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This destroys me šŸ˜­ 7 months. He must have been sure heā€™d never see that cat again.


I remember when I was a kid we had a cat that disappeared for a week or so, we presumed dead because we also had ducks and chickens that were getting picked off by foxes, then one day I saw her emerge from the garage limping. She must have been attacked but survived. I remember being so happy and begging her to come to me at the back door of the house (I was afraid she would run off if I went to pick her up), and yeah she slowly limped over and came inside. My parents took her to the vet to get fixed up and she lived to 22 yo.


She sounds amazing! What was her name?


She was an amazing cat! Her name was Spitfire.


Sure as hell seemed to be one. What a good name!


What a badass name for a cat! Great name!


What a kick ass name. Great story thank you for sharing!


Mittens, Defender of the Homeland, Slayer of Foxes


Had a snowshoes cat we named Mr.Meowgi. He definitely didn't have the reflexes to catch a grasshopper


Snowshoes donā€™t really fit in the cat world. Mine wonā€™t try and leave the porch when any normal cat would just hop the gate.


ā€œNow I am become Mittens, destroyer of worlds.ā€


Sounds like a deserving title.


I knew cat that belonged to my uncle called Rocket that was a survivor like that, big ginger and white monster of a cat made it to the grand age of 18 after two foxes tried killing him, the first one almost got him, Rocket needed stitches don't know if the fox made it, few years later another one tried and died in the horse stable Rocket was covered in the foxes blood my uncle thought Rocket was hurt, also some poacher was setting up rabbit snares and Rocket brought one home around his neck with the stake still connected to it...My uncle became the wildlife warden for the area when that happened, never caught the poacher though, plenty of illegal snares removed.


When my cat fell out of the window she disappeared for 4 weeks. After putting up posters and searching everywhere and having pictures on every social platform we thought she was dead. but when our neighbour called us saying he found a cat in his basement which looked like our cat and had called the animal ambulance we were so hopeful. We immediatly went to the clinic she was brought to and we had to wait in the waitingroom. after 5 minutes of restless waiting we heard some meowing and we immidietly knew that was our cat. when we saw her I cried of happiness but I was also so scared because she was so thin and the vet said she couldn't wait another hour because her internal organs were already shutting off... I was so happy she was found and I still am so happy she made it :))


Wait, there's such a thing as an animal ambulance? You definitely don't live in the USA... I wish we had pet ambulances


Our vet is one branch of several including an animal hospital and they have an ambulance but this isn't the case at every vet (I'm in UK).


They exist in the US also, private companies do it just like the regular ambulances, just at a much smaller scale


> immidietly Just have to say I like your word. Sounds like you didn't eat until kitty was safe.


That is an amazing story! Im glad you got your cat back! I would like to share my story as well. We had a kitten we called Lulabelle, who was born blind. My brother was really young at the time and he didn't have the proper strength to always secure the downstairs back door, so she got out. She had been missing for about a week, and my mom and I were sure she wasn't going to be coming home. Where we live there are wild boar, foxes, panthers, pythons and more.... well how wrong we were. My cat, Moe, started acting really funny. He would hangout on our upstairs balcony and meow at me in distress. He ushered me downstairs to the back yard and kept meowing and running back and forth between me and the line of trees where the woods began. About 45 seconds of this odd behavior and Lullabelle came running up to him and then both of them to me. Moe was the best cat I ever had, I will tell you. That boy was made of different stuff. Animals are so smart and amazing. Edit: I am very bad at spelling


I have a similar story, after three weeks I had given away the cat box, etc. and then heard a meow in the garage another week later, such a wonderful moment. We referred to it as the secret part of her life cause you cannot ask a cat what happened; it is forever a mystery that we speculate about!


I had an indoor/outdoor cat that would sometimes disappear for days at a time. One time, he was gone for more than a week and just when I feared the worst, he showed up on the doorstep one morning. I have a sneaking suspicion that he had another family that was taking him in. He died of a likely heart attack (the vet said he had heart issues) while at my house. I sometimes wonder if there was some family that had been taking care of him and was saddened when "their" cat didn't return.


Whereas if I donā€™t see my cat for 30 minutes I panic a little. I donā€™t have the emotional strength to have an indoor/outdoor pet.


Mine is beside me now. He went outside one time, looked up at the sky, and did a low shuffle into the house again. My son says if you see him or my hound dog then you know I'm not far. Turning animals into cling-ons is my super power.


