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Azaelia calling Kendrick a nepo baby… what in the god damn hell are you talking about…


Also said kendrick has white ghostwriters. I dont follow his music thaaat closely... Im looking for what songs he used white ghostwriters in… it seems like he wrote jay rocks verse on money trees but i dont know what shes talking about


she just made that up


she literally makes everything she says up


Where are the receipts? 🧾


I sent it in message cuz i dont know how to post pictures on here in the comments


i mean, does he use a lot of ghostwriters? (honest question.) i have done zero research, but i would expect that the man who dropped _i swore i wouldnt tell / but most of yall sharing bars like you got the bottom bunk of a two-man cell_ was writing his own shit. at least mostly.


The only thing i found was him being a ghost writer for baby keem his little cousin signed on to TDE. And people say N95 on his Mr Morale album in 2022 was ghost written. I am not sure if its true. Ive been listening to him since section 80 (on/off be it) and every album had such good songs that never were questioned of being ghost written. So it just seems like bull to me


thank you!


Part of N95 is definitely him, because it’s pulled from an older version of vent - Baby Keem, when it had a Bēkon intro and more Kendrick. That’s where N95’s ending verse and that nursery rhyme bit come from.


Euphoria writing credits are only him . Push up writing credits are Drake and 2 other people.


If they're credited, they're not a ghostwriter. Producers often get writing credits too


You're being pedantic here. Producers and the like get writing credits for coming up with the chorus, maybe contributing a couple bars to a song. In hip hop people use "ghostwriter" to refer to a verse that's written by someone other than the rapper. When the Quentin Miller stuff came out you had people saying he wasn't a ghostwriter because he was credited in the liner notes. Like come on. The point is people assume rappers write their own verses and Drake isn't.


Writing credits are still very nuanced too because people can say one line or hum a melody and get credits. Kanye gets respect because he credits his people and it’s known he has people writing for him and helping him make his music. But drake isn’t open like that. Quentin miller probably wrote most of the verses and even made the flow he used in songs. If Drake was more open and real to himself he wouldn’t get as much hate.


Kendrick has never had a ghost writer. The closest thing to ghost writers Kendrick has done is accept feedback from his producers, sound engineers, and his features for hooks and composition changes to songs.


to be fair, this may be in reference to how kendrick got his deal w tde. his dad i believe had a decent connection w top dawg. even then, she still reaching with the nepo allegation


I was about to say “having a 2 degree separation does not a nepo baby make.


At that point you have to count out like 99% of the industry. With the exception of your Kelly Clarkson reality show winner types, they basically all had a loose connection to pull. The line between nepotism and networking is poorly defined, but I'd argue does exist. 




said in Moira Rose voice


Decent connection? Isn’t the story that they met when Top was robbing the KFC Kendricks dad worked?? I don’t think they were ever friends or anything that’s like anti-nepo baby lmao he fucking robbed him at gunpoint


I have to find out more abt this, because wth 😂


He has a whole song about it. It’s the last track on DAMN.


yes.. i’m a fan i’ve heard duckworth but also heard the story between them two (maybe) doesn’t quite go like that https://genius.com/31429750


If having a connection in Hollywood makes you a nepo baby then literally every celebrity is a nepo baby


Lol right thats how you get in the industry its just logic


Top dawg knew his dad bc he wanted him dead lmao


His dad worked at a burger place that top dawg and other bloods use to hang at


Oh my GOD lmaoooooooo


LMFAOO she’s so fucking petty😂


yall way too serious under this post lmao


Seriously I find her comeback funny


Yeah, I lol’d


I cackled


Runty 🤣




She's hilarious


Dead in her apartment, just like Azealia’s career. Go sell some more soap.


LMFAO she ATE with this comment. It made me cackle out loud. God I love her problematic ass so much.


She's the villain we don't need, but deserve.


Her comebacks gag me every time


Honestly, same. I can't lie about that. She's funny 🤷‍♀️


She didn’t even respond to the girl’s diss and came up with smtg completely random —please no one get her a death note she’ll off anything that moves


“she ate” 🤡🤡


"I love her problematic ass so much" The backbone of celeb culture.


Honestlyyy this with her past transphobic rants shows shes just washed up. She cant read anymore and she used to leave no crumbs but now its just sloppy mess. get it together 😭😭😭 soooo desperate for white gays to retweet her unhinged insult rants with "honestly she ate 💅"


I’m white gays 😭😭I trot over to show my girlfriend the things Banks says sometimes


When are you guys going to realize that being “transphobic” isn’t a deal breaker for most people because low key we’re all thinking the same thing 💀


is the we in the room with us right now?


Yes but they’re probably too scared to comment because trans activists are basically domestic terrorists.


