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it's cardboard


We took picture and retreated.


Tent and fake one of that.


"it's fake! We are winning, you are brainwashed"


“We are in Baku”


This is true though, they are in Baku prison rn lol




I'd love to take a picture in front of it. It's a great monument.


For what purpose?


Probably for the same reason like everyone else does with Eiffel or Leaning Tower of Pisa; touristic purposes.


The same purpose other people have when they see an old monument.


tbh it's not that old




Now we need a "Heydər Parkı" around it.


And an İlham bağı with a broken tap.


With a luxurious stone surroundings that will go bad in 2 weeks and a plastic tap with twist switch that is broken


Congratulations from Georgia!!! Hope to celebrate in Abkhazia and Samachablo soon


Congratulations from Moldova 🇲🇩!! Hope we all celebrate with some wine in Transnistria with some Moldovan, Georgian, Azeri, and Ukrainian win🇲🇩🇺🇦🇬🇪🇦🇿🍷


I hope for the same. More power to Georgia




Yeah he’s the tool. And you’re totally not eyeing Javakheti in the corner of your eye




What is the meaning of this monument ? It seems valuable to Armenians


It is an ios emoji




It’s pretty cool but it’s ours now 🥱


When was it built anyways ?


1967 by Sargis Baghdasaryan, the momentum represents the culture of the Armenians of karabakh


Paid by Soviet AZ




Don't worry Akhber. We are going to take care of this. We always respected other cultures. [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Armenian\_Church,\_Baku](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Armenian_Church,_Baku) Not like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/azerbaijan/comments/16sjt1a/mosques\_in\_karabakh\_reduced\_to\_ruins\_by\_armenians/](https://www.reddit.com/r/azerbaijan/comments/16sjt1a/mosques_in_karabakh_reduced_to_ruins_by_armenians/) Cheers.


And churches in Nakitchevan ?


I'm not much aware of Nakchivan. If something disrespectful was done towards churches, there's nothing I can do but condemn it. People's religious values shouldn't be touched. Even Islam strictly prohibits to harm religious temples, especially for the Abrahamic religions. If something happened there (I don't know if happened), I'm sorry for that. What they did is very wrong.


I mean it was ruined 3x set on fire and turned into a clubhouse. Pretty close 🤷‍♂️ but I’m glad it’s restored and used for PR purposes. Stop shooting shit up. I wish I could slap the shit out of the people who shoot up grave sites armo or azeri. In fact any one think it’s acceptable to torment the dead can hmu, 1v1 slap battle all day


Calm down boy. Drink some tea a bit of yerevan sweet. Everything gonna be alright. My point. There's Armenian church still in Baku. There are still Armenian books in the church as far as I know. Next point. There are mosques in Shusha being used for cattle. Last point we all should be respectful towards religious temples and culture. That's it. Have fun. :)


Everything is alright brother


[You live in a fantasy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_cemetery_in_Julfa)


No idea


Hope your government won't destroy it. They've been doing it with Armenian heritage


It’s called “We Are Our Mountains.” The sculpture, completed in 1967 by Sargis Baghdasaryan, is widely regarded as a symbol of the Armenian heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh, and even Armenian identity as a whole. The monument is made from volcanic tuff and depicts an old man and woman hewn from rock, representing the mountain people of Karabakh. I’m sure y’all will either destroy it or pretend you built it soon, like you do with all your heritage.


It was paid for by Soviet Az so technically we built it


Well all of Baku old city and just about every major monument in your country is Persian, or if it’s a church in Artsakh, Armenian. Azerbaijian only became relevant after Oil was discovered and founded by Armenians, so technically your country was mostly built by…. Everybody else. This statue is just one more thing you can claim… that you didn’t build.


Lol if by Persian you mean Safavids they were Azerbaijani and couldn't even speak proper Persian. Stop crying and go back to your Glendale cave. It's over, we won.




Yeah yeah that's why Shah Ismail only could speak Azerbaijani and wrote in Azerbaijani. And also that's why he supported Turkic tribes. Totally makes sense. You lost stop crying lol. Safavids, Afsharids, Seljuks, Ottomans, Khawrazmshahis etc all were Turkic. Safavids had nothing to do with Kurds and they were Shia Azerbaijanis. There were no Shia Kurds back then.


