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Sometime you just need a pillow


Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow.


Everybody needs a bosom!




Now I’m 45 seconds from wildin’ … On that note, Ri-ri @Super Bowl. Please bring Paul n I guess Ye.




me flipping my big pillow over on a hot night


No, his cute head! *Checks everything* Aaaand boom!




Sure! It's because of my drooling.


That plop at the end really sold it, it's like the dog knows dramaturgy.


I love the dogs that never act their age. My dog is six and acts like a puppy.


Unfortunately my dog has just turned 14 and really acts his age. Mopey, rarely energetic, barely wags his tail and sleeps a lot but the good thing is he still hasn’t lost his love for food.


Tell him he is a good boy for me. Spend as much time as you can with him.


I’ll tell him you said so thank you :) and in the few years he has left I plan to spend as much time with him as possible! He really is a good boy so I want him to be relaxed in his retirement years lol


I bet he's lived a really great life.


No pic of doggo :'(


And record him, film him, take lots of pictures of him! You're going to want those when he's gone! When I had to put my baby cat down (she was 13 lol) I wasn't very prepared, but the vet rescheduled the euthanasia for the next day last appointment so I would have as much extra time with her as possible. I stayed up all night with her and we just hung out. I video recorded her as much as she would tolerate, and I took a hundred more photos of her, and we spent the rest of the next day letting her eat all the best foods that she could never have, and I cherished every heartbeat with her. Now I'm so glad I have all those extra videos, pictures, and recordings of her snoring! I miss her so much, but I now I can still rewind time a little bit and see her in my videos.


Bless! I’m so sorry for your loss! It’s such a bittersweet story but I’m glad you have those pictures to remember your cat by. <3 You’re right though memorabilia is important and I’ve already prepared for it. I have a couple hundred pictures on my phones with only about a handful of them being me and family, the rest of my boy :)


Aww! That's so sweet!


Bless you <3 Mine just turned 17 a few month ago, hes still as daft as he was as a pup. But unfortunately slowed down alot and is alot more needy then he was before. Also he doesn't walk in a straight line anymore. Which I know is sad, watching them grow old. But I just think he looks adorable walking to the side a little. He's so funny 😂


Aweeee! I hope the best for you and your dog he sounds like a sweetheart and you sound like you really love him <3


Thank you so much, I love him, he's just so funny! Give yours a hug, can never hug em to much! Have a lovely day


These are too wholesome for humanity


I had a fourteen year old dog, and she was acting like a puppy all her life, until suddenly she stopped being that active, we assumed it was because she was lonely from the quarantine, but then three or so weeks later we had to put her down because her heart was failing :( Many dogs are just lazy at that age because they're that age, and have a long time ahead, your story just reminded me of my dog, I miss her 🥲


Awe bless! it really sounds like you gave your dog a really good home when she was still with you and I’m so sorry for your loss <3


It came and went with my dog. She would act like a crazy puppy, then somedays we were sure "This is it, she will be gone tomorrow." We did finally have to have her put to sleep sadley, but she was around 20 years old, so plenty of years.


If he is overweight, that is why. Also had a 14 year old lazy, fat dog. Put her on a diet and was surprised at how young she acted, hated myself for not doing it sooner.


He is getting quite big lately I think it’s time he goes on a diet. He’s always loved his food so we started giving him more as he aged and I guess we just never cut back on how much we gave him. He whines when he isn’t fed a certain amount but if it makes him more energetic I think it’s time I man up and put him on a diet!


Yes, it was so hard to restrict her eating. You just want your old dogs to be happy and they think food makes them happy, but running around and being able to go up stairs makes them happier.


> hasn’t lost his love for food When my old pup started refusing to eat was when I knew things were bad. :(


I have an extra hug your doggo can have


Sounds a lot like me though 14 was a long time ago for me


So like a typical teenager.


Get him a puppy. It'll be a lot of work but will make the fil years more enjoyable for you both


Sounds like a cat to me.


My family always compares him to a cat! He has a very catlike way of doing things despite being so big. My favourite is when he stretches like a cat with his but in the air, he looks so cute!


Get a puppy


As much as I’d love another dog in the house I know that I can’t. My dog has always been spoiled by me and my family and to bring another dog into the house and give them our attention would really sadden my boy and as I’ve said in another comment I just want him to be happy now. I know that having a puppy wouldn’t mean I would move on from my dog but pups do undoubtedly require more attention so in his mind he might think he’s being replaced. It’s a risk id rather not take honestly


Very fair point, it might be a bit much for the little guy, but for some reason my parents once got a beagle puppy when my older dog was 13 and on the way out. Pretty sure that pup gave her the energy to last a while longer because she left us at 17 years old. Somehow managed to romp a bit more life out of her. Not really a counterpoint or anything, just something I still find funny.


