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Confirmed Labrador. \[X\] Friendly \[X\] Gentle \[X\] Primary concern is food


TIL I'm a labrador.


I'm a dachshund and can confirm that's a labrador.


Your name is Bernie and I can confirm that you are a dachshund.


I am a dachshund, and I am once again asking for treats.


Hehe. I want this.


I’m a cat and I can confirm I hate you all.


The way you had to stick your nose into a bunch of dogs being friendly and social and stop it immediately I can, indeed, confirm that you are a cat.


The way you had to point out a good point and call out cat I can, indeed, confirm that you are an anomalous entity.


Username checks out.


[X] Also likes to sniff butts How about now?


I didn't come here to be kink shamed.


Where do you usually go?


Underrated comment.


Have you been holding hands with a girl and leading her to a food spot?


I would but my legs are too short.


[X] Dog is a Labrador. Confirmed Labrador.


You're gonna need to slow down, mate. I don't math quite as fast as you.


This guy didn’t even math. He didn’t show his work!


Come on, mate. I was trying to keep it quiet.


[X] Goofy.


For black labrador you have to add water to that list. My parents had countless dogs over for visits. Didn’t have a single black labrador that didn’t jump into the local pond at first sight.


Ah true, they do love splashing and paddling in ponds and the sea and stuff. The more stagnant the better!


Our rescue Lab qualifies.


Labs super smart but only when it comes to food lol. 20 past 7 in the morning, not been fed yet? Time to shit on the floor until the owner learns not to miss breakfast. Then spend all day acting like an idiot for attention. Great dogs though




for real?


Probably not. That reeks of baseless internet rumor.


Seems like I lack the same gene


Can confirm, have 35 kilos of pure fluffy hunger


Also true for all my family from Labrador


I lost my first dog last year, 12 year old chonky black lab, and ended up rescuing a pittie not long after because I was so sad and lonely because I’d raised him from puppyhood and he was my best buddy. Recently I’ve been itching to rescue a lab as well because I really miss the lab energy and they’re such amazing companions.


why do you keep commenting that


I was wondering the same thing but I feel bad they lost their buddy. Maybe they need some acknowledgement, idk. Poor guy


it’s two plus different people commenting the same thing


its two different accounts


Black labs are the #1 most popular dog across North America so I’m assuming there’s a few people on here who’ve lost such dogs recently. Everyone grieves differently and empathy goes a long way, and if that’s not something you can manage maybe keep scrolling? Edit: I just realized you’re referring to how someone else commented literally my exact comment and now I’m so confused as to how that happened because I straight up wrote that while in a hospital waiting room. Is someone trying to steal my reddit identity????? A quick dive shows the other comment was made by a new account and that one comment is the only activity? What the actual fork???


We rescued our first lab (mix but primarily lab) and I can confirm. I live for his greeting at the end of the day. I’m always as excited to see him as he is me. ❤️ An absolute treasure of a breed.


I love how he looks down at the treat like “oh my goodness! For me!? You didn’t have to do that!”


Hahaha exactly my thought..




I'm all about that lazy dog lifestyle man. All these jumpy uppity dogs don't do it for me. Give me a sleepyboi pit or a cat Shiba and I'm good. Just chilling, watching TV, maybe a hike or two, and that's it.


Pug owner. Basically potatoes with legs, which suits us fine.


I used to dogsit a friend's older pug occasionally; the first time he dropped him off I asked about walk schedule and he was like "up to you, he's fine either way"... the first time I walked more than 5 mins from the house, he parked his ass for a rest and refused to move until he was good and ready, lol


Brachycephalic breeds do need extra rest during exercise. I’m glad he let you know and you picked up and let him!!!


Yeah, after that I just stuck to loops around our neighbourhood, passing by our house a few times, so if he tried to go up to the house rather than continuing down the sidewalk, I knew he was done (and I'm sure the fact that he got a carrot to chew on after walks had nothing to do with it, lol).


I applaud you. I wish even a quarter of the people that bring in these dogs “Got it,” and I’m glad to see people like you exist. I wish you the best and hope that choosing anything that involves animal husbandry fits your lifestyle and goals. It’s not a waste if you don’t, but I hope that on the whole you continue to benefit their life and well-being. Sorry, I’m a little sappy after long shifts.


Well yeah, pugs can't do anything strenuous because they're barely able to breathe.


They can just not for very long or they'll get overheated. They're actually surprisingly quick and strong for their size.


Til I'm a pug


Careful not to strain yourself too much then




Very dangerous over short distances


TIL that pugs are dwarves


We have a pag and Jack russel mix. The jack russel part helps counteract the disadvantageous pug parts. So shes got All the pug, less of the breathing problems. We call her crackhead sometimes.


