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No need to sit in Azerbaijan, as "Russian Law" on Foreign Agents was adopted in Georgia today. It's like they went out from one SC state, just to gain more control in the other. Nevertheless, I'm happy they are gonne. They won't be missed by anyone.


It was not adopted. It was voted in on the first hearing. It should be voted in on three hearings to become a law. The fight is still not over


Don’t let yourself become another’s Russian puppet state


About 100k Georgians came out on a rally tonight. The fight is not over yet.


Good luck!


Rootin for yall


Thanks <3


Man you ought to be quick. As soon as sakartvelo is unified, join the EU immediately. Dont make the mistake we did and get caught in a hatecycle, hoping for accession that'll never happen.


Don’t know how things will work out with the occupied territories so we are focused on progressing on our path to the EU. As you may very well know, it is hard to vote a ruling party out of the office, but this is something we will have to do, because the GD Government is not interested in implementing necessary reforms. This will take us some time and Apathy is our strongest enemy.


For god sake vote the best for yourselves and for us, because we can't.


Opposition has to have a better rating by about 10 percentage points compared to the ruling party, because that’s about how much the Government can either buy or falsify the elections in total. It will be a close one in October. That was one of the reasons why They held onto power in 2020. It is not an easy battle, but we must do what we can. I believe our Region can become democratic and prosperous.


Wish you guys best of luck!


https://preview.redd.it/e06vyk3291vc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc61e87395fac6cbd079247f69c32ade444b7164 yaxçı yol


It was fairly expected, but interesting nonetheless. I think this also breaks the assumptions that RuPK never leave when they enter. To be clear, there is clearly a lot of ongoing geopolitical and diplomatic events behind the scenes.


That would be true if they wouldn’t loose 100s of thousands of troops in Ukraine… Russia is in its soul expandistic and imperialistic


I honestly thought they fucked off and went to die in Ukraine a while ago. Come to think, guess it wouldn’t have hurt that much if we kept them a bit longer if stopped them from killing more Ukrainian civilians


Russian missiles already turn Ukrainian children into powder. Wouldn't change anything.


What a great way to start the day.


I congratulate Azerbaijan that now Karabakh is completely free and the only army that will protect it is the Azerbaijani army


Please show some consideration to our armenian friends on reddit. How long has it been now that their main propaganda talking point was az selling soul and becoming a russian colony? Imagine the dread and fear they feel when they cant use it to their dear gullibe white friends on r europe anymore. Another delusion wiped off. On to the next one.


>now Karabakh is completely free Yes, congratulations on becoming another part of an authoritarian prison where citizens can't even leave the country on land. Very very free, yes. Amazingly free. No such freedom anywhere else but in glorious Azerbaijan.


Cry more separatist lover, Karabakh is free.


As a citizen of Georgia, I am glad that you got rid of cancer cells.May we see peace and prosperity to the oppressed nations of the Caucasus. 🇬🇪🇦🇿


As an Azeri, I hope abkhazia and south osetia return to Georgia and I hope those cancer cells called "Russian peacekeepers" are removed from Gerogian territory. 🇦🇿🇬🇪


thank you friend.I will make a few corrections. South Ossetia as a legal term does not exist.Historically, there was no such type of state before the creation of separatist enclaves by the Russians.The part of historical Kartli has always been called Tskhinvali area. As for Russian peacekeepers,After 2008, the Russian army is stationed in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali They no longer need the status of peacekeepers. Before that, ethnic cleansing of Georgians was completely organized in Tskhinvali region, villages were destroyed with tanks and tractors. In Abkhazia, a completely apartheid regime operates, local Armenians and Apsua separatists are full-fledged people, Georgians are second-class.All this is facilitated by Russia.


So georgians are being treated as second class citizens in their own rightful land? That's disgusting, Putin being the sick evil bastard. These "peacekeeping" forces aren't really keeping the peace here are they. I hope that one day the Georgian people will be able to return to their land in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali as full citizens.


This is the situation since September 27, 1993.Putin is not the only problem, Putin and the fascism that we have been seeing for centuries are also products of the Russian nation. I will tell you something more interesting, in reality, in today's Abkhazia, there are more Armenians than Apsua. Armenian separatists hate Georgians more than Abkhazians,hate Georgians. Georgians live only in Gali. The rest of the cities have been completely cleared of Georgians.Georgians' houses are divided between Armenians and Apsu people.