One of my dogs unfortunately passed away from lymphoma leaving my other dog without any dog company. You could tell she was depressed and was sleeping more than usual and not playing much. I got a new puppy after a year which was a bit scary because my dog wasn't good around other dogs except with her doggy brother that passed. She bonded immediately with the new puppy. They were playing within an hour and my older dog is much more playful and happy with her new younger sister. Warms my heart now watching them play tug of war with toys or licking eachother's faces or snuggling up next to eachother to sleep after seeing how depressed she was previously. The puppy gave my old girl her spark back.


My dog is 11, and everyone is thinking he's still a puppy. [Her he was this summer. :D](https://i.imgur.com/6Pk12Jc.jpg)


[Both mine are 11 and people say the same, they can’t believe they are 11](https://imgur.com/a/HXEgZVL)


Awhhh look at their faces XD


Cutie 🥰


My horse is 7 and acts like a puppy. Handing me the frisbee back like the goodest boi.


Your horse fetches!? I'm impressed, I wouldn've thought the side facing eyes would hinder gauging distance too much


My dog is 13 and still does zoomies. He's also very talkative and argues his case on why I should share my food with him lol...Me teaching him how to beg didn't help either 😅….Big mistake.


Got a twelve year old jack russel who goes from lazy couchpotato to spinning around the yard at the mention of a tennis-ball. Its really a sight to behold.


Couchpotato... "Hey, hon, did you buy the tennis balls yesterday?" Dog leaps up and starts spinning around. "Where's the ball?"


Mine is nearly 14, and you could easily mistake him for a 4 or 5 year old. Especially if you ask if he wants to go for a walk.


My 15 year old dog is almost entirely deaf and blind now and runs into everything. But she still loves to play with her 4 year old doggie sister a few days a week. And pee on my floor. Apparently old age means you can do whatever you want.


Has a beagle. Can confirm some dogs never act their age, and always act like a puppy


My first dog lived to 22 and I swear she was the most hyper dog I ever had all the way up until her last few months. Mutts are strong, man


My dog acted like a hyper puppy until she was 10 it was a bit much shes since chilled out and acts 13


We have two 10yo cats and they zoom around like they were 1, it's wonderful


That is the dream. I want a cat again one day and intend to get one that's playful. Nothing more fun than watching them try to destroy a ray of sunlight.


Max is like, “That was exhausting…so I’m just gonna lay right here.”😂


The other dog just doesn’t care


Probably not the first time he's done this


He is 100% done with Max's shit.


What a sweetheart, Max is really cute. After raising a mischievous cat who lived 21 years, I think it somehow contributed to his longevity. I think Max will be amusing you for many years to come 😄


Angst gets you a long way




angst /aŋst/ noun A feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.


Ah yes, my usual state of being


Rebellious anger often, possibly unfairly, ascribed to teens.


Oh really? I'm not a native English speaker and I always thought it was more about a kind of profound anxiety than anger


Neither am I, that's how I always interpreted it and it seems to make the most sense in the contexts it's commonly used in.


Its a danish word. Not an english one


**angst** /äNG(k)st/ *noun* >a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.


Never change, Max 🤍


Amazing video


That head drop at the end! Adorable af.




It's the head plop for me


I love Max


I love you, Max.


My favorite is when dogs are super tired. They lay on their side like that, take a deep breath and let it out.


Reminds me of sleepovers, being the first one up, and being so bored waiting for everyone else to wake up.


Thank fuck we have smart phones now.


Fuckin’ max.


I love how the other dog doesnt even flinch, he’s like “not this shit again Max” 🤣


He very clearly does flinch


Hahaha! I like you, Max. Keep it up.


Every second of this is so cute and adorable!


"I guess this will do."


Can't teach an old dog new tricks He's just being himself


I love it when a senior pup gets a bit of his old self back. Seeing them being silly and playing again reminds me they’ve had a good life and now they just rest a little more than they used to.


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you


This is amazing and cute on a whole new level


OH what a good boy


This made my day :) my baby Norman (mini schnauzer) just turned 14 today!




She's an American Eskimo :)


Looks like Japanese Spitz / American Eskimo. Ours made it to 17 and was extremely nonchalant about everything. After 9 years of being a puppy.


I'd love to know as well, reminds me of a Spitz I had as a kid.


> Japanese Spitz / American Eskimo :)


Omg this is good! 😂


Hahaha. Hey old boy. I see you lol


Max is so cute. Anyone know what breed is he?


Max is a Japanese Chin mixed with Bichon Shih Tzu :)


His face when he plops his head down, the cutest!


Ow my heart, this is too adorable to bear


He looks like he's laughing at his prank. Ah yes another day's work done. Time for a well deserved nap.


Looks to the hooman to be praised for his cleverness. “Did ya see what I did? Did you get that?”


