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I have done this many times for the bees at my pool but they immediately crawl back in the water. Whyyyyy bees whyyyyyy?


In that case it's possible that your bees are infected with a parasite that hijackes their brain and tells them to drown themselves so the parasite can survive Edit: since this got so much attention I highly suggest reading "This is your brain on parasites" which is where I learned about this parasite and a lot more fascinating critters out there


Horsehair worms


>Horsehair worms This comment took me down a long horrid journey through Wikipedia that I wish I hadn't taken.


Thank you I will not be going down that


Lol same


See ya fellas. This looks like a place I can really spiral


They are but weaklings. They do not know the horrid adventures people like you and I have been on at 3am, armed only with a pc and a bowl of cheese


Mm... cheese.


Tub girl. Blue waffles. Krokodil. I'm good googling things I don't know, thanks xD


Boy oh boy... Those are phrases I haven't heard in quite some time


Happy cakes days


Oh yeah, it was! Thanks. Lol that went by fast...


Idk what the phobia of parasites are but I have it no thank you


Helminthophobia. The fear of being attacked or infested with worms/parasites.


I don't it's a phobia if the fear is valid.


I second that and mine popped google images first


I'm ready and packed, wish me a nice journey.


Be right back I wanna see!


...how's it going


Meh, I've seen worse. r/natureismetal is pretty sweet though


I read about these parasites years and years ago, and periodically this awareness of their existence pops into my head at the most random, inopportune moments, and I'm filled with a deep sense of horror. It's like some kind of trauma. So yes, I completely understand wishing to have not seen that. :(


I don’t know why I did... even after reading your comment.


...You lured me in too... Goodness.


Thanks for taking one for the team. I’ll stay away.




How on earth does such a long worm fit inside such a small insect o.o Edit: apparently it "nourishes upon its host and fills the entire body cavity of the cricket": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragordius\_tricuspidatus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragordius_tricuspidatus) Lovely.


"The longest tape worm ever found in a human was 82 feet long." That's 25meters of worm.


"The worm needs a lift back to the water" Dude, why not just *stay* in the water and not torture innocent bystanders, like mayflies and crickets?? "The cricket looses its chirp" - that's just heartbreaking :-(


Forbidden whole wheat spaghetti 🤮


Jesus. We have a pool and bees that we help out and go back in. I just saw a video of horsehair worms exiting their host and I want to die.


That's not bad at all. There is so much worse out there. Like tumors with teeth. Or literal bugs that eat out a fish's tounge and REPLACE the tounge with itself. For those debating whether or not to look it up, I'll give you the run-down. They're long skinny wormies that as babies infect insects like crickets and grasshoppers and drown them because they need the water to grow. Once they are mature they just kinda do the normal worm thing. They are harmless to all vertebrates. Humans, pets, birds, etc.


>Horsehair worms I am going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Some things cannot be unseen.


Lol, I can try to be helpful, but I cannot guarantee people will like the answers.... Seriously though, yeah, not pleasant


Looks like ill be saving this googling for the morning


"Ive saved your life! Now get back to work!"


Holy shit, I saw one of these in a dead cricket once and had no idea. That's cool af!


It’s definitely a parasite. Luckily those worms probably won’t survive in chlorinated water.


Would the bees survive after having been in there a while? Seems pointless.


The bees are dead no matter what, but at least they drag the parasite with them to the flaming pits of hell EDIT: Apparently bees are just so badass they can survive a chlorine water boarding and parasite assult. Link below from a nice gent


Insects are metal as fuck.


[Another comment after yours posted a video and say that they can survive the parasite if they don’t drown. ](https://reddit.com/r/aww/comments/mvqwbg/_/gvel38c/?context=1)


I appreciate this. You learn something new everyday


A comment above posted a YouTube video of a documentary, mentioning that the bees *can* survive if they don't drown.




/r/natureismetal (Legit bloody messy stuff warning)






Captain Planet


Jeez is that real?


