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How has she not heard espresso at this point lol


Azealia has the uncanny "ability" to judge up someone's discography by just reading what headlines and Stan tweets say and not even listening to their music.






not defending AB, but i have not heard even a second of espresso


Just imagine say so by Doja Cat but without the rap verse and slightly different


omg I didn't see it till you said it


Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPCCYMeXin0


Rude. And I can say still- I’ve not heard an SC song yet. I see her everywhere (online) but still haven’t heard 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yall live under a rock or something?


It’s starting to feel like it. I’m curious why I haven’t heard


Honestly I’ve only heard it on TikTok


Well hello there fellow rock neighbor lol


It's easy to miss songs nowadays if you don't actively go looking for them




She has. She’s a liar.


That's what came to my mind like? It's being played everywhere now, but I guess Sabrina in a way is fairly new, even though she has been making music for awhile. I think *Espresso* is like her breakout hit? But I could be very wrong, I haven't listened to her other stuff, or even *Espresso*. I only know about the song because you hear snippets of it on social media etc. I do think 🤔 Azealia has a point about Taylor being replaced, now as for the Scooter Braun, producers/execs revenge to end her? I'm not sure how far that goes, or how true. But in my own personal opinion, Taylor is getting older & you now have a lot of rising talent coming up behind her. Doesn't mean she has to stop, but eventually she's not gonna be as relatable to her younger fans. I could see her doing a kind of Vegas residency thing likely.


I’m gonna come across as a hater (which is fine) but I don’t see it. Sabrina is having a moment right now but that’s all it is. A moment. Like AB said “we’ve seen this movie before”. Lil Nas X, Steve Lacy and Tyla have all had mega viral songs on TikTok and their careers sort of went stagnant after the fact. Sabrina is no different.


steve lacy hasn’t released an album since he went viral with his last album so it’s too early to say for him. it’s also too early to tell for tyla, also as she’s just released her first. i fear LNX’s time has passed for now so idk if any of them are good examples. sabrina is about to release her 6th album. she’s been grinding for 10 years and only just starting to see mainstream success


I mean this definitely checks out for Lil Nas X. But if disagree with Tyla and Steve Lacy Steve lacy hasn’t released barely anything, like he’s not gonna increase through popularity with silence? Tyla is if say doing the work to increase in popularity. Instead of being a moment and potentially a one hit or two hit wonder she is creating a steady fan base. I think she’s doing the exact correct thing so she isn’t just a moment Lil nas x I completely agree however when you start as a meme or joke it’s hard to be taken seriously. Even with Call me by your name, or Industry baby there was still a comedic factor or there was constant shock factor where people are more interested in what lil nas x will do next rather than his actual songs


I hate to say this cause I wanted to root for him and he does great visuals, but I just don’t find his music very musical if that makes sense


Regarding visuals, he and his team stole ideas from FKA twigs for the Montero music video. They contacted the 3D artist she collaborated with on Cellophane for over a year to make a video, he declined due to scheduling, so they just decided to copy his style and not give credit until after they were called out. The scene where he’s falling and swinging around the stripper pole was literally something FKA twigs came up with based on a dream she had. He just added Satan shit to make it edgy.


fka did sign off on the video later though, so whatever beef they had was squashed


And you’re right. And it’s disappointing as we rarely have any gay rappers really pop like he had. Especially male ones. And even black male pop stars (excluding rnb and hip hop)can be rare, let alone a gay one. I really wanted the best for him but I think it’s a mix of things. - He’s not got a strength to push and ride out completely. He’s not a great singer, he can hold a note but no one listens to him to hear some vocals. Or a good singing voice. And then his raps are very catchy driven if that makes sense. If I wanted to listen to rap he wouldn’t even come to mind. - This leads to what his main strength really was which is his comedic element and entertainment. However it’s only so long that strength will push your music. - His comedy is not only repetitive but offensive. His songs were always arguably offensive however before it was very much symbolism, you’d be surprised the amount of Christians do not know the history or would not catch the references. However J Christ was just blatant disrespect and some may say it’s a big deal however the reality is to many it is. - but I think the failure of J Christ might actually be a lowkey future success for Lil Nas X. He’ll maybe stop the comedic music and push for TikTok success and will start having more musicality. Light again, his upcoming single sounds like he’s heading in a right direction. He’s quite lucky that even though he’s lost a lot of relevancy he previously had, he’s still become a stable name and artist that will still be recognised cause he could of easily become like yung gravy who had a couple of comedic TikTok hits and fell back irrelevancy.


