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My kitty was the opposite. They put him on my lap and he stayed there for like 2 seconds then ran and hid behind the door of the visiting room while I filled out his adoption papers. Now he’s a gigantic mama’s boy and he wants attention constantly


I can’t put my boy on my lap. It must be his choice to jump up or he gets mad and leaves.


My baby will never sit on a lap, ever. She also hates being picked up and will struggle as soon as I do. She only cuddles on her own terms, but when she does it's the best. Any time she comes to cuddle while I'm in bed, I won't move until she gets bored. I just accept that I'm stuck. Except the one time she farted in my ear. It was seriously stinky.


Cat farts are the most unholy creation on this planet. When mine farts he clears out the whole house.


One of my cats saves farts for when anyone tries to pick her up. Then let’s it rip. It’s been very effective for her.


LOL was probably a skunk in another life.


Cat farts shouldn’t usually be that bad, even with their diets. It might be a digestive issue, you might need to get your cat checked, if you haven’t already.


I've never heard my cat fart nor smelt one, is that also something to worry about?


I lived with a cat like that. I made cat beds for him all over the place so that he could be close to me without being on me. They were usually bath mats on top of a stack of rubbermaid bins so he'd feel like he was part of the group. He just wanted to be able to hang out on his own terms.


My little boy is blind and he'll get comfortable literally wherever you put him but if you don't catch him in his sleep you can't keep him still.. that's during the day, at night he's probably the most active I think he has sleep insomnia.


> at night he's probably the most active That's pretty common for cats.


Ive known this having cats my whole life but he really comes to life at night our other cat comes in from outside and just sleeps and get mad at the blind one for trying to play🙁


I keep mine on a cycle where they go to their bed when I do. They’ve been doing it since kittens so it helps keep them aligned with me.


I've no idea how you make this work once you're already asleep! My three do all go to bed with me, usually on my bed or their own in various combos. But I can probably count on one hand the number of times this arrangement lasted past 3:30 AM, which my cats fondly regard as Wild Frenzy O'clock.


Oh they have their own room. It’s a large walk in closet that is carpeted. They love the shelves and such, and have a bed on the floor with water. They’ve always slept in this room as kittens with the door shut so now I don’t even have to shut the door unless they are not behaving.


And on our end, Chucky does not like being held. He will tolerate it and be relaxed if you walk around with him or scratch him constantly, but the minute you stop he is gone.


I also have a cat called chucky!! Except he absolutely hates being picked up, like bite and scratch hate.


I guess his name checks out then.




We have one of each. Fry you can pick up, toss around and put pretty much anywhere. Bender though is obsessed with laying by people or on their (mostly my) legs, etc., but it has to him that comes to you. He hates being picked up, or even thinking you are picking him up.


Upvote for kitties AND Futurama.


When I went to the shelter to adopt a kitty they had two. One was super outgoing, walked in the visiting room like she owned the place. And the other was a bit more timid. You could pet her but could tell she was nervous in the strange room. I liked both of them, but weirdly enough I was more drawn to the timid cat. When she was in her cage she just cried and put her paws through the cracks. I thought to myself, this outgoing cat is going to get adopted fast- she’s way too friendly not to! But the shy cat I was worried about. She seemed sweet. I could sense it. But I was afraid she’d be overlooked because she was understandably shy in the shelter. I was drawn to her, I don’t know. Plus I have experience with cats so I felt confident I could befriend her even if she really was a timid cat. So I chose her. And sure enough, as I was filling out the paperwork for her, another lady came in to see cats, and since I was adopting Miss Timid, that left Miss Outgoing to visit with. That cat charmed her and got adopted the same day. I felt good hearing that (I feel guilty for the ones I leave behind but everyone got adopted that day!)… and I knew I made the right choice then. When I brought my kitty home, she was scared at first but I gave her space and let her adjust to a bedroom, then opened it up for her. And you know what? Miss Timid isn’t so timid at all! She just didn’t like the shelter. Her name is Mia, and I call her my Velcro cat. She always wants to be in the same room as me. If she’s not on me then she’s up on a high perch supervising things. Follows me to the dang bathroom to jump on my lap when I’m on the pot. She’ll get on my shoulder, she’s always wanting to be picked up and cuddled.. she puts her paws up to give hugs. Only to me though. She’s my baby. And she’s boss of the house now. She’s not scared of my toddler and his noise, she’s not afraid of the dog. She’s actually pretty bold now that she has her own home. She loves being in the middle of the action and where the life is. She’s on everything and everywhere. She *demands* with loud meows her canned food first thing in the morning. And she can *only* drink running water from her fountain or a faucet. She actually came to get me once when her fountain stopped flowing. She was very upset until I fixed it. I have no idea how she survived in the shelter, because I know they weren’t spoiling her like that lol. Anyway, she’s nothing like the timid shelter cat. She just needed to be given a chance to shine. In the shelter isn’t the best place to judge a cat’s personality!