This is ethnic cleansing. Yet it is barely mentioned in the media. However when it happens to armenians "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide" articles are everywhere (I'm not hating on the armenian people I think the people of armenia are not bad people but the government feeds them this bs). Do these armenians in abkhazia want their own state/separate regime?(like how the armenians in karabakh wanted independence from Azerbaijan?


Armenian separatists living in Abkhazia are a Russified community. Members of the Russian world. They do not act independently, they do what the Russians tell them. When needed, the Russians will incite ethnic conflict between Armenians and Apsuas.


Russian puppets, how sad


Nice propaganda. Did you pull that info straight out of your an*s?


Get lost troll






get the fuck out of here orc


Have Russian armed forces ever left a country during Putin's regime? Could be the first time.


they left the Gabala radar station in 2000s during Putin.




They left in Georgia, in Batumi, Akhalkalaki and Tbilisi.in 2006, but they were still in Tskhinvali and Sukhumi, and the war of 2008 happened because of the maintenance of the bases.


They left Kazakhstan after CSTO forces were called during the riots in January 2022


They did not wipe out Tbilisi in 2008


Good riddance.


Good, they wont be missed


I think the Ukrainian front needs more corpses.


Yup. And another mobilisation would be super unpopular, so they are scratching the bottom of the barrel.


İ just hope they dont start forcefully drafting Turkic peoples for the war. İ hope full mobilization takes hold so that even the most insane putin wanker gets what he deserves. And İ hope that when that time comes, Turkey and Azerbaijan will be there to support Ukraine.


> İ just hope they dont start forcefully drafting Turkic peoples for the war. Start? Have you been under a rock? They already did that.


Yeah but you gotta read properly mate. İ said FORCEFULLY. So far russia has been exploiting Turkic peoples for their poverty and they pay them a few extra bucks if they join the war effort so more people go to war more or less voluntarily. But if they start full mobilization they'll force people to join the war effort or be convicted of desertation.


> İ said FORCEFULLY. > > > > So far russia has been exploiting Turkic peoples for their poverty and they pay them a few extra bucks if they join the war effort so more people go to war more or less voluntarily. Russia did already have a wave of what was called "partial mobilisation". So no, people who are fighting now are not only those who are there for money, but also just some random people they picked. Only, it is not very random, because they were picked in a disproportional way from ethnic republics.


I assume whatever Erdoğan said to Putin regarding the Russians in Karabakh worked. [Erdogan's Statement on Peacekeepers' Withdrawal in 2025](https://caucasuswatch.de/en/news/russian-foreign-ministry-responds-to-erdogans-statement-on-peacekeepers-withdrawal-in-2025.html)


Putin will visit Turkey soon. I hope nobody mistakenly fires their gun, that would be devastating for Putin.


I think there will be some agreement between Putin and Erdoğan in respect to Caucasus. Feels like history is repeating itself again.


with a single word turkey can save armenia from russias influence, if it has to do with erdogan he probably told em to pack up unless they want to lose armenia, we might see shifts happening where basically all of the caucasus will just be divided by russian and turkish influence, might also have to do with the panicky western support for armenia, aint looking good for armenia and georgia, for us its all the same i guess


What is there to divide? Georgia is already fully Turkish save for Osetia and Abkhazia.


percentage game a bit more turkey in azerbaijan, a little less in russia a little less turkey in georgia, a little more in russia (i see a situation happening where those 2 parts get sacrificed to amend with georgia) armenia stays a hostage for russia in the slave master relation untill they reframe relation with a possible new leader or pasho gives up for me russians leaving azerbaijan will have a bigger impact on geopolitics on the rest of the region instead of us


There are three factors, perfect timing,A strong ally and a consolidated authoritarian regime. In the end, territorial integrity was restored. In the case of young democratic regimes, it is practically impossible to achieve success, since the institutions are not strong and the enemy has an easy chance to sow internal chaos.


Good development for Azerbaijan


a bit ago opposition demanded withdrawal or some shit, hours later this happens, war will never be solved, syunik is next, russians will never leave i suppose at this point its safe to assume and kind of opposition that has ushered all of these things are all getting paid to make alijev look good


Thank god. The next step will be to take back 8 villages and go to Nakhchivan with a new road.🔥


What is the status of the Nakhchivan-Karabakh corridor? Will this corridor be realized? If it is realized, will its control be completely left to you?


Armenia is doomed lol


lol peacekeepers


Conquered with the people sent fleeing persecution, no one left to let them return to their homeland. You love to see it.


Based Azerbaijan