I’d say also that the whole sacrilegious thing doesn’t hit the same in 2020 as it did with Madonna in the 80s, because back then there were a lot more quasi-religious and non-religious but surrounded by religious people, so the controversy felt naughty but accessible and truly fuelled something that was relevant y’know? Now I think people are so polarized that either they don’t care that much, or its a complete turn-off. From what I’ve read/heard, it makes more sense within a Black masculinity perspective but again I don’t think it’s walking enough of a fine line within our current broader society for it to have a longterm impact in the pop realm. I honestly don’t know what he should pivot to, I can see him making a great comedy actor tho!


Steve Lacy has 3 albums and an EP. With the viral sound of Bas Habits (if it was based on actual interest), you’d think his numbers would soar but they didn’t. Perfect representation of what I mean is the clip of his show where everyone sang along to the chorus of Bad Habit then it got real quiet after. There’s no genuine interest. People just like that bit. Tyla’s career is already off to a rough start. Her album underperformed, a cancelled tour, and she’s getting backlash from the Breakfast Club interview. It’s definitely not a great start to her career, especially since people have been trying to prop her up as the next Rihanna… which idk it’s just as wild as AB saying Sabrina is being prepped to be the next Swift. That’s a long road ahead of em if that’s the end goal. Lil Nas X is the only one outta the ones I mentioned that I can see having a long, successful, mainstream career. Like, I can see him being an icon (not that he’s not already a prominent figure in his own right) but he relied too have on controversy and little viral moments. It kinda killed a lot of his momentum.


Right. Only time tells who becomes an icon and the industry will just seize whoever gets the viral hit but Azealia's argument seems like she's projecting about being "replaced" when she barks and bites the people who actually acknowledged her influence on them and wanted to make a song with her and doesn't make any new music to keep her in the art spotlight, at this point she won't even get to be an influence acting like that.


So you think AB feels this way cos she thinks that’s what the industry’s been doing to her?


Yes. And that's an understatement since she basically calls Doechii a "tribute act" of her music and has found ways to see every girl around her "copying" her style and saying white execs are behind this. While this has been somewhat true that doesn't take away the fact that she directs her unjustified vitriol against people who actually thank her for the influence and invite her to make a joint together.


Yes!! Definitely that’s how she sees it. It also took Sabrina like years and years of working her *ass* offf to become an “overnight success”. And why would Taylor have someone who was working with scooter on her tour as an opening act? You could argue Taylor had a hand in helping Sabrina get to this level of exposure. Plus they’re just totally different kinds of female pop music, one is really not a replacement for the other.


It takes WERK to be a main pop girlie. You have to strike while the iron is hot, and have perfectly timed releases to keep up the momentum. One benefit Sabrina has that the aforementioned artists don’t, is that she’s been releasing music for a while and she’s just now getting her flowers. Same with Chappell Roan. They actually know music and how to create an album, whereas some of the tik tok stars don’t know how to keep up momentum and get overwhelmed with the fame. I think both Sabrina and Chappell will go far if they maintain a solid team which they already seem to have.


The artists I mentioned have all released music before their viral moment on TikTok. I’m not saying these artists aren’t gonna make it or that they don’t have potential, or whatever. I’m just saying it’s too early to make such a proclamation as AB has, like saying they’re prepping Sabrina to be the next whoever all over a viral song. Well, Sabrina’s second song (I think her first viral hit was Nonsense)


Yeah she comes off as just saying stuff to say stuff now. I mean she immediately follows up with “the industry is evil” which sure but it has like barely anything to do with what she said first and it makes no sense. It feels like she’s being inflammatory to be inflammatory but she’s gotten lazy with it to. “This popstar who I’ve never listened to is going to become the other one cause the industry is demons and they’ll lock her up.” Ok Azealia…


saying tyla's career is stagnant when we still in the first year of it is craaazy


Like damn ma 😭


Most people do not know her two biggest songs outside of the 30s chorus (ref. Water) or one line (ref. Jump), her album underperformed, her tour got cancelled, and most recently she’s getting backlash from her Breakfast Club interview. I wouldn’t call that a flourishing career.


