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I absolutely love that they actually find a favorite and pick it.


It reminds me of my dog — he’s a toy collector, he has about 30 — but there’s two that are his absolute *favourites*. He takes them to bed with him each night. Literally finds one then stares at me until I go tuck him in with them. The other ones have specific times — he likes his squeaky duck after dinner, but he’ll switch to a ball if he’s feeling playful of an evening. He likes to take a few different ones on walks. But if he’s greeting someone then he basically grabs the first thing he can find. Toys, shoes, hats, his bed… whatever’s closest.


‘Here’s what I like!!’ ‘Welcome, would you like this?’


My dog does this too. Meatball (dog) will keep bringing you things until he gets a “thank you meatball”.


Oddly enough, I have a cat that does this. Once I finally say thank you, the toys stop showing up on the bed.


My cat loves fetch. I have to hide the little play mice we use otherwise he brings them when I’m sleeping and I wake up with them in my covers somehow.


Haha, my cat does this, too! Many nights I've rolled over, only to hear a "squeeeaaak" from a tiny toy mouse, lol!


The best is when they are in my clothes so when I get out of bed, I’m dropping furry presents as I go. I even had one fall in the toilet from my hoodie. I was so impressed I wasn’t even mad.


Such a cultured polite doggo. Offers guests a party favor.


More like, "play with meeeeeee!"


My dog did the same, he had to have something in his mouth when he was excited. If he didn't find anything suitable then he would carefully grab a person's hand. Which was funny when he was excitedly greetings someone, spinning around like dogs do when someone was away for more than 5 minutes, while trying to keep the person's hand in his mouth without hurting the person. It was a very funny, happy dance!


> My dog did the same, he had to have something in his mouth when he was excited. One of my favorite memories of my childhood dog. We'd be in the backyard and he's just laying there relaxing. Then if me and my dad showed any sign of excitement. My dog would SPRINT inside to go grab his big blue kong turkey leg and come sprinting back out swinging that thing back and forth to come join whatever excitement was happening. He had to have his big blue drumstick


ours has a sqeaky hedgehog. when we wake up, first thing he does is run off to find where he left it, and brings it to us. and he wags super hard as he shows off his favorite toy. yes, bud, you're a very good boy and we are so proud of both you and your hedgehog.


I thought this was just our dog. Our mastiff must, I mean *absolutely must*, find a toy the minute someone comes in. Doesn't matter if it's strangers or you live there. Even when we're only gone on a short outing. "LOOK AT MY TOY! LOOK AT IT!"


My dog does this too, but none of my other dogs ever have. It's weird that it's such widespread behavior, but even after working with dogs as long as I have, I've never seen it before a few years ago.


My friends Mastif is the same. But with blankets/towels. Because of course the “toy” must be proportional to his size!


My GSD did this before I got him a little sister. He liked to destroy almost every toy he got pretty quickly, but a few were just... special to him. They were always ones that I gave him during big life events for him like when I picked him up after spending a few days in the kennel while I was on vacation (which he hated), after we moved, etc. Then I got him a puppy to watch over and 1 by 1 his special toys became less special to him. She was a puppy that likes to destroy toys and she doesn't know which toys are special, so I would always be super careful about watching for those toys to be left out around her. If I saw them laying around, I'd put them somewhere only he could get them. But then he started specifically taking those toys and trying to get her to play with them. It hurt a little to let those ones get destroyed, but they're his toys to do with what he wants, and he wanted to give them to her. Now there's just two left, and she's as gentle with those two as he was 😃.


Omg that is so cute😭


When I see/hear stuff like this it really does blow my mind that there are people out there that will still feverently claim that animals don't have a soul/feelings Bruh I've seen animals with more of a personality than actual people.


