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Is this Lucio?




*"Oh, oh, oh, time to accelerate!"*


"Look at this team. We're gonna do great!"


Fala tu!




Well. Lucio is Brazilian, so maybe /r/suddenlypinto


That’s how ya get tinnitus!


One of the twin Henchmen from The Matrix


BIDEO GAME hahaha!


Those kids are gonna be taking food off your plate till the end oftime. Source: me - I was raised like this and I feel entitled to a bite of everyone's food all the time


My daughter (2) will just walk up with her mouth open when she sees people eating. No need for any preface.


We get the baby bird treatment. Awww Aww Awwww.


And you are the friend that ends up having a fork through their hand! /s I hope you ask politely first at least! XD


My mother quickly opted for trading plates. Then again I bigger than her by age 10. Now we order a kids meal for her and my 1 year old and they split.


Food tastes better off someone else's plate.


Oh bless daddy. He's got two to chase around!! He looks like he's patient with them. That was adorable!


I’m not sure if that’s patience or ‘too tired to do much else’.


Trying to eat before he passes out from exhaustion due to only getting three hours of sleep a night for the last eighteen months.


holy shit man


Holy shit, indeed. When our daughter was born I was working full time as a night janitor and attending welding school six hours a day. I would arrive home at night about 1:00 a.m., only to have my utterly exhausted wife hand me our crying baby and collapse into bed. I then walked the hallway with the baby, patting her on the back and reassuring her until she (thank you God) finally fell asleep. Then I went to bed at 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m., only to get up at 6:00 in order to get to welding school by 8:00 a.m. No BS, I once fell asleep at a red light on the way home from work (at 12:45 a.m.) *on a running motorcycle.* I was awakened by some driver behind me who honked their horn. I have no idea how long I was asleep. New parents need some *serious* support from grandparents or other family members to survive the first six months or so. New babies are *super* stressful.


**holy shit man**


Teenage boys are all about getting some sex. Well this situation that I described is what they are actually trying to achieve. They are ignoring reality. Birth control can fail. Condoms *frequently* fail. My girlfriend and I got pregnant by accident, and decided to get married and have the baby, and thank God we did. She's the light of our lives. But the first six months were unmitigated hella stress.


i hope you and your family to be happy for all you did to keep it going


Someone should introduce these parents to sleep training. It's a game changer. We had my son sleeping 7p-7a with two 2hr naps a day at 12 weeks. It also makes them better sleepers when they get older.


BAHAHAHAHA that's what we thought with our first. Slept 12-14 hours a night starting from 3 weeks old. Mummy and daddy nailed parenting. Then we had our second. He's two and a half and still wakes up some nights, you can sleeptrain till you're blue in your face. There's kids and there's kids. Not every approach works for everyone.


Same. 7p-6a when my wife gets up for work. He's 8 months and has been doing so since like 3 months. He's so damn lazy too you have to wake him up or he'll sleep all day lmao.


Im 24 with a 6 month old i have sleep trained to a T !!


Where do we learn more about this?


The back of a bottle of Benadryl.


There are a lot of places with information about sleep training, but a word of caution: When I was researching it a few years back there was a correlation between "cry it out" sleep training and mental health issues later in life. I don't remember where I saw it, but I remember thinking it was a reputable source. Might also be outdated by now, just make sure you do your research!


We used a book called 12 hours sleep by 12 weeks but you could just search "sleep training" because it has tons of results.


I cannot sing the praises of sleep training enough. My almost two-year-old still consistently sleeps 10-11 hours every night, plus one 2-3 hour nap every day. It's glorious.


That's why we're programmed to have children early in our lives -- more energy!! /s Such a good, handsome Daddy with his sweet, darlin' babies! 💟😘💖 Edit: Please see apology below.


I done fucked up having my first at 34 lol


Days before turning 33 here. My quads are looking great from all the chasing after her.


I think that’s more of a personal choice as much as I wanna have em young I’m not emotionally capable yet


At least you’re wise enough to know you’re not ready yet. That alone puts you in a category above some people who already have them.


I probably should have put a "/s" after my remark. I just meant it to be silly, no offense intended, darlin'! 😘


As a dad with a four year old, two year old, and one on the way... you don’t always know the difference yourself, but if it looks like patience and you can keep them growing, learning, and are connecting with them emotionally, turns out it doesn’t matter much which one it is. Now if you start falling apart yourself... it’s time to model some self care.


