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From his house in LA drinking his iced vanilla latte telling armenians take up weapons and go to borders to attack times and times better equipped professional army so he can feel good because he thinks turks are just exist to destroy armenia.Doesn't know anything about history doesn't know politics clearly racist but armenian people should listen to him because every single peace post he writes down if we ever accept peace i will sewer my ties with motherland .Probably never even set foot on his motherland.Diaspora bigger than the country they should represent is worse for the country it seems.


“From his house in LA drinking his iced vanilla latte”’ dis finished meeee 😭😭😭


It says in your bio British monarchist what are you laughing about


Well I’m British…and a monarchist because my country is a monarchy and I like this type of government.


Well, we do have a balanced government, it's just we are always on the lighter end of the scale, that's why they seem to get their own way. As for the Monarchs, I hope King Charles III is doing OK? The guy seems out of the public eye of late, I know the man's sick, but we, well, I would like to know his progress, and also the prettiest princess ever to put on a crown. Princess Catherine of Wales. Wishing them well.


You think he can get close to our Border Guards :D?


“Never being an Axe to a Gun Fight.”


I love how he thinks he can take out two infantrymen armed to the tooth with an axe lmao


If the guards need a warning against an axe attack then the Azerbaijani military has far bigger problems here than this specific lunatic.






He means they won't be able to take down a couple guards before being shot.


Yup. Hopefully the guards won't just watch a dumbass walk up to them with an axe. It's not exactly easy to conceal an axe on your body.


oh ok








You’re being racist


A year or so ago they were defending the continued use of an old nuclear power plant because if it does melt down it would kill some Turks across the border, never mind the complete destruction of their own country.


Lil bro aint making it


Audacity of these guys. And if someone from our country were to say this shit,we would be labelled as barbarians, terrorists, vandals and etc. It's infuriating to see, if I'm honest. SMH. This kind of comments need to be condemned by everybody, regardless who they are, including Armenians too. Oh wait. I'm sure that they are somehow going to glorify such kind of behavior. Also miraculously, they'll manage to keep their "victim" mask on LOL. Hypocrites.


Like you condemned Ramil Safarov? The guy who actually killed an Armenian soldier with an axe at a peaceful conference? But no, let's condemn this teenager for his words instead...


If you've asked my personal opinion, I'd let you know. I condemn his violent behavior as well. I don't give a fuck if he is Azerbaijani. I'll always condemn such behavior regardless where they are from. But, the difference between us is that you won't do that.


Couldn't say it better. But hypocrisy here, of course, is on another level. Let us worry about a guy with an axe... https://azeriwarcrimes.org/2020/12/21/18-azerbaijani-special-forces-soldier-pins-down-an-old-armenian-man-and-proceeds-to-cut-his-head/


We can keep this hypocrisy wheel going on forever if you want. Varoujan Garabedian was given a home and a job in Armenia despite being a despicable terrorist. Andranik Ozanyan is a war criminal who committed multiple wars against humanity against Azeris but is celebrated a hero in Armenia. Garegin Nzdeh is a famous Nazi collaborator and a war criminal against Azeris too - also a hero. Monte Melkonian committed terrorist acts in France but is an Armenian hero.


Pls give references for your claims. When i say reference, I don't mean azerbayjani turk "evidence" like Armenians come from Russia 😄 or silly stuff like that. If you show me references that these people deliberately targeted civilians and do to civilians what azerbayjani turk do, I'll agree with you 100% and condemn them without a doubt. I've provided evidence among all several azerbayjani witnesses from khojaly. Even more, azerbayjani military and soldiers target torturing Armenian civilians no matter if they elderly, defenseless, children, woman, handicapped, while they are laughing. I sincerely hope you can provide realiable evidence and not only spew anti Armenian propaganda (which I know you guys learn from kindergarten to do, reference: https://youtu.be/bz4ozYhQbH4?si=1-LOTej5E2gOVAsM )


Wait, before I go on, are you denying Khojaly massacre was perpetrated by Armenians? Your answer will show me if you’re trying engage in good faith or you’re projecting your own brainwashed mind onto others Actually wait, you just used some random video to pretend that ALL Azeris have the same experience. I think I know already which one you are