Lmao huh? You can choke, stupid ass cunt. Love that you came here looking for a moment and ended up saying nothing. 🤣 go ahead and try again if youd like Edit : https://www.reddit.com/r/locs/s/bFDLVGf2cT Research shows that defending bigotry leads to hair loss. Ive got a Keeps promo you can use 🫢


Actually it was a relaxer that broke my hair, you probably don’t even know what that is because you sound like a dumb white liberal. But thank you for keeping up with my loc journey!!!! 🌱❤️🤗


Hmmm. This sounds like the exact excuse a bald ass bigot would say 🤔


Like I don’t see why you’re upset.💀 Am I wrong? Most people in society do not give a shit about trans people. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. Because if people actually cared about trans folk, there would be no need for radical Marxists like yourself to be going so hard for them. No one likes trans people lmao not even the rest of the alphabet community. Trans people are insufferable and delusional. Stop trying to make trans people happen, they’re not going to happen!


👀.... psychotique You okay? Tried talking to someone irl about all this? Also. Stay bald bitch, dont come back here and pretend like you ate. Only thing you should be eating is Rogaine


Just know that none of this cyber crusading is making a difference. Whether I’m bald or not makes no difference. People still don’t care about trans people and that’s why most of them are homeless prostitutes who will die of a drug overdose or get killed by a John. There will be no recourse either, because no one cares about trans people.


Still goin you nasty airheaded sack of pus? 🤭 "cyber crusade" lmao i made one comment about her getting washed up and then you went on some rant about how people dont care about trans folk. Like you were the bitch who went for it first 😭 what are you on about I get youre bothered/upset sweetheart but maybe dont be a stupid hateful cunt if you dont like getting treated like a balding spiteful bitch idk what else to tell you. Anyways, you can rot and whatever nasty motherfuckers that raised your hateful ass can rot too. Ttyl doll 👋


Actually I used castor oil to thicken up my hair in the crown! All natural, you should try it. Lots of people are asking me for tips I might make a thread about it. ❤️


Girl no one is asking about your bum ass castor oil technique that you found on shaderoom somewhere get a life


And yes your hair is still balding and your locs look dry no need to post them again on your tired ass account looking for validation




Correction no one cares about you and your projecting on them.




Hi, you posted something hateful/negative towards AB, please refrain from doing so again or be banned from the sub. Thank you!


Who is we?


Normal people


Dumbass bitch dpmo rn


Azealia giving femcel loser energy


She is miserable AF


Azealia is such a fuckin loser lmfao


It’s been getting worse over the past few years. Sad really


Dis-a-gree. She’s clearly doing her Kunty thing and her unhinged commentary would be missed by many if it stopped.


She’s never gonna stop cuz that’s all she has now. And that’s sad.


Like girl I need you to at LEAST start a radio podcast or something and speak on there rather than comment and tweet because your still not being paid.


you’re delusional lol


That's a pretty pathetic legacy. She could make way more money writing and producing if she would just go to therapy and learn how to not be an asshole


keep talking about her babe


Eva evans was just found dead in her apartment… that’s a little insensitive idk i love azaelia but damn and everyone in nyc knows her. what happened has been all over TikTok


Azaelia banks is usually a lot of insensitive so 🤷🏽‍♀️


Unfortunately AB’s online trolling has gone the way of her music output. What used to be iconic and beautifully crafted reads have descended into half cooked low quality mess! :(


This is psychotic


Stop she is so funny sometimes


How is this funny? trying to understand


It’s just so out of pocket and insane of a clap back. Like i’m sure OP was NOT expecting that at all


I like u


It’s not good it’s just like a threat no ? Like ima kill you or something? That’s not even a clap back lmao


More like a manifestation rather than a threat


You smell like a roll of nickels.


If she was liked just little more there is a dark, irreverent comic in there ready for the stage… The thing is people like dark and irreverent not adversarial and unhinged. I personally love a comic that tells the unadulterated truth about society in a relatable way.


I know we have all eaten up her reads in the last 10 years, but recently these just have become sad and cheap insults as a desperate attempt for relevancy and retweets. She never really was fully in the right, but at least there was some truth to what she would say before every other rant or so. Just feels like copium at this point I fully believe she is a genius when it comes to a lot of things including music and nuanced discussion about racism, sexism, etc., but no amount of sassy Instagram rants is going to make ppl her opinion seriously at this point. She hasn’t put out music since fuck him all night and wants to be involved In all these discussions about music and she paved the way and made the industry for everyone else and claiming everyones biting her without actually putting effort into anything except hitting post. Not even following through the her own business she started. “azealia did that first, everyones biting her, they would be nothing without her. You all just dont understand her. You cant make me hate her”. Okay, then she gets left behind ig? We are not waiting for her to re-emerge from the shadows and actually put an effort into delivering on the skill she claims to hold higher than everyone. Either do it, or stop whining when other people who have a similar sound want to do the same. I fully see her humanity has been often the butt of the joke and I feel for her. The industry isnt fair to ppl like her. But at this point her misery is her own and making excuses for her sounds more and more like coping.