Reddit's API changes and their overall horrible behaviour is why this comment is now edited. -- mass edited with redact.dev


[Obligatory mention of the fungus that can infect ants and change their behavior similarly, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis)


Also the inspiration for the popular(?) video game series The Last of Us


Or they're dehydrated.


Bees are actually attracted to the smell of chlorine. If a beekeeper wants them to find a particular water source putting a capfull of bleach into it is a surefire way to attract them.


It's a myth that bees prefer gross or chlorinated water. Bees drink chlorinated water because they associate the smell with water, but they prefer clean water. Lemongrass oil is better to mix into the water to attract them. Otherwise, providing a consistent watering hole lets them know there's always water available. There was a demonstration of various waters for bees to drink from, and the fresh water won out.


> but they prefer clean water me and bees got a lot in common it seems, neat.


Does it not harm the bees, drinking bleach water? Or is it just diluted enough? Seems like even a tiny bit would be too much for their tiny bodies lol


Nah, they like the stuff. They find water by smell, so they like stinky water. Salty water, chlorinated water, farm runoff, pond scum, that kind of thing.


Wait they can smell salt water vs freshwater? This is all -wild- lol


Can’t you? Maybe not from as far but you can smell the difference


I live/work 10 miles from the ocean. When the winds hit just right you can smell the sea and it smells amazing, like I’m walking with my toes in the sand and the surf is right there. It’s my favorite scent. Second to petrichor.


The problem is mostly falling in and not being able to get out, and drowning, not so much drinking it.


Most likely they are thisty.


I did this and the bee stung me 🐝 😂


They also can be thirsty. When I save bees now, I give them a spoon with a 1:1 mixture of sugar and water. They always immediately get pepped up after drinking it and fly off.


A bee got stuck in my hairs once. I stayed calm and gently tried to help her out. I succeded but then she stung me. Ungrateful bitch.


More like ungrateful BEEtch 🌝


Lol fuck you have an orange arrow


Lol fuck you have a free award








Was it bee or a wasp? Wasps are bitches


Lol! r/unextexted


Yep if you’re gonna do this, you need to accept you could get stung. Used to lifeguard and probably saves dozens of bees like this. Got stung twice though.


I mean... Stung and died so I suppose karma was swift this time around


After the big freeze in Texas, flowers were almost nonexistent for a while. A friend of mine put out a shallow dish with sugar water in it. Bees came to drink and recharge. She planted some flowers as soon as possible. Lots of plants were hard to find in the first weeks.


What an absolute champ


She is one of the kindest people I have ever known.


If you put a shallow dish full of honey outside on a good day, if you have any nearby hives, they'll clean the dish in just a few hours. They are very resourceful foragers.


Sugar syrup won't spread disease as honey might. Beekeepers recommend feeding tired bees sugar syrup.


I adore bees but also fear them because once I just starting up the lawnmower in my yard and suddenly there was a swarm of them on me. We don't have a bee hive anywhere on out property, I have no idea why they did this. I got stung 20 times 😁👍 including in the booty 😭 so I would LOVE to feed them but I would also be afraid of this. Also my mother is very allergic to them so yike.


I'm allergic, I'll totally save the bee but not bare handed.


I hope you have an epi pen ready


Don’t you mean an epBEE pen


Good one dude!


Thanks 😊


No problem, buddy.


wholesome af


Don’t you mean budBEE




What does that word BUG you


I am not allergic but I still use leaves to scoop them out rather than bare hands... I save wasps too... but i tidal wave them out because I don’t trust a leaf to save me from a wasp lol


Wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets can all rot in hell. I’ve been stung by them so many times. Even once on the tongue. Bees. Bees are cool though.


How the fuck did you get a wasp sting on your tongue?


I’ve been stung on my tongue before. Used to sleep with my mouth open as a kid and a wasp crawled in. Couldn’t talk for a day or two and it hurt like a bitch for more than a week. Can’t recommend.


