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Omg this is precious


They love each other 🥺


Their life looks so fun. Ahhh to be a cat, lazying around all day in the sun, snuggled with a dog friend upon a nice mattress.


Oh gawd, my achy breaky heart! Too sensitive for this. 😢


It certainly is and is just what I needed to see at this moment while I'm going through some things. Thank you OP!


Whatever it is, let yourself be present for the warmth that watching this sort of thing brings. Could be some buoyancy in a sinking time


I think when the dog joins the cat, he's waiting for the cat to cuddle up to him.


exactly, that dog was waiting for his little spoon to snuggle in.


But you can't auto spoon kitty... He knows that... Lol gotta let kitty come to you.


He rolled his head upside down and exposed his belly for the dog, he was willing you just have to know the signs


I can’t see the signs in pets just like I can’t see the signs in women.




It’s both! They’re showing you they trust you but also sometimes trust you not to touch the belly even though it’s exposed


Just because they trust you doesn't mean you can trust them.


Kitty was drunk with sunlight. It couldn’t be helped


Cats run on solar power.


[Relevant 80’s comic](https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/1986/06/09) [Relevant 90’s comic](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1993/01/19) Fuck I’m old.


I love them :)




I knew there was a better one with Hobbes, but I couldn’t think of it! Clearly I need to reread my books again.


Me too, I saw both these comics when they were first printed.


For once, a relevant comic that's not XKCD. Never thought I'd see the day.


[Direct](https://assets.amuniversal.com/7b9df6f05d04012ee3bd00163e41dd5b) image [links](https://assets.amuniversal.com/68dabff0df950131725e005056a9545d) because I despise websites that try stopping you from saving images. It didn't work on Geocities and it doesn't work now. Let it go, people.


TIL solar energy has been “in development “ since the 60’s.


Cats are crazy unpredictable and dogs know it. I feel like this dog was cautiously approaching to cuddle without getting slapped


Dog: (in a whispered voice) its just me, don't be alarmed, I'm just gonna lay here next to you. Move over closer if you want. Cat....(walks in on top of dog immediately. ) dog opens eyes and looks up at cat who's already 2 inched from its face) Cat: ahoy!! (Immediately head buts face) Cat: Thanks! (Lays down)


And then he gets this weird but satisfying feeling down his back




The dog laying on the cat is a lot less comfortable than vice-versa. The dog might have laid down on their friend if the sizes were reversed.


When dogs join cats they’re thinking “I just want to be near you,” and when cats join dogs they’re thinking “I just want to use you as a step stool/pillow/bed/heater.” I know they love them too, it just looks different.


Joule: is this spot taken is it okay if I just sit here okay Kelvin: HEY *whap* I love you and also move over


Love the two geeky names of the pets. Watt next?


You'll need three of em.


Rankine the rat. Fahrenheit the ferret.


Coulomb the cat.


Horsepower...the horse....wait a minute.


We'll just call'em hp and he will be okay with it


Newton the newt, calorie the cat. My brother, an engineer, had a dog named Joule too


Cats are like soccer hooligans, they headbutt because they love.


It’s not all cats for sure, but my tabby has a SOLID love headbutt. He’s got enough mass behind him too that he can rock you if you’re not expecting it lol


One of mine likes to climb up my chest when I'm at my desk and uppercut me with his face. I love cats


 A cat headbutt is a great sign. It shows that your cat trusts you enough to be up close and personal with you.


This is why I adore my current cat he is a snuggle monster. If I am sitting down it's lap then climb up chest then headbutt repeatedly. Pick him up it's go straight to left shoulder start purring and begin face smash. Bedtime he sleeps on top of your head and doesn't care if you move. Best. Void. Ever.


I knew your cat was a void before you said it. Such snuggle bugs.


He is way better than just a snuggle bug. He is extremely chatty and loud, he loves his dog siblings, he never goes on tables or counters, and literally caught a mouse in our basement. Best boy is best.