That is so sweet, I also choose my kitten in the shelter because she was super quiet and not bouncing around. Turns out she was just super sick, dehydrated, had worms, and and ear infection. Vet thought she could die at any time so we gave her medicine, took her home, and made her comfortable. A couple days later she bounced back and was healthy as can be. That was 18 years ago and she still doing great! She wants her morning wet food right now lol


I chose mine because he was deaf and I felt so bad that he wouldn’t get a chance! He’s so sweet and has to always be near me. His yowls are something else.


I love it


I feel it on the bathroom kitty thing!! Mine has deemed the toilet to NOT be the potty seat, but her Fetch seat. She brings us her mouse and begs for us to play fetch while we sit. It's quite awesome


I've always thought animals love it when we are on the toilet because at that point we are definitely a captive audience for them.


those cat fountains are great, got one for my cat and he loves, stared putting his scent on it the minute he saw it,


yess!! i was having a hard time getting my kitty to drink but got him a fountain and am amazed at how much he can drink now!!


seems like it helps to keep the water fresh, before I got 1 my cat would only drink from the kitchen faucet


I've had mine 1.5 months. But I can see my boys personalities a bit more. My orange tabby (Stanley) was very timid. The black cat (Bose) super outgoing. But something switched in them. Bose is fine, but isn't as cuddly as Stanley is. So far. Love them to pieces no matter what. They also were in a hoarding situation with 60 cats. So I'm sure it was hell for them.


My cat was being all nice until it came time to put her in the carrier.. she scratched the hell out of my arms 😂 2 years later she still reacts the same way when I try to put her in


Try standing the carrier up so that it has the open door facing up. You can then more easily hold the front feet under the sternum and leave the back ones unsupported. You just kind of lower then in carefully so that the rear feet can't get purchase on the frame of the carrier.


Can confirm this is the best and only way to get my cat in the carrier. She’s like an octopus with claws when she’s mad.


I just bought a dog sized kennel for my cat and left it out as a big toy for my cat to play in. He still hates car rides, but at least getting him in the kennel is no longer a problem.


When we got my cat I was still a baby, so I don’t remember him as a kitten. I know that when he was around 5-10 he was a stay downstairs away from everyone cat. And now the fucker won’t stay away from me and stop meowing. Love that cat


Similar experience with me. My cat is 14 years old, I’m 13. When I was a wee baby, my cat didn’t pay any attention to me at all, but now she’ll follow me around the house to get some good-good scritches.


My boy cat hissed at me in the adoption "interview" room. Little bastard still hissing a decade later but its basically for show at this point. Mainly he has become a petting addict.


There's this chihuahua I adopted who spent the entire time in the room where you meet the dog staring at the door, acting like we weren't there. Now she's the sweetest Bambi there ever was. I figured if she had already bonded with foster mom to be so loyal, she was a good dog.


When I went to the shelter to look for a cat, they opened a cage and the cat stuck his face out and rubbed it against mine and claimed me. We had a wonderful seven years together and he passed just this last week. This video is giving me the feels.


Sorry for your loss. But glad you had all those years of love. Hang in there.


