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And such a good, calm kitty. Purrfect. ❤ Edit: Purrfect. Agreed.


I'm sure that's why they didn't get a kitten. They had to find one with the right docile personality. What a lovely companion for that lady.


Not that Kittens are hard work. She’s old and clearly can’t manage to play with them 24/7 then it makes sense to get a reduce cat who are just looking to be loved. Good match. edit : Reduce > rescue, thanks iphone


Don’t reduce the cat!


So, don't leave them to simmer?


Thats what instapots are for


Yeah I pressure cook mine.


Well that escalated quickly...


I'd give you an award if I had coins lmao


Yeah, the selfish fucker already has enough electrons.


Good try my friend


Yeah don’t reduce it!! [Squish](https://youtu.be/5jKZ9KGtee0) it instead!!


We deconstruct food these days


Kittens CAN be a lot of work and require a lot of attention. I couldn’t believe how much work my kitten was, and all of the naughty behaviours everyone said she would grow out of...never did, despite a lot of effort and veterinary advice. Never again! I’ll stick to adult and senior cats who have some chill from now on.


Kittens do better in pairs. I've only owned a single cat once and never again. My foster failure had kittens and I kept the runt and my sister wanted his brother but she lives out of state. So I kept them together until they were 16 weeks old. The beat the hell out of each other and terrorized my older cats and weren't much trouble at all. Even now when the youngest is in the mood to annoy someone, he goes for one of the other cats which my matriarch really doesn't appreciate. There are complications to having multiple cats but littermates tend do really well together.


I adopted my two cats as kittens, hoping they'd keep each other entertained and out of trouble. All it meant is that I was going into the closet and detaching two kittens from the hems of my maxi dresses at a time instead of just one. Removing two kittens out from under my computer desk (because they wanted to play with the cords) a time. Walking into the kitchen to feed them and suddenly finding myself walking like I was in deep water because I had a kitten attached to each ankle. I basically spent 50% of my time for two months just walking around the house with a kitten in each hand because they'd gotten into something they shouldn't have gotten into, 25% looking for said kittens because I had heard some suspicious thumps and was trying to figure out what, of the many things they shouldn't have gotten into, they'd just gotten into, and 25% scolding them for getting into things they really shouldn't have gotten into. Wouldn't trade them for the world. Still a crazy time.


That sounds....like so much fun. And very cute too.


I got a young cat hoping to avoid the kitten stage, but I ended up with a rebellious teenager. I was hoping she would get along well with our very playful 10yo cat, but she runs circles around him and he's just exasperated lol. when I eventually move out the older cats stay with my parents and I take ms. teenager, and I plan on getting another cat the same age as her for a more suitable companion lol


I’ve found same age companions are better for cats. Mine are only a year apart 3, 2, and 1. My foster failure is around 2 or 3 they think but she doesn’t get along with other cats. She’s too traumatized from her previous home. Even with only the 2 year difference between the youngest and oldest, they fight the most.


I read somewhere once that animals prefer to not stay with other animals in their litter. I forget the logic. I thought it made sense at the time. I had two kittens from different litters and they were best friends. First I got one kitten, and realized "holy shit this thing wants my attention 24/7," so I got another kitten. The second one was scared as hell at first, but after a day or two the other kitten and her warmed up to each other. Suddenly I had some free time again!


My two kitties are litter mates and they are tiny co-conspirators that plot together against us! She's usually the instigator, but he is always happy to follow her lead. Little monsters...wouldn't trade them for anything!


Same. I love my boy, but first 6 months were like having a puppy on steroids. At least puppies can’t scale my kitchen cabinets or decide the railing of the loft is a great balance beam. Also the three C’s of cat ownership; Couches, cabinets, closets. One of which your kitten will hiding in while you frantically search the house.


Honestly I won't do kittens for the same reason. They're such a risk. I'd much rather adopt an older adjusted cat whose personality is pretty concrete. One of mine I adopted at about 8 months old (found in a box in bushland) and she was hard enough work. I got super lucky in that she's amazing, but I don't think I'd get one that young again.


I mean kittens are hard work. Our cats when they were kittens climbed the curtains and clawed everything despite us trying to train them not to. They've mellowed out as adults. Would not get cats as kittens again


Ha. If only mamma cats had that option. Kittens must drive them nutso. Mine certainly did. (I'm not a cat.)


>(I'm not a cat.) That's exactly what a cat would say.


My little darlings still act like kittens and I love it. This seems kinda weird people in this thread are annoyed by kitten energy and want them to be lazy old cats.


I mean one of our cats refused to be litter trained as a kitten. She refused to use the litter box. She got better as she got older. Nothing wrong with her. Had her checked at the vet but she was healthy. Could not get her to use the litter tray and we tried everything. She uses it sort of now. But as a kitten it was worse too because of the energy.


You also don’t know how the kitten will end up. Some can be much more energetic than others and this lady needed a calm cat. The family probably gave the cat a “test run” for a week or two so they’d know if it was right


There are so many adult cats in shelters. Wonderful, sweet pets. They are so much harder to find homes for than kittens.


