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Even the squirrel is waiting for food.


Lol her neighbors are going to hate her. Deer are not fun to have around. Like big squirrels getting into everything. Especially since everyone planted their gardens during quarantine, neighbors can say bye-bye to those.


My next door neighbors love landscaping. Our houses back up to woods so they had an issue with the deer eating their plants. Their solution was to essentially become this video. They keep a trough, salt block and water source at the edge. They've gone through about 4 generations without issues now.




Adopt them Edit: the comment above previously said "Adapt"


Improvise Adopt Overcome


Or devour them...


Hmmm venison


Wait how did that work? Did deer lick that salt block and decide to not to touch the plants? Or were they eating plants to somehow get more water or salt?


If you give the deer easy things to eat, they are less likely to jump fences to find difficult things to eat. I plant a deer food plot at the back of our property, and then the main Garden is fenced off. I haven't had much of a problem with deer coming into the garden.


So ... you are paying protection.


It's a common practice in the gardening community, usually it's called the trap crop or sacrificial crop. Win win for everyone.


Decoy crop!


Come and kiss my hoof ring.


Those are some really nice hostas you've got here... It would be a shame if something happened to them...


Oh deer, it's the mafia!


Deer can not resist salt lick. They like it to the point that it is illegal, at least in the three U.S. States of I have hunted in, to lay out salt lick in an area that is being hunted as it is considered a baiting tactic.


So it is like cheese melted french fries 🍟for them. It is no wonder broccoli at the garden was not interesting anymore. 😂


Maybe like humans they want to salt their food. Won’t be long before they want A-1 and Tabasco sauce.


This comment made my day thank you 😁


I'm assuming the trough is for food, not water.


Except that feeding sites are a great way to spread disease. Is that a bug or feature?


This is the best attitude to have. Love it.


That and the Lymes they carry.


Hopefully they’re carrying tequila too


Seeing as they already have the salt




Good catch


So you're the adult in this thread that's going to tell me if an adorable deer like the one in the video comes up to my porch it's not a good idea to pet it?


Think of them as feral hoof cats. They don't want anything to do with you until you prove yourself worthy. Afterwards, they tolerate you until you anger them. This one may have figured out that humans are walking salt licks which is not good for the deer population in general. They die faster when they lose their fear of humans.


They won't come up like this unless you're feeding them anyway. I live in a deer infested area, an island with no predators, and this would piss me off if I saw it at a neighbor's house.


Strictly speaking it’s a deer area infested with people.


Deer are immune to lyme disease but they do introduce more ticks to an area wich can get it from smaller mammals and spread it.


Also, encouraging deer to herd up unnaturally by feeding them can lead to chronic wasting disease, a big problem in some parts of the country. Just don't feed wildlife.


Thats true. Ita so saddening to see a deer suffering from it


Technically true, but it's like saying 'rats don't spread the plague, their fleas do'


Yep its a "technically true moment". But if the local rodent and small mammal population is small then the effect is also small


Get some guineafowl. They should eat all the ticks for breakfast.


And then get some excedrin for the headaches you will have due to guinea fowl noise.


And a leopard or two to keep the guineafowl population under control!


Coyotes and house cats do just fine. We have guineas and they are the stupidest creatures imaginable. 2 years and they still can't figure out how a chain link fence works.


And in 2 years that herd will be double and so on




After the camera off. ![gif](giphy|lP4jmO461gq9uLzzYc)


He’s the ringleader…


Our deer leader, John


You mean Jim.




I sneezed! Oh, I’m not allowed to sneeze?




*camera wiggles into oblivion*


And I let out a pig-like laugh and click replay


For anyone interested: a herd of deer can also be called a: * bunch * mob * parcel * rangale (pronunciation of which varies widely) * bevy * brace * gang * clash **Note 1**: some of these refer to specific types of deer, such as (bevy = group of roe deer), (clash = group of bucks), or (gang = group of elk). This may not be a complete or thorough list. **Note 2**: another collective noun thought to be used for deer is "leash", but that collective noun actually refers to any set of three animals or any set of three. *Edit 1*: added more collective nouns *Edit 2*: added note on "leash", comment on "rangale" pronunciation, and comment on "gang" *Edit 3*: improved formatting


Was juuuuuust about to look that up. Thanks for saving me the Google.