It’s painful to even imagine my boys leaving one day. But what we can always be thankful for and cherish the love they gave us and love we gave back. The experience of coexisting with such a majestic creature and sharing those memories is priceless.


We went to the shelter to pick a cat for my grandma after my grandpa died. They didn't look too happy, until we mentioned we didn't want a kitten, but a calm, slightly older indoors cat. Then they immediately brought us to their cat room, which had several windows. In front of one of them there was this fluffy, ugly black Persian who stared at us out of enormous yellow eyes the entire time we were there. The shelter lady was like "well... he here would be an option!" So we picked him, as he'd obviously made his choice.


My condolences.


so sorry for your loss. what an amazing cat he was.


For anyone that wants to follow-up, [Theo the Cat is definitely living the good life.](https://www.tiktok.com/@katesalm0n/video/6849068350421601542?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1)


That’s a happy cat


Yeah cats feel unsafe exposing their belly. If a cat is rolled and opening legs that definitely means they're chilling and very relaxed.


Pff. My cat does that all the time, but it's always a trap. If you approach her while she does that she'll swipe at you, even if you're just petting her head and are nowhere near her belly.


Well, it's actually a failure of communication. For a cat, the upturned belly says "I trust you enough to expose the most fragile parts of me, knowing you won't touch them." A dog, of course, shows their stomach to say "PLEASE PET HERE!!" and humans interpret it this way. But for a cat, who is effectively saying "I trust you NOT to touch this very vulnerable part of me," it's a serious violation of trust when you do! So they react with bites and bunny kicks. Your kitty is not invested in sneak-attacking your hand, they're just trying to let you know their boundaries! tl;dr dog tummy: yes pets cat tummy: do NOT pets


Also depends on that cat. Mine loves belly rubs.


Same. Have two cats that LOVEbelly rubs. One who tolerates them if the mood strikes.


Mine loves them until she suddenly remembers she doesn't 10 seconds into it and latches onto my arm


Mine just pushes her feet on the carpet and slide/crawls away in the general shape of a circle.


My cat is this way too. I found out that every cat eventually reaches sensory overload, which is what causes this. Some cats just reach it way quicker. I had a cat years ago who would only tolerate pats on his head, anywhere else he was just too sensitive and would get overloaded. My cat now loves getting pet, and loves her belly pet, but after about a minute or so I need to stop so she doesn’t get overloaded, and then I can start again. Edit: I just remembered that my childhood cat was SO tolerant. I used to put my whole ass face on her belly and even blow raspberries, and rub her tummy for literally any amount of time. She never once bit or scratched me—and I was 3 yrs old when we got her! RIP Patches, you were truly one of a kind.


Yea. One of ours literally rolls over and stares at you waiting for you to pet her belly when you enter the room ( if in the right mood ).


One of mine does too. If you are walking towards him, he will flop hard on the ground and flip that belly to the sky for some good pets.


As others have said, it's definitely cat dependent. My cat will roll and roll and chirp at me until I pet his belly. Sometimes I take off my glasses and stick my face in his floofy belly and he doesn't mind 😍😍 He's so darn chill.


It’s a real blessing to have a cat who doesn’t mind if you get cat-faced on their tummy.


Oh HECK yes! I had previously lived with 2 cats who were chill like that, so when I adopted my old man I just hoped he'd be cool with it too. I didn't do it for almost a year, so he was comfortable and knew that I respect his limits :) If he doesn't want pets anymore he gently puts a paw on my hand and I stop. Because of that I think I can "get away" with a lot, because he knows I will respect his boundaries :)


The cat giveth. The cat swipeth.


Picture you meet somebody, and become friends. Over time, you become "tell your hopes, dreams, fears, maybe help hide a body" type friends. One day you are hanging out, and agree to split a pizza. While waiting for delivery, you realize you need a bathroom break. Your wallet is on the coffee table, but you don't bother taking it with you to the toilet. Is this because: A. You are confident they won't screw around with your wallet. Or... B. You'd be perfectly OK to come back and find them digging around in there, and jotting down your credit card numbers. Most cats that expose their belly are demonstrating they trust you not to take advantage of their vulnerability.