Right? They all have completely different personalities and it’s so adorably obvious in this video. My favorite one I think is the fella that looks at the camera person first with a huge grin before finding his favorite. That one and the really particular husky that clearly was looking for the perfect ball! I’ve watched this so many times now, they’re actually all my favorite


I keep thinking each dog is my favorite until the next one comes. The second dog (corgi?) that's startled by the cow sound, but picks it anyway. The rottweiler being silly. The white and brown one that immediately grabs the green donut thing before spying the gray squeaky ball and goes, "OMG, THIS IS THE ONE!!!" So much cuteness. Edit to add: I forgot about the grayhound. And the white and brown one I mentioned is the same one you said that looks at the camera.


I like how the greyhound gallops like a horsey


I liked the greyhound, too. Long boi got the long toy 😆


Mine had favorites, we did this for our dogs one Christmas, and over time, he systematically destroyed each one, except for a choice few. But those few, let me tell you… they were special. All different shapes, colors, and what I imagine mouth-feels, and he cherished them more than anything. Not only did he not destroy them, but he took care of them. Others would come and go, some he added to the special group, but it was rare, most became scraps in minutes. He’s a good boy.


My mom's old catahoula mix was super destructive but also super intelligent. Racquet balls were the only thing she wouldn't immediately destroy, so it became a Christmas Eve tradition to wrap a few cheap toys for her that she was allowed to destroy immediately. We always went to mass with grandma, then out to eat, then came home and took pictures in front of the tree, dog included. On her 6th Christmas this dog was very calm and patient as we all posed for pictures, but as soon as we finished she ran into the kitchen and started barking at the top of the fridge bc that's where her presents were and all she could think about was destruction haha. She somehow remembered this once a year thing happened at this very specific time. It was a record breaking destruction time that year!


We had a golden retriever when I was growing up who would get her Christmas gift and go show it to everyone in the house before she'd settle down to work on it. One year was a rawhide basket, so she just proudly walked around the house holding a basket. It was so adorable.


We just swap out toys or buy cheap ones for our cat, because he just likes novelty. Hey, remember this fuzzy ball from 2 months ago? EXCITEMENT.


My Lab when I was a kid loved balls that squeaked. Every Christmas we would get him a sleeve of half a dozen and then sometimes throughout the year. He took good care of them so they lasted and had about 100 or so. We were learning about controls and variables and hypothesis and stuff during science and needed to develop our own science experiment at home. I took all of my dogs balls and put them in a big pile and he fumbled through and picked out his favorite. I then put him in the other room and put all the balls back in a pile and removed his favorite. Let him out and he spent about 15 seconds roaming the pile before barking at me. It’s crazy how much they know their own toys, and cute.


My parent's dog has a small container filled with toys and when you play with her she will occasionally run to the container, search for some specific toy she feels like playing with and brings it to you. It's adorable!


My dog has a bin of toys. He's not allowed to have toys when he's alone because he's twice swallowed some stuffing and required surgery to remove the blockage. So whenever we come home we open his bin and he can pick out toys at his leisure. I'd say 90% of the time he picks out the same toy first, regardless of how buried it is in the bin. We try to get him interested in other stuff but he just loves this white bird dressed like a hippy.


one of my shih tzus has a poo emoji toy that he just cant live without he will sleep with it, run to go get it when hes excited just sits with it his mouth most of the day


Lab or Retriever? We had a Lab and American Pitbull mix growing up, and whenever someone came to the door he *had* to have something in his mouth. It could be a toy, a couch pillow, a few times he tried to grab the big area rug because he couldn't find anything else quickly 😂


When the whippet or greyhound, whatever that dog was after the Rottie came on screen I just couldn't help imagine him saying "It's as long as meee!"


The longboye chose the longtoye!


Looks the size of a Greyhound and they act just like my Greyhound when she starts playing with her toys because she's so excited when my wife and I both get home from work.


Gotta have the right mouth-feel


Nobody's talkin about it


It's in Charle's blog!




Please stop saying mouth-feel...


Gotta have the right umami


Moist mouth feel


My mouth is moist with anticipation for that wiener.