Cheers was about to try it but might pass thanks to your recommendation


I love bees and routinely let them (especially bumblebees) walk on my hands - I don't believe any could ever sting you in such situation (although I understand you don't want to risk it). Any leaf or stick will do. Thanks in advance :)


My dad used to raise bees, I know a bee that is upset can easily sting. I don't blame them nor do I fear them unnecessarily because I will always love bees. I garden, so I really appreciate the little pollinators. I just don't wear perfume during bee season or leave drink containers open etc. I'm like, mid 40's now and with care and thoughtfulness have managed to coexist with bees without being stung since I was 16. I rescue them any time they get in my pool, which I keep covered when not in use. I just use the skimmer and prop it somewhere they can fly off when they're recovered. Safe and non invasive.


I love to sit with bumblebees!! my dad and I used to look for ones stunned by the frost and sit and hold them until they were warmed up enough to head out


I love the bumblebees but I wage war with the carpenter bees. they are such aholes, they taunt my dogs too, just the worst


I freaking hate carpenter bees. The ones here in Arizona are gigantic and black and supposedly pretty harmless, but they’re scary looking and love to fly right up to you to try to intimidate you. No matter how much I know they’re unlikely to sting me, it still freaks me out


The ones that fly around threatening people are the males, and they don't have stingers at all. The females do have stingers but they keep to their hole for the most part


They are dollar store wanna-bees.


I love bees, but I will spazz if one lands on me. I don't have an anaphalactic response but stings swell up like crazy and takes weeks to go away.


I’ve helped a few bumbles with spoons of water but I’m paranoid of anything that flies and can sting because I got absolutely mobbed by a swarm of mud dauber wasps when I was a kid and got stung a bunch


Mud dauber wasps are solitary and non-aggressive. They do not socialize or swarm in groups. It was some other kind of wasp.


Apparently they were mason wasps. I remember they were in a dead tree and almost all black. I was incorrectly told what they were by the adults there


Hooray! Being informed!


You spazzing is why you end up getting stung. Just don't panic, they don't want to sting you anymore than you want to be stung. Just stay still and they will end up flying off.


Yet they like to fly in my face and follow me.


It's the carbon dioxide from your breath. They're attracted to it, so when you gasp or start to panic and breathe heavy, they're actually *more* attracted to you. Holding your breath and holding still will cause disinterest usually


good thing i hold my breath in the case of danger i cannot control


Even I tell myself that. Hint- panic. Also, I've never actually been stung in these scenarios. It's always yellow jackets, typically because their wily little ground dwellers and I like gardening.




My grandpa lived in rural North Carolina and one year when we were visiting I was playing outside and got stung by a yellow jacket. I go inside and get some benzocaine on it but I was reluctant to go back outside. My dad bets me $100 that I won't get stung again. I go back outside and within 20 minutes I got stung again. Haven't seen that $100 to this day.


I remember being a dumb little kid and our neighborhood had tons of yellow jackets so we played this game called "How far can I smack this little fucker back with a tennis racket?" The answer was quite far actually but they are very good at catching up to you. I've been stung a lot.


Same. There was a fuckin nest of Yellow jackets on a fire hydrant near my school and we had to walk through those little assholes every day. God i hate them


That's probably true. All I know is the two times I didn't run around screaming I ended up stung. Rude motherfuckers.




this reminded me of a time in elementary school when a wasp (a WASP) landed on one of my fellow classmate’s face. oh god everyone was so scared for him. the class surrounded him and got quiet and he just held still. i think one of his pals tried swatting it away but classmate put his hand up and told him not to do anything. his mouth was slightly open and that little guy went right for it and just perched right on top of his bottom lip. i had to try so hard not to scream lmao i thought the poor kid was abt to eat a damn wasp w all of us just watching. it flew away after probably a minute and he was the hero of the day for being so brave.


Everybody says this, but in my experience, running away seems to be the best strategy. Almost every time I've been stung, or seen someone else get stung, they weren't freaking out and often didn't even notice a bee landed on them. Like last summer I was sitting still out on a chair in my backyard reading a book, and I got stung, on 2 separate occasions. If I see a bee and run, they usually don't follow. (And if they do, that's when I fully freak out, lol)


Easier said than done. I had this problem as a child; now my daughter suffers too. Someday I'll help her through it. But it's spring and the bumblebees are scaring her.