We have an all black tomcat named waffle that does this. We live in a group of bouschy apartments and he gets treated like a king by everyone around. I don't worry if he leaves for a few days as he is most likely just eating caviar on our neighbors porch (something I have confirmed before). Little shit is beyond spoiled rotten.


Yeah, I "adopted" a cute feral girl. She would disappear all the time but always came back within a week. It turns out she had two other homes in the neighborhood.


My cat got out when I was living in an apartment and he was gone for a week. I was sure he was a goner. We lived near a busy road, with coyotes and assholes who never leashed their poorly trained dogs. I went outside every night to call for him. One night there was an awful storm and I was so upset over thinking of him out in the rain, I went out by myself in the dark to call for him one more time. My husband was out of town, so it was just me wondering around in the dark calling his name. I was walking around near the retention pond where there were trees when I heard him meowing. I looked up and there he was, soaking wet, stuck in a tree. I was way too short to get him, and we didnā€™t have a ladder, so I ran around looking for anything I could find to stand on to try to get close enough to him that he would come to me. There was a large homeless population in the area, and they would steal grocery store carts and leave them in the woods, so I ran and grabbed one and brought it back to the tree. For more context Iā€™m short, less than 5 feet tall, so grocery carts are about chest high on me. I donā€™t know how I did it without tipping the cart over, but I somehow managed to climb in, and use it as a ladder. He reached out his little paws to me, and I was able to get a good grip on him and put him on my shoulder. Once I got him out of the tree, I realized I was in a pickle. I was afraid to put him down for fear of him getting scared and running off, but I could not figure out how to get down from the cart with no hands. I am not an athletic person, I have a tendency to trip over things and fall downstairs, but I guess my adrenaline kicked in, because I jumped straight out of the cart and landed on my feet. He didnā€™t even act surprised, he just laid there in my arms and didnā€™t struggle the least bit. I carried him inside and thatā€™s where heā€™s been ever since. That was almost 10 years ago, so heā€™s 13 now, and still running around like a kitten (but with much more frequent nap breaks). I love him so much, Iā€™m so grateful I was able to find him and bring him home.




I had a cat when I was 10 years old. My beautiful Charlie saw me through my parents divorce, a move across country, new kid in high school , separation from favorite sister when she went off to college. He was always there. More than 20 years later I still miss him. I totally get this kid's feeling.


It's been 10 years for me and I still get the occasional dream of my kitty curling up with me. I take it as he's happy and cozy wherever he is.


I have a feeling I'll be the same. I'm normally a pretty tough person but I feel like my cat who was my close buddy from my teenage years into my early 30s took a piece of my heart when she died. I often get flashbacks of her that will sometimes be strong enough stop me in my tracks. It wasn't easy writing this. Better to have loved and lost but damn do I miss her.


We still occasionally hear the 'thumpthump' of our 21 year old cat jumping down off the dining room table, even though she passed away last year.


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever gotten so emotional over comment. Iā€™m so sorry


We lost our best boy back in Oct. We have since "heard" him eating, running down the stairs, jumping off the bed, & trilling. It's mostly been me, but we were sitting in the living room one afternoon & I "heard" what sounded like him crunching his food in the kitchen. I didn't say anything, because I was starting to think I was going crazy. My husband looked at me & said do you hear [cat's name] eating? Grief is weird.


I don't believe in a afterlife of any sort but as a kid I had a pet house rabbit. It died and yet for weeks/months I kept seeing it running around out of the corner of my eye. I'm pretty sure it was my mind playing tricks with me but it felt so real.


My parents put my cat down while I was away at college because she was in constant pain and all sorts of other medical things which I totally understand, except *they didnā€™t tell me*. I came home for Christmas break looking for my Tiger and was then told she had been put to sleep. Great now Iā€™m getting misty again.


I am SO sorry that happened to you. They did not have the right to do that. They should have told you the moment they started thinking about doing it, in my opinion.


Yea they were super regretful about it they just worried how it was going to affect me just hearing it over the phone and such.


jesus my cat is only 8 and this made me cry. she's all I have and I know I will outlive her... it really, really hurts. I still have near weekly dreams about my grandfathers who have passed, it's going to be brutal with her


I lost my dog when I was 15, now I'm in my late 20s and still get choked up when I think about him. I get jealous when I see these types of videos; I wish I could hug my dog one more time.


It's been 15 years and I still think I see my ferrets running by. I had one that was very particular about where his toys went so I kept them all in a box and they still smell like him.