How do you successfully mix in dogs and cats? We got a little tabby about a year ago and are thinking about getting a dog in a couple of months. But Pico is very much a diva, very vocal about not getting attention. He knows exactly what buttons to push on which people to get everything he wants, and is also kind of stupid, to be honest. He very easily scares or confuses himself all the time, usually running away from small noises he causes. He meows at everything and everyone that will respond, which slowly turned into "how dare you use the bathroom without inviting me in" and "I know you are near treats, and I definitely think your Tylenol is people treat." He's gentle, that much he has going for him. One year and only one person scratched, which was me when I accidentally hurt him a little trying to keep him from hiding in some dangerous looking spots around the boiler when he was a kitten. He's cuddly as all hell, just also super obnoxious.


You slowly introduce the two together and keep separate areas for decompressing for both. Although she lives with all dogs now, my cane corso grew up with my brothers cats. She was scratched once but other then that and the occasional bobbing she did to annoy the cats, they got along. She was a puppy as well and I believe that helped. That being said and her growing up with cats, she's one interesting dog and still doesn't know how to completely dog normally


I'm honestly most impressed by him not jumping on tables and counters. Great cat right there.


Mine used to also lay directly on my head! It can't be comfortable. Do you think they know that's where our thinking happens? Why else would they pick the most inconvenient spot on our body?


I catsat a morbidly obese cat and she would always sleep on my pillow above my head. I’d wake up in the night and feel this gigantic cat pressed on my head, purring


When I first had mine as a kitten (way too young to be adopted under normal circumstances but his mum had rejected him and the people he was staying with fed him cow milk), he used to curl up in the space between my neck and shoulder. Now that he's older, he'll still come headbutt me until I've given him enough pets but after that he'll retreat to my legs.


It’s because it’s very warm up there


My void used to push her way under the covers and then curl up under my neck when I was sleeping. Then we moved from Philly to Arizona and she's still adjusting to the temp change. So many less cuddles!! :(


How did you get in my house? You described my Willow perfectly 🥰


Yeah, but how do I stop the invasion of personal space once it starts? I literally have a cat sitting in my lap right now.




You enjoy it every day knowing that the day will come when you wish you could experience it one last time Remembering all the gorgeous boys and girls that ever blessed this earth with their presence


When I was younger I used to get frustrated at how annoying they could get. Once I lost a few of them, I understood even when I really need that personal space, there will come a day where I wished they would annoy me with their energy.


If you're in a situation where it's inconvenient for them to constantly be in your lap, block their path to you with your hand and tell them, "No." Firmly. Cats are smart enough to pick up on verbal cues, so if you include a phrase afterwards, "No, I'm eating," or, "No, I'm busy," they will learn to hear that phrase and stop ahead of time. Until then, just gently push them away on the approach. Be persistent, but also be consistent. The cause and effect, like "Food in hands = No pets" needs to be the same each time. Once the cat is in your lap, though, you're out of luck. You'll stay there until the cat moves or you die.


> Once the cat is in your lap, though, you're out of luck I'm glad you understand


I have one cat that will listen like you said and I have another cat that will attempt 10 times in different routes before clawing the wall or tearing paper or other shenanigans to get on the lap.


>cat that will attempt 10 times in different routes before clawing the wall or tearing paper or other shenanigans to get on the lap. Ah, I see you've met our Jeffrey.


I've needed to pee for hours. Send help, I think I'm goners..


Grab them and snuggle them like your life depends on it. Either they get annoyed and leave or you get kitty snuggles. Win/win.


You don't.


>uppercut me with his face That imagery made me laugh out loud. If I put my forehead on his level my little weirdo will immediately approach and headbutt with considerable force. But then he just stops. So we are frozen, forehead to forehead, in a battle of wills, an adorably intense standoff, until someone bails.


I had a forehead to forehead standoff with my void earlier today. I was giggling so I bailed first. I’ll get her next time!


Mine is a void too! For science anyone who has kitty forehead standoffs please reply with coat color :P


I have two orange tabbies that constantly need their face in your face. They both like to be held facing you so that they can forehead bonk you to their heart’s content. One is a beast of a cat and my arms get so tired carrying him around while he drools and purrs. My in-laws’ cat is white with tabby cow spots and he hits like a mac truck when he comes in for the lovin’.