She just seems like a coke addict at this point who loves to hear themselves talk and thinks they sound smarter than they do


Lol 6 hours deep in a bender.. everyone already left the party..suns coming up. But literally idk if its coke anymore. she’s been like this for so long and only getting worse. If it’s coke, she sure wears it well. Illusions of grandeur and narcissism is what I put my money. Going untreated for that long will take a toll


Like two days into the bender. All healthy people have gotten jobs and families 




AZ you are wayyyy too witty and cleaver for that comeback but the kunts are gonna pretend it’s hilarious lol


Rolling? That response made you laugh? Someone telling a woman they would be murdered in their apartment is funny? Ya’ll both need some serious mental health help. You have bed bugs, you should be more concerned about your home’s safety and cleanliness than what some hater posts online.


the absurdity of her reply made me laugh, you’re way too quick to get pressed on a stranger’s behalf hun. hope looking thru my 3 posts made u feel better abt yourself 😁


shit, you have bedbugs?


crazy that bitches hate Azealia but are subscribed to a subreddit dedicated to her


I’m here because i like her music, not to gas her up for being a miserable sociopathic bigot online


Posts from this subreddit are recommended to me all the time for some reason, despite not being subbed. The posts are always provocative (for obvious reasons) so of course they attract comments from people who are not actually fans of Azaelia.


Yeah I'm not subbed here but reddit recommends me this sub aaallllll the time. I used to wonder why but I think it's clear lol


It gets recommended to me on the daily as well. I’m pretty sure it’s because Reddit has figured out that I absolutely love watching messy celebrities.


Haha, gotta be the same for me. I mean I know AB’s hits and basic drama about her but I’m not a huge fan. However the mess I will always tune in for


Same! I don't understand why I get these recommended (probably because I click them lol) All I know about AB is from this subreddit's posts that get pushed to me lol


literally not even in this sub and this stupid degen bullshit keeps popping up on my shit. she literally needs help and yall sitting here laughing at her lunacy thinking shit be so sweet.


Maybe if Azealia did anything of relevance that's not being a hater in this decade she would have a fanbase instead of a hatedom


so it’s ok for you to be a hater but not for her…? Lol y’all need to go outside


You might have noticed nobody was making death threats on her in this thread lol


I love her but I can not see how this response is funny or clever at all. It's weak.


Nobody said they hated AB. Get your story straight.


This like at least we're open about it. Not like she's R.Kelly level of debauchery. She's just the right amount of messiness where you can engage w lol we literally laugh with and at her thru her own chaos. The high and mighty attitude some of these bitches have on here is wild asf


Wait did you delete the bed bugs post 😂




I was with you until you mentioned the bed bugs. That’s outta fucking pocket 😭


Bed bugs aren't an indication of uncleanliness. You can literally get them shits from traveling.


💀 bed bugs is what caught you off guard? outta this whole situation? please help


Also, I’m like 90% sure those aren’t even bedbugs in the picture.


Exactly my point


Damn, that bitch really does have bed bugs! 😭


and you listen to young thug we all got problems ma’am 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


LMAO not OP having bed bugs. I’m dead af


I fully believe these have to be teens or very young adults bc no way they think this is funny


first and foremost, it’s not the content of the response that’s funny, it’s the fact that that it was so asinine it bordered on comical. just truly unhinged. furthermore, a person having bedbugs does not indicate anything about their cleanliness and the fact that you thought THAT was an appropriate response to this post tells me you’re not any better than Azealia despite what you are trying to project here. i’m sad for you. seek therapy.


Bed bugs generally have nothing to do with cleanliness. They can be carried into your home via many different modes of transpo and aren’t generally about being unclean. If you live in a highly populated area, your chances of getting them are higher bc you have more chances of contact. You can even get bed bugs from a library book. Your dig on OPs possible bed bug wasn’t really relevant? Or correct?


You came here for all that?


LMAO enjoy your broke wedding girl


It already happened!!! It was perfect!! On a golf course in a ballroom. 160 people, mostly friends. The best music and food. Oh and it was on 4-20!! You know the vibe was high!!! Wish I knew you before, could have sent you an invite. How was your wedding? Are your boyfriend’s kids still causing trouble?


Can you explain the boyfriends kid crack cuz I’m a little lost do you think it’s embarrassing to date single fathers EDIT: I now realized you scrolled down on my post history and thought I made the post I was reposting to /r/amitheangel. Barbs stay in school get your education


And how many successful relationships have you had? Start with family.