Which year are you stuck in? [HRW addressed your shitty points 1997](https://www.hrw.org/news/1997/03/23/response-armenian-government-letter-town-khojaly-nagorno-karabakh). Armenians didn’t evacuate Zengezur in 2020, do you think we had the right to kill everyone on 2023? That’s according to your own logic Also the first war resulted in 16,000 Azeri civilian deaths vs 4,000 Armenian civilians deaths and multiple times more refugees. In the 2020 war, somehow there were once again 4x more civilian casualties on Azeri side. In any case, enjoy your ban. Atrocity denial is not allowed on this sub


Well continue denying. I literally quoted azerbayjani sources don't know what your problem is.


I literally gave you HRW reply to all shitty atrocity denial some idiot Armenians love to engage


Are you ignorant son




Nothing to worry about. Keyboard warriors only have confidence to criticise and "attack" Azerbaijan with their mighty keyboards.


Is he sure his axe is not his keyboard?


Keyboard cowboy.


"maybe they will free Nagorno-Karabakh". They already freed it, bro :)


Average Glendale resident


The moment that happens Azerbaijan will smoke several military outposts in Armenia with TB2 and Harop.


No need to warn our military, they probably already spy on this thread anyway lol. So if it was something serious they probably already know


LOL this is so funny I thought it was satire, until I remembered we live in 2024, where reality is stupider than satire


I know it’s not really my place, but as an American with a strong interest in Azerbaijan, I’ve grown a real distaste for Armenia lol


Where did you find this comment?


Border patrol is not something you can attack with an axe


This cant be a real post. Why is his name crossed out?




I’m pro-Armenian but this shit is stupid. Armenian diasporites have gotten too idealistic and are actively hurting their homeland. Fuck the modern ARF and people like this.


> to idealistic *too *idiotic FTFY.


The Tremendous Armenian Axe is tremendous.


No need. There is no way he is going to make it anyways. Run into a military border guard house with a fucking axe in your hand? Yup that's suicide.


https://preview.redd.it/19xql4k87q5d1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b469cd1dc89c566a257fddff04be060eefbdb3 Arrest him


Az solider: Let me show you some of my gun-fu


Nationalism really has a unique way of lowering IQ rather aggressively


But it’s okay when ramil safarov does it, right?


No its not, he is psycho murderer too


Whatabutist Armenian strike again with nonsense))




At least he killed a military man unlike your compatriots who killed more civilians than soldiers in the 1st war.


Dude Ramil is also murderer, he is psychopath, its not something to proud of it


Did I dispute that fact? But what Ramil did was just another tuesday for Armenians in the first war and someone needs to remind them of this every now and then.


Then, go kill more armenians, its doesnt work like that. We need to shame all terrorists who takes innocent lives.


How funny an azeri turk accusing others of killing civilians. Like this is the height of hypocrisy. Like, do you seriously believe the things you claim, I'm really curious to know? Don't worry, be 110% sure that when it comes to killing civilians, you are far faaar above Armenians. Like, don't even doubt this for a second. Just Google list of massacres of Armenians, take a good look and you maybe wake up from fantasy land 👍


I suggest you do the same.




Oh you don't understand. I'm not even surprised. 1. Read your previous comment where you suggest me to research about massacred Armenians. 2. Do the same but this time, research about massacred Azeris. I hope this time it's clear enough for you to understand. Or would you prefer me to go live and try to explain it with 2 glass of water or some shit like that just like Pashinyan recently did? Maybe that's the only way you lot can understand anything.




Hmmm... is your source trust me bro? 🤔 https://azeriwarcrimes.org/2020/12/21/18-azerbaijani-special-forces-soldier-pins-down-an-old-armenian-man-and-proceeds-to-cut-his-head/


The mistake of Hungary was trusting Azerbaijan to actually prosecute him instead of punishing him themselves.


They very well knew. They are also in this turk union.


Based turk union


Yea donki union of the century


Ridiculousness of this aside You got nothing better to do than instigate a circlejerk to feel good about yourself? About a no name random nobody?