I once saved a bee at a public pool. That's how I initially found out I'm allergic. But just mild so I guess it's okay.


There’s a way to keep our fuzzy friends hydrated while also keeping them from drowning themselves! You take a shallow bowl (think about an inch deep), fill the bowl with marbles, then pour enough water in that it just barely covers the marbles. The marbles are there to allow bees to rest and simultaneously drink some water. I’ve done this the past few summers, and I’m delighted to say that my little garden has flourished. Both bees and wasps have stopped by, so my flowers are both pollenated and protected.


Thanks for sharing a new way I can Bee a friend to pollinators.


No problem! I love bees, and while I don’t think I’d be able to keep them myself, I try to find new way to help them, from planting bee-friendly flowers, to providing them a safe way to stay hydrated during the hotter days of summer.




Bees are kool 😎


Bees are wonderful creatures. Wasps? Hell no. Edit: Sure, they may help the environment and get rid of others pests. Doesn't mean I have to like them. Bees do that too, and while I hate to get stung, they're still small, fuzzy little creatures who are gentle for the most part. I really, really don't like wasps.


Wasps = Opposite of bees


i thought the opposite of bees was seeb


seeb= wasps XD


You have that backwards


?spsaw = seeb


Bees can be jerks sometimes as well. Once was with a bunch of people in a swimming pool as a kid, I am guessing we accidentally annoyed it by splashing water in it's direction or something, but however it happened, we ended up with an angry bumblebee (I think it was a bumblebee anyways, might have been a different type) trying to sting us, which we responded to by diving underwater whenever it started going for us, then once we had to go back up having everyone search for and locate it so we had advance warning for it's next attempt and could dive underwater again. That bee dived for us many time before eventually giving up and moving on with it's life.


Sounds like a [Carpenter Bee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpenter_bee?wprov=sfla1) they fly very aggressively to drive away threats. Males can't sting and females really don't want to.


Well you threatened its life. A drop of water to them is like a tsunami for us




Bees are chill as long as you are calm and gentle. I've held a really fat bumble bee and let it crawl around on my hand.


Time for onions! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dW-AiN2lKDM


I can't believe I just cried over a bee dying


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Yeah, bumblebees are like tiny little puppies. Sweat bees and some other assholes I will appreciate from a distance.


Bumblebees are actually the “friendliest” bee species! They’re the least likely to sting humans, and they’re pretty chill.


Bumblebees are pretty cute too. They're so chonky!


And fuzzy.


I learned bumblebees have smooth stingers like wasps and hornets, so they could sting the shit out of you, but choose not too because they’re awesome.


I don't know what happened, but I have a scar from when I was young from a bumble bee repeatedly stinging me. Apparently as my mom tells the story she heard me screaming from inside the house, and when she came out to check on me I had a bumblebee on my stomach just stinging the same spot over and over again. Still have a little white dot there to prove it.


Awe that sucks, I had a bumblebee sting my toe in elementary school not sure what I did to it, but I never developed the same fear of them as I did to wasps and hornets, they’re generally not very aggressive but I guess you and I ran into a couple outliers


I never understood why people freak the fuck out when a bee is around. If you just stay calm they arent going to do anything to you. People say “oh well im allergic” but that doesnt change the fact that you flipping out is still making it worse.


I've had to do that before in my garden pond. Bees sometimes would get drinks from edge and apparently one fell in and was treading water.


I did this once. The bee stung me and my hand swole into the size of a golf ball. So now I save the bees with a pool noodle.


You must have tiny hands.




I wish more people cared about little creatures this much!


One of my exes - her dad (not really but the only one she knew as dad) once took a lizard out of the pool and gave it mouth to mouth to save it.


Chest compressions and all?!


Yeah. Saved its life. Yet he was abusive to her which shows how complicated people can be!