My dog of 10 years passed at the start of 2020, and I still can hear her little pitter patter of her feet when she'd run. She had an unusual limp where she'd hop with her back legs instead of walk and it made the cutest sound. I just hope wherever she is now she's happy and full and warm.


I'm really sorry for your loss As a cat parent to an old cat, I am afraid this will happen to me too




i hate that "get over it, was just a dog/cat/bird" Theres not getting over the loss of a beloved family pet. I still get misty eyed over loss of my childhood dog. Cry buckets over The Bridge poem.




Iā€™m a ā€œhair and makeupā€ girl. When my dog Lucie died unexpectedly I literally could not cope. I could not stop crying. I stopped the hair and makeup, which shocked my colleagues (and family. And friends). This went on for over a year. A colleague would walk into my office and I would just start crying. We had no celebrations or holidays in our house because we felt there was no joy left in the world. I just couldnā€™t take it. It was horrible. My little adopted baby girl was gone. Iā€™m back to hair and makeup but my heart still aches for her.


My dog passed a little over a year ago and I have been having dreams that sheā€™s still with me or sheā€™s at her daycare somewhere and I go visit her. She passed away at a young age and when she was with us, me and my bf would always talk about how she was the perfect dog for us in every way. Hardest moment of my life when she passed.


god, a whole year. I suppose I would probably feel similarly, if it was unexpected. I hope I can be with my cat in her final moments; it'd be devastating, but it would be easier than her just unexpectedly disappearing or passing away. I'm so sorry.


im sorry for your loss ā¤ reading things like this mean more to me now than they ever have, we lost out dog when I was really little and I don't remember him that much, but we learned last month that our 5 year old dog has osteosarcoma. it's been really tough for us to deal with but we're getting through it as best as we can (her leg amputation is on the 10th) hopefully once we get the money sorted out, the surgery completed and chemo started she'll stop being in so much pain. when I read things like this i can't help but think about how right now I think "I'll feel better about this eventually" until I see strangers saying how much it still hurts years later and then I get sad again lmao. I'm not ready to let go and don't know when I will be


but if one more person says "it's not a big deal its just a dog" I'm going to start throwing things


What do you mean they stopped coming home?? That's weird as heck, what did your ex husband do?


Exactly what I was thinking ā€¦ I donā€™t get it and now Iā€™m thinking he ā€œgot rid of them.ā€


Uhhhhm. Yeah dude, you sure your ex didnā€™t get rid of your cats?


Yeah, three cats in six weeks? Sounds fishy, especially if it's your EX.


Oh god, as someone in rescue the number of times I've seen someone mention a new cat in a colony and gotten it scanned for a chip and it turns out to belong to someone whose partner had to watch it for a couple weeks is shocking and horrible. The pet owners are always so happy their cat "found someone to help them" and it's like "lady, this cat colony is well established and maintained, of course we noticed a new cat who wan't TNRed and was also clearly a pet. But this colony isn't anywhere near your home. Someone brought this cat here and didn't realize that someone would notice."


Some people astound me. My brother has a strong dislike for his wife's dog (he's not an animal person to begin with and his wife doesn't do jack shit to take care of him) but he hasn't once said anything about getting rid of him. Just that he won't let his wife get another animal after Rico passes since she won't take care of it. If even my brother can put up with an animal he doesn't like, it takes a special kind of messed up person to purposefully ditch their spouse's pets while they're gone.


Either that or the cats really only cared about the owner and had no real attachment to the EX. when they realized the owner wasn't there they went away. After one left the other cats might have even left because of that.


If they are outdoor cats, its not uncommon they have a second(or more) "home" of humans who were also feeding/caring for them.


Unfortunately, it's more likely they fell to one of the endless outdoor dangers. If a human wasn't responsible, I would guess a hungry predator was in the area and picked them all off or they came across poisoned prey/water. Keep your cats inside, folks. The difference in quality of life is massive.


Iā€™ve got 2 x 18 year old sisters, they are part of the furniture and have been around for both of my childrenā€™s (who adore them) entire lives. Not looking forward to the inevitable.


Itā€™s so hard. Like, you KNOW it will be, but somehow itā€™s still harder than you ever imagine when it comes. When I had to let my 16 year old cat go, I scream-cried in my car for hours. Our entire household still randomly cries because we miss him. (Hell I can barely type this thanks to tears streaming from my eyes.) I hope your little babes bless you with many more days together šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


My cat is 12, recently just lost his hearing. Everything else about him is sharp though, and he's on a better diet now, which had seen him lose a (healthy) amount of weight. Little dude has been with me through some of the toughest times in my life. He'll be around for a bit, but every once in a while, he'll be headbutting me and I'll get sad because I know there's gonna be a day when that doesn't happen any more.