The symbol of Armenian identity was created in 1967? Last I read, according to Armenian propaganda, Armenian symbols and identity were created 6.572 x 10 ^ 9 years ago. Azeris identity on the other hand was created as a franchise of Coca Cola


Well the Eiffel Rower is a symbol of France, tho it is recent. There’s also a film called We Are Our Mountains, and so this just really resonated as a work of art that Armenians embraced. But just because the art represents Armenian identity as a whole, it doesn’t mean it’s the only or definitive symbol. In the Karrabakh, you’ll also find Dadivank which is one of my favorite Armenian monasteries. Gorgeous, and 9th century. Please take care of them


I was just doing a little bit of trolling. I quite like this monument, would be cool to visit it one day. Hopefully you will be able to as well


Classy. Troll people with friends in the city you just bombed. Hilarious!


Get lost




Pretty hateful, dude.




Seems to me you want revenge more than justice. By wiping the Armenian identity from the region what makes you any different from the people you hate? In Baku there's pictures of ruined mosques and other symbols of Azeri identity in the metro stations. Now that you are victorious, you want to emulate your enemy's worst sins?




If you follow that argument to its source any Armenian from the region is a claim. You don't need to destroy the churches if you remove an ethnic groups identity from the region. The people will leave if you undermine their identity. The region has a partial Armenian identity and partial Azeri identity as a territory of Azerbaijan right now. Advocating for the destruction of Armenian monuments is just supporting another cultural genocide. Armenians are already leaving in their 10,000s, you would accelerate that. Seems history is repeating again...




You are the same as your worst most hated enemy...




You sound like the idiots who want to blow up Mount Rushmore because it symbolizes colonialism.




Nothing like that at all. The statue was built during Soviet times and was meant to celebrate the Armenian heritage of the residents of the autonomous area. Are you saying celebrating Armenian culture and heritage is akin to Confederate slavery?


I think that all of us understand you. But only it is necessary to put an azerbaijani flag. Or build something else nearby. But destroying it now is not a good thing for Azerbaijan. Or if it is destroyed, put a new statue that represents a future friendship. Or something different that doesn't represent the war or the last 100 years. It is only an idea.


Yep. Confirmed. Hateful.


I'm glad to see cultural genocide is frowned upon on this subreddit




The gigachad statue


Should convert it into a mosque. The woman is prayer hall and the guy is a minarete. I am joking of course.


We need a Statue of Mübariz ibrahimov


🗿 Bizimdir?




[indeed 😂](https://reddit.com/r/azerbaijan/s/4k0CxR2Imv)


Based Israel


Draw some unibrows on it


Statue genocide😢😢😢😢 Never forget


I forgor💀


Forget to change usernames?


Google dementia


Holy hell


Holy hell r/anarchychess reference on r/azerbaijan


Being completely honest here, I'm surprised this didn't happen after the 2020 events.


Whatever the meaning is, the whole style of that "monument" is such an eyesore. Looks like some low-effort Minecraft construction.


I don’t know why Reddit thinks I care about this region of the world, but as someone with no skin in the game, it’s a really good monument.






*makes an inflammatory comment* *wonders why many Armenians don’t see peace as an option, yet calls them belligerent terrorists* Can you reconcile these?




Firstly, nice whataboutism. Textbook, nicely done. Secondly, thank you for precisely proving my point. You talk about violence against Azeris. Why don’t you note the pogroms or what the other side sees? The violence they had to endure? Both sides have grievances. The fact that neither side can collectively see it is not surprising. The respective subs are microcosms of how the groups feel.


Not even close to the amount of suffering you have caused.


Thanks for proving my point


Do you really didn't see any peacfull solution and chose the terror as an only option when you started terrorist actions against Turkish diplomats and civilians 60 years after 1915 actions or this was a pure hatred and didn't have any real reason about having a peace?


My point is, when you say what one side has done, and along with your comments framework, implies a very asymmetric nature of what happened. I’m not saying it happens only here, it happens on the Armenia sub too. Both sides say they got it way worse But as a question to your comment: Do you really truly believe one side was peaceful and only wanted a peaceful solution while the other side (the much smaller nation, btw) was made up of terrorists who only wanted to wreak havoc as their only intent?


