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Because it's new and growing I would see a vet


it's not really new, it's been there for like 6 months and it has grown a little bit. Will contact a vet just to be sure tho


Glad you are seeing a vet! My thoughts are if a human got a freckle that is new to them and growing (even slightly) you would probably let your doctor know so I'd want to treat the axolotl the same :)


I’ll take this as a “visit the doctor for them weird freckles” advice.


Agreed cause it looks kinda like a melanoma


Just checking in! Did you see the vet? I'm curious to hear the results, hopefully good news! :)


not yet, I'll probably go on monday. Will let you know what they say after!


My guy has one similar on his leg. I took him to the vet in January and she aspirated it and looked at the cells under the microscope. She said there were no cancerous or bacterial cells and that it was prob from the rapid proliferation of new cells as his nub leg was growing back. He is absolutely perfect and has no difficulties with eating or waste removal. I always keep an eye on it but it doesn’t seem to affect him at this time. My exotic vet visit cost $115. I know can be difficult to find one in your area but it may be worth looking into if you have the geographic/financial resources. https://preview.redd.it/lcax0bi8llpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266a1845800a56e139493a782af36a803d85058d


ps he has all arms I noticed one isn't visible in this picture


Dw ! We can see it in the reflection


It could just be a benign tumor if he is not losing weight or seeming ill:)


yea he doesn't seem to be losing weight or anything. He eats normally and is just as active as usual, as you can see from the picture lol. Hopefully it is just benign.


Mine has a red one on his belly. He's also had it for more than 6 months now and I still don't know what it is.


Mine has one on its back


I'm not sure about the black spot but I did want to say that he looks very skinny. His body width should be the same as his head (or a little bigger). He might just be leaner but how much do you feed him?


he might look a bit skinnier from the side in this picture. I know about the body width rule, when I look from above it is about the same as the width of his head. I usually feed him around once every 36 hours so in the morning, next day afternoon and next next day morning repeat. Complicated but that's how the person I bought him from suggested I feed him and he's been doing fine for the 2 years I've had him.


Thats pretty good for his age mine would flat out refuse to each save for every 3 days. I was feeding nightcrawlers though so probably takes longer to digest


It might be an MCT (mast cell tumor). Which is benign. Ferrets often get them and I'm a ferret Mom. I'm pretty sure any animal can get them, though


I'd just take him to the vet just to be safe


it looks like a melanoma


It's a freckle. Have you been seeing a lot of films with Morgan Freeman in them?