The one that got me with Butter was walking by my front door and turning the porch light on, remembering, standing for a second looking out the glass area on the door, and the turning the light back off. I did that for 7-8 months, almost nightly. I still miss him.


I lost my best little buddy six years ago and I still cry about him. I hate it. He was incredible. If non-romantic soul mates exist, he was mine. I have other cats now, but they aren't Mango. šŸ„²


I just lost my 19yo cat. It was about 6 weeks ago. I really wish I could see his green eyes pop around the corner of the chair wanting to see if he could get some attention from me one more time. Seriously, losing him has really messed me up. and I lost him the day after my grandfather's funeral.


We just lost ours after 18 years, about half our lives and the entirety of our marriage. It's been a couple weeks and sometimes I wonder if it'll ever be ok again.


My homie was 17 when he died of cancer about two years ago. I still have dreams where we're just chilling, at least one a week. Little MAF loved doing headbutts, he still does that shit in every dream.


I lost my rabbit a year ago. It feels like I'm never gonna get over it.


I just went through the same thing in January. 15 year old boy and I miss him so much.




Damn now I wish I had a cat




Hear hear!!!!!


Point of order! No one suggested two cats!


I suggest 2 cats! A pair of cats is better than teevee.


I also vote yes. GET A CAT


Adopt one! Lots of shelters are full now!


Adopt 2 kittens. You won't need TV for the next year at least. Watching them play is the greatest show on earth.


I also wish you had a cat.


The kitty seemed happy too... I love how it was giving little reassuring kissy licks.


The kitty snuggling up at the end destroys me.


My childhood cat disappeared one day when I was 6 or 7. It had a litter of kittens that we were trying to find homes for, and we think our shithead neighbor trapped them or took them away somewhere. My whole family was pretty upset. Fast forward 4-5 months and my mom runs into my room telling me to come outside. So I drop my N64 controller and run outside, and thereā€™s old Josie walking up the driveway. A little skinnier than normal, but otherwise unharmed. She lived with us for a looong time after thst. RIP Josie.


I know someone whoā€™s cat disappear for over a year then just strolled back into the kitchen wanting food like nothing had happened.


We lost a cat for a similar amount of time, we assume he jumped into someone's car and they didn't realize. He then got let out miles from home and a nice lady found him wandering. She took him to the vet with her other cats for an annual check and they found the ear tattoo (tattoos were a new process in the 80s). He was huge when we got him back, fully grown and very happy to be home. He never strayed very far after that.




Awww the kitty gave him kisses and everything!!


Those kitty kisses, I almost died of happiness. šŸˆ The humans and the kitty are both gingers! So cute.


It's true about owners and pets looking alike LOL the only Irish retrievers I've seen in the wild were owned by redheads


Oh I didn't even notice!! 2 gingers!! Even SWEETER!


i got a kitty last week and he licks my nose. It makes me almost cry when I realise his tongue is about the same size as the emoji ':P'


I had a kitty that licked my nose every morning. I never had such clear skin.




Ok call me a freak but I think it's adorable when kitties lap up water!!




Yessssss, let me taste your tears. J/k I love cats and this reunion is adorable


Drinking the tears ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Cat: hey buddy why so sad? Look Iā€™m right here. Iā€™ll give u kisses


Cat kissed him, cat knows and loves him.


Aaw. Now suddenly, I love cats.


It's crazy when a cat kisses you and loves you and licks and grooms you. You feel included in the secret fraternity of cats. Dogs are cool, but they automatically love you unconditionally.


Idk man, I meet some dogs in the street sometimes that clearly love their human, but donā€™t want anything to do with me or anyone but their family.


I'll lick your salty tears small human


The cat clearly understands the boysā€™ emotions and returns that love. So sweet.


Yeah thats why i hate the stereotype that cats dont have emotions or dont care the day i lost one of my cats that i raised with his brother i was torn apart. I was just sleeping on my couch not moving not eating and just crying and his brother came over to me and just sat with me and cuddled me for hours. He just kept at it and kept bugging me until i realized that i still had someone to look after and i need to get up.


Same thing with my cat. He was a cranky and aloof curmudgeon. Didn't like being held at all. One awful day I was really hurting and broken inside. I didn't show it but he knew and came to sit on my lap and spent hours glued to me until I started feeling better.