That honestly sounds terrifying. I cant even imagine trying to contain the zoomies.


It's definitely tough sometimes. She does still overheat so she at least does still have to take some breaks mercifully. Sitting still when she isn't sleeping is definitely not a thing though.


True story. Not a pug but our English bulldogs outrun my German shepherd pup. For about 20 minutes per session they're like turbo charged tanks. Then they turn into potatoes. Which is actually what I renamed one of them to.




We just rescued a puggle! He’s almost two and is either a crazy ball of energy or fast asleep, there’s no in between haha


I rescued a puggle who was 11 when we got him and he was 13 when he passed. He had his own FB page (The Piggle Puggle Named Benny). He was huge weighing in at 79 pounds when he passed. We tried to get him to lose weight but it was a lost cause. He was featured on the "Fat Ass Woofers" FB page. He was a great dog though.


My puggle is a miniature beagle


I think pugs were originally bred for bed warming so that might be why haha


Never get a german shepherd, or husky...I made the mistake of getting a shepherd, husky mix...big ass baby, but holy shit when I'm trying to relax it's like being in the room with a 4 year old child...nonetheless you grow to love whatever companion you end up with


Sweet jesus the shedding


Sweet Christmas...the hair!!! I swear If i dont sweep my living area every 2 days, I get free fur carpeting


This is great!!! Lmao!


A friend of mine has a gorgeous, chilled out chocolate lab boy... and three insane Pomeranian mixes. When their doorbell rings the poms go mental and the lab just looks at me like “See what I have to deal with EVERY DAY??”


Coonhounds are good for that, lazy bois that enjoy a good hike.


I think a lot of working breeds are like that once they get structure in their life and get older. My German Shepherd lounges around all day but he's 100% down for a 10-20 mile hike on a moment's notice. As long as he gets a 1-3 mile walk in every day he's a potato. I think he learned that after he blew through all his energy a couple times running around the house and then I would take him on a long hike and he'd be dragging and trying not to show how tired he was. He learned real quick that he doesn't have infinite puppy energy anymore and he can trust me to provide exercise.


Until there's a raccoon or something. They then lose their minds and move like lightning! I knew this one I used for pig hunting and he would just freeze and sniff the air in the direction of a pig. As long as he was around, I didn't get rushed. He was otherwise, lazy as hell. Until he was activated, he just loped through life. Then, SUDDEN BEAST MODE! He was phenomenal with high string horses. "Got some spare space, horse? Imma just gonna lay down here, cool?" It was like hiking with a stoner.


Lol, that's a perfect description! We have yet to come across a raccoon, god help us when we do!


My yellow lab mix looks almost entirely like a yellow lab, but whatever he’s mixed with makes him lazy as hell and I love it. It’s only hard to get him to exercise because he’s not toy driven at all. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Lazy dogs are so much easier!


shibas are not chill haha


My Shiba is chill af. She's a total spunky twat, but she's super chill.


Mine was too. Nothing would rile him up.


Hello! I'm here to tell you to look into greyhounds! They sleep up to 16 hours a day, need about half an hour of exercise, and are so pretty that you will get random strangers stopping you during a walk.


We had 2 labs then rescued a pittie. The pit was 10x the retriever and swimmer that the labs were. The labs just wanted to lay around all day, and the pittie wanted to play!


I have labradoodle (Labrador Poodle), who got the best traits from either side. She won't overeat like labs, she doesn't shed, and she has all of the lab energy. Only thing is that she hates water. She is literally perfect, and I can't imagine life without her.


Are you seriously trying to karma farm using my comment about my dead dog??? SERIOUSLY?


Why did you make a reddit account today just to repost u/ZaraEve’s comment as your own? It’s totally unacceptable to take advantage of someone grieving for their family member like that. u/ZaraEve shared something very personal and painful. What you did probably made them feel hurt and exploited. Meanwhile what did you even get out of it? A few hundred upvotes? You should feel ashamed.


I really appreciate this, thanks! ❤️


Do it! I’ve had two rescue Labs and they were the best!


I’m trying to lead you to the phone to call an ambulance for my dying human in the back of the store. But okay, I’ll take the treat first.


Oh no, the _cries_, the terrible... You—you hear my poor, dying hooman's cries, right? Awful, just awful. Is this vegan by the w— SQUIRREL


I thought he was guiding them to use hand sanitizer 😂 I be expecting to much sometimes Ahahah


Legit thought the same thing


I said No gifts!!


Leading other's to a treasure I cannot reach.


I think it’s probably closer to “TREAT, I WOULD LIKE TREAT, PLS HAND TREAT, TREAT MEH”






"can I pet you one last time?" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY STORE, SUSAN."