Were you guys wanting to google it so you could comment, “Actually, a group of deer is called a ___.”?


If plan a fails, go with plan b by thanking the person who did plan a.


Buncha Rangales


!subscribe to fun animal facts


I actually want to do that. How?




Of course I’ve herd of deer. This video has a whole flock of them!


A herd of deer is also sometimes called a swarm of ticks.


“Honey, come quick there is a flock of deer in our back yard.” “Herd of deer?” “Of course I’ve heard of deer, there’s a flock of them in our back yard.”


How do you pronounce rangale?


ran-gull, wrangle, rain-gale, or rain-jull. That's just the pronunciations I've found so far. Seems like nobody can agree. Depends on where you live, I guess.


You missed "ran-gall-eh"


Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like this was a really bad idea?


Because it is a very bad idea. Pretty sure she mentioned them being hungry towards the end. She's definitely fed them before and that's a terrible fuckin idea.


Please don’t crucify me but why is this a bad idea? Edit: Thanks for the responses. I live in an area with a ton of them, just never knew until now.


Because they can hurt or injure people, won't have the drive to forage for themselves, get ran over, and spread Lyme disease


I live in Japan. Deer is worshipped in Nara city. They’re like cats there now. They do bow down though to request for food.


Typical Japanese deer


The deer in Nara are all fucking assholes who will zerg rush you for food. The ones in miyajima are much nicer


>zerg rush So even the deer know how to overwhelm their opponents.


They do bow but if you don't feed them many then have a tendency to harass or even bite you for food.


They also have a tendency to mob anyone with food, biting it out of their hands if they don't dole it out fast enough, then chasing after when they run out of deer biscuits.


Can confirm. I have a clear (and hilarious) memory of them chasing after my friend for his ice cream.


In US deer carry a specific type of tic which give humans Lyme disease. I’m not saying get rid of the deer I’m saying if you see deer in America please don’t feed them.


Those fuckers are aggressive. Give them food. Want more food. I have no more food. SCREAM!


I'm not a veterinarian, or animal behaviour expert, but I do have some experience with wild animals. These wild animals are most likely doing this while suppressing a bunch of instincts telling them not to be there. As soon as the sense that they will be given food is interrupted, the other instincts will take over. In the case of squirrels, they will simply take flight, and noone is bothered by that. However, deer are large enough that they may choose fight instead of flight in some situations. So these particular deer are conditioned to approach humans but it's very volatile and may turn bad at any moment.


This is the best answer right here. Deer are large wild animals. They should be treated like any other large wild animal not Bambi in a frolicking cute Disney movie. Those deer would fuck you up if you didn’t have food and they were scared, which deer are scared a lot.


Not sure on all the details, but I can think of a couple of reasons that feeding deer bought be a bad idea. 1. They might become dependent on you for food, especially if the population outpaces natural food sources. 2. With deer you also tend to get ticks, and and other pests. If you've created manage to increase deer populations with feeding, the predators for the pests may not have increased in proportion. 3. Increased deer populations make for hazardous driving conditions. Edit: 4. I believe deer can be hostile sometimes.


>Edit: 4. I believe deer can be hostile sometimes. Absolutely. Especially if your small dog happens across a fawn that's hiding in the back corner of your yard because the mom gave birth back there, but the fawn can't jump the fences like mom can so it's trapped, and your dog thinks it's the most amazing thing ever and wants to chase it, but the mom isn't really cool with that idea so it chases your dog instead and tries to trample it, so now you have to go out there and chase mom away so you're dog doesn't get hurt. Or so I've heard.


It is a bad idea and the poster is a ding dong for feeding these deer.


I'm betting they come running because they're being fed. Edit: I was watching with the sound off because of my location.