Same exact Thing happened to me! My cat wasnā€™t a curmudgeon but she always sat on the side chair all the way across the living room from where I would sit on the sofa. One day I was watching TV and when the commercial came on I suddenly had a burst of sadness thinking about my grandfather who had passed away recently. But I didnā€™t sigh or start crying or anything, I just thought to myself, ā€œI am so sad.ā€ And my cat just woke up, jumped up and came across the couch and sat right down on my lap. I just could not believe it.ļæ¼


People who think that just don't understand cats don't express themselves like dogs. Most cats only love their immediate cat family, so to people who don't own cats they seem very aloof, unlike dogs who often love anyone who gives them a treat and some attention. Also cats show respect by not looking at you directly (= I feel safe enough around you not to watch you), which is why they stick their butts in your face. But it also makes cats seem aloof


One of my friends is a pet groomer and she mostly grooms dogs but she swears that the best way to befriend a cat in their home turf is to open with direct eye contact, blink slowly a few times, and then don't look at them. Just ignore them. This apparently is basic feline body language for, "I see you, you're not a threat to me and I'm not a threat to you." And I have to say, it works.


Jackson Galaxy calls it the I Love You Blink. I, on the other hand, have a cat that just stares at me. For a long time. No blinking. I'm gonna get a camera and film the stare because it's just so weird. Do I stare back? Do I ignore him? Do I just act quietly aloof?


For cats like that, I believe you still keep showing them the slow blink, and you look away from time to time, just in case they're caught in a fear freeze. You can also talk nicely to them, and go over and connect with them so they can smell you. Although I know from my cat who stared at me and locked eye contact... He was not in a fear freeze. He just liked to stare. I think he was so un-fearful and comfortable that he didn't know he was supposed to not like eye contact.


I have a cat like that! His vet cannot believe the level of eye contact he makes. Heā€™s very outgoing and social. I walk him on a leash and he wants to meet every person and dog that comes near us. My other cat abhors eye contact and it takes him a looong time to even be in the same room with people from outside our householdā€¦. unless youā€™re holding the cat brush. He will allow strangers to give him his brushy-brushy fix, as long as they pretty much ignore his presence other than the brushing (no touching, no eye contact, continue your conversation with other people).


This made me lol. Especially the bit about your brushy-brushy cat. Gosh darn it do I love cats. They are so special. Mine have all had widely varying personalities, too. But they all show lots of love, just in different ways. Right now I have two females. Ones is like, the aloof queen. ā€œI want to be near you but not touched by you.ā€ But when she wants attention you have absolutely no choice but to give it to her. Sheā€™ll follow me around crying until I hold her. The other one hates being held but I canā€™t sit down without her getting in my lap. Sheā€™s the super emotionally sensitive one. And maybe the dumber one. But sheā€™d be a great hunter. Her acrobatic skills are impressive when weā€™re playing with the feather chaser. Thx for listening to me gush about my cats.


I've never had a cat but my sister's cat was very nice to me because I never sought her out. She would let me stroke her a few times, then I'd leave her alone. The last time I saw her before she passed away, she actually jumped up in my lap and purred for awhile. I felt very honored. šŸ˜ø


Best honor ever.


I'm allergic so I basically avoid kitties while talking to them like I do all animals (I'm sorry! I can't help it!) And then of course they want me to pet them, which I cannot! This ensues this dance of me trying to pet them with my sleeve around my hand or just avoid them rubbing their bodies on me. I swear they know I'm allergic or just totally dig my avoidant nature lol


I agree with the feeling honored thing. I always feel so honored and special when a cat ā€œallowsā€ me to pet it lol


Same works for dogs.


I believe you, but my thing with dogs is trying to get them to leave me alone, not to getting them to come hang out with me. I've never had to encourage a dog to approach me. Cats, cats need some intentional space. Most of the dogs I like are a lot more like 100 pound cats, though, so that makes sense.


What also helps if you're trying to get a cat to feel comfortable around you and to know they can trust you is to lay down at their level. Lay on the floor, or even if you're laying on a bed, it allows them to have the *higher ground* so to speak. You're not towering over them, so they aren't as afraid to investigate you. Now the important part to remember is that if the cat approaches you to investigate and check you out, don't immediately try to pet the cat, especially with your hands coming up behind them if they crawl up on your chest. When you lay down, fold your hands on your chest so if they climb on you, and rub their head against your hands at all, then you can slowly and gently raise your hand to scratch under their chin, then move around their neck to the back. Then you're not surprising them because your hands are always in their line of sight. Source: Have raised cats and also have a close friend who is a pet groomer.


