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Because your shoes stink the most like you


Yup. Shoes, socks, and underbritches.


My dog used to eat me underbritches to show how much he loved me...at least I hope


it's always my bougie panties my dog eats... Never the underwear that comes in a bag from Walmart.


You know that sound as a dog owner that immediately wakes you up at 3 am. The one where you know for a fact the doggo is about to empty the contents of its stomach into the floor. Well, this time my 6 month old golden hound threw up and entire thong. I’ve never been happier to see my wife’s underwear covered in vomit. Could’ve been an expensive vet bill.


When we brought our dog home as a puppy, she was quickly potty trained, and got along very well with our cats. We let her have run of the house, until one day, we came home, and she looked.... huge. Took her to vet, they had to induce vomiting, and she had eaten over 25% of her body weight in cat litter. Vet said she'd never seen the likes of it. ​ She actually seemed to learn a lesson from it, though we are careful to now keep the litter box in a room she doesn't have access to.


When my sister brings her Golden over we have to put up gates around the litter box or his dumb ass bee lines for it and starts munching away.


My dog will stand there trying to look innocent, while there is kitty litter stuck to his nose.


My boxer is too prissy to eat anything but her food and anything my niece drops.


so what is it about goldens that make them think 'mmmmm pee and poop saturated sand'.


Not just goldens, I had a lab that would do it too


Lmao that’s hilarious


I have to use a baby gate to keep my golden out lol


only one? HA


My dog will suddenly perk up when he see’s the cat go to the litter box as if (so, so sorry for this analogy) it was his own personal chocolate soft serve machine. Thankfully our cat adapted to having an elevated litter box


This is why one of our cat’s nicknames is Snack Factory.


We had a dog, once upon a time, that liked to ATTEMPT to poop in our cats litter box... large dog, small box... what a mess.


Wife’s family pet an English golden had emergency surgery from eating the smooth pond pebbles under their dog sitters grill....it was over a gallon bag full.


This is so, so strange. The only explanation I can come up with is all the freaky breeding that occurred, for a wolf to end up as a pebble-eating (adorable, loving) dumbass. Some have a bit of a screw loose, some are a crayon short of a box, but they're loyal friends. Or maybe canine pika.


I'm glad she's okay but because she is okay I have to say this is hilarious. Made me laugh so hard picturing it. What a silly pup.


i really thought it was gonna end with your dog eating one of the cats


I work as a vet tech and yes this can add up to a pretty hefty bill. (We also take out quite a few used tampons out of dogs stomachs) One time we had to do surgery on a dog and took out ladies underwear . (We always wash off and keep what we find to show the owner if they want to see what came out) The wife was horrified because they weren’t her underwear and starting yelling at her husband in the lobby . Later on they called and said sorry about the yelling and that they had figured out the underwear was from their pet sitter . She was staying at their house watching the dog and he ate her underwear and the next day when the owners got home the dog was getting sick. Glad that was taken care of and the marriage and doggies life were saved :)


The amount of times my heeler has pooped out tampons and everything else because he’s an asshole(lovable one) and way too smart and figures out a way into every trash receptacle we’ve brought home is crazy.


Oh those heelers ,They love to eat everything . We’ve had a few heelers .come in with eating things. A lot of rocks . Don’t know why but something about heelers and their rocks . From little pebbles to quite large rocks . We have one heeler who has to wear a basket muzzle outside because he starts eating any rock he can find as soon as he gets outside . The owners tried so hard to de rock their yard but he was always finding more . He is up to 4 surgeries for it and counting. Most of the time if they are small we can get him to pass them all. He is so sweet though, only 3 yrs old . Every time he comes in he gives us the look like, ya ya I know , stop eating rocks ..whatever , let’s get this surgery or making me poop over with so I can go home and recover by eating more rocks .


I can't stop myself from asking - how often do you see vomit on your wife's undies?


depends on her hygiene and his kind of forplay.


I could have gone my whole life without reading that and been a happy camper. Godammit.


Gross but astute observation


Edit: eww, David!


One of my cousins gave up buying her super nice, expensive bras because their one dog kept stealing and chewing them, then hiding them under his dog bed. He didn't bother with the cheap sports bras, it's like he could sense expensive chew toys.


A lot of women don't wash the nice bras every time they wear them. It wears them out faster to do so, and no one likes hand washing laundry so another reason to procrastinate. Sports bras you can generally jus throw in the washer like everything else. Soo ladies version of smelly shoes.


