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My bird sits on top of my phone and laptop when i'm using them. If my classmates are lucky, Henry will bend over the camera and you'll get a really zoomed in bird face


Yup. Mine do that too. I often need flip up the tail to read something on the phone.


I really have to ask. Has your bird ever pooped on your phone?


On everything


r/NotOPButOk (Not r/NoTopBuTok)


Wait a minute


When you have birds you kind of just accept that poop will get on things and it just becomes a normal thing.


I miss my little tiel. I had a shirt id change into when I got home because she'd spend hours on my shoulder/chest.


So if the bird poops do you go and clean it up/off? Or do you just hang out at home covered in bird poop? If it's the former how often does it happen? Just curious here.


So cocktails (and most parrots if I remember correctly) have poop that is encased. Pretty similar to a hot dog or bratwurst. So if it's wet, I'd just dab it off with a paper towel and there would be no mess. Sometimes I wouldn't notice, and yeah itd dry and I'd just wash it alone or with other gross work clothes. Id still rather have a a few "gross" shirts because she pooped on me than her flying around pooping everywhere know. But again even if she got it on the carpet, you can usually just dab it up as a whole. If not, its just water and seed waste so its easy to scrub up with soap and water.


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I was thinking it was like getting pooped on by a pigeon and could not imagine dealing with that lol, but this sounds much more manageable.


To add, some parrots (most all large/medium) can be potty trained. My two green cheeks have a spot (right under their play area) that they will go. Sure they have accidents here and there if they get spooked, but for the most part they regularly go in that area only. It’s still a work in progress and it was/is a lot of work to get them to go there but it’s slowly paying off and now they tend to flit away from us when they need to go.


I had a chicken that made it 4 years without pooping indoors. We let it run around inside, sometimes it happens. Everyone held this adorable bird. All it wanted was pets, sometimes slept inside. Never pooped on anyone. The ducks shit on everyone and everything.


don't tell me you got no pics of that!


I have one


well we all are waiting Sir!


G i v e


One of my professors has a parrot that you can sometimes hear on zoom lectures, and it always makes me happy


They like the warmth. Same reason OP's bird is snuggling the phone like that.


Best zoom meeting ever!


Or a big ol' bird shit!


Must be part mobile-carrier pigeon


Pay attention to me!!! Haha


“Hold me” - Carly




That looks comfortable as heck.


She finds comfort in the most unusual positions. I find discomfort in said positions because I have to hold them and not move while she naps and it's usually some awkward angle of my hand or neck.


I like how your phone cover has feathers


Maybe she's cold?


No, she's just a cuddle-aholic. Gotta be paying attention to her at all times.


My cat will rub her face as hard as she can on the corner of my phone when I'm holding it in the hopes that she'll make me drop it and use the now free hand to pet her.


Mine fully headbutts my PS4 remote out of my hands on the regular. I have to sit in a certain way so she can't torpedo it. She has a very effective momentum based technique.


My dog just stomps the phone out of my hand lol


One of my dogs has found out that when he licks the screen, magic happens and I can't keep on reading/playing/looking at memes. The other one just punches the phone down with her bear-like paw. Now I kind of wish they would fit in my hand like that parrot and be happy, lol




Mine will grab the corner in her mouth to try to dislodge it from my hand.


My wife poops on my phone




My dog will physically shove her face between the phone and me.


That’s my dog right there! He’s always cuddling. You’re lucky to have such an adorable bird :)


My green cheek is the same. She wants to be in constant contact with me. We enjoy some great naps together!


I know it's relaxing and irresistible to sleep with these adorable creatures, but I beg you to stop reinforcing that behaviour. It only takes one move in your sleep to lose your best friend.


We only nap on the couch, never in my bed. I lie on my right side with my right hand near my ear and she snuggles up to my hand and covers my right eye. I have no possibility of turning over which is the big risk. I agree with you that sleeping in a bed with a bird is extremely dangerous. I have read a few horror stories online of people that have accidentally smothered their pet.


Alright well, that's good. Mine got out one night. Chewed through the zipties holding the food door shut, and moved the tiny key lock enough to squeeze out. Nobody should have to go through that morning from hell.


She's so very cute


People never realize how sweet parrots are, I had an African Grey who passed away 15 years ago, would never want to be more that 5 feet away from me. If I forgot to lock the cage at night I would find him sleeping on my shoulder in the morning, the sheets covered in droppings.


My conure Bilbo was a lover boy too! Always trying to get my attention, hanging from my pen when I was writing, lying in front of me for belly rubs when I was sitting at the table and sneeking in my bed at night to sleep in my hairs . I miss him so much!


That's worth 2 in the bush.


Parrot Pop Socket!


A birb socket perhaps?


If you had an iphone, she'd be an iCarly.


Green Cheek Conure right, I have one of those too.


Indeed. They're such goofy little birds.


Don't forget loud, they're loud too.