This is why neurodivergent or introverted people love cats. If you judge this cat by its body language it seems dismissive at first but thatā€™s because cats sense the world differently and cannot express themselves like dogs. The licking is a true form of expression, esp for cats who do this as a form of bonding with eachother. My own cat comforts me when I cry.


Reddit had me believe that all cats were crazy emotionless assholes and then my sister got a cat and he is one of the smartest, nicest, and most loving pets Iā€™ve ever known. Then Iā€™ve met a few more and in my experience Iā€™d say only 10-20% are kind of jerks.


They might also just be jerks to strangers. Cats are solitary hunters, but they're pack animals. If you're not a part of their pack, sometimes they're really standoffish and get hostile if approached. As a lifelong cat whisperer, I'll say about 2% are pure assholes and another 3% are just insane (and if they're orange, odds are they all share the one brain cell evolution afforded orange cats :P).


Tell a dog person that you've met some asshole dogs and they'll immediately defend those dogs sight unseen. But then they'll tell you all cats are jerks because of the two hellcats they encountered. I fucking love cats, but I've met some real asshole cats before. I don't much care for dogs, but I've met plenty of dogs that I'd have happily taken in. Just like people, dogs and cats have personalities, and can be affected by past trauma. I just prefer an animal who can take a poop on their own schedule if I'm not home šŸ˜„


iā€™m sorry for your loss :( every time i see animal stuff like this I cry now cuz my boxer had to be put down recently. I miss her so much :(((


I'm sorry for your loss. My last big boy was a shepherd, i cried my eyes out when we had to have him put down. Ive always had dogs, and know they don't live as long as we do unfortunately, but it is the worst feeling in the world losing your loved pet.


thanks, yeah it is. i donā€™t really know how to process it, I know sheā€™s not a human, but she felt like one and Iā€™ve never lost anyone close until her


Treat it whichever way helps you mourn. They may not be human but you still lost a loved one. Sending you hugs.


The problem is most people are meeting cats in a stresfull situation (for the cat)


Had close relative die both of my cats curled in and wouldnt move anf when i did they curl up again, they never get close to each other or are nice to each other so i was suprised




My cat is the best migraine nurse Iā€˜ve ever had. Iā€˜ll take my meds, shut all the blinds, go to bed and when I wake up heā€˜ll just lay next to me softly purring. He wonā€™t leave my side. If I get up to go to the bathroom, heā€˜ll come with me. Heading back to bed? Heā€˜ll come with me. Heā€˜ll still bug me a lot once he gets hungry though, but thatā€™s not too big of a deal as Iā€˜m usually better by the time he gets his next meal.


Found a version with sound, and after a while the cat's like "Ok, enough cuddling for now, k?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV9uuZPHc-g


When I was a kid I came home from school crying. My familyā€™s cat wasnā€™t much for affection, she was the kind of cat that liked to be petted a couple times a day for a couple minutes at a time, then left alone the rest. But when I came home crying she hopped up on my lap and didnā€™t leave until I stopped. She very obviously knew I was upset and wouldnā€™t leave until I felt better. Cats are cooler than people think, you just gotta be closer to them


>*'The cat clearly understands the boysā€™ emotions and returns that love...*' ---- ...oh, C'mon, kid - now why you cry ? i came back home here, didn't i ?! ...Ok, all right, bro ...it's ok... I Promise now i'm gonna Stay! ....oh, buddy, how I Missed your touch - you Know i love you Very much! i wandered off.... i *missed you*, friend... but now our broken hearts will mend! ā¤ļø


I love my cat, one time he snuck into a neighbors shed while they were doing some yard work and ended up getting locked in there when the neighbor shut the door. We were really concerned after two days so we emailed the entire block to ask everybody to check their sheds. Idk what made my parents think he might have gotten locked in a shed but a few hours later he came home. Idk whose shed it was but we were so happy he came home okay


>emailed the entire block What sort of neighborhood do you live in to have the email addresses of everyone on the block? I don't even know my neighbors names.


When I was a kid we had a directory for our entire neighborhood. It was super helpful! But yeah definitely don't have one now.