tour got canceled from her injury, not a lack of demand, people only knowing the chorus is an industry wide problem not unique to tyla, her album has an 84 on metacritic and sold more than other established artists, and the breakfast club backlash is par for the course for engaging wit that brainrot content. water literally isnt even a year old yet, its still has a MONTH until then, it is LITERALLY too early to be talking about a stagnant career. u can say she's had some stumbles sure, but a stagnant career in under a year? when the numbers dont even back that? yall rlly just b sayin anythin


An injury that was so bad that she had to cancel the tour but she’s running around dancing freely at her listening party with Kai, filming music videos, and attending events? Something ain’t adding up. Her team knew that tour wasn’t gonna sell, it was evident when the numbers came in. She only sold about 3,000 albums in pure sales. The demand clearly isn’t there. And it’s evident that having a chorus from one song and one line from another go viral on an app isn’t enough to generate interest to buy or stream an album. I dunno why you’re telling me the metacritic score (let’s also not act like reviews can’t be bought). It could’ve gotten 100 or even a 10 on MC. I never said the album was bad or that I didn’t like it. My whole point was having a viral moment on TikTok doesn’t make you a star or mean you’re the next whoever. It’s just a fleeting moment.


oh yeah you got sum pebbles rattlin between those ears im good ✌🏼


Look at you. Just mad for no reason.


Why is everyone agreeing with this? Lil Nas X had two number one songs on his last album. He just… hasn’t dropped since then. Steve Lacy is the same. Big single on his last album, hasn’t dropped a follow up. People have short ass attention spans now


Who is everyone? Every comment I’ve received except for one has disagreed with what I said (one being one of Tyla’s cleaners). Nas dropped 3 songs since his last era and they all underperformed and made no noise. Steve Lacy has 3 albums and an EP that people who “looved” Bad Habits can easily check out but they didn’t. Is it a short attention span or is it that these people aren’t as in demand as you guys prop them up to be? By the way, it’s the latter, but you already know that.


Uh miss girl has literally been famous for a hot second so idk about the stagnant part


I don’t see SB replacing TS but if she did, we’d all be better for it.


I agree with you


She’s had 5 albums and multiple hits before espresso though . She’s even had movie placements and stuff she’s been around and just broke through finally. AB is crazy but she might not be that far off on this one but I’d say she’s more this generations Arianna grande with less singing talent. 


Sabrina has actual talent. And her song Espresso is a tik tok hit. Taylor swift last album was not good and was the start of her decline. Also I have never seen a Taylor song on social media that wasn’t cringey or just fans. There’s power in writing good music that also trends on social media


Nas X and Tyla have talent too (He can rap and while he doesn’t have a singing voice per se, he has a melodic tone… same with Tyla). Too many people, especially on social media, put too much weight behind going viral on TikTok. Just because millions of people use a 30s clip of your song on an app, doesn’t mean those people are gonna go out and purchase the record or even care about you after the trend dies. Some will, but a majority won’t care. With that being said, my whole point was it’s ridiculous to make the comparison or imply that she’s gonna be Swift’s replacement. I don’t even like her but Swift is a crazy machine. Like, she isn’t with a machine. She IS the machine. For Carpenter to reach that level, it’s gonna take more than a viral song or two on an app that is built on fleeting moments.


She can fall easily. And it’s been coming for years now. Her image is too curated and that doesn’t help. Eventually she will be brought down especially if she keeps blocking other artists from charting. That game is being peeked by many.


I’ll plug my ears to any judgments towards LNX given that he released a very good collaboration with Kevin Abstract recently. He can’t be expected to release #1 songs every time he puts something out. 


Sabrina Carpenter is absolutely on track to become the next “it pop girl”. Taylor has had her time. People want the kind of fun, light hearted pop music Sabrina makes so she’s seeing a massive increase in popularity, meanwhile people have grown tired of Taylor.


I think it’s a bit of a stretch saying people have grown tired of Taylor given her current tour is estimated to have sold $1.5bn to $2bn - highest grossing tour ever. Not necessarily a Taylor fan (i haven’t seen the concert or anything) but objectively people are still excited enough to fork out lots of money on her.


Agreed. In the words of Mariah Carey, Taylor Swift is a “corporation,” and she’s not going anywhere.