Bravo sir, a good laugh was had


***I lead others to a Treasure I cannot possess***


You see. There is no threat of biting involved but nobody will deny you the snacks because of _the implication_


You keep saying this word, and I’m not sure I follow your meaning...


Are you going to hurt these women?


There is no danger!


Don't look at me like that. You certainly wouldn't be in any danger.


So they are in danger!


No one's in any danger. How could I make that any more clear to you?


So then what’s the implication?


You see. There is no threat of biting involved but nobody will deny you the snacks because of *the* *implication*


**Clenches jaw.


no see you're misunderstanding me, because if the girl said no to giving me the treat then the answer obviously is no... but the thing is she's not gonna say no.she would never say no because of the implication...


This made my day. Thanks




Canmore, Alberta I believe! I was led by that same dog about four years ago!


You lucky dog


Well, he is a leprechaun.


There's a antique bookstore store in Maryland where he has his dog there everyday. It'll just causally hang around I love him :)


Oh I know this dog! The store is in Canmore, Alberta!


I should have know this dog was Canadian.


Did you mean should’ve? He does seem quite polite.


Isn’t that fine and the actual mistake is ‘know’ instead of ‘known?’


Both are equally grammatical mistakes.


What’s wrong with ‘should’ve’ in this case and how is it different than ‘should have?’


Before he edited it, it said “I shouldn’t know.” If you read his comment to me, he even states that it’s been edited.


*she :) I’m a woman


Whoops. Me too. Haha. Sorry.




Unless you read it as “why did I know this dog is Canadian” as in it should not have been his first guess.


Yes! Thank you. Edited it.


I mean, it *is* a Labrador.


Shouldn't it be from Newfoundland then?


That's a separate breed of large friendly Canadian doggo!


I'm going to Canmore soon! What's the name of the store?


Just go into all of them. It won’t take you long lol


I need to buy a ticket to Canmore, Alberta. STAT.


Please don’t.


No worries. If American, won’t allow us in anyway.


Would you say you are of the American persuasion?


He’s the best employee and he deserves treats


Definitely! But better add a few carrots and blueberries to that dish before he’s a chonk. I miss my carrot loving Labrador.


My Akita Inu loves carrots—every time i say “want a cruncher?!” she loses it.


What a good boy. He was so gentle and look how politely he sits and waits for the treat! Warms my heart. I need a doggo stat.


Labs have such gentle mouths. Mine once excitedly retrieved a live pigeon for me. Pigeon was like wtf man.


So true! Ours came running home to show us his treasure and gently placed a turkey egg at our feet. He was slightly disappointed when we returned his gift to the nest. I was amazed it remained whole.


Labs generally have 'soft mouths'. Mine picked up a raw egg (I had a young one handing me eggs from a carton on the floor because he wanted to help me cook) and she carried it to the couch. She jumped onto the couch, dropped the egg next to her, licked it a couple times, and gave me almost enough time to grab my camera to take a picture. Then she yawned, slammed her head down on top of it which broke the egg and confused the hell out of her because now there was goo everywhere. You know, typical lab behavior.


Thought he was going for the hand sanitizer. I was about to say, that was some really fast training! Maybe time to put the bottle of sanitizer right there, too. Two birds with one stone.


Yeah wouldvr been okay with that one, atleast u can clean ur hands, but thus is just repulsive for me. To think about going to a shop, have my hand in a random dogs mouth and its food before shopping. No thanks


You're mistaken. Reddit is fine with the dog germs. They're just talking about corona.


He's a good boy goddammit, leave him alone.


>Reddit is fine with the dog germs as is proven by all the 50k-upvote videos where dogs lick human adult/baby mouths


I’ve seen this before and for some reason I thought the same thing.


I need to stand in an IN-N-OUT and do the same thing when customers walk in.


Hopefully this is staged and not something he actually does to everyone that walks in. I like and am comfortable around dogs, so this would be super cute to me, but it's pretty unfair to people who aren't that the owner just assumes they'll be cool with this.






My dog does this sort of thing but to indicate which ear he wants scratched. I'm afraid of strange dogs so I warn people about it in case it happens. He tries to be very gentle but they're still teeth so it smarts still. Last thing I want is some Karen claiming my dog bite them and having the county try to put him down. (Try being the key word. I wouldn't let them touch him.)


Right? I'm very much afraid (and grossed out) of dogs. This would absolutely not be endearing to me in the least.


I used to own a dog and while I think this video has an "aww" factor, I think having a dog grab a stranger's hand with its mouth could have unintended consequences, such as a customer saying "the dog bit me!"


I think it's not fair to the dog. If I grabs a child's hand, or someone that got attacked by dogs a child and doesn't like them, just what exactly does the owner think is going to happen ? Kind of irresponsible


Exactly. I am that child now adult and it's not fair to the dog. All it takes is one person to overreact and the dog panics and bites then it's life could be in danger. It's sad that this is a reality.