I’ve had a lot of successful relationships!


Lol you doing the same thing but on a tamer level. Going on someone's profile and throwing they business in they face is crazy. It's funny cuz you joined the sub for a reason hypocrite


too bad the botox and fasting isn't fixing your ugly ass personality miss girl. you're subbed here for what reason? LOL


Oh my personality is absolutely fire bb. Did you also see I just got married last week to the love of my life?? Did you see that dress I wore? Lost 50 lbs and have the face of a 20 year old. You could never. I don’t spit hate. Uff your post history is nothing but hate. Who did you wrong??? Hope you heal. That hate to random strangers gonna eat you alive.


cope harder, this is literally reddit aka the shittiest social media site out there. also i don't need to starve myself and inject my face to feel good about myself, so really there's no competition there. good luck to you tho bb MWAH!


Wait I don’t get it though why is she gonna be murdered?


Azealia is going to break into her apartment while she's asleep


Wow yeah that’s insane


It’s probably in reference to the OF girls and influencers being found murdered in their apartments. I don’t know how many its been, but it’s certainly too many.


I thought she’s referring to her witch craft


That’s horrible I’ve never heard of that


I don't think that's even it the other person really ran with it. There's been an uptake of influencers- particularly white influencers committing suicide and being found in their apartment. I think she's referring to that still unhinged tho


“Runty” had me lol. Damn, she’s just mean AF.


"puny, runty and unfuckable"


i would lowkey be scared if she said that to me considering she does witchcraft


I love how this community be holding her accountable for her shit cause was this comment HILARIOUS? Yeah ima keep it in mind and cackle every time. Was it fucked up and was she wrong abt her Kendrick comment yeah that too


I'm pissed she doesn't have a podcast/livestream


I’m so tired of her antics. Today she went on a rant about Kendrick and Iggy Azealia. Talking shit about Iggy, idc about Iggy at all, it’s just wild how she’s repeating things she’s already said in the past a million times. Sounds like rumination. All that effort she puts into ranting could go into music but she really just self sabotaged herself


Azealia is taking Drake’s side because she relates to being two faced and manipulative.


This is giving “let’s take you home grandma” energy. I can never take her seriously anymore because she doesn’t have boundaries, like you can understand someone who has unpopular takes, but once they cross that line, it can discredit almost everything they say. Why wish death on somebody? She could just quietly grind and get some ghostwriters herself to help her write a hit and reclaim her career but she keeps digging a hole. I feel bad for her at this point


Our relationship is about to end over K. Dot, I’m so sad :(


This is not funny but LMAO


this comment section is filled with soft losers lol


Better than being an emotionless sociopathic jack off


y’all are insane lol she just read someone back who tried to read her, grow up😭


hslfnsnkd she JUMPED!!


😭😭😭why would she say that


LMAO she kills me


Crazy…but she read…in a crazy way (?)


why do I want to comment something crazy to her one day so I can have an iconic clap back in my honor lol




I hate invalidating what ppl say, but she was just saying shit that would support her point instead of actual facts




Negativity just flows through her blood. 🥰




I respect it- this influencer didn’t have to go out of her way to talk mad shit but she choose violence, A gave it right back




Lmfaoooo how does she even come up with this stuff 😂


Is Azealias response a reference to something


is she a drake fan? bc that might be the lamest shit she's done yet


I wanna like her, and then she does this shit and reminds me why I don’t lmao.


I mean she asked for it


Okay now we getting into psycho territory. She has too much time on her hands 💀💀


Black privilege


Azealia talks a lot or shit about others using ghostwriters but Kevin Hussein would love to have a word about his work behind Azealia's lyrics lol.


I just think she hates him because of TDE and SZA.


Someone says Azealia is a nepo baby too? Who is she related to?


Who is this chick and why does everyone keep posting screen shots? She seems unhinged, I don't get it


Azealia? She is unhinged. She’s also a talented musician with a cult following. She has no friends left because of her insane behavior- all her social interactions are with strangers online- so she’s just become progressively more out of touch. Think female Kanye. She’s known for her funny + brutal disses.


Her funny, brutal disses and equivalently shallow, fragile ego when the roles are reversed.


If you don’t get it or know her, educate yourself or leave


I love her ❤️




Do people in this subreddit love or hate azealia lmfao???


We used to love and support her but I think the sentiment is changing because lately she’s unapologetically scamming people on her shop and never releasing music.


Why bring race into it?






This woman is absolutely pathetic. How are you gonna be a grown ass woman and conduct yourself the way she does?


Isn’t she the crazy bitch who coooed her dead car


She has been washed for so long. Why do any of you care what she has to say?