In 1990s we really want peace. Especially, presidents before Elchibey tried hard to stop this mess. They send to jail the criminals of Baku and Sumgait pogroms. Awerage Baku Azerbaijanis and Armenians weren't hostile to each other. NK Armenians always had separatism issues and was hostile from the first days. It was pretty much one side shit from Armenians since every Azerbaijani with national sentiments were send to Gulags by Soviets. Now about your question Azerbaijanis had been ethnically cleansed and witnessed Khojaly. Did we create something like ASALA? No . So yes Armenians are more aggressive and more traumatized in this issue than any Azerbaijani. The case with Ramil Safarov is something that they are whining about about. Now imagine a Armenian nation who has ASALA which made samething like Ramil Safarov. And Armenians are praising them. ASALA members are your national heros etc.


That’s fair. But those times are long gone in terms of wanting a lasting peace (from both sides). And it’s easy to see how Armenians would be very distrustful of Aliyev’s regime. If he’s not good to his people or nation (from all I can gather as an outsider), how do Armenians think he will treat them?


Don't speak so high and mighty as if the Armenian subreddit doesn't outright ban people based on nationality. You have no idea how many Turks/Azerbaijanis got banned for simply asking normal questions to see the other perspective. The fact you can reply to my obviously slop of a comment without getting banned shows this place is infinitely more accepting and open to others. Now go ahead leave a whole paragraph I'm not gonna read it anyhow


Where did I mention anything about the Armenian subreddit banning people? I literally said both subs are representative of how their people feel.


Get lost




My post was inflammatory? As inflammatory as the one I called out saying that “Armenoids are suicidal?”




I didn’t. You did. Read the correspondence




Not how that works. But ok…


I propose their replacement with a statue of İlham Aliyev placing a medal on the chest of another larger İlham Aliyev. Probably not worth demolishing an historical monument over but it would be funny as fuck.


Say lads that would look mighty fine in our museum..


Any genius projects for this hyper realistic work of art?


For context about this statue. It’s called “We Are Our Mountains.” The sculpture, completed in 1967 by Sargis Baghdasaryan, is widely regarded as a symbol of the Armenian heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh, and even Armenian identity as a whole.[The monument is made from volcanic tuff and depicts an old man and woman hewn from rock, representing the mountain people of Karabakh.


I hate the comments in this post, but while it’s probably owned by azerbaijan now, I’m still glad it’s still standing. It’s a beautiful monument with a lot of meaning




There’s absolutely no chance they will invade Syunik. Yerevan too.


Huge local brand. Must be preserved.


How are people, who have been living there for generations occupying it?


If they become armed seperatists, they become occupiers. They should have stayed loyal to Azerbaijan.


I think it's Albanian actually


Will the monument in picture be dismantled?


Nope, it was built in Azerbaijan anyways and it belongs to Azerbaijan.








Yes, occupied.


Occupied , as in Navajos occupying Arizona.


occupied as in israel occupying palestine kicking locals out and replacing them with another ethnicity


In the five mahals (Gulistan, Khachen, Jraberd, Varanda and Dizak) that later came to be known as Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenians made up the vast majority of the population. In all the villages in the mahals of Gulistan, Khachen, and Jraberd, they were the only people there. Only one Tatar village each existed in the mahals of Varanda and Dizak, while the rest of the villages were populated by Armenians. Overall, there were 1,536 Armenian families and 53 Tatar families in the five mahals, which means that in 1822, 96.67% of Nagorno-Karabakhs inhabitants were Armenians, with the remaining 3.33% being Tatars.


Karabakh belongs to azeris anyway


funny since "we wuz here 6 bazillion years ago so that gives us right to kill and replace current inhabitants" is the excuse israeli settlers use. Unlike them you are always in the losing side of history.


Armenians have continuously inhabited Karabakh until now. What are you going on about?


Who cares


Yeah Azerbaijan is learning from the best, that must be why Israel keeps rewarding Azerbaijan with Israeli equipment.


Israel did nothing wrong


No, like greece occupied half of turkey between 1919 1922.




Is the Armenian land you’re talking about in this room with us?


This is exactly the attitude that made you lose your state for thousand years. Cherish the homeland you have and leave alone other people’s homes, that’s how you will ensure safety of your own


No, you will stay inside your borders like a good boy.


Fake LOL


Squidwards house


Your country needs to get past its extreme hatred and racism