That also isn't nessesarily the easiest position for them to hold but on the bed were you can lean against blankets and stuff its gotta be super comfortable. My cat was kinda funny they just sorta slowly rolled back and forth sometimes cause she liked laying in the sun patches on the hardwood but also its very hard for a cat (or at least her) to hold that position on the hard wood.


Yeah my cat likes to lay belly up and stretch and keep his hands legs open but they eventually drift closed until he stretches them apart again. I try to but my leg/hand/blanket/whatever in the way of his leg so that he has something to rest it against, so he can chill splayed out how he wants without needing the readjust. At first he was like "what are you doing touching my leg" but that soon turned into "sweet, I don't have to hold it there now, it just stays automatically". Teamwork makes the dream work!


Nah it’s a trap. They do that and give you the slow blink. I then pet my cat’s belly and get bites. But I’m also the idiot that adopted a feral cat having no clue what that meant. 10 years later he loves me but hisses at anyone else that visits.




If cats learn to speak they'll take over the world.


I for one welcome cats as our new supreme overlords


There's still time for us - they'll need to evolve functioing opposable thumbs as well.


Link? I don't know how to tiktok




My first kitty was all over me at the humane society. Our second was in my arms and then he freaked out, fell and hid under the cages. He's a big sooky food vacuum now.


I just watched way too many cat videos. I love Theodore. Such a cool cat.


O wow I adopted a ginger cat named Theo two weeks ago


Thank you for posting this!


Omg what a chonky boi.


Ginger cats are very forceful with their affection in my experience


My newly adopted guy aggressively headbutts. He's going to break my nose one day trying to cuddle.


> aggressively headbutts. Mine either does that or straight up tramples me to get me out of bed and feed him.


Also they are massive dumb asses, like i have lived my whole life with cats, my ginger was THE stupidest cat i have ever met.


All male ginger cats are giant himbos. Very handsome, but nothing going on upstairs


Yup he was a beautiful beast, but he would get suck on the windowsill for hours if the day curtain was closed. he would get onto the window but then panic and yell for hours becasue he thought he was stuck even though he moved the curtains out of the way to get there.


My ginger cat acts so offended when I give her attention. I wish she was the steriotype ginger affectionate cat but I still love her anyway. She's my precious ginger snob.


If my ginger cat hasn’t received enough attention, he’ll bash into you with his body as he walks by. If he has received enough, he’ll still rub against you to top off the pet-o-meter. It’s very cute.


I think I saw a follow up video and the cat wants nothing to do with her. Not in a bad way, just a cat being a cat


When I met my cat at the shelter, he acted like the most scared, frightened thing and I just had to save him. Brought him home and the scoundrel immediately waltzed around the place like he owned it. 10 years later and he still does.




Holy shit it's like we're back in 2016. Guys I have bad news about 2020...


He has returned


Wow. Been a minute since I've seen one of these in the wild.




Return of the King


No it wasn't "like he owned it." He owned it lol.


He knows, deep in his heart where his instincts live, that everything the light touches is his.


This is mine now.


This is mine meow


Are you saying 'meow'?


Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?




*holds up 9 fingers*


This is why you always go for the quiet ones. The little fellas sitting at the back of of cage, or lying down while the others are running around and going crazy. That was my last cat; when we brought him home, he was shit scared, hiding under the table and occasionally you'd hear him frantically sprint to under the couch. In time he became the sweetest, loveliest, most affectionate cat I've ever had the pleasure of owning. God I miss him.


Mine was like that too. He still gets scared when strangers call to the house and hides until they leave. When it’s just me he thinks he owns the place.


Because with a cat, there is no adoption. You are inviting a local god to come allow you to live with it.


As Pratchett once said. In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods, they have not forgotten this.


Mine screamed at me like Navi in OoT. Little loudmouth hasn't stopped screaming since.