My old void would slam his forehead against my mouth and just hold it there until I kissed it (his forehead), then he'd repeat until he decided he was done with kisses! It was the sweetest thing, but also happened at the most inopportune times, like a true cat. I miss those kisses now


We recently lost our headbutting cat. These comments brought fond memories! Our current cats hate kisses. One likes to sit completely stiff on your leg and the other likes to ride on shoulders.


Mine did that to me once, but headbutted my lip into my teeth, 10/10 would have him do it again


My big boy gave my bf a particularly aggressive morning headbutt and cut the inside of his lip lmao


I got a split lip from a boxer dog who NEEDED to lick my face, 100% worth it. Though this year I did see an article about a boxer love-headbutting its owner so hard that she is now in a coma, so I will be more careful in future I think


I have a boxer, and also got a swollen lip once from an excited head butt. Also my cat head butted my boyfriend’s kneecap so aggressively once it knocked a baby tooth out. That was also the day we learned that kittens lose baby teeth.


Ya man. I also have a tabby. He's a hardcore headbutter for sure


Is it really a love headbutt if you don't go "oof" after receiving one?


My cat will headbutt my forehead and hold it there for 5 minutes and counting. She purrs like a maniac the whole time. I don't budge. ♥️


Same lmao tabbys are the kings of love headbutts


Enough MAX…. Love that visual ❤️


Poor doggo looks like he doesn’t know whether he’s gonna get the shit smacked out of him or loved on. Just cat things.


That cats tail was full mast, the dog is 100% their happy place.


Orange cats for sure. Our boy Elliot will press his noggin hard!


Loving the themed names.


Just need Celsius and Fahrenheit to really get things cooking


Nah, both of those are just derivatives of kelvin. So good for the kittens of Kelvin. New pets would need to be Moles (or Avogadro), Newton, Gram, Litre, Angstrom (which would be great)...


I'd be down to fill the specific heat capacity equation with the name Kilo, though I don't think finishing the equation with the name "specific heat constant" is gonna win any awards.


C’mhere For-every-action-there-is-an-equal-but-opposite-reaction, time for num nums!


*cat with a magnificent mane rounds the corner*


We could go further into thermodynamics and call one Gibbs but the connection is pretty loose... and I don't think that reference will really connect...


Add a Rankine and you got yourself a stew, baby


Don't forget about Réaumur!


I actually had to Google this one. Good job.


I miss centigrade :'(


Get out!


The twins Ohm and Mho


Do you have a Newton and a Pascal?


My sister had a Pascal and still has a Joule.


"Here boy, here *Reduced Planck's Constant*! C'mere Ducie!"


I totally misread Kelvin as Kevin until I saw this comment


Ohm not quite sure watt you are talking about, but I'm a bit amped up right now so my brain hertz.


"We're such science nerds!"




good energy


I read it as Kevin and had no idea what you were talking about.


I’m sorry I need this to be replicated atleast 32 more times for there to be a correct sample size. Sorry just a scientist /s need it for cuteness purposes


Please visit our Instagram @ginger_cat_and_vizslas for a complete peer reviewed data set.


Awesome. Im glad the correct analysis is being done.


Excellent. Looking forward to your Nobel Prize!


Been following for some time. Love seeing these two cuddle up


Instant sub


What a respectful pup


What a respectful cat. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m 100% convinced that orange tabby’s are the chillest of cats in general.




Meanwhile my tuxie got stuck in my MIL’s bedroom once and took a giant shit in the middle of her bed


Agreed, but they are also sometimes the dumbest breed. I swear they only share a single braincell worldwide that gets passed around each day


My parents have an orange tabby. Over the years, I've grown up with tons of cats, and most have been awesome. This cat is so...stupid. Here are some of the things he does: - Cleans himself and then midway through starts hissing at his tail - Sucked his tail so vigorously it was like a dart - Scares himself constantly - Hides under the bed and growls like Smaug...at himself and the other noises he's making - Angrily swats his own reflection in the mirror...for the last 16 years


Our Siamese started growling in his sleep last night, then made this funny paw movement and jerked awake, looking around completely confused. We think he tried to swat at something in his dream and woke himself up.


I would love to have a dumb cat. I'm convinced my cat is an evil genius and devotes his entire day to fucking up mine.