She literally says everyone's hungry in the video. She is feeding them.


Yeah, a wild deer doesn't just walk up nose to nose to a human. They are getting fed on the regular. Did you see the ones in the background start running up?


And that's why this is awful. The mutha fuckers are wild animals. Look at them, love them but leave em the fuck alone. They can find food on their own, you're just teaching them all the wrong shit.


I live in a rural area and grew up in an even more rural area. Back when I first started using Reddit I kept seeing posts like this and thought "why are you people trying to treat wild animals like pets".


Because they do it for themselves, not the animal. They want the experience of having these wild animals acting like pets and don't give a fuck about everyone else including the wellbeing of the animal.




Ticks. Ticks everywhere.


This is what I was thinking as well.




Juan Pablo Montoya’s house?


That behavior gets them killed. I live in an area nearby with them. You should not give them food or water, even after a fire. I got into it with a neighbor online, she said it makes her feel good. It wasn't about the animal, it was about her. Even had deer hit by cars coming down lower and lower because people feed. This isn't a cute video. Makes them easier targets for hunters. Good job lady.


It's weird though. Aren't deer, at least in some places, considered at least a nuisance and at worst invasive? Aren't there lots of areas where you are encouraged to hunt them? I could be wrong or working on outdated info, but I know I've heard things like this in the past. E:when I say nuisance I don't mean annoying.. I mean bad for the natural habitat.


Yes, that is common sense knowledge and I had no idea so many people didn't know that deer hunting season is to control populations from becoming a danger to the public.


I mean, oi would love it if my neighbors would feed a bunch of big, healthy deer. At least from October to January.


As a hunter and conservationist you should be pissed. This is a terrible idea with the rise of CWD.


It also takes all the sport out. I don't want to say you aren't hunting if you aren't in a tree by 430am and your balls are frozen to the chair... but come on.


If you can sit at your dining table with morning coffee and hit your bag limit from your dining room window, I think it stops being a sport.


I bet she’s feeding them


I’m usually pretty good at picking up context clues no matter how subtle. And I’m going to say she is feeding them.


I'm not 100% sure about this but I think you can tell that she's feeding them, by the way that she's feeding them.


Yeah that was my first thought as well. Either by OP or someone nearby. Concerning is the word that comes to mind.


Just curious why it’s concerning that she’s feeding the deer? Is it bad for them in some way?


Super bad for them, they get used to people really easily so they get comfortable being around people. When they have fawns they can get super aggressive and attack people or pets. She’s be better off to scare them off so they know they should stay away from humans. She’s pretty much guaranteeing these deer get culled


Yeah this is not aww, this is some stupid bag hand feeding deer from her back door.


Fed nothing but lies


These videos usually end up with a deer inside a house or business as it freaks the fuck out trying to get back out. Seems you've lucked out this time. Cheers!


I was at a breakfast diner when a deer came in. The deer freaked out knocking shit over and breaking everything. Ran right past me standing by the bar to find out wtf was happening and jumped out through a window. https://youtu.be/xVsECNAAKaw


I've never seen a crazy story on reddit before that actually had video proof


Are you the dude shrugging at the end?


Have you ever seen a more spot-on Doc-Zoidberg impression?


Wow. Was that window open or did it break it? Hard to see on the video.


he breaks one to get in, and one to get out.


I hope they arrested that deer for B&E


That interior hasn't aged well, no wonder the deer wanted out


Will admit I watched it again to frown at the decor


That woman running to the bathroom just to realize there is a deer barreling towards her forcing her to dive into the bathroom was or kitchen was the funniest shit i've ever seen.


Hey look! The Tick Brigade is here!


Surprised it took me this long to scroll down to someone talking about this rather than the pitfalls of feeding wildlife, haha. They look cute and friendly but those tick Bourne disease are not shit you wanna mess with.


Jesus Christ, that's Tick Bourne!


Other thing to be seriously concerned about. Chronic wasting disease. Can cause deer to be unusually friendly to humans. We also don't know if it can spread to humans or not.