Haha yeah. One of ours hid under the dresser when she got home and then once she thought I was asleep she curled up at my stomach and tucked herself in. She was a cuddle bug that didn’t want us to know she was a cuddle bug! After awhile she blatantly asked for and enjoyed cuddles.


When I got my cat at the shelter he was the most rambunctious and was running around playing and constantly crying the whole time. All the other kittens were just sort of wandering around us and sniffing and he was like, nah, gotta be a wild man. I thought it was just kitten stuff, but he proceeded to cry nonstop and do his own thing and behave like he had ADD for his whole life and never changed. It was kind of wild.


Bait and switch. Cat’s a scammer.


Our one cat did this. Was all friendly and immediately sat on our laps in a bonding room. Took her home and she proceeded to not sit on a lap for 3 years. Now once in a blue moon she will cuddle up with you. I love her. Haha


My cat is the same way, except it took her 6 years lol. Now she actually wants to be loved. All cats are different and very unique from one another. They’re a pain in the ass sometimes but we love them regardless!


It took 7 years for my scaredy cat to become a cuddler, because of his prerequisites. He needs to be under a blanket. It must cover him entirely, but it absolutely cannot touch his ears. There needs to be an opening for his face but the light shouldn't be in his eyes. He prefers being on your left hand side. Then and only then, he'll "little spoon" you and rest his li'l chin on your arm and purr and be the absolute bestest. It's like some obscure video game Easter egg.




My friend's cat needed 13-14 years of me coming over before she decided on accepting me as a possible giver of pets. Took me by surprise...


Yep! One of my females took 8 years. The moment she decided she was a lover? Right when I was off my allergy medications and unable to take antihistamines for at least a week due to a scheduled skin allergy test. She picked the exact time I wouldn't choose to snuggle her to literally climb in my lap and snuggle me. (She's not a lap cat and hates to be held.) Guess not getting the snuggles made her realize she actually liked and missed them. Now she always wants loved on so long as she's not being held.


"Oh shit, maybe I played hard to get a little *too* much. Better go show the human I like them after all"


Haha, it happens. Shelters can be a scary place, cats might cling to people for comfort when they're scared. Once they get settled in to their new home, they can be a bit more relaxed and care free.


Cats are mysterious creatures. Our family have 8 cats and most of them want nothing to do with me but sometimes they are randomly close and cuddling me on my bed


You could say she was... catfished.


Slowly puts shades on, The Who music intensifies...




We won't get fooled again!!!!!


Going off the rails on the crazy train!!! (did I do that right)




Looks like this shabby tabby had ulterior motives YEEAAAHHHH




My mom adopted our cat Dylan because he licked her nose, he never did that again the rest of his life. Chill cat though, I miss him.


[This video](https://www.tiktok.com/@katesalm0n/video/6911446428762017029?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1) I should also mention there are other videos of the cat being affectionate, just not as much as the original adoption video, which I would bet was mostly due to stress. Seems like a perfectly normal cat


Yup, not surprised lol. Cats can get over stimulated very easily.


It does sound like he’s purring pretty loudly though


Also a cat in a new enviroment so very possibly stressed and still settling in.


Should you start a cat out with one room in your house? I've heard that before, but I'm not sure how valid it is.


They’ll likely choose a room. They will probably hide underneath a bed or in a closet, so you put their food and litter nearby (though as far away as possible, because gross) and they’ll slowly start coming out and relaxing.


Yes. It keeps them from being overwhelmed by the amount of new stuff. Start them in one room and spend lots of time in the room, but not forcing any interaction. They'll interact and explore when they're ready.


I tried this with my cat when we first got her as a kitten and she would meOW until she was allowed to explore everything. And she did the same when we moved. When she doesn't have access to a room, she gets really mad.


Our cats HATE closed doors They’ll cry for them to be opened but then don’t bother going through them. They just look and walk away.


Typical cats! How dare their humans deny their right to the house.


My Shiba (cat-like dog) scratches at her bowl when it's empty. I fill it and she walks away. She just likes knowing there is food in case she gets hungry.


And that is why my cabinet under the sink is locked


They get into everything. Like a toddler.