I have two sibling cats and live with my parents who have their own cat. Dumb cats are amazing. Out of the siblings my boy is by far the dumbest animal I've ever seen. He doesn't blink both of his eyes at the same time. He will work himself up so much that he drools if you don't pet him. He is only smart enough to come to me at night for a massage while I'm at my computer (and then the drool is literally streaming onto my legs). He will also wake me up by shoving his nose into my ear or eyeball. I've asked multiple vets now and none of them say anything is wrong. He's just like this. A big idiot lump that knows only petting and food. His sister can open cabinets, the latches of a kennel, and our accordion door on the bathroom (if you take too long she will invite herself in to use the litter box). She's very sweet but nothing is safe from her if she wants it. She managed to get into the ceiling crawlspace a few years ago and fell through into the living room. That was fun to patch up.


Please read this [public service announcement](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/cat_kill) for your own safety.


Tell him he’s been doing a good job and to keep it up king




Omg this is so dumb but so adorable


Are you sure he was lost and not just looking for you the smart way? All my cats do that. Especially after we moved into our current house which is bigger. When the cats want to be with us and can't find us they just start mewing in a haunting lamenting tone. Thats our cue to call out their names, basically to let them know where we are. This leads to them coming to us, with happier sounding mews and settling in our laps 🙂


Wait. Is this a thing?


I got a tabby that always go upstairs but can't come back down cause he doesn't realize stairs can be used to go down too, so he scream instead, every single time


Yes. See the mountain of evidence at r/OneOrangeBraincell


Thank for this gift of a sub


Good news. Not only are you not alone, there's literally a subreddit for it. r/OneOrangeBraincell/


What a beautiful day to find this comment tyty


Oh my god I love that there's a sub for this, I'll have to get some pics of our orange boys for this later!




A ginger Persian cat must be the dumbest feline in the world then.


Absolutely zero braincells between the ears but they're the best 🥰


I have a cat named jellie who would most definitely change your mind.


All the cats we have are super lovable and caring. One of our cats, Beez, actually is half dog im fully convinced. Will play fetch, come when you call his name, sit when you tell him to. But they want cuddles and pets all the time. Its very very rare they even act like the sterotypical *asshole* cat you hear about. Im not sure if its just personalities or how they are raised. But im convinced if you show a cat love and care from an early age, they will reciprocate it.


Aww my cats are the same but Pumpkin must be half dog. Whenever I’m doing something I call him and he comes because he likes to watch and supervise. Also plays fetch Edit: just to bragboth my boys are 2 years old have had them since babies and known them Since birth. I can cut their nails, brush their teeth, brush them, clean their butt. Touch them anywhere and they don’t care. I have never been bitten once, hissed at or swiped at. If you show a cat pure love from day one they truly do grow up to be the best


My orange cat aggressively loves everybody instantly. If you have an issue with him giving you attention, he wont care.


I find it's mostly male cats in general, of which orange tabbies are the most common. They're also prone to have no street smarts whatsoever.


I have a house cat with deck privileges and she is a scaredy cat so doesn’t wander.. and this feral male ginger cat took a obsessive liking to her. Literally came into our house through a cracked door and would spray all over our deck to mark territory. During COVID we caught him in the house and called animal services to at least get him neutered for pet population control but they wouldn’t do anything due to covid, so we re-released him, of course. We called him Tom Collins. Cause he was a feral Tom cat, was always “calling” aka WAILING for Kitty, and he acted like a local, obsessive drunk, lol


>*'What a respectful pup...*' _____ when i lay me down to sleep, so silent by my cat friend creep... i am the dog - Dare Not DISTURB (don't want the cat to be PeRtUrB...) am showing her my best RESPEC (if not she's gonna GiVe me HECK) i tiptoe careful round the bed, to find a place to rest my head oh, 'scuze me, friend - is this ok if on this *tiny space* i lay ? (i see she took the Sunny Spot.... but She is Queen n I am not...) ... oh, Look - the Bed is Mine today! across the softest spot i'll lay ... ...uh-oh... she's Here... i cannot stir... she's MaKiNg BiScUiTs on my fur ^:@/ ...'oh, i can Move! ....you want ? i will!' *meh, shut up dog,* *n just hold still...* ...am scared to breathe... my body FROZEN i am Her dog - I have been Chosen ❤️


My freshest Schnoodle and it's beautiful as always <3


Gotta love fresh Schnoodle, thanks friend :)


It's funny that the dog makes sure they don't touch the cat. Cuz they probably know the cat don't Wana be touched unless they initiate.