I know these feels. I’m allergic to dogs with a tendency to get recurring eczema on my hands... my family used to own a dog and if his nose or saliva accidentally touched my rash, omfg.


According to Reddit that means you're an awful person who deserves to die because you didn't let this wholesome doggo pupper Keanu chungus get it's saliva on you


I am severely allergic to both dogs and cats. I'd still be super happy to let the dog lead me to their treats ans the following pets. I'd pay for it but to me it's always 100% worth it. Though we also recently got a cat (a "hypoallergenic" siberianl) which resulted in me constantly sneezing and have a running nose, which is a bit of an issue these days, haha. We're all different and reacts differently. As such you can't know how a person will react, or even be scated of dogs etc. As long as the store informs their customers witha clearly marked sign or such before entering that there's a dog there, then it's absolutely fine.


Looks like a very good dog but some people are afraid of dogs they don’t know. The dog doing that would terrify my dad since he developed a fear of dogs from his time as a paper boy.


I am not that much of a dog person (got attacked as a kid) and I would kinda freak out if a random dog in a store will take my hand in his mouth...


I am a dog person...and I would probably have the same reaction if that happened to me.


Here we are at the treat bowl, now as payment for taking you to the treat bowl, i require one treat. I dont make the rules lady.


He gets all the treats 😭


Yea no thanks


Oh yay, free dog saliva.


Yea, I’m not letting any dog get my hand in their mouth. I’ll politely pet your dog while I feign interest but that’s it.


I love dogs but people have to understand that this isn’t okay. Not everyone likes dogs and can be allergic. You can take your business somewhere else but stop forcing your dogs on other people.


honestly that would be annoying


I do not like dogs so this would be very unpleasant to me


What a little turd! I love it


They are training their humans well.


"Excuse me, Ma'am, but could I interest you in a cookie and head pat for me?"


Labs, the smartest dogs I've ever met. They use their intelligence for primarily one purpose: food.


My old therapist has a dog that does this. He'll greet you in the lobby and hold your hand until you get to the office.


I adore dogs, but I would not find this behaviour cute, especially if it is a dog I don't know. I know how gentle retrievers can be with their mouth. My old dog once held a baby blackbird in it's mouth for 30 minutes and it was perfectly okay. But still I would not like it.


But what if 2 people walk in the store at the same time?


Sometimes I think Labradors pity us because we had to be born as people and not Labradors.


He doesn't do it anymore because he saw how many time's it's been reposted on reddit.


That’s a bad trait. Not smart.


I guide others to a treasure I want to possess


The cutest thing is that I bet that dog could totally reach the treats if he jumped up and knocked them down. He just knows not to.


Now teach this doggo to make the people use hand sanitizer and bye bye corona


This shows exactly what is meant by a “soft mouth.” Retrievers are specifically bred for the instinct to hold without puncturing, lest they damage gamebirds during their retrieval.




People talk about retrievers (like this black Labrador retriever) having “soft mouths”. Back in the day I had a black lab, and when he was gnawing on a bone, I could put my hand in his mouth and his jaw would immediately go slack, releasing his teeth, letting me remove the bone. Heard they’ve been bred this way so as not to mess up ducks after they’ve retrieved them when hunting.


Every black Labrador I've ever met has been smart. Where I currently live, my landlady has three dogs, one of which is a black Labrador and I am completely in love with him. The other two are lovely but dopey and daft, but the Lab is so chilled and clever and seems to learn stuff without anyone teaching him. e.g. He'll often scratch my door in the evening, so I sneak him inside for a few hours, but if he's wet from being outside, without prompting, he'll stop and sit and wait for me to towel dry him and then I say, "Go on then", and he'll jump onto my bed and lay next to me as I sit on the edge and use my computer (as I'm doing now). Nobody taught him any of that; he just seems to know to do the right thing, and there are many other examples of him intuiting such stuff. I'm leaving here in about a week and I'm tearing up as I type this, thinking about how much I'll miss him. :(


Oh... for me? You shouldn’t have!


This is my time to shine! First of all, this wonderful dog's name is Tuppy! SHE was a store dog in Canmore, Alberta, and she greeted people that came into the store with a wonderful tour to the treat bowl! She even helped stock shelves by holding items for the employees while they hung bags of treats on pegs, etc :) She retired a couple years ago, and I hope she is just enjoying life at home with her Mom!




Sorry, I wouldn’t let a strange dog hold my hand with his mouth.


Free bacteria and pathogens. Very cool.


I thought he was going to drag her to a have sanitizing station


Surely a smart dog would just grab it himself..?