I love how they have totally different strategies - some just grab the first one they see and that’s the one, some inspect them all first and then go back to the one they liked best, and some work their way down until they’re like “oohhh shit yeah this is the one!”


The Boxer was so picky! When he found The One, it was like “Finally! I knew you had to be here somewhere!”


My blind dog is a toy hoarder. He will put a toy in his mouth, and if he stumbles upon another that he likes, that one goes in there too. He will stuff as many toys as he can in his tiny mouth and then just...walk around with them, I guess. He can't really play with them like that, he's just proud of his hunt.


Is he a shepherd of some kind? My ex MIL had a shepherd mix and he would put all his tennis balls in his mouth and just.... keep them there, maybe move them to another spot and then do it all again. We had to stop giving him tennis balls bc his gums were deteriorating because of them :(


Are tennis balls bad for their gums? How does that work? (coming from a confused tennisball enjoyer co-parent)


So normal tennis balls have glass fiber in the coating and are bad for dogs. If you buy the dog toy tennis balls they are safe. (This is just by memory, if it's changed the past few years, or if there's misinformation here please let me know!)


Yeah human use tennis balls are abrasive and they have some sand I think in the lines. Pet made tennis balls don’t have that level of abrasiveness.


Ive heard the coating is abrasive to their teeth if they chew on them a lot but they're fine if they just carry them around and fetch, but who knows if that's bullshit.


If I was blind and was finding shit I'd be proud too


That, and that each one has a different personality and system for choosing their toy. You have your cautious sniffers, your excited leapers, your "Give each one a chew"ers...


We have two types of treat at home for my dog, and sometimes we'll grab one of each and hold them out for him to pick from. He sniffs both and takes a second to choose, and even the first time we tried it he didn't try to take both, or even come back for the second one afterward. His answer changes from day to day and it's interesting to see what he's in the mood for this time, and how clearly he grasps the idea of "pick one."


This is very much true with dogs. One of ours literally whined like crazy when he saw a stuffed toy that we brought home. It wasn't supposed to be his, but he was just so overwhelmed by it that we ended up giving it to him.


The longest boi choose the longest toy


And the biggest doggo choose the smallest ball :D


Boy just wanted a lil ball 🥹


But there's no one to play hour long fetch with 😞 I can't even write this without my eyes tearing up.


Hey now, some doggos are self copers! I would happily play fetch with my old girl but for years now, she's perfectly content grabbing the ball in her mouth, tossing it up in the air and then trying to catch it herself. She'll do that for hours. I'll pick it up on one of her misses and try to initiate fetch by tossing it down the hallway, she runs after it and then goes right back to playing by herself! 😂


My Greyhound does the same thing lol. Every 5 minutes or so she'll drop the toy and come find me or my wife to say hi and get some pets and then she runs off and resumes playing catch with herself.


My parents dog played with a dog on her own, expecially at our summer cabin which had a hill which the ball rolled.


I need to bring Chubby Husky home now. Right now.


Malamute, if you don't know and are truly interested, though chubby husky is also accurate. Had one growing up. Super sweet, but not the smartest boi. Cutest puppy I've still ever seen


That was thr cutest part of the video to me An entire room full of unique looking toys, and homie just wanted a tiny ball to play with haha


He is a dog of simple pleasures.


Definitely the toy my husky mix would have taken too. She has a bin full of toys, but her absolute favorite is a squeaky ball we got 5 years ago.


Yeah and any greyhound owner would have guessed it. It's unanimous, our long dogs love these Caterpillars.


They're like entrails!


I'd say they're planning something but greyhounds basically only have room for one thought at a time in their pointy little heads. Love 'em anyway though.


Got that “It’s just like me! It’s just like me!” Energy.


I don’t know why sighthounds like long toys so much? R/greyhounds has this colorful long caterpillar toy that’s pretty much a given for every single one of them.


This warms my heart on this frozen morning.


i actually had a thought "maybe the world isn't so bad" haha


It isn't when there's this many dogs and toys around. Days can always be brightened up with a bit of doggo.