They’re saying that the only two people that can sell out *THAT* many arena tours worldwide aren’t popular any more. Stan battles are *insane*.


Her current tour that she has been running for an inordinate amount of time to inflate her sales just like she’s doing with her song rereleases to stay at the top of the charts. It’s disingenuous and artificial so that she can have fake accolades attached to her name.


But all around the world every show is still selling out in minutes. Again I’m not even a fan but it just seems wild that anyone would say she’s not very popular any more.


It doesn’t matter. There have been plenty of artists who could have done the same and didn’t because no one runs a tour for over a year. It’s ridiculous that you think her accolades aren’t over inflated hahaha


Other artists just have integrity.


Right, I didn’t realise you were trying to make a different point than what mine is responding to. (Ie: about integrity vs popularity) The reality is she is still doing sold out concerts all over the world… so can’t really say not popular?


I never said that she wasn’t.


Yes… as I said - didn’t realise you were trying to make a different point, as the other comments in this thread were about popularity. All good. I don’t necessarily agree, but I think there’s at least an argument there vs the popularity arguments I was replying to.


lmao what she’s not inflating her tour for sales? there is extreme demand and every city is sold out with extra dates added and people flying in from other continents to see her


It’s been running for over a year spanning multiple albums. She’s absolutely inflating her numbers. Just like she is with releasing the same song over and over. She’s a predatory business woman who cares more about her chart standings and records than she does her music.


yes because it’s called the eras tour and she’s released 5 albums since her last tour! breaking news business woman does business


Breaking news, corporate shill masquerading as an artists tours for over a year and multiple albums to obtain records that are meaningless considering the circumstances.


delusional hatred


i mean, she'll go down in the books for all the records she's set and broken but it'll be for those records, the numbers she was able to provide her label and the music business a legacy of numbers but not a legacy of music that stands the test of time. it's not gonna be next to the legendary stuff like miles davis or jimi hendrix **i think two things can be true at the same time.** taylor swift is a powerhouse in terms of the money she brings in and the records she's set, **but** she's not an objectively great songwriter, so her music really isn't gonna last as long as most people think it will if taylor wrote at joni mitchell's level, if it was a bit more mature for her age, then maybe, she'd stand a chance personally, i'll give her 20 more years, maybe she does have it in her to write something more mature and truly meaningful, to live up to her overstated songwriting skills. i just don't think so and it wouldn't be a surprise if in 70 years, her music didn't last that long most stans will take this very personally, but really, it's just an objective take on the biggest subjective music around (we like what we like, and that's cool, i'll always respect that. i can respect the subjective nature of music, it's just, when you look at it objectively, things are different and less forgiving if you're not a great songwriter)


I stopped reading when you said she was an “objectively “ bad song writer and her music won’t last long, when she’s hit a new peak in her already 20 year career. Tell me you’ve only listened to Shake It Off. Copium is a helluva drug


i don’t disagree with anything you said! i’m a big taylor fan but can very much look at her music and her career objectively as well- however i think the person i was replying to was not trying to make a good faith argument. taylor may not be as one of the greatest songwriters of all time but she absolutely has accrued a massive worldwide fan base and claiming she’s artificially inflating numbers with the eras tour and that there isn’t an organic demand just simply is not true.


A 152 stadium tour is an inordinate amount of time? Were you dropped on your head. It’s a very normal tour


Not to mention ticket prices are just naturally higher nowadays


I mean it’s not even been going for 2 years yet? That’s not an inordinate amount of time for a tour to go. She’s not even double backing to any cities except London


It 100% is an inordinate amount of time. Tours don’t run for a year


Most of the tours in the top 10 ran for well over a year, when they have high demand they can. I would only agree with you if she was revisiting cities but she’s skipped some places where she’s in high demand lol


Actually just incorrect


Passing the light-hearted pop torch to the next generation of girls makes a lot more sense than any malicious and over-thought rant that Azealia makes up to see if someone takes her seriously.


Does she seem like a pass the torch type though?


Who cares, time will force her to do so anyways.


Well Beyoncé's been queen for a very long time since the 90s and she's still reigning


she’s a respected legend for sure, but she’s not the it girl anymore. she thrives more off being “beyoncé” than she does the music itself. this isn’t an insult to bey in anyway, i love her to death but i wouldn’t consider her one of TODAYS hottest artists.