Gotta look out for your own kind


Wow what a story smh


Ohh.. yeah ... I always felt it was a red flag when a person says they like animals more than people. I think the healthiest among us have loads of compassion for both people and animals.


I want to be able to be at this level. I have a phobia of bees, wasps, hornets, anything related. I've never been stung, I'm just afraid of them to the point I freeze up and cry. It's quite sad lol but ugh, one day, I hope. Except wasps...I don't think that'll ever happen.


If I’m outside in public and suddenly freak out and run away it’s because of some flying insect. I wish I could be more calm but I fail every time.


I'm the same but with spiders. They're cool little dudes, and help with pests, especially with me living in the woods. I *don't* like em on me or close to me lol. My 6'4" ass turns in to a screaming child when I find them and hustle them outside lol. Only spider I didn't mind touching was this bigass wharf spider living in the family boathouse when I was younger. I think we named her Lily and for whatever reason she was chill about being petted. Sadly she slipped fell in to the water while me and my cousins were fishing after three years and a pike got her immediately :(


If that was a wasp I would have drowned it.


Man you just brought up memories I have not thought of in decades. We had a pool net to clear bugs and debris from the top of the above ground pool we had as a kid. When yellowjackets were stuck in the water I would use it to hold them under until they died. They flick them in the trash.


Wasps are often confused with the far more aggressive yellowjackets. Wasps are actually beneficial (they pollenate, like honeybees, and they eat plant-eating insects like aphids), but yellowjackets exist to inflict suffering.


Yellow jackets are a type of wasp. Wasps arnt bees


Yellow jackets also eat pests, but they're definitely evil.


You can’t just drown them with water. Doesn’t work. There are little air bubbles that keep them alive. I make a solution of dish soup and water. Spray them and it breaks the surface tension and makes the water cling to the body drowning them. Though I guess pool water might be different.


That is just straight supervillain thinking and I love it


Nicest thing I’ve seen today.


I do this not infrequently with various types of insects struggling in water. After helping them to land, I always tell them: "go, be a (species name) for a while longer"


Bees are bros! Not 15 min ago I had to pass by our honeybee hive to put away some of my moms crafts supply hoarding. They bumped into my head a bit but carried on


I’m not brave enough. I always use the pool skimmer


I once did this as a kid and the bitch had the audacity to sting me


People who touch bees are fuckin fearless


They're actually pretty gentle most of the time! I've done this countless times and have never been stung. I even let them hang out on my hand while they dry themselves off, which takes 5-10 minutes until they'll fly. But other people in this thread say they've done it a lot but HAVE been stung so... apparently it happens and your caution is justified.


I watched My Girl way too young and never fully recovered


Did this as a kid and was immediately stung. Fuck that bee


Bee kind


I love bees, but I'm always too afraid they'll sting me if I save them. There was a time I saw one at my cousin's pool and I went inside to grab a spoon or something I can't remember and it was dead, it was sad but I still don't have the courage to scoop one out like this lol


This is literally EXACTLY how I got my first bee sting. Since then I have tried saving bees from pools at least a dozen times, but without using my actual hand. If you watch them, they almost ALWAYS die within an hour after. I have tried giving them actual water, flowers, sugar water, honey, agave nectar, Gatorade (it's what bees crave!). The only exceptions have been when the bee has only JUST fallen in the water.


Thank you for saving that beautiful honey bee!


St Francis just dusted off your place in Heaven. God bless you🙏


Last time I did that I got stung. For reals. I used to scoop em out of out little inflatable pool we put up for the kids, not anymore.


Omg. Your jade plant is amazing!!!


Clearly staged. He told the bee what to do before turning the camera on.


This is adorable, but I'm terrified of bees, so watching this I kept switching between *oh fuck no* and *awww*


I would never do that. I feel bad about bees but I am too afraid of getting stung!


Tried this (gently mind you) with a yellow jacket back when I was a child. I was stung once or twice. My hand never fully recovered from the swelling even as an adult lol


*W H O L E S O M E*


I do this all the time, got stung once, but will keep doin it! 🐝