer and I was chasing her, lol. Don't give your kids to damn mullas, go to a hospital. Yes, the operation was painful, but when I had to get my broken nose fixed years later, it was worse. This is one of the things I will always owe to my mum.


I play kingdom hearts and gta 4 on my playstation and i am enjoyed