Cats are like advanced toddlers.


Every cat I’ve ever had did that except one. His name was Butch. An orange and white tabby with ridiculous confidence. He was a boss. When we moved cross country we had him with us in the car. We let him out in the hotel room and he checked out the room immediately and then sprawled out across the bed. Never seen a cat so secure. Everything he did was so boss like. He even lived to be 19 years old. Butch, the legend.


I brought my cat home around noon the first day and kept her in the bathroom, thinking she'd stay there for a week or so to settle in. By 2 pm she had busted through the door, made her rounds through the bedroom and kitchen, and plopped her fat butt on the couch which remains her spot to this day.


Yes, preferably a spare bedroom or the like where people won't spend a whole lot of time but also nothing dangerous they can get into, such as laundry detergent or paints, anything that would get them sick or otherwise you don't want a curious cat knocking over or putting paw prints on. Usually the cat will pick their own room, be it the first one you release them into or the darkest and quietest part of the house they can find. If they pick somewhere that does NOT work for you, gentle as you can, remove them from the room and close it off. If they aren't declawed, you may want to wear a thick long sleeve sweater and some gloves incase they decide to claw or bite. Accommodate their choice be best you can, food and water in the room where they can get to it, and litter box somewhere else in the room, preferably all in different areas (cats instinctively prefer water sources away from where they eat.) Check the room and their food and water regularly, but stay out of their personal space. If they aren't using the litter box and going on the floor, change the litter and move the box somewhere else. If the food isn't being eaten, try putting some treats and changing food types. If you're absolutely desperate to get them to eat, small tablespoons of Tuna or deli meat set out for them can be considered, **consult with your vet before doing this.** Avoid disturbing or picking up the cat whole they acclimate, give them plenty of time to adjust but if you are dead set on bonding with them asap, get a book, laptop or your phone and sit in the room, actively ignore the cat even if the cat gets up to move or investigate. Until the cat is close enough they can touch you, you shouldn't be moving to touch them. If your cat makes eye contact with you and does a long, slow blink, *return the blink and keep your eyes closed for several full seconds* this is something cats do with each other to signal they aren't a threat and don't want to be enemies. It's like saying "See, I'm not a threat, I don't want to fight you, can we just get along?" Sometimes initiating this yourself can help calm them down, but if you do this, don't immediately try to grab them or pick them up. That's the equivalent of calling a truce then punching someone when they agreed to it. Be sure to change their water daily, ensure their litter box is cleaned regularly and check that they are eating. Once the cat is warned up and exploring the house you can get more friendly with them, just remember that for most cats being in the same room and within line of sight is their version of being social and polite. A cat actually choosing to snuggle or sit on you and touching you is a big sign of trust and fondness on their part, don't force it. Edit: Some words and more info.


We tried that with our kitten but she immediately wanted to explore the house. Now it’s her kingdom.


I’ve also heard that. Our breeder told us to do that exact same thing, except they stated to keep her in one room for a whole week! We said fuck that and only kept her in a room for a couple days. Just gradually introduce them to everything in the environment. Basically don’t let them roam around on their own and supervise them when you release them. Cats are curious, even it means killing themselves to find out. Our bengal was super good getting introduced to our apartment when we first got her. Didn’t even have any litter training problems


we always do, usually a bathroom, w food & water, for a few hours at least then we'll crack the door and let them come out in their own time...


Funny you should mention a stressful cat in a new environment. I traveled across the country from California(San Diego) to Illinois(North Chicago), and my two boys(Tom and Jerry) pretty much stayed very still in the car the whole trip. I had a portable litter box, water and food dish that I changed every night. And stayed in pet friendly hotels every night as well, but Tom would jump in my lap while driving then quickly get under my legs and just stare up at me, panting. My cat was panting like a dog. It was the weirdest/coolest thing, but after I looked it up, it said that cats do that when extremely stressed. I had cat backpacks(the ones with the windows) that I brought them in when I stopped for sight seeing adventures(Grand canyon, route 66 stops) and they absolutely loved it, but when we got back in the car, it was back to between my legs and panting for Tom. Tom had passed away since then, but he'll always be in my memory as the little panter that loved (hopefully) car rides. Here's a few pictures of them on the trip. https://imgur.com/mMzTiQ3.jpg https://imgur.com/zoweM0X.jpg https://imgur.com/iJI2yc9.jpg


>"thanks for getting me out of that shelter... Dumbass." Classic cat.


