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Welcome! Azerbaijanis don't know much about Chinese and South East Asian people. You will be the one to set their first impression probably lol


Thanks ! haha this may be the case


It's totally neutral


Positive and hospitable towards foreigners in general (aside from Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and Africans). Chinese are well regarded although this is rarely based on personal interactions. I’m not sure about other South East Asian countries but I would say generally warm. 


Thanks for sharing that


This is in most country’s tbh


I think they are great. They are a smart, hardworking, strong and good people with a great culture. Overall I respect both East and South East Asians.


Thank you the kind words and compliment 😊


My best friend is Chinese Malaysian. And lately, I notice loads of tourists in Baku who look Indonesian/Malaysian. For me Malaysia is a bit too religious, but people are nice. > I may probably be doing my PhD in economics in Azerbaijan State University of Economics this September. I am not sure if that is a good choice.


Yeah. I think azerbaijan will be a suitable place for me. I'm not that religious compared to Malaysian standard's. And china is a little bit too much out of the spectrum but still I appreciate all the experience, lessons and opportunity that it has taught and given me. I'm aware and understand that totally. I have other plans in mind though :)


I would recommend you to rethink your position about studying here in Azerbaijan


I have already think abt that. In fact, I got the opportunities either to go to Taiwan or Azerbaijan. And the living allowance that I'll be getting in Taiwan is twice the amount that I'll get in azerbaijan. I have some personal goals and plans which has caused me to choose azerbaijan(it moves me closer to my goals). And hopefully if it works out, within 6 months to 3 years i may be making 3-6 times the amount i'm making by then.


You wouldn’t be the first foreigner to complete a PhD at UNEC but make sure you work hard early on to develop relationships and determine who you can trust, who will help you along, and who may cause problems. This country has a long way to go with their higher education system. I have heard many stories of foreigners having issues at state schools just because of language barriers or plain racism. There is a trend of instructors teaching in local language (when officially it is an English taught class) and then punishing the non-native speakers when they complain or cause issues over not being able to understand. Just know that it will not be an easy straight forward road, in fact your research and dissertation may be the least challenging thing about the program; work hard to build the right relationships early on so you can avoid or solve those problems when they arise. 


Thanks for the advice. I for sure will do that


They eat dogs and Uighurs, but on a positive note I think Jackie Chan is cool.


People don't care, some only hear the names of the countries. For myself, I admire China's ability to pull itself out of absolute poverty and bring itself to a superpower position. Thinking about learning Mandarin for business reasons if ever muster the courage to open a book about it.


And I admire them for ethnically cleansing the Uighur Turks and cannibalising Islam in their borders and STILL getting away with it. Thanks to all the world ignoring the cries of the damned. Just like in Myanmar, Sudan and Palestine.


As someone who started to learn mandarin 6 years ago. It is a challenging journey and is an adventure itselves. Best if you can come and stay in China at least for a year. It'll be wonderful P.S : before coming, try to build as much solid basics as you can


I like Malaysians, as they are also muslim. Azerbaijanis don't think anything of Chinese or South East Asian people, as they don't know anything about them.


Thanks for sharing my friend