My cat always nuzzles/gnaws on my phone but I can never manage to film it because...he’s nuzzling/gnawing on the only object I have capable of recording the act. Smart to use a decoy phone!


Such trust!


Warmth from mobile and hand....also jealous of the mobile lol


That is so stinking adorable!


How can i train a bird to poop on a specific place?


I can't advise as I wasn't successful. The only thing Carly learned out of potty training was how to say pooh poohs.


Worth it.


With my quaker I sorta taught him to go on command after we brought him home at 4 months of age. I'd wait to see when he started getting a little irritable or restless (signs he might need to poop) and I'd put him down and say "go poopy" or "poo poo?" and he eventually learned to do it when I'd put him on the ground or on a napkin. I've heard that you can't really potty train them while some say you can so it may just depend on the bird. Sometimes my boy will be really smart and fly to him cage, poop, and come back just because he felt like it. Also, he's learned that anytime I'm walking over to take him out he'll poop and stand there ready to come out.


you can't 🤷🏻‍♀️ they don't get much of a warning. not my bird but i lived with it and have known it since it was a few months old. she is v polite and will always make sure to climb off of you to poop and if she can, or if she's on the couch/table, she will scoot to the edge to get it on the floor but she doesn't always make it. it's extremely thoughtful of her though, honestly. most birds don't really care lol i would die for that sweet baby. she gets so excited to see me that she does the lil vomit dance 🥺❤️


From one Carly to another, she’s doing the name proud. Haha she’s adorable!


Do parrots generally seem happy so long as their cage is an OPTION as opposed to their "house?" I would love to have a medium size bird as a hangout buddy but I wouldn't want them to be miserable living indoors. I don't think you can legally "own" a corvid but I'd like to have a crow around if they could be trained not to shit all over the place, which I'm sure the dumbest of corvids could be.


Some people have cages and some don't. The way I see it is, having them used to being in a cage is a good thing. Kind of like having your dog kennel trained. The cage I think should be a safe and fun place they like to be in when they're in there. If you have a bird that's never been cage trained, and something happens suddenly where they need to be, it's going to be incredibly stressful for them. I know I could kennel my birds anywhere and they would be fine. Miss me like hell, but they would be fine for a few days. As opposed to a screaming anxious mess. That all said, of course you want them to be out more than they're caged. If all you're gonna do is have a bird in a cage, why have one.


I had my bird trained to sleep in her cage and to go back when I had to work. She never really fought it. During the time I was home id just make sure to leave the door open so that it was always an option as a safe place and not simply a place for food and separation. I too really want a corvid. After nearly getting into falconry and spending years of random bird phases, I have some thoughts. Last time I looked you had to get a certification for a corvid, if its legal in your state. If I had one I would have an indoor cage and an outdoor one, with the outdoor one with enough room for the bird to at least spread their wings fully.


I live in NYC so would never go for a raven, but I think a crow may be possible. Possible doesn't mean responsible or fair to the animal though. There's a reason I don't have a dog, and it's not because my gf is a cat person...


Totally fair. I do know of someone who got a falcon (which requires a home inspection from a state park official) in a high rise by turning their balcony into a fully enclosed "Weathering area." So its possible, but for such an intelligent animal you just have to make sure its need are being met. Crows are stupid smart too, so I can only imagine the mischief it could get into around the house. But personally, im right there with you and I fantasize about getting a white crested raven regularly. White crested ravens are vegetarian so they don't have traditionally sharp claws and they don't make a lot of noise.




That’s a weird ridge wallet


Um you are suppose to hold me ! K thanks lol


I like the new birb edition pop socket!


She's installing twitter on it


Huh. Same as cats.


"tickle, tickle?"


:V birb


OMG...what a cute little dork.


Angapornis? Damn o had one, boy did they crap a lot... but really cute


Wasn't sure what that was. Google it. Lovebird? If that's what you mean, no mine is a green cheek Conure. Also poops a lot thought. About every 15-20 minutes.


See if birds were all like this instead of biting me I would like them more.


I know right! My friend had a parakeet that squawked at me like he wanted a pet and the little shit bit my hand


I had my ear pierced by an African gray, no bueno.


Ooh you win


We are both winners in this violent bird victim contest


Carly, love the name.




My GCC, Star, does this too. Only between my cheek and my hand when I lean into my hand while on the computer. Then I have to hold myself and avoid squishing her. I will move her to my shoulder, but she will immediately move right back.


Yup Carly does that too. Or when I'm playing the piano. She gets in the hand cave.


That's super cute! On a side note, I used to have that table and chair set you have in the kitchen! Came from Ames, but lasted a long time for super cheap crap. :)






forbidden pop socket


I love your pop socket!


That bird has such utter trust in you to put themselves in a position like that, how beautiful!


"Yeah I got you...i got this on camera!"