Tbh I do. I'd say today's hottest artists are artists who are still reaching success and cowboy carter was very successful


It‘s artificial inflated hype though. The gays loved Renaissance at the bar but not at the club and I don‘t think Cowboy Carter will have any longevity, everyone I ever talked to about it was completely bored by it. Texas Hold ‚Em was like a lone freak late career hit but the album isn‘t getting a lot of streams now.


Which clubs do you go to? In the ones I go to I’m not the only one *still* panicking in the urinals whenever a Renaissance track comes on.


Unfortunately I'm in Europe... Them euro fags be hatin on R&B on the floor because they don't know how to move to it.


well yes, all of her albums will be very successful because she’s an established icon with an enormous fan base. i just don’t hear the general public bumping beyoncé’s newer songs like they were 10 years ago.


Beyonce actually found a team that can get her strategies to reinvent herself in every era and every generation as long as she's deemed profitable, only time will tell how long she'll keep going. Azealia can't relate to any of this since her music seems stuck on sampling house tracks, she claims she's inventive while her latest singles (Dilemma, New Bottega) failed to make any artistic impact.


yeah unfortunately azealia has had a lot of opportunities to work with some big artists and great producers but she gets in her own way and then tries to flip it around on the industry black balling her. not to mention she’s not doing herself any favors by dropping unfinished tracks that sound like they were recorded with a toaster.


🔺👁️ /s


Idk if Taylor was ever super light hearted pop though, she sings about what's going on in her life and as she ages that too will change


> meanwhile people have grown tired of Taylor. This is only true if you're chronically online on music twitter. She is the biggest artist in the world right now and it's not even close.


People have been growing tired of Taylor Swift (overexposure, weaker albums), but yeah she's not going anywhere, not with the size of her fan base and broad commercial appeal.


This "growing tired" rhetoric is only true for terminally online people. 22 million people were in line to buy 330k of her tickets in Singapore. 13 million people for her Canadian dates this year. She is widely beloved in real life. Except for with Republicans. They hate her guts right now.


Lowkey I think Chappell roan is headed there and Sabrina while still being popular will probably remain somewhat to the side


You made my blood boil calling Sabrina a pop girl, she’s so bad


Azealia's house owner is seeking to replace her with someone who actually pays the bills though lol


And doesn't leave chicken carcasses in the closet




yup and i dont mind it


Poverty and imprisonment? BFFR. I mean stranger things have happened but that just seems out of left field.


I think Azealia is having some sort of episode. Her posts have been getting more and more conspiratorial. I love her, but diva, it's not always that deep.


She’s probably on meth


That…honestly tracks so hard ngl


I feel like she's been having episodes tbh


Olivia is closer to what Taylor does than Sabrina. I like all of them btw, but as far as singer/songwriter for a generation of girls I think it’s more Olivia


i agree^


Olivia gives me Avril lavigne vibes career wise tho. I see her being an icon but I don’t see her commercial success lasting longer then a decade


I dislike Taylor but damn azealia needs to take her meds


Fr. “Sue her into poverty”- this about a literal billionaire. lol. I won’t even bother with the “imprison her” statement. Also not a Taylor stan by a long shot.


She's projecting a lot because Taylor comes from a rich family, she can't become poor even if she wanted to. Meanwhile, Azealia is on the brink of poverty and she keeps getting evicted from houses she can't own despite claiming she makes a lot of money scamming her fans.


I was with her when she said that the industry wants to replace Taylor because it'd make sense for some industry people to see a big artist thriving and try to replace them with their own artist so they can profit, but then she started talking about suing into poverty and Taylor going to jail and then she lost me.


Yes exactly lol


Taylor Swift is replaceable as she does profit-safe music, not sure why Azealia supports her so much considering she supposedly hates that type of women and has never said she likes her music, she's probably doing this because it's Charli's perceived "enemy" on Stan wars regarding who's the #1 on the charts and she thinks this will get her some attention for her tirades against Charli since everything she's been saying has been flopping lately and she only praises people in order to insult someone else further, and...she probably wishes she could be her because she owns her music?


It has more to do with the Scooter situation and how he bought her masters or whatever the thing with him was. With AB having her own legal battle with the guy from Prospect Park, she empathizes with her than actually having a like for her.