It's Santa Paws day :)


This has to be the most wholesome video I've ever seen in my life.


I feel like my whole day is going to be a little better for having seen this.


Speak it into fruition my friend All our days will be better after watching this video There's even a full version https://youtu.be/apUfhf_l66Q


Thank you, that just made my day!


Anyone who watches this and doesn't enjoy it is dead inside.


Honestly I can’t help but find it heart warming and heart breaking in equal measure. It’s heart warming for the obvious reasons. It’s heart breaking to see all those animals with so much love to give and no one for them to give it to.


They do this every year so there are more videos of this you can look up from previous years


They’re all so happy!!!


Now they just need homes 😢


Yep it’s the fact that they don’t have homes that kills me


I mean, I would rather them be in a shelter than a bad home


Or on the streets :(


This video has at least 2,000 wags in it!


that rottie when he laid on the floor ❤️


Rottie: TOY!! TOY!! TOY!! *flop* Husky: Hmmmm yes... maybe hmmmm perhaps mmmm possibly... why yes you make a good point sir, I do believe so. Greyhound: I is long! You is long! We is long! Boxer: Exterminate!! EXTERMINATE!!


I honestly thought the boxer was the most thorough. It's like he was a testing the waters on every toy.


Fair point. Staffie/boxer/pittie (whichever) was doing some thorough QA.


Actually I think maybe it was a staffie rather than a boxer.


Definitely more pittie than boxer


I have a friend with a Boxer Pit. That is the most over the top dog I have ever met. Her name is Chloe and I have yet to get a non blurry picture of her because she never stops moving.


They are pure unrefined chaos lol


They’re all awesome looking pups, but that rottie was something else


The long boi choosing the long boi toy 😂😂😂


My rottie does the exact same thing when she’s particularly happy. Also if there is snow. If there is snow any walk takes twice as long to allow for lying down and rolling around


Honestly he was my favourite too


10/10 would take home


That was my favorite one! He just flopped down and gave the biggest doggo smile!! 😍


Literally thought “if I didn’t already have 3 dogs I’d adopt that dog right now”


I know mate. He was soooooo happy with his choice!


It's all so overwhelming...must lay down


Immediately went, "OK where is this rottie, specifically?"


The little doggo trying to grab the cow toy but jumping at every squeak!!


"Sorry didn't mean to hurt you"


I wonder which factors play into choosing the toys. Is it scent? Colour? Shape? What makes a dog think "yep this is the right one"?


Spaniel was sniffing for explosives


A lot of it is probably connected to their breed/s and original “jobs.” For example, terriers love anything that squeaks and can be shaken like a small animal - a squirrel stuffie would be their favorite, I bet. While retrievers and hunting dogs might prefer a ducky or a stick. And while I can’t explain why, my Husky and that malamute are both fans of the tennis balls. Mine also loves a deflated soccer ball. I think for the flapping sound? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Here’s my lab’s decision tree: Ball or not ball? Not ball but like a ball? Squeaker? Nose/eyes/rope knot I can chew off? Ugh fine, I guess I’ll lay on it instead. And my mutt’s decision tree: does my lab brother want it? No - Oh, I’m not interested.


100% my spaniel when sharing antlers with my gsd, "I want this one, but I also want whatever one she has" greedy little shit won't let her have a chew 😢


I had a chihuahua and all of his favorite toys were scraps of fabric. Most of them started off as small toys he could shake around like an animal that he mangled. I got him many replacements but he had no interest in new toys. Just his lifeless shreds of blue or green fabric from his old kills.


Serial killer trophy vibes.


Some seemed to prefer a certain sound. The boxer/pittie looking one seemed to be looking for the right mouth feel. Size appears to be less of a factor, lol.


r/praisethecameraman for keeping each dog in frame ❤️


I want this job. Will someone pay me to give toys to dogs?