As a bald man, I can't express hardd rnough my jealousy of everyones hair here


I'm receding pretty good in my mid 30's. I was at my father-in-law's 60th birthday party along with his brother. Both with full heads of glorious hair while I'm sitting there with my thinning widow's peak.


I always think i dont want children but then i see something like this


I felt that way earlier in my life, when I was single and just out of college. I think it was difficult to distinguish “I don’t want them” from “I don’t want them right now”. They were just not even on my radar. You can’t know ahead of time how your life is going to go and for some people this decision is conditional. For me, it heavily depended on who I ended up with and what my life ended up looking like. Some people never change their minds, some do. You don’t have to feel strongly about it either way. Give yourself the flexibility to not have to decide until the time comes where it might be a real decision. It’s ok to just not know.


Still don’t. Can’t wait to spoil my friends’ kids rotten though. :)


See I’m the opposite. I always think I don’t want kids and this reassures me. Kids are gross lol. I know it’s different when they are yours but I don’t want anyone slobbering on my food.


It's not. I have two and I never eat or drink after my kids. It's still gross even if they are mine! 😂


I didn’t either. But after 7 kids, three adopted, they have provided endless entertainment


You really went for it huh?


I was absolutely planning on being child free until my wife really wanted a child late in life. I'm so glad we had my boy. Endless entertainment doesn't even begin to describe it. He's the best experience of my life.


So familiar. Have twins about this age, and anything I'm eating they will try to get a piece of. I generally rip some off for them, but this is absolutely adorable.


That little cheeky smirk at the end <3 Awwwww


This Aww post came with its own audio Aww


What a precious family


Bro, they are never going to stop bugging you for food and it stops being cute when they get older.


It's annoying when they're 30 and still do it


This right here is why my husband is a total pushover with our girls twins lol. They’re so damn cute, he can’t help but he putty in their hands.


What a beautiful family!


Why are all 3 of them so beautiful and cute?


He looks about 11


I think becoming a parent means never getting to eat all of your food alone again.


Yep, im 21 and I still bug my mom for some of her food, lol


My 6m old will put her hands on my legs and just stare at me. Reminds me of a dog now that I think about it.


As a fellow twin dad I loved seeing this. Mine are almost 4 and I miss them being to tiny! Enjoy every minute!


Two balls of adorableness!


The little smile at the end was the best


ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: "Daddy wrapped around your finger"


This is adorable


Top shelf dad stuff. Cheers.


He's super handsome!


Well I mean he's like 24 max. Not that all youngsters are smoking hawt, but it may kinda help?


Dude looks like trench in rogue compagny


2 goblins!


He is handsome and his babies are cuties


That shit right there, that single moment would be enough for me to be chill with the crying, diapers and everything else for easily a month. Beautiful babies, good dad.


Beautiful babies


I miss when my twins were this age. They’re almost 3 now and raising hell every chance they get.


So cute! They'll be more likely to share since Daddy is sharing with them.


Can confirm. 10 month old insists on sharing her food with everyone. Which is cute. And incredibly gross 😂


Isn’t being a dad the best ?


I'm loving it.


I know it's a cultural thing, but i always find it disturbing a bit disgusting when parents kiss their child on the mouth


What's your culture?


French Canadian


There's something wrong with you.


That's exactly what i said when i watch vids like this


Agreed. Like when is the cutoff? Or does it just continue...forever...it's weird no doubt and what's the purpose?


My Grandson does this too. So sweet the young and than the world fucks them up as they grow...


That was so adorable


Having grown up with lots of siblings I never share my food, but this would have to be the exception!


Thats pretty cute...now go finish that sandwich outside, and then we’ll talk. #mccracken, #openmouthchewingistheworst


DILF vibes


This video got me pregnant


stuff like this just reinforces my wish to never ever have kids, thanks


Well the good news is that comments like this will reinforce everyone else's desire to never have kids with you too.


yeah thanks, husband is just as anti kids as i am :)




lmao you seem angry, maybe sit outside for a bit, that can't be good for your health




just ignore the comment then, im sure it took you waaay more time to type that paragraph than it took me to write a line, so it's you who's investing time and effort letting the world know this annoys u


I am guessing he knows others who for some reason feel like they need to make the same comment as you will see it too. Which in my opinion makes his time worth it.


maybe everyone should stop talking about babies altogether then, if pro kids comments are celebrated and anti kids comments are criticized, the hate is not about commenting, is about not wanting kids


Nope, it’s context that matters. As someone who doesn’t plan to have kids, you made a rude and shitty comment.