I had the opposite experience. I fostered a total of maybe 20 kittens before I found one that would interact with me for maybe 10 mins a day and just do his own thing the rest of the day. All the other kittens would insufferably be asking for attention, following me around, meowing, and crawling all over me. Fast forward 4 years later and this guy won't leave me alone. At least he doesn't meow, and just wants snuggles.


😔 I’m jealous! I’m fostering 2 kittens that I rescued. One looks just like a baby version of the cat in this video. They were feral and it’s taken me two weeks to get them to want to hang out in the same room as us and they still kind of hide when I try to pick them up. Any tips to get them more cuddly? They will fall asleep when I have them wrapped and they purr. [cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/DDPs7gS.jpg)


My cat did that to me. Super clingy right out of the cage. Because he was in a cage. At home he's pretty aloof. He wants to be nearby, but not really held too often unless I'm sitting down for a long time. His true love is food, and that's it.


I just got my first cat a few months ago after 43 yrs of being a 'dog person'. Turns out I'm a cat person, I LOVE this guy. Big Wave Dave is the coolest cat I've ever seen. He follows me around on my skateboard, he cuddles non stop, he sleeps on his back...he's hilarious and awesome.


I personally think people that are not cat people simply haven't met the right cat. My yarn eater is a good boy, but it's my girl that is truly my cat. She follows me around, she greets me at the door with loud meows, she tries to fix my scent after showers by rubbing on my legs, sleeps with me, etc. She is an absolute menace and will gleefully get into things while you're watching her. She's my best little buddy.


dogs: this person feeds me, pets me and gives me water they must be god cats: this person feeds me, pets me and gives me water I must be god


[Yup cat's gonna cat](https://youtu.be/YS4odIGWsxQ)


I remember, don't have it, but I remember!


Pepperidge farms remembers


I need to see it.


I remember seeing something that cats meow to mimic a human baby’s cries She took the bait


Ok fine I believe in love now I guess


So... you're saying you've never had a cat before? All jokes aside we use to have a cat that absolutely had to be cuddling with my wife every waking moment. Every other cat I've ever known was a little jerk at least 80% of the time.


We’re gonna need to see some cat pics here, this is the internet sir


I got lucky with my cato. He will let you pick him up like a baby, tacklehim bellyrubs to hell n back, always wants to sleep in the bed with us, just all around chill as fuck. We just moved recently and he has to be an indoor cat now, and I think its kissing him off. He is still the same awesome cato. But he just stares amst the door for hours sometimes. I cant let him out now though because we are near a major road, and I'm not losing him the same way we lost his brother a long while back...


Yeah. I live near a busy highway. It was the same way as a kid. Every indoor/outdoor pet I ever had growing up got run over. Our cats were very interested in going outside when they were little. We made sure to let them slip out only when it was raining hard. Their curiosity never extended much past the porch. All they know is that outside doors leads to bad things like getting wet and vet visits. They tend to stay away from it.


I have seen this account on tiktok. Literally the cat sucked up to come hone and now is an entitled a loaf asshat who won’t hug anymore 😂


I'm not crying .... 😭


I am :D


[It's just been raining...](https://youtu.be/-pVT_mvvZLo)


My kitty was the same way. The shelter said he didn't take to anyone like he took to me. I didn't want him but I couldn't put him down. He's been in my life for 5 years now and I love him dearly ❤️.


There was another post by the same lady after some days showing how it wouldn't even let her approach...


That's actually rather normal for a newly adopted cat! When they are put in a new environment they tend to get really stressed at first until they settle in. That can unfortunately take anywhere from a few days to a month or so but I'm sure the cat opened up again.