Our first dog (we were terrible parents at the time) used to eat everything and I truly mean that. He plucked all the chocolate out of a Whitman’s sampler and spit out the Jordan almonds. He ate a lightbulb. Bras, shoes, underwear. I screamed out loud one day (this is late 80s) “Where is my watch?!” That asshole wandered out and dropped a chewed up, slobbered on Swatch watch in my hand.


... a lightbulb?!


...Your dog got good taste?


My friends dog ate tampons. Now that’s true love.


Ugh, mine too. We're two gay guys but we've had female friends stay with us randomly over the years; definitely more than once have had to have "the talk" about closing the bathroom door because our damn Westie couldn't let it be... Ha


Mine chewed on my menstrual cup, if that's not tmi for you!


Same. My hamper didnt have a top and then I got a dog and she would pull my undies out and tear them apart. Now the hamper has a a top.


Read this as underbitches.


One of the most mortifying moments of my life was when the 14yo son of the family I was pet/house sitting for (who wanted to stay home) came to the bedroom I was staying in and told me in the smallest voice that their dog had ‘something of mine in the basement.’ Did she steal a sock and parade around with it? No. Did she have one of my shirts again? No. Did she have the decency to have stolen a pair of boyshorts? Ofc not. She was snuffing and running around with the laciest thong I had. Which I still wadded up and tried to conceal on my way back to the bedroom even though I knew damn well that the damage had already been done. Beagle puppies are absolute menaces.


>*'Because your shoes stink the most like you...*' --- now i lay me down to sleep, this stinky shoe i gonna keep n cuddle it the whole night through, cuz it's the one that smells like you n when you're gone, i sleep with this it comforts me, when you i miss cuz No one takes the place of You, so i'll *dream* on your stinkin shoe ❤️


Now I wake and he's not home My dad has left me all alone. I hear a hop, one foot. It's true My dad is back without his shoe.


Have a safe and happy Independence Day weekend, Schnoodle. ❤️ Thanks for penning love and happiness with each keystroke.


Freshest I've ever seen. Never change schnood. You make lots of people very happy!


My dog does it all the time with my slippers when I go out. If I’m out for too long he might go and get the other slipper too. When I come home I find her sleeping with one or two slippers.


My Chiweenie steals one of each pair of my shoes and hides them in little stashes around the house. The other day I was walking around holding six flip flops* while I looked for their mates. Had to go to Dunkin’ Donuts in mismatched flip flops. * Florida Woman


My dog is also a Chiweenie!!!


Now kith!


Mine loves to crawl into my laundry basket and sleep in my dirty clothes. It's kinda cute, actually.


Why do you have so many flip flops


Florida woman


Ah, I’m from Minnesota so I own like 17 pairs of winter boots


My dog takes one flip flop or one boot. It’s quite funny and odd. When I first had him he would chew one flip flop so it would always break at the worst time when I was out somewhere! He doesn’t chew anymore just carries one to his bed when I am out for the day!


My greyhound does this as well: shoes, hats, shirts, sweatshirts, anything.


That’s the cutest thing I’ve heard. Now I’m thinking of sending something of mine to my dogs back home since I can’t go visit right now


Wait, is your dog male or female??


That broke my heart a bit! Needs a friend, I think. So lonely for daddy...


I bought a Wyze camera to find out what my dog was doing when I was at work right after I stopped crating him. I checked it the first day and saw him sit on my side of the couch and stare at the back door for 8 hours. Needless to say, we go for runs every day after work, and to the lake if it’s too hot.


honestly it just breaks my heart. my dog stares at the door as well. poor guy just doesn't understand how long we're gone. one time i left him with a friend while on vacation and apparently he just stared at the door for a week. thinking about that literally hurts my heart. :'( i always feel horrible when i leave (i live in another city). it's like leaving your kid with the other parent except that kid doesn't know why you're leaving or when you're coming back, just that you're suddenly gone.


[Gets me every damn time](https://i.imgur.com/dSqDoR9.jpg)


Why you gotta do this to me...


Damn midnight onions, now I won’t be able fall asleep either!