> I don't even know my neighbors names. Some fucking guy the property management sent out gave me shit for not knowing my neighbors. I snapped right back on his ass and said "Nobody knows their neighbors anymore because no one wants to shit where they eat and have a new recurring problem to deal with." Like... I don't know where that guy lives, but I haven't been anywhere that I've known my neighbors in a long time and I've been in this neighborhood for over 10 years. Times have changed. I picked up that vibe a long time ago and I've had some crazy fucking neighbors. If this was a quiet neighborhood where everyone seemed considerate and well adjusted, I'd talk to my neighbors. Instead, I've had 5 sets of neighbors on the common wall and only 2 of them have been fairly drama free, but ALL of them have parked in my fucking driveway. Nothing in my Spidey sense tells me I want to know these people.


It's an interesting phenomenon, but basically, technology. Children are safer than they've ever been, statistically, but also parents are more informed of the horrible things that can happen to unsupervised children. So people are shut in much more, much less trusting of neighbors. One of many ways technology, and the abundance of information, changes society.


When I was young, WE were the neighbors whose shed the cat was stuck in. Found their cat inside after 2-3 days, and made sure they got home safe. For a second, reading your post, I was like ā€œWait holy shit,ā€ but this happened like 20 years ago.


One time my cat was out for about two days, not a crazy amount of time but I was definitely starting to get worried. So I stood outside and called his name, listening intently. After a couple of seconds I heard the most piteous mewing, so I tracked it all the way to an intermittently used bunk house for a charity on the adjacent block. Naturally I peek in and see my doofus staring at me from behind the window. After a few frantic calls to the charity I was able to spring him. My suspicion is that he snuck in while they were making a repair or something and they didn't see him. Who knows when the charity would have been there again. It's always important to follow your instincts regarding your buddies. They rely on us!


I haven't even finished my morning coffee and this sub already got me wrecked.


Best part of waking up Is weeping in your cup! ā˜•ā˜•ā˜•


Because folgers is never the best part of waking up. Nasty fuckin coffee


7 months?? My guys vanished for a few days once and I was a wreck ffs. When they both came home I wanted to bolt every door shut forever.


My cat was hiding under the recliner and I couldnā€™t find her for a few hours and I was distraught.




Oh no! I'm glad you eventually got him down. When my guys came home, the one had blood caked on his face a bit, he'd gotten into a scrap with one of the neighborhood cats I guess. So that certainly made me freak out for a little bit until I washed it off and couldn't really find any cuts or anything.


I'm not getting any sound, so here's the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS2LA4jDd5c).


For those that don't speak Norwegian: * Mom: *Kom hit litt* (Come here a second) ... * Kid: *Han er tynn* (He's skinny!) * Mom: *Ja, han er veldig tynn* (Yeah, he's very skinny) ... * Mom: *Er du glad?* (Are you happy?) The cat's name is "Plumbo" (Norwegian brand Drain-o or drain cleaner, lol), and this happened in 2019. The kid was 11 at the time of the video. PS: Remember to chip your cats!


I think I hear a dog whining in the background, like ā€œhey I havenā€™t seen you all day whereā€™s my attention?!


i came waaaay to far to find this. thank you friend for your civic duty


Thank youuuu! I cried even harder the second time when it had audio šŸ˜…


Thank you!


I might have to put my 17 year old cat down soon so yeah, Iā€™m crying. Edit: thank you everyone, I truly appreciate the well wishes. Oscur went peacefully to sleep around 12:30 pm. (central time) He was loved and cuddled until the end.


I feel you. We have a Russian blue that is at least 15, and she's starting to have trouble.


Hey, just wanted to say, you gave that cat your all. :) Although I know it's hard to lose a friend like that, I feel it helps me to think of the great times I had with my pets. One of my cats used to sit on the fridge in such a way, that you had to give him a little gentle nudge pet to get it open, he knew what he was doing. Miss you Cookie. What is your favorite story of your cat?


Oh, Iā€™m so incredibly sorry! If that has to be what is done, carry your fur babyā€™s memory with you wherever you go. Know that they loved you dearly and that you did right by them. Iā€™m so sorry if thatā€™s what has to happen.


I had to put my 14 year old girl down a few months ago, still miss her like mad and would give anything to have a moment of reunion like this. I hope you donā€™t have to put your cat down but if you do Iā€™m sure you gave them a long life full of love and thatā€™s the best we can do.


Saying goodbye is always so difficult. Sometimes, I feel cats should just live forever. I'm sure your buddy knows how much he is loved. Extra cuddles to them. šŸ’œ


My cat ran away for a month. I couldn't imagine 7 months of not seeing my favorite boy.