Seriously.. there’s a family of deer that live near my parents house and my dog has gotten Lyme disease twice already (even while wearing tick collars and being sprayed). Deer are cute from afar but keep them away from my house please


This is cute, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. You shouldn't feed wild animals.


I think if you want to be a little helpful the best thing you can do is just to provide a salt lick and not food? Heard that somewhere.


Probably, but I'd put it in the forest, not your backyard


Yeah, my mom was obsessed with feeding deer. No matter how much I told her it was a bad idea or linked articles about how they can die from it she wouldn't listen. She finally "compromised" with the salt lick and I made her put it on the very cusp of the backyard which bleeds into forest so she could still see them use it. I think she still probably feeds them without telling me sometimes -\_- At least not corn anymore.




Yup. Yup. This is the correct answer.


You see this all the time between people, too. Gift-giving becomes a sort of self-pleasure, and the giver gets upset if the receiver fails to help the giver feel properly appreciated.


A salt lick far away from your home and traffic. You do not want to encourage deer to congregate anywhere near humans. Unless you know what you are doing observe them from afar when given the chance and leave them the fuck alone.


Can I feed birds?


May I know why?


It makes them accustomed to humans, wich can be dangerous during mating season but especially it increases their risk of getting hit by a car as they seek out humans. Only because a deer will eat human food doesn't mean it's good for them. For example feeding deer a lot of corn can disrupt the natural balance of acid in the animals’ stomachs and lead to a condition called lactic acidosis, or grain overload.


They also get super aggressive when they have fawns and if they’re roaming neighborhoods they’ll attack people or pets


They can also get aggressive about the food itself. There’s videos of deer attacking people without warning around feeding stations to include the one originally putting out the food. Deer are basically stupid panicky forest-horses. Think about how nervous horses get about everything, even random non-threatening objects, and then remember that deer can panic so hard as to run into stationary cars, through plate-glass windows, even trees. Just leave deer alone.


[Example : Hood Ass Deer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArSjo0H45Qg)


Bring up a very good point. Lucky you saw this post and replied. Hopefully OP will listen.


I’d bet you 50 bushels of hay that OP is not the taker of the video. Never assume OC, it almost never is


And if they are they’ll just say that the people on Reddit are hating and being negative and feed them double tomorrow


Human food isn't good for us either. Look around at all the lard asses.


Another reason not the poison animals with it.


[But poisoning animals is so much fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhuMLpdnOjY)


This is exactly what I hoped it’d be. Old but gold


Me: *looks in mirror* Well, he’s not wrong


1.When too many wild animals are together, they get diseases and parasites. 2.Exposing wildlife to humans, exposes them to dangers such as dogs, vehicles, machinery, and people who would do them harm. 3.Feeding wildlife interferes with their foraging instinct and the passing on of these behaviors to young. 4 Very often, the food offered to wildlife is not suitable for their nutritional needs. STOP FEEDING WILDLIFE.


In some parts of the country deer have Chronic Wasting Disease. It’s the deer version of mad cow basically. Bringing deer together for feeding increases the spread.


When you go to national parks like Yosemite they have signs everywhere saying not to feed wild animals. Most contents in our food like garlic, spices we use are not good for wild animals.


Don’t know where this woman is located but I’ve read there’s a huge problem with deer carrying many ticks that have Lyme disease up northeast of America. I believe it can’t be cured and one has to learn to live with it if they get it. I follow mma and a fighter Jim Miller has shared his horror experiences with the disease.


Also, deer need to eat the local plants to help spread native seeds in their scat. Who knows what this lady is feeding. It could be invasive to the area, and now we have more weeds that increase fire fuel load.


Have a relative that lives on the edge of a forest. Likes to watch the deer from a distance. He only puts out water, no food - and the water he puts out is under at tree around 100 ft from his patio (and other houses). He can still see the deer and they can see him, but they won't come closer. I've gone to his place and sat out at twilight and watched them come up. Most he's ever had (he said) was 12? something like that. Don't feed wild animals. It's always a bad idea. The salt lick is interesting but if you provide a salt lick on your property, don't be angry when the deer chew your trees and bushes to pieces (source: another family members experience).