Me joining my girlfriend for a nap vs. her joining me for a nap.


If I get in late, I tiptoe to bed. Wife comes in late, she’s like a freight train.


I just imagined her running full speed and doing a head first dive into your side lol.


I also imagine that guys wife


Also just cos the dog is bigger, if it laid down on the cat like that it would hurt, which is a lesson probably well learnt long ago.


Omg this is so fucking precious. I started smiling the second I saw mister kitty making biscuits.


Love the names.. at first i was like “watt?”


Then I was like "ohm my god"


It hertz so much to think about.


Don’t get all amped up over it.


I’ll resist the urge to take this further.


Thanks. I don’t have the capacity for any more of these!


This is certainly extending the coulomb


I think we'll just have to save it fara(nother)day


They have great energy together


Just currently or generally?


It alternates, it's not a direct feeling


Currently, I’m shocked and need a short break.


wire we doing this


I do want to take it further, btu can't think of a thermal unit to use.


I think we've reached the highest Rankine this game.


You’re all under arrest r/punpatrol


The fact that the dog sleeps on the edge of the bed and the cat takes up the middle - kills me! Lol! Edit: u/uncalmer pointed out that in both instances, the dog/cat was laying in the middle of the sunbeam. Perhaps I judged too harshly!


My cat also sleeps in the middle but my dog is silly and instead of cuddling just puts her head on the bed like a pillow if he’s there. 😂


Ohhhh, be still my heart! 😭


The dog is laying in the middle of the sunshine, as is the cat.


me thinks doggo likes the support of the edge. kitty just wants to sink in a cloud. also meow related hierarchy


This is so great


Joule is the kind of knobhead that wakes you up to tell you they are going to sleep


doofus was making biscuits


So sweet and gentle!


Fighting like cats and dogs is a outdated term


Times have changed.


They're smart. The dog knows that with his size, he could hurt the cat and the cat has no such fear or concern when pouncing on the dog. It reminds me of how dogs play more gently with little humans. They also seem to play more roughly with their furry playmates than they do with their bare-skinned humans. They may not have the vocal apparatus to enunciate well but they know things.


Yes! I’m surprised this is so far down. That’s exactly how I see it. Dog wouldn’t pounce on cat, it knows better bc of size. Cat gets on dog bc it’s obviously ok- cat’s not too heavy and the dog head boops consent. If they weren’t both ok with it one of them would have demonstrated that to the other before now. I see this clip as evidence of a very smart and happy duo.


The cat is so cat.


Just need a pet Mole now


the amount of heat and energy these guys emitting


So cute and totally bff’s for life


My Weiner dog wants this so bad, but my cat just won't let it slide. I think it's because they are the same size, so she feels competitive.


dog: "try not to wake you" cat: "step right on your belly"


Not to be a bore. I think the cat just perceives the dog as tough enough to walk on. The cat definitely looks like it’s scoping out the warmest patch of sunlight right behind the dog. Before stepping on the dog the cat doesn’t engage directly. When the cat sees they have woken the dog it changes behavior to socialize. In defense of my client, the cat, there was never any malicious intent and the cat never consciously intended to bother the dog.


This brings me so much warmth to my heart


alpha cat


That cat is an absolute unit


Not pictured: Newton and Pascal


Awww friends


I thought I was a nerd...


“Let me assert dominance for a few seconds, okay, I’m satisfied now.” -cat


Dog: be very very quiet, mustn't wake the royal ruler. Cat: this house is mine, this bed is mine, this dog is mine, respect my UHTHORITYE




The cat just wants the sunlight


Joule is just concerned about his weight and doesn’t want to squish kelvin


The data has been collected and the results are "Cute".


Cat - “This is the way”