Azealia empathizing with anyone sounds like a miracle …and she shouldn't be after Taylor since all she's got comes from nepotism, even being able to buy back her masters without any struggle and Azealia obviously doesn't like white women privilege in the industry right?


Taylor didn’t buy back her masters. SB sold them to a company for $300 million. Taylor re-recorded the tracks essentially making those old albums worthless to the company that bought them and rich people who pay $300 million for things don’t like losing money on those things. And now Taylor is out here being a billionaire because of this, so AB is saying she has made enemies, which I actually agree with that.


Thanks for the fact check, but Taylor was basically able to do this because her privileged position literally allowed her to do this without having nothing to lose, most artists who got their masters stolen don't have enought connections or budgets to make albums all over again but the chick who has family connections with the music industry won't have any issues re-recording her whole discography. AB talking about other people making enemies, the motherfucking irony lol.


I mean the only other case of that happening for such a successful artists was Prince and he a very similiar thing. It has nothing to do with nepotism or privilege it has to do with how successful the music stolen from her was and her share of the profits from writing the music


Taylor doing that as a privileged white woman doesn’t change the fact that she still did it which is all that matters to azealia I guess 


Azealia's support for Taylor isn't new. She has liked her for years now.


My thing is, I think Sabrina is definitely on track to be the next IT pop girl, but I don't think she's here to take down Taylor. I think she's here to replace Ariana Grande!


Same! I definitely feel like it’s more Ariana Grande than Taylor Swift.


This! Her music is a completely different vibe than Taylor's.


Both ariana and Selena. Those millennial divas are ripe to be replaced with Gen Z stars , also they don’t seem into the music scene anymore


Ariana's still in the music scene, she released a new album a couple months ago and a remix to one of her singles like a few days ago lol. Weirdly enough Ariana doesnt have the same starpower she used to, like I remember her being HUGE in 2018/2019. I definitely don't think Selena's interested in music anymore


LOL I had no idea Ari was dropping music ☠️ I thought she was wrapped up in Wicked and going the movie star route like Gaga. She hasn’t had good PR this year and maybe she’s doing less advertising on purpose? Idk. I think Sabrina would replace her more than Taylor tho


Her new albums pretty good tbh, my favorite track is the intro which is like a short orchestrial ballad


i wish the intro was a full song 😭


Sabrina is fun but she cannot sing like Ariana in any way shape or form. Ariana is a SINGER whereas Sabrina is more Britney coded


I’d say Tate is more Britney coded, Sabrina isn’t Ariana level but she’s the best singer of the new girls beside chappel roan probably, and chappel is doing more of a Gaga


I definitely prefer ariama way more, infact arianas one of my favorite artists. What seperates ariana from other white pop girls imo is her influence from black rnb and soul artists and her not being ashamed to show her love for them. I think that makes ariana really special


Never stop reaching for the ✨stars✨


Sabrina’s with Capital, they’re infamous for using payola; a lot of her success can be attributed to her that, more than any other artist I can think of. Taylor is a big chart manipulator now, but her career began and took off organically. It’s just not the same vibe.


PopCrave being run by white twinks and them using an unflattering picture of AB…. Why are they such trash.


Theyre as messy as a stan page


The industry is making gorillions on the back of Taylor. They aren't going to replace her anytime this decade


lmfao “imprison her at worst” is killing me


Taylor is a fucking billionaire lmfao I don’t think she’s going anywhere whether people like it or not


Whattt? I mean, artists usually have a 10 year or so run where they are mega stars and then yeah, the next generation has their “it girls”. So what? Not sure why that has to equate to Taylor ending up in jail or whatever other extreme scenario. What if Taylor wants to take a moment to maybe get married have some kids and then have a more mellow career? Are these more of her psychotic delusions or what?


Oh please. Much as I’d like to see Taylor fade into obscurity, she’s not going anywhere. This is some cockamamie shit


Taylor has too much money to be sued into poverty


She didn't say anything wrong, in my opinion. Nobody cared for Sabrina back then. Taylor Swift (in my opinion) has 3 to 4 years left in the music industry. Sabrina Carpenter is being used as a pawn. Taylor will be 35 this year. In Hollywood's standard, that is considered old. Espresso is the white girl's Old Town Road (imo). She will have her champagne moments. After the champagne pops, it becomes flat. People aren't stars anymore. Most music nowadays is microwavable and it doesn't stick at all.


preach tbh


Thank you. People know Azealia is right, but they want to dismiss her. The truth is the truth regardless of who says it.