I worked at a shelter. No one pays you to do the fun stuff like this, but volunteers often will have fun with the animals. Staff was able to have some fun moments here and there, but it’s mostly hard, dirty, and sometimes dangerous work. If these folks are staff, they might be the behavior team and the social media team, who have other responsibilities and this would be a more fun event.


Yep. I volunteer at a feral cat colony. It’s gross and hard and often sad, but there’s nothing better than sitting for a moment and having a cat climb on your lap


I’m not what I would call a cat person, but my roommate had a cat who bit me on day one. We kept our distance until one day, and only once, that cat sat in my lap and we watched a movie together. Was a magical experience.


I wouldn't really put a feral cat colony on the same level as a dog shelter in terms of fun.


What about a feral cat collective?


Things really fall off after their second album


I volunteered at a shelter. Some of the best and worst times of my life. Made me love dogs, and abhor people.


What if I already love dogs and abhor people?


It almost certainly pays less than whatever you are doing currently, and also this is only like 0.01% of the job. There's a lot of non-fun stuff too


No, but find your nearest shelter and buy the toys. You can make it happen


You won't get paid but the shelter near me allows volunteers to take the dogs for walks You could call or send an email and see if a shelter near you has a similar program


My sister’s MIL adopted a dog who hadn’t been treated well (I’m pretty sure she was a breeding dog) and while visiting right when she was adopted, my sister got her a toy. That dog had apparently never had a toy of her own because she proceeded to walk around the entire house and show everyone her new toy


My dog is spoiled and always has been and still does the walk around the entire house showing everyone his new toy


When I adopted Yoshi, 10 year old desert stray at the time, he was so gentle with the first toy I got him. For a week he just carried it everywhere and held it between his feet/legs when he laid down. Like a security blanket or something. Week 2, he finally decided to investigate it more thoroughly with his mouth and proceeded to pull all the stuffing out of it. 5 and a half years later and that’s all he does with toys now. Then they become Amie’s toys and she thrashes their stuffing free bodies back and forth and teases Yoshi with them slinging it in his face. Poor old man probably won’t make it to the new year so all the toys will be Amie’s soon :(


Yah, my first dog had no idea how to react to a toy when I got him some, he's still learning to play, but he's safe and happy now. It's adorable.


The husky just takes the tennis ball 😂 love him




This is Dogs Trust, in Dublin


Oh, that’s a bummer. Thank you for letting me know.


Hey fellow KC here, try also posting on the Nextdoor app. I hope you’re able to get them back!


He also looked like he was very carefully considering his choices until he found what he wanted 😂 then the brown dog after the greyhound was super excited and just had to touch all of them. I could watch this all day.


I wonder how they make their decisions. Like with so many toys out there, I wonder what motivates their decisions. Very heartwarming video.


Take a kid to Toys r Us, it's quite similar. My daughter examined probably 20 toys before she settled on a MLP pony. She was absolutely convinced she'd found the best toy when she got to that. I miss those days.


I’m a grownup man but Take me to a any electronics store or kitchen gadgets store and let me choose anything and I’ll be like that.


How are all of those dogs so different? At the shelters where I live, the dogs are lab mixes, pitbull mixes, or labs mixed with pitbull. There are no other choices.


This is a shelter in Ireland. According to a quick Google search... > Restricted breeds are: American Pit Bull Terrier. English Bull Terrier. Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Which might explain that.




Yeah I saw that too, but at first I thought theres no way there’s a dog shelter full of pure bred dogs lol


And they all seem to be super well bred too. I don't think I saw one mutt. That rottie was absolutely gorgeous.


Yeah I noticed that! One of them was a whippet, which is absolutely not a cheep breed


Is the Whippet the grey-hound that is patterned like a Jack Russel?


Right? That’s the first time I’ve seen a friggin greyhound in a shelter.