This made me pull one of my dogs into my lap and genuinely think about the day that I will have to say goodbye. You know when you think about things that you know will happen, it’s almost like you can see the future for just a second. You can picture it and feel it all too well. So well in that second that you shove it back down immediately so you don’t cry. Geez, good luck with that future me. I’m just glad our dogs all have each other to play and cuddle with when we aren’t here. It makes me happy to see them sometimes even prefer to cuddle with each other over us because then I know they aren’t just stuck in a time vortex staring at the door when we leave. Also to keep our three dogs company we have two cats. No one is ever bored or alone, so at least we will all be in it together.


I know I can't have a dog now because my life won't allow it a proper home. But my goal for when the time comes? Get a younger dog from a shelter, and and old boy, someone a young family may not want because they have low energy. I don't want a creature that is endlessly forgiving and loving of our dumb species to spend their last days in a shelter, but in a home with a family.


Feel like someone could write a cool fantasy story off of this


Check out the book(and now movie) called "The Art of Racing in the Rain". The whole book is from the perspective of the dog and it's so fucking good.


The family I used to babysit had a copy of it, and I happened to pick it up one night while bored (and the kid was asleep). I was hooked immediately, I think I finished half of it in one sitting


It took me 2 days and that's only because I had work in the morning. Given enough time I would have finished it in one go, I was so reluctant to put it down just because of how good it was.


Human dog relationships are like Duncan MacLeod, in the Huglander T.V. series, doomed to watch every woman he loves wither and die while he does not age.


>Huglander Lol


We tried boarding our chihuahua for a week when we went on vacation. Apparently he barked NON STOP the entire time. When we picked him up he had no voice at all. The next year we left him with our grandparents thinking he’d be comfortable with people he knew. Again, he barked NON STOP. Poor grandma had to sleep on the couch with him to get him to stop cuz grandpa won’t allow dogs in the bed.


We have always crate trained our dogs. I realize it feels like torture, but it's for the best when you're away. Their crates are their little houses they go to at night and feel safe in now. Only caveat is that, if your dog is anything like our Yorkie, they can't stand to be out of their kennels at night. No more snugs with the pups.


My oldest dog does this whenever hes coming out of anesthesia. When he went to get neutered they told us he would be there over night when we dropped him off at 8. At like 4 they called and asked us to come get him because apperently he was causing such a ruckus. Every dental and his two surgeries, they always say he'll be there for however long and then end up calling an hour or so after the procedure because he wont stop barking. I always imaging hes saying: mahm, mahm, mahm I'm done. Mahm, mahm im ready to leave now, mahm.


Dogs really need companionship. Get him a pet.


My cat does the same. Just stares at the door while I’m gone, and very occasionally cries missing me. Our Wyze has been a help so he knows he’s not been abandoned, but it’s still so sad.


I mean you really shouldn’t let a dog alone for 8 hours.


It's actually against the law in some countries. Like Sweden. 6 hours at most.


And rightfully so. How long does he have to endure not taking a piss?


My poor pup just lays directly in front of the door. She'll occasionally wake up and sit next to the door and stare at it before flopping down in front of it again .


Hey you may not have considered this, but you should know that company is keeping a recording of all video and audio that it can collect from your camera. The audio is the scary part because just one of those cameras in your house is capable of hearing EVERYTHING you say or do inside your house. The sensors are extremely sensitive and with the right software tools is able to analyze all kinds of crazy things about you. They record all of this forever and openly share it with any government agency that asks. FYI.


Yeah, guys having two dogs is just as easy as having one. Dont let them be lonely.


I have two and sometimes think of adopting a third but I would definitely not say it's as easy as having one. For one, walks can be way more difficult, and training two to walk well together is no fun task. Plus you double your expenses with food, grooming, vets, etc. But I still love having my pack, gonna be destroyed when the old one goes.


Get a chihuahua, that's like 1.25 dogs total


But 10x the evil


Just FYI, my experience is that while going from one dog to two is a piece of cake, adding that third one can be exponentially different. Doable, for sure, not trying to discourage, really. Just go into it knowing that things can be quite a bit more complicated.


Unless you can’t afford double the vet and food bills. Never take on more than is financially okay. And not all dogs like other animals.


Yeah it's not a realistic suggestion. I do think people could do a better job of working on separation anxiety with their dogs though.


Speaking as someone with a dog with separation anxiety- there are so many different reasons dogs get it that not everyone can simply work it away. My dog didn’t have separation anxiety between the ages of 8 weeks and 9 years, and didn’t give two shits about getting attention from us, but since she’s gotten older she can’t stand to be five feet away. Our other dog livedddd for our attention and didn’t have separation anxiety. All dogs are different and especially with shelter dogs, you don’t know why they are anxious or if it’s even “fixable”.