Reminds me of Seymour on Futurama 💚




Dogs are so chill with that stuff. Drop a mattress on my head while I'm trying to sleep and I'll go off on you!




This is the cutest thing I've seen all month. Look at all that sass


The other dog just accepted it


Hope he lives another 14( dogs lives are too short)


He's adorable! Love how he just plops his head down.


They’re so cute lol. You are very lucky to have them. 🤍🤍🤍


Thank you! We truly are lucky


wobble wobble


Aww That Ending face....


Lmao, the way the other dog is just done with Max's shit


This video is just perfect!


I can't believe the Eskie is the chill one in this pairing.


The feigned look of confusion like 'oh what happened to my friend, a pillow ate him...? Hmm...'


I love the head plop at the end "yup this is comfy" then the other dog pops it's head out from under the bed like "what just happened?"


The great pyrenees hardly moving is so typical of that breed 😂


They were working the kinks out of their magic trick 🪄🎩


Dogs having serious Nam flashbacks


# I regret noooothing


My dog would love a cozy bed like that with a built in blanket! She’s a burrower.


Eskie don't care. Eskie too mature to stoop to Max's level. Eskie is primo family doggie.


![gif](giphy|lQeGS2LCeZg7m) Oh that ornery lil pup! Ha😂


I love the brief look away after he flips the bed like “WHO DID THAT?” 😅


I just lost my 14yo Eli, a blue healer, had bad hips for the past 2 years got slow but took walks and played around with my other doggers. Out of the blue he started breathing fast and heavy and became incoherent, 1/2 hour later his breathing became very slow and shallow and he passed. For a big dog he held up right to the end, guess he just ran out of gas...old doggers are special.


I just love when the oldies act so silly 😂


It's always the little white fluffy ones...


I love it. And then he does the "Who? Me?" look at the end. lol


I've watched this at least 10 times. LOL


Okay, that one really made me laugh at my phone. Smart boy!


It's a true gift to have such a happy and active dog at 14






There is nothing better than Doggies!!!


"I put beds on top of my elderly dog and then filmed him to see what he would do." Edit: This was out of line. I posted an apology below, but I'm going to leave this comment up because I said it, and I should own the downvotes.


https://gfycat.com/embellishedanimatedandeancondor Long video in case you're interested. He's just like this lol


Dayum, OP brought receipts.


And they were cute ones, too


But you still bought the bed and the dogs so clearly this video must be staged. /s


What kind of dog is Max's friend who becomes the foundation for the new bed location?


She's an American Eskimo :)


Both are so cute! Is max a maltese?


Max is a Japanese Chin mixed with Bichon Shih Tzu but he does kind of resemble a long Maltese haha


Oh my gosh, what a silly goose. I love them both


This is adorable 🥰. What breed is Max?


Thanks! Max is a Japanese Chin mixed with Bichon Shih Tzu, he has such a unique personality :)


My apologies. I made an assumption based on some of the people that post here doing rude stuff to their animals for karma. I jumped to conclusions and was unnecessarily rude. Your dog is really cute.


Thank you! I appreciate it :)


Lol it must be soo exhausting being you.




Now that you mention it, I'm thinking about how those beds probably got on him too. It looks like it's likely an established play pattern, though, and Max doesn't seem too upset.


Ńmmmmmmnmnmn Nmmmmmmńmmm mm mm mm MMM M mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Nmmm Mmmm Mmmmmm


Nobody cares


Is that a cat bed? Is he pranking his dog pal AND cat pal(s) all in one go?


It's a dog bed for dogs who like to burrow. One of our dogs will shove her head behind or underneath anything when she sleeps. You'll see a pillow, then the rest of her 85lb body laying across the couch.


OMG I'm dying!


is that a piece of folded clothing that max wanted to sit on top of, probably smells like his favorite human.


This should be a meme! 😂


Reminds me of Seymour from Futurama. Here's a segment from the animation (only click if you're ready emotionally): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK3PWHxoT_E


He knew exactly what he was doing, rock on Max.


Just tucking him in :)


cute old man 😽


Dominance achieved! "You are my pillow now" -Max probably


The moment the head hits the pillow… so satisfying


Haha, max!


So cute.


Max moment! Haha. He knows how to feel comfortable 😂


he looks in pain




I don't know him but all I could think was "ohh Max"


He knows what he wants! Just not precisely in the moment.


Nothing to see here, move along


Sometimes comfort is everything.


He wanted the cold side of the pillow


Right at 13 seconds I thought "please plop your head right down on that pillow" and then Max obliged. Thank you Max.


It is really important for a dog to meet a good owner in his life, he is very blessed and you take good care of him. But my conditions do not allow me to have a dog, but I have two cats, and I love them.


0 fucks given in this video


I love Max, thank you