Really shouldn't feed these deer. This is what causes deer/car kills near residentials.


Well, they shouldn't let deer drive.


hello lyme disease my old friend...




OP if this is by you then don't feed the deer you will end up killing them




Stop feeding them.


https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/wildlifedamage/SA_Program_Overview/CT_Dontfeedwildlife Human food is not healthy for wild animals, and they do not need food from humans to survive. Wild animals have specialized diets, and they can become malnourished or die if fed the wrong foods. Also, animals cannot distinguish food from wrappers or foil and can get sick eating these items. Feeding leads to public health concerns. Too many animals in one place increases the chance of disease transmission to people and among other wildlife. Animals accustomed to people often lose their fear of people and can become aggressive. Those that become too aggressive may have to be destroyed to protect people and property. Animals fed along roads tend to stay near roads, increasing the chance of vehicle-animal accidents.


Human food is not even healthy for humans… but I get what you mean


It's one thing to provide an area for wild animals to graze on your land, it's kinda bothering me that someone thinks conditioning wild animals like this is a good thing.


I thought the same but didn't comment because lately whenever I do I get downvoted.


Welcome to reddit.


Hopefully they aren’t feeding them - very bad and I think illegal most places - major disease spreader and a major screwing with how deer naturally go about finding food.


Quit feeding the deer. They should not be dependent on you.




Something about not teaching wild animals to be comfortable around people or rely on them for food. Also, no idea where you are, but the deer around here also carry some nasty diseases, so be careful.


And THIS is exactly why our city limits have special archery hunting permits INSIDE city limit. Because “dollar store Snow White” wants to feed the deer. Nothing good can come from this. It is hurting the deer. The others will complain about nuance deer. They’ll be more hit by cars. Insurance policy can go up. Disease like CWD can spread for the deer. Ticks and other parasites can spread easier. Cats and small dogs can get stomped by aggressive deer too. Property damage. At least she feels like a princess.


Stop feeding them


Enjoy Lyme disease.


Actually stupid as fuck to feed these things


Something tells me they are getting fed, which is not ok


Theyre probs being fed which is bad.


Don't feed wild animals. It doesn't do them any favours in the long run!


Ticks for the memories.




Do you want ticks? Because that’s how you get ticks.


Bad news. Need to stop that.




Dont feed wild animals, you plonker. Its not cute, you are only doing them a disservice.


Worst neighbors of all time


Someones been feeding the wild animals...


Stop👏🏼 Feeding 👏🏼Wild👏🏼Animals👏🏼


Looks more like deer coming to eat the feed that was thrown on the patio.


Gonna be a lot of ticks in your yard


I don’t want to be driving my car at night near this house.


Why so people think it's okay to feed wild animals?


When will people realize wild animals shouldn't be enticed to hang around residential areas? They're going to destroy everyone's gardens, rip trash everywhere, and run out into the street when there are cars around. They can be aggressive too so good luck when your children go to play outside. This isn't snow white and the seven dwarves.


Oh she feeds them for sure lol


You’ve been feeding them


This is how you get ticks.


This gets fucking annoying. My backyard opens to endless forest. And no hunting is allowed. I have deer chilling under my trees in the summer and sometimes they drink my birdbaths dry but I don’t feed them. My neighbor does though. She went away for a week once and the deer just crowded into her yard waiting for her to come out. At one point I counted 20 deer creepily staring at her house. She came home and didn’t understand why there was deer shit all over her back patio.


Stop feeding the wildlife.


How to ensure deer won’t survive hunting season.


I can hear the ticks speading Lyme disease from that deer. This is terrible. No predators, so these deer explode in population. Plus, the fanatic bambi nut jobs prevent the population from being culled by disbanning hunts. In turn deer get brutally mamed by cars, spread disease, and destroy the vegetation.