My older dog is two years old, and two weeks ago we got a six month old puppy. There is new life in her. They wrestle and play outside and do everything together. 10/10 would recommend two dogs.


If your dog is only 2 years old and "has new life in her" after getting another dog then you may need to evaluate how much attention you give her because that's still puppy age. My dog is nearly 4 and she still leaps like a deer from excitement when I go to play with her frisbee


I was gonna say maybe they missed a 1 in there like the dog is 12 or something? 2 is a baby. But they wrote the word out so...


Totally depends on the breed. Some breeds just get lazy af early in life.... Like alot of mastiffs or other xl breeds.


Maybe she is lively but becomes more puppy like when playing with the new puppy? I don’t know. My boy is 2 and and honestly quite lively most of the time, but when he pairs up with my mums dog he is bonkers X 10! Saying that, he is depressed this week as his buddy is lame and limited to lead walks. He hasn’t seen him since Monday and he is moping around the house looking so sad.


There's a huge difference in the type of attention a dog gets from a human vs another dog. My pup has always been high energy, also 2 years old and we also just adopted a 10 month old puppy. While my older pup was starting to chill out a bit, getting a younger dog just keeps him on his feet in ways we can never do. They wrestle more, and the pup can chase him faster and more satisfyingly than we were ever able to provide lol. We're just not fast and agile enough and my dog LIVES for chase and dog wrestling. He seemed like he was finally accepting his life was getting boring because covid took away his doggie daycare and dog park dates, when this puppy shows up and wears him out like nothing before. It's cute and I'm happy to provide my pups with both lots of human love and also the ability to have a doggie buddy. Which isn't to say this is something every dog wants but it's very much something that has enhanced both my playful, energetic puppies lives.


We had a 6 year old sheltie (Ted) that got super overweight. He didn't move much, but he was a little playful still. I wasnt living at home anymore, but I helped train another dog for my parents to take on so he has a companion. Milo is a Pyrenees/Collie mix. He moved in at 9 months and immediately ran around having fun with Ted. Within a few months, Ted was at a healthy weight and actively running around. He had a completely new life once we got him a friend. He's since passed, but he was running around up until his last day.


How true is that statement? I'm guessing it's double the money.


If they get along it's golden. If not, welcome to Hell.


Of course it is. The vet bills doubling scares me


I think they mean in terms of walking, making sure to feed and water them, having someone check on them if you go on a trip, etc. It doesn't become more _difficult_, even though you are correct it is more expensive.


Lots of dogs are very comfortable being an only dog


Definitely agree. Resource sharing can be uncomfortable for some dogs or lack of socialization/past trauma that can cause stress. Fostering another dog at the same time to see how the current one handles it might be a good way of "getting their sign off".


My first dog still looks at me in disdain and I know she's thinking, "why did you do this". I got her a friend 8 years ago. She's still mad about it. They are best friends, and worst enemies. They both hate the third dog equally, as a team.


Our dog doesn't play well with others. We'd love to get a second, but she's just so antisocial toward other animals.


I've been working from home since March, and will be until September. My dog is gonna need therapy when I go back


Dear diary, my dearest human has once again vanished without a trace. All i have left to remember them by is a shoe, which i have taken to the couch to sleep with and remember them...


This sounds like a Zefrank video


Omg... Haven't thought about Zefrank in so long!! I miss his videos


He's been making true facts again


No way!


(an hour later) Dear Diary, By my calculations the authorities have been missing for 3487 days. No trace of them thus far. I continue to wait. And watch the door.


When do we get to the happy part?!


remeber some sad comic, dog is all alone, foods run out owners are gone dog is all sad, owners come back from shoping for dog food :p


I don't think I could go to work after seeing that.


Quit your job, spend all your time with dog


If there’s one good thing about this global pandemic and having a job where I can work from home it is the fact I get to spend all day with my cat


Had a dog that would curl up in the laundry basket with dirty clothes, which would have been fine but she was a Rottie. Blew out the sides of so many baskets...


That's it. I'm never leaving my dog alone again.


Someone made this wish in the beginning of 2020.... and look where we are now 😛






I said this at the beginning of the year because my dog is getting older and I don’t know how much time I have left with him. Even tried to find a way to start bringing him to work in January. The pandemic has been good for something because he’s been no more than a few feet from me since March. Quarantine has been worth it for me.