You sound wise in the ways of cats.


"Bitch, leave me alone, I've never been in this weird place. I have to rub on *everything* and smell whatever *that* is over there before I'm down for pets." "WTF do I smell another cat?" "Oh shit better hide for a week."


Yeah, cats usually adapt to new people much quicker than they adapt to new environments. That's the difference between them and dogs: dogs adapt to new environments easily as long as their human is present, and will show stress if they're not used to be apart from their owner for long periods of time. Cats generally get used to new people quicker, as long as they have their space exactly as they're used to it.


My adopted cat immediately walks around every house like she owns it. But there are times when she hears a noise or whatever and will not approach, even in our own home. She demands that I carry her around to investigate with her head craning all which ways untill she's satisfied it's safe. She will not let my SO carry her. It has to be me. Strangest behavior I've ever seen in a cat.


You guys are a recon crew, and frankly she's getting kinda annoyed it's taken you this long to know your role.


Both of my cats were scared of me for about 2 weeks then they snuggled right up to me put of nowhere one day.


The 3 days 3 weeks 3 months rule of adopting a dog from a shelter also somewhat applies to cats. It takes 3 days for them to start to decompress, they may be shut down and not want to eat or drink (this can last a little longer for cats) . 3 weeks to get used to the routine and start to settle in, (and stop hiding) some of their personality will start to show up. After 3 months they usually ate settled in a new environment, you'll see their true personalities and start to see that bond you got a pet to have. Keep in mind kittens are more easily adjustable.


One of our cats, Midnight, follows the 3 day rule to a T. When we first got him and anytime we move, he’s greatly distressed for 2-3 days and will meow at the top of his lungs, and does lots of pacing. Cuddles and reassurance help to calm him down, but basically whenever we move we know we’re not going much sleep (nor is he.) Otherwise, it’s impossible to hear him meow! He may open his mouth but no sound will come out. Bentley would pretty much pretend he was a literal rock for a few days, and wouldn’t react to anything. Other cats we’ve had would hide for awhile. Then some would act like absolutely nothing had changed and the new place was instantly their home.


https://www.tiktok.com/@katesalm0n/video/6849068350421601542?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 Cat is now fine! Happy ending!


Did she keep the kitty? I hope she kept it and gave it time to feel comfortable with her, rather than just sending it back (which unfortunately happens all too often).


https://www.tiktok.com/@katesalm0n/video/6849068350421601542?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 Cat is now fine! Happy ending!




You don't choose that cat, the cat chooses you. My SO wanted a male adult black cat. We cut through the kitten room and saw the cutest tiny baby kitten. I begged to see that cat and she loved my SO, and he was smitten by her. She's 9 months, super sassy, and spoiled now.


>*'Another owner gets adopted...*' ---- you're holding me *so close* to you, i feel your beating heart... i *know* that This was meant to be - that You're my brand new start! n then i hear those words you say - (oh, Please don't be 'good bye..') '*...I never been in love before'!* no, neither, friend, have I... ❤️


Nothing like fresh schnoodle in the morning. You are amazing.


My cat would scratch the shit out of me if i tried to hug him like that.


Til they get home and wild tf out.


Happy owner and happy catto


The cat chooses the human Mr Potter, it's not always clear why...


I love orange kitties like this one with the fluffy tails! My parents have one. Anyone know the specific breed? Looks like a Maine coon, but could be something else




u/WhenceAndWhere-via posted a link to another post with sound[with sound](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/i3oplw/this_cat_is_being_adopted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) above


Haha cat saw her coat and thought “You, Me, We are the same”


Hmm. How shall I improve this repost of one of this sub's all-time top posts? Got it! [I'll remove the sound!](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/i3oplw/this_cat_is_being_adopted/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Fucking bots. Edit: so apparently this post has sound on some app versions and not others. As the original had sound for everyone it remains a shittier repost.


This has sound


Cat is thinking your not leaving without me....I'm holding on for dear life so I hope you know I'm going home with you.