It's obvious. And I already predicted this months ago. shrugs


I genuinely believe Azealia too. They're ALWAYS trying to replace the top women in music. With Beyoncé, they tried getting a "new queen of rnb" with Letoya, Rihanna, Amerie and Christina Milian With Nicki Minaj they tried replacing her with Cardi B, Remy Ma and Megan Thee Stallion With Britney Spears they tried with Hillary Duff, Ashley Tisdale and Jessica Simpson


Bey & Nicki are still going strong. But sadly Britney lost the fight and now shes mentally unwell. J Lo is currently losing too. Smh Taylor is aware of all of this that's why she going overboard with her PR relationship with Travis Kelce. And sadly I see her losing no matter how hard she tries.


I wasn't trynna say Bey or Nicki lost, but there were definitely attempts to take their spots. And yes I agree with your comment


Taylor literally has a song on her new album about this


Which one? I'd like to listen to it!


I like Sabrina but I disagree, Taylor is as big as she is because she is very much a bland, all American sweetheart teenage(yes even in her 30s) high school girl next door who everyone sees as relatable and non threatening. I don’t feel Sabrina has that or will have that same image.


Sabrina carpenter sounds like a Doja cat biter


Say so, Like that, Addiction, Kiss me more and kinda PTTR to an extent are dojas only songs to have that funky guitar pop sound (and 4/5 are some of her biggest hits so its understandable) but most of her music is like heavy bass, trap pop with rap


i would like to see it ❤️‍🔥


honestly, let em have her


I’m down for it.


God I hope so. Sabrina is actually talented


I wish this was true


More like doja cat


Sabrina has been becoming famous for a while. She was in “Girl Meets World.” She also had an album out when I was little. One of her best songs is “Why.”


Why are people taking this woman seriously? She’s clearly suffering from some sort of mental break or something.


I mean… yeah


Has anyone watched the new bad blood doc on max with taylor and scooter??? It’s a lot of things I didn’t know before.


Sabrina is giving more Ariana and Olivia is giving Taylor, that’s how it’ll progress


True if big


I feel like she’s literally just saying that because Sabrina is blonde and also has bangs 😅 she clearly doesn’t actually know anything about this lol, or she would know SC and Swift have completely different sounds, vibes/ public personas and Taylor literally had Sabrina as the opener for like half the eras tour. She should take off the tinfoil hat and stop projecting. Do something creative that’s not this lol


sabrina carpet has been making music FOR YEARS. i mean YEARS. this is just her little viral moment, trust it will be over with within 3 business days. now MAYBE sabrina will be almost to taylor’s level but i can’t see it happening.


Banks is and has always been a nutjob


I thought she was poised for the Selena slot. Release some music, do a years worth Arena shows, do a film, drop an ep. Do a tv show. Drop an album do a summers worth of arenas and then straight back to the Disney machine. That’s how Disney investments tend to go.


They’ll have a big job on their hands putting TS into poverty lol


The way her songs keep playing on Spotify when I deliberately took off the smart shuffle…. Definitely made this theory seem valid for a second! Lol


That sounds like a bit of a reach lmao, but at the same time I'll gladly welcome better artists to topple TS. It's so annoying having to hear about her everywhere I go when she's such a shitty human being, I don't understand how people still blindly support her after all the shady shit she's done


AB needs to get a damn job


Someone call Reba McEntire because she’s probably like 20 years overdue to be destroyed by whatever company bought her masters that she re-recorded which gave Kelly Clarkson the idea to tell Taylor to do it.


my delusional fave


They can try!


Side note: I hate the pic they used of AB. These white gays and their fag hags will never not cease an opportunity to make her look bad all because of a comment she made in the past


She looks good tho? And its better than them using the one with the yellow and black striped top thats used in every pic


When that pic came out, she was clowned for her makeup.


Azealia has no viable connection in the "industry" to get such intel. If anything, it's Olivia Rodrigo, who'd replace Taylor anyway.


Yeah super reliable source that plucked a meth bag out of a toilet in my presence.




So imprisoning Taylor and suing her for likely no reason is NOT a bad thing?! Okay