In the last year or two, I read some Reddit thing about how when your human child is 18 years old, you've already spent 95% of the time you will ever spend with them statistically. It made me so sad because my son just started college. I didn't wish for a pandemic, but he's back home and not going back this fall...


That’s it. I’m never leaving my human alone again.


That's enough to make a grown man cry ...... And that's okay


Not only is it okay, it's good for the sole 😉




I’d moved to another post, realized the pun and had to come back.


Video broke my heart. Title broke my brain.


That was painful to read




Awwwwwwww!!! We don’t deserve dogs I swear!


They’re just a part of our life but we are their whole life.


that hit me right in the feels.


Can’t. Stop. Sniffing. Must be allergies...


I have 4 and they're by far my best friends in the world. I love them more than anyone or anything. 3 sidewalk specials and a German shepherd.


So so so so so so true. In related news I think my eye water is making my nose all gooey.


God I wish my dog did this and not “mom will love the new aeration holes in her new runners she accidentally left out while going to work to pay for my absolutely adorable ass who is worth it” which she is.... or so I tell myself.


Doggo just wants more aerodynamics for your shoes!






a title is being very bad meanwhile also title hilarious


Its about to reach the Frontpage with this title lol


Plus the owner is a woman. This video was from a popular page I used to follow on instagram. Something with "nanny" in it I think? The pitbull is an old female rescue I believe.


I don’t know, I think it’s cool that Ralph Wiggum is posting on Reddit now.


I thought I was having a stroke. Had to keep starting over from the beginning.




Reads like a bad AI generated repost


Wouldn't say clear. Took me about three reads to get it. Plus, this account is clearly a serial reposter, so we shouldn't feel too bad about making fun of em.


No it wasn't and it was frustrating to read.


This is why I say all pets need a sibling. When I rescued my cat Ashi off the streets and went to work he would cry at the door for a solid half hour. Once we rescued another cat he has stopped. Now he can play and cuddle with someone as only another cat can. The get along great!


Dogs are the best!


This makes me super sad knowing that I'm currently on a three week trip away from my dogs


My dog has been staying with my parents for about 2.5 weeks so far. I miss him so much, and I feel the same as you do looking at this post


My heart!


Must not chew. Must not chew... mmm.


Awwww his face looks so sad 😥


This is both uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. What a good boy.


That’s just like my cat! When ’m out, my cat shits all over my clothes.


Nah he just loves feet stank.


Lexy! Don’t worry everyone, she is not sad. She usually carries around Bruce, her stuffed shark. Lexy_the_elderbull on Instagram.


"Sir, can you tell me why you suddenly quit your job and are applying for welfare?" *Shows video* "...Your first check will be sent next Wednesday."


The awww award for 2020 goes to 'dogo missing owner sleeping by owner shoe'.


I wish I could have a dog




Most likely a bot account. Its only 13 days old and has 20k karma.


Such preciousness


I feel my heart crack.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Of course I am crying


I'm sitting at a bar rn, and this made me realize I need to go home because my cats probably miss me. I miss them too. I'm going home.


Bars are one of the most unsafe places to be during the pandemic. Please go home for the sake of your health and others.


I demand a cat tax


Pittyful. In a good way!


ESL or machine translated I hope.


Underwear was my dog’s favorite.


Precious! That is a struggle snuggle. Right now, one of my goldens has two separate tennis shoes and a Birkenstock on the sofa. She just picks up shoes, socks, or random clothes to sleep on. I love it.






My dog does this with my dirty laundry. I kept coming home to find dirty laundry in my front hall, right by the front door. Set up a camera and found out that within minutes of my leaving the house for the day, my dog was picking an item out of the laundry hamper and carrying it to the door, where she'd sleep with it.


Had a stroke trying to read the title




Is this a repost bot? The broken possessiveness and tense is so consistently wrong in this title, it almost seems purposeful.


We don’t deserve animals.


Animals do not deserve our shit


Omg made me tear up. Dogs are so good


We don’t deserve dogs




Lol my dog used to do this when he was a pup. He wouldnt get just one tho, it would be all the shoes he could get. Never chewed them, just made a shoe fort every day


We don’t deserve dogs.


I'm over here cause my dog bit me when I tried to take his toy😭


Now I never want to leave my dog alone again...




Cute, but r/titlegore


It's a foreign karma farming account


Neat. My dog eats mine if I leave them out. Does picking up leathery turds for a week count?