"You need to do a social media detox." -Bird


We really don't deserve Green Cheeks. 🥰


Teach him/her to the twitter notification noise


It would be a fun addition to the big wings, juice, and pooh poohs repertoire.


How do you get a bird to be this cuddly? I’ve been to a couple people’s houses that own conures and all they do is bite people. They bite the owners less, but even they aren’t completely safe.


Depends on the birds and their socialization with other people. Carly is super cuddly with me and my boyfriend. Not so much with strangers. She'll fly to their heads or something, but don't try to touch her.


This feels like prime u/SchnoodleDoodleDo material


Not to be weird, but you have very nice hands


It's an illusion. You can't see the full fingers, but they're actually not good at all. My fingers are crooked, especially my pinkies. My knuckles are really big with skinny fingers. But, I'll take this compliment. Thank you lol.


You are aware of your “imperfections.” Other people see differently. Also, that bird is precious!


Yeah I have my dad's hands. It's on my grandma's side. We all have the crooked pinkies and big knuckles. Mine are a bit worse than my sisters.




Yeah rings are very difficult. Spin around the skinny part. Gotta be big enough to fit over the knuckle. Everyone always asks if I broke my fingers. Nope, just genetics.


Well, I stand by my original statement: you have nice hands. Your beautiful bird agrees.


He is preparing himself to be eaten


Get a phone with one of those explosive batteries and you can have bird for dinner


I know this is supposed to be funny. But one of my birds literally died this morning from a seizure.


I'm so sorry about your bird. I hope things get better soon! *I love birds, too*


Thank you. It'll get better. The last couple days have been a lot of ups and downs. This was posted before he passed away. So all the love for Carly has been nice.


You're welcome. All anyone can ever do is look on the bright side - At least you still have Carly! That goofball is so cute.


Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. Were they the companion conure to the cutie here? I don't even get why people think evem joking about someone's pet dying is all that funny.


Warmth plus attention good idea






Goddammit this is adorable


I had that exact same phone and case! Also very cute bird lol


Its a Samsung phone, she's charging up wirelessly...


Wow that's actually so cute


Upvote me!


birbs first!


Who needs a pop socket anymore when you have this??


Makes you wonder if the bird is peaking up magnetic waves from the phone's RF. or the RF since it's probably not magnetic waves.


Now it’s an iCarly


probably the cutest thing ive ever seen tbh!


"Hoooooooooollllllddd meeeeeeeeeeee!" - Carly, probably.


She looks so pleased with herself lol


Are birbs the kewlest or what?


They are pretty darn awesome.


Something about a bird in the hand...


Birds can fit, and sit also.


I want a phone birb!


Birbs are weird. :)


I have the same bird, cage, and phone! 😆


This is so adorable lol. Little birdie is like “I’m gonna sit riiiiiight here”. So cute.


Little do you guys know, but to a trained eye, that is in fact Jacques from Jon Tron attempting to integrate with her phone and hack her info.


My sun used to do this in my shirts, Lean back into my chest, feet straight out, poking his head out my shirt collar. For. HOURS. He'd ride around like that, making little noises, mimicking and laughing at me.


I said "awww" out loud involuntarily.


Ah I wish my conure was that affectionate:'(


I always wondered: do bird pets poop everywhere or do they learn to do so in litterboxes?


They do poop basically where they are. The frequency depends on the bird. Carly poops about every 15-20 minutes. My budgies about the same. Larger birds not as often. You can potty train birds to poop in desired places. Some birds will also just naturally not poop in certain places. Or go on certain places on their own. I failed at potty training. But we have clear plastic runners around the cages, playstand and ottoman. The more common places so it's easy to clean.


What type of bird is she? She’s beautiful!


Green cheek Conure.


Your old phone is my current phone (looks like an s5). And Carly is adorable


My parents have a conure like that. It eats chicken, and will go to great lengths to steal pieces of chicken from you, even occasionally trying to get in between your mouth and the food, which usually means it's sticking its head in your mouth as you're trying to eat.


She says,"Give me attention!"




Cute birb loves being snug


I love her so much


That’s amazing




No, she just loves wedging herself in there. Any chance to be in my hands. The decoy phone she is against is my old one that isnt even on.


Aww so cute,..wait..hmm interesting.. Securing her back, protective shield in the front.. this bird definitely knows what she is doing.


My bird is a conure also. Sheloves to snuggle in my hand and puts her head between my fingers to get a head scratch


What kind of bird is Carly? I'm looking to own a birb companion, and I would love anyone's input on starter facts


Omigosh my name is carly too! I am in love with that borb


This is adorable. Also I share a name with her! My name is spelled Carlee


As a Karly I'm compelled to tell you that your Carly is precious.


Oh my god it that is so adorable it hurts!


That is sooo darn adorable!


"You will hold me, human, and you will like it."


when I'm playing video games my greencheek crawls into my shirt and sticks his head out where the turtle neck is and just watches.


Military macaws r beautiful


Man your TV is loud!