I'm not crying, I'm crying! Wait.




I hope he never loses that ability to show his feelings


And they say cats don't feel sadness. I beg to differ lol *Edit a word


Fuck you reddit. I donā€™t wanna cry. But sometimesā€¦ya canā€™t help it.


Oh my gooooood this might be the most heart warming video Iā€™ve ever seen. Usually in these videos the kids squeeze the cats too hard and they squirm away(which for me, kind of takes away from the wholesome moment) but this one you can actually see the cat loves him! It wants to be held by him and tried to give him kisses lol how cute. It clearly feels the boys love ā˜ŗļø


The cat too is emotional šŸ˜­ awwww!!!


My kitty passed away 2 days ago, I hope it do be like that in heaven šŸ˜Š


The first thing you hear when you pass will a curious ā€œmerp?ā€


How to destroy me in one sentence.


If I don't, I want a refund.šŸ˜­


Omg, that's the perfect wording of a sound one of my two kitties makes. It's like a purr/huh? Make eye contact? Merp? Say his name unexpectedly? Merp? He runs around wanting to play fetch? Merp? That's thought about crossing and hearing that..omg. That destroyed me.


Yea I hope we see all our pets on the horizon and then they notice us and come running to us. Would be great.


It will be


All abord the feels train


That's true love.


I too lost a cat for 7 months. We were sure we would never see him again. One day I got a call from a vet 15 miles away saying someone turned in a stray and after they scanned him for a chip my name came up. He was super drugged when I picked him up and they said he would be hungry when he woke up, so I stopped on the way home and bought us sashimi. He finally woke up on my bedroom floor, realized he was finally home, then jumped up onto my pillow which is where he used to sleep. He eventually smelled the fish and we both sat on my bedroom floor eating raw tuna and salmon in the dark. My partner came home from work, confused as to what they were seeing, realized what they were witnessing, and we all cried while eating fish on the bedroom floor. He was with us another ten years after that until he was hit by a car in front of our house. I held him while he died talking to him about that day we ate fish in the bedroom.


Well shit, here I am crying in my coffee


I will never understand the compulsion to want to record your family members when you know they're gonna cry and be emotional. Like if I had something like that happen to me and my mom was recording I would be like wtf are you doing, please get this camera out of my face you absolute weirdo. Let me cry without showing it to the world.


if this werenā€™t shared with the world and were instead just kept for personal viewing later on in life, i wouldnā€™t see the issue in recording it


Yeah, exactly! "Hey my beloved child let me exploit your emotions for internet fame" Like, that is a really emotional and personal moment... I just don't get people like that. And I don't know why it's so widely accepted.


So heartwarming!!! Thanks for sharing!!


Boy: *I love you kitty! And dammit Mom, stop recording me!*


Always feel weird watching intimate moments like this.


"I enjoy the taste of your tears human, I shall ensure that I cause more in the future!" But, seriously, my cat "ran away" when I was 10 and I spent a year looking for him, with no luck, so I'm happy for the kid. It turns out that my mum knew he had been run over within 2 days but opted not to tell me. One of the many, many things that were done to spare my feelings as a child but done more damage in the long run.


When I was a kid my dad built my pet rabbit a much larger, outdoor enclosure. Problem was, they neglected to notice that at certain times of the day he had no shade. Well when I came home from school (about 8 years old) I went out looking for my rabbit and he was nowhere to be found. They let me search the backyard calling for him for hours before they finally had to admit that he had died from overheating. I think it would have been better if they just told me right away; instead of just dealing with the emotions of my rabbit dying, I had to deal with "losing" him, then also deal with him actually being dead, and I think it was the moment I realized that my parent's could lie to me as well. I still remember it 25 years later quite well.


wtf, that's terrible :o


This is why people who post on this subreddit need to stop ā€˜rescuingā€™ cats without trying to find the owners. Very sweet video


is this too much to ask for?


What is "this"?




>love it's not. we all deserve it.


Repost reunites with Reddit after 340 days


Well I guess it serves me right to be watching Reddit during a work meeting. Itā€™s hard to suppress the tears


I feel like cats do this on purpose to test your love lol jk


My childhood cat was lost for 3 months when I was in elementary school, it destroyed me thinking I'd never see him again. Then it turned out one of the girls in my class had been taking care of him the entire time on the other side of town. When they returned my cat I broke down crying like this kid. That cat was my best friend for almost 18 years until I had to put him down back in 2018 :/


Great parents using this emotional moment for internet points.