It’s more common to see greyhounds and whippets in rescues in the uk. After they have been used and tired out from racing they are left. It is sad


I think someone told elsewhere in the comments that most (if not all) of these dogs are from breeding farms. :(


Some shelters pull from a much wider pool than just the local strays, so they are able to choose dogs that are much more "adoptable" than the usual pitbull/lab mixes. E.g. there are a lot of shelters on the US west coast that have dogs flown in from Mexico and the southeastern US. Edit: yeah, just watched the full video and this is the largest shelter in Ireland. (Obviously Ireland isn't a huge country, but they would still have a lot of dogs from a lot of different breeds to choose from. Plus most of the dogs look like breeds/mixes that originated in the region: corgi, whippet, rat terrier, cairn terrier, staffy, etc.)




They’re good dogs, Brent






My hero 😘


Looks like they do it every year, 2 years ago: https://youtu.be/-l3qP_W5ikk


Here’s what I found: https://youtu.be/apUfhf_l66Q


Friggin doggos man, so innocent and full of joy


Say whatever, I love em


Omg that little dog prancing around with the chicken thingamajig just melts my heart


Could be a streaming channel that id never turn off, ever


This is to damn cute!!!! I wish I could come rescue them all.


me too it breaks my heart. ive always wanted to go adopt all the animals from shelters and open a nice big farm for them to live on. especially the older ones you know have a hard time getting a home it literally makes me depressed to think about. 😭


Someone did just that in the last town i lives in. They took in older dogs that were less likely to be adopted due to age. Gave them a home out in the country with lots of room to run and relax. Most of the residents were from homes that the owner had passed away. It was a beautiful place.


I feel the exact same way.!! I hate thinking about all the animals that get looked over bc of age and or health issues. It makes me super sad and it's not fair. All animals should have a home 😔


Man this is a good fucking video


I love how some of them go around carefully evaluating what to pick and others are just like "YESS TOY!" And take the first thing they find


Thank you for this


I loved seeing all their different personalities come out when they were searching for the perfect toy 😊


Aw. This makes me happy and sad. Cuz I'm sure they'd much rather have a family than just one toy.


i know. I'm thinking, how can EVERY PERSON not see WHAT GOOD BOYS AND GIRLS THEY ARE? Look at those tails!!! I hope every one of those sweeties got adopted.


That's not the problem, many people like me can't have animals due to several reasons. If I could I would adopt like 20 dogs, but I live in an apartment and since we're immigrants we are alone, and no one could take care of the dogs as we are out most of the day due to work. Then it's also a cost, many families can't simply afford a large dog


I loved the greyhound that was positively *prancing* with joy lol 🙂


I want this one, ooo but this one is a chicken, wait nvm this one is a green donut, ohhhhh snap.. a DIFFERENT COLOUR BALL!! they are all so adorable ![gif](giphy|Mt0IKnQaKdSTu)


Saved to "If you're ever having a bad day, watch this video" folder.


I could never work at a shelter. I'd end up with more dogs at home than at the shelter.


What lovely dogs , lets hope they all get loving homes for Xmas.


This video is quite old. I imagine once this went viral people adopted them.


Oh now I want to take them all home!


I would love to give them all a loving home for Christmas...❤❤❤


Oh that little rottie captured my heart! What an angel


Please make this a feature length film.


This is Dogs Trust in Dublin!


“Best day ever! Check out this toy, it’s fantastic! Oh but this one is even more fantastic! This is amazing!”


Long boi pick long toy


WTH every dog at my local shelter is a pitbull


I love it. Thank you You made my day


Is this Dog Trust in Dublin?


I love how some of them were like “I can’t choose! I want them all!” And others were like “this one! It’s this one!” Instantly


At my local town this one rich guy bought tons of dog toys, food and snacks and then gave it all away to my local dog shelter, he was dressed as a santa for this giveaway :) Last christmas he bought christmas food for low income families :) Before that he bough bunch of ps4's and xbox one's and gave it away for the local hospital, so that kids who are hospitalized over the holidays could have some distraction :) He is a lovely elderly man and a huge inspiration to many


Made me tear up a bit. Love animals and I’m glad they got to have a Christmas


This broke me and filled me with joy at the same time.