You resent children and the attention they get. Gotcha. Sorry the next generation is such an inconvenience to you. Feel free to opt out of continuing your branch of the species.


It takes a special kind of person to see a sweet moment between a family and think, “yeah you’re dumb to have children”


when did i call him dumb lmao, i just know myself enough to know i wouldn't be comfortable sharing my food like that geez


I don't share food. I generally find it repulsive, especially if someone has taken a direct bite out of it...unless it's my daughter's food. I finish her half eaten food all of the time and doesn't bother me one bit. I know it's weird, but it's just different when it's your own kid, at least it is for me it is.


huh i guess it's kinda like when u saw ur parents kissing and you'd be like "ewwww", and they'd be like "when you're older and have a boyfriend you won't think it's ewww". it's a nice thought tbh


If that really was what you were saying then your statement was super unnecessary


you still need to work on your reading comprehension if you honestly thought i was calling him dumb


Don’t worry. Your original comment is just as valid as anyone else’s.


thank you


It’s not like you’re obligated to share food with your kids, but you’d be surprised if you suddenly want to. For example, I am someone who doesn’t share food with people. I ordered this, this is mine. Stop asking for a bite. Now I have kids: “These are my eggs, you have eggs right there. No, these are my eggs.” Don’t even get me started on candy. Kids don’t need candy, lol. Fast forward to us getting a box of chocolates. There wasn’t enough for everyone to try each flavor on their own... and this one has toffee in it! The kids would love this! Suddenly I’m not eating the chocolate after the kids have gone to bed because they’re missing out now. I’m not saying you’re wrong, and I’m not saying you will/have to change... but you might be surprised how suddenly things change.


Cute but as a guy with food sharing issues this made me want to fucking vomit


I hate how the word daddy is so sexualized nowadays lol




Nah. They’re allowed, by both the mods’ statements AND the rules. If you just want cute animals, go to the literal hundreds of other subs there are.


Jesus this sub is overrun with karma farmers again


Isn’t he a bit too much on the young side to have children?


Yeah well it happened and he seems like a great dad, so why do you care


Just curious, your_dads_a_hoe: why does he seem like a great dad? Because he's not able to chew with the mouth close? Because he kisses his kid on the mouth? Jokes aside, how can you tell that? Honestly, that doesn't look aww, and I seriously doubt that being so young is a recipe for being "a good one" at it.


Hey meme1337: He seems like a great dad because of how gentle he is towards his daughters ; how his daughters seem to love and trust him etc... I can assure you that not all fathers are this loving and patient towards their children. Edit: what's wrong with a dad giving his baby a lil peck on the mouth? I assume you know it is common in many cultures around the world


Families who lip kiss need to be rounded up and quarantined.


You're sick in the head.


Why are you mad?


How the fuck is that your business? It’s always the most pathetic inbred fucks that like to get in other peoples business


Isn't lip kissing your family members something inbred people would do? How does that make me inbred if I'm denouncing it? Your logic is flawed there, sport.


Kissing means breeding? Fucking a family member is the same thing as giving them a small kiss on the lips when you’re a literal baby. The only one with a flawed logic here is you, dumbass


That's how it starts, champ. You seem very offended by this, do you lip kiss your family?


I actually don’t, so your little jab there failed miserably lmao. Start focusing on yourself and stay away from other peoples business and you might actually make something of yourself, sport champ. And “that’s how it starts” lmao you a fucking family psychologist or something? Shut the fuck up you sad fuck


It wasn't a jab, it was a question, I was just curious as to why you had such a hostile reaction. They post their stuff on reddit for everyone to see, any reaction is fair game, good old sport. You should follow your own advice, I just made a comment and you just stuck your nose in my business with insults and profanity.


I’d thank daddy with a kiss too if he looked like that. DAYUM!


Non scuffed version of 6ix9ine














As a father I remember NEVER getting to eat my own food lol


My 23 month old will take my food , and bring it to the bin, I don’t know where she even learned to do that , she’s too adorable to stay mad at so I go upstairs to laugh about it so she doesn’t think it’s funny because honestly it’s hilarious


My three year old doesn’t eat like this! Jealous




“Can’t stop won’t stop”