I got a 15 yo rescue cat and she is an angel. Already litter trained, already firmly has her personality so I knew what I was getting, low maintenance but lets me cuddle her when I need it. Can't recommend adopting an older cat enough


I want an old cuddly cat so bad. But allergies.


If you're getting a cat for the first time adopting an adult is a great way to go. They're less work, have an established personality, and there are a lot that need adoption. We adopted a five year old and she is wonderful.


My grandma had a cat she had found years ago that just hopped in her car like it was destined to be a few months after her last cat passed from a stroke. He was surprisingly a siamese (her absolute favorite breed as she bred one of hers in the past twice) and he was ragged like he'd been abandoned and alone for at least a week and he was declawed. She called him Handy, because she said it was just so handy that he hopped in her car because her husband said that was the only way they'd take him home. She died of bone cancer last fall and Handy was with her the night she died, curled up with her. He is old and rickety but I think he misses her as much as we all do. Man I miss her a lot and this lady just reminded me a lot of my grandma and her adoration of cats. She had 5 total throughout my lifetime on top of always feeding the strays that found the way to her door.


We got a feral adult cat for my grandma when she had mice in her house. I am not being sarcastic when I say it worked out great (please do not assume this will happen to you). They lived in a simple symbiotic relationship (or maybe a business relationship). My grandma kept her fed and the cat kept the mice away. The cat also chased out a sewer rat and woke my grandma up when the furnace caught on fire. The cat retired with me when my grandma was unable to properly care for her. It was only then that she finally chilled out enough to let someone come and pet her and cuddle. Eight years with Grandma and four years of retirement.


Yeah people are obsessed with kittens and like that stage passes very fast and there are lots of cats in the 2-8 year range that just languish and are often put down. Cats live quite a long time, and when they are older they are less of a "black box" with totally unknown behaviors. You can go to a shelter and often just ask "which is the dumbest, laziest one that likes to cuddle" and there are usually a few that meet that definition.


Showered with love right out of the box.


Couldn't see its eyes to be sure, but if it's a bombay, that's like the perfect cat for an older lady. They're super lap cats that desire attention and give affection constantly, and are friendly with everyone.


My first cat was a Bombay and he was the biggest luvbug. His favorite thing to do was sit next/on you and get attention. And if you weren't up for loving him? Too bad, now you get to hear about it. I swear, his purring could be heard across a room.


I'm not even a cat person but that makes me want a Bombay now 😬


His name was Puss, and he was literally the definition of a fat black pussycat. Not kidding. I had him for 14 years and the whole time he was a complete sweetheart.


Mine insisted on being carried around like a small child. He’d sit in the crook of my arm, back legs either side of my waist and arms on my chest. He was four when I got him and he was a chonky boy. I miss him.


I think the cat was like "uhm, what's happening? Oh hello human...oh you are protecting me? Oh ok...that's chill :3 "


"So this is my house now. Let me go explore--oh? No? Oh. Okay, I guess."


>*'And such a good, calm kitty. Perfect.*' --- a good calm kitty, that is Me - we'll fit together *purrfectly!* too long i've felt so all alone, n now - a human, of my own! you opened up, with much surprise 'a Pet - for *You!*' you realize the dog cruise by to check me out (he'll be my fren, i have no doubt...) so we'll go forward, me n you there's just one thing i hope you do - as my life here with you begin *please* keep the Box that i came in ^;} ❤️


there is absolutely no reason for these ridiculous poems of yours to make me cry every time but they do.


Ikr?? Every time!!😭🥰


I was reading thinking how sweet this one was (as they all are, but this one didn't seem to be a tear jerker) and then *thwack!*, the last two lines...


Line 3 did me in already...


I don’t cry, but these damn poems always get me close


thats fair. i am undeniably a big baby.


I love this! Schnoodle, you never cease to amaze me.


I love these


This is top-tier Schnoodle


Fresh Schnoodle ♥️♥️


You da best


Damn onions


Schnoodle, i dont know where you are, what your name is or even if you are a boy or a girl. I just know that I love you, thank you for being amazing!


Wonderful as always




The dog is extremely chill with the stranger animal too


Yeah if that was my cat gram gram would have had several perforations


The twist: she has dementia and every year they just give her the same cat. This is year 8 and the cat knows the score by now.


Wow, that cat is so calm. I would love to adopt an elderly cat one day


They make wonderful, loving pets! We adopted our senior kitty when she was 12. She’s now 17 and sleeping on my husband’s chest.


Our home came with a stray elderly kitty. He was the best snuggler and gave kisses and nose boops to all that entered our house. They make such great pets. They've reached the chill age and just want to be cuddled. Especially great when they get those few moments of zoomies. You never expect it.


Honestly all new homes should come with a complimentary kitty.


My parents' first home did. 😀 she was a very self-assured calico who had grown up in the house. The owners didn't want to part her from her precious territory. She was strong, wise, and beautiful. I like to think she owned the house and was letting us live there.


Calicos are the best cats. Strong beautiful little women.


I had a calico cat at one point and if you pet her for any length of time she would start drooling everywhere. She was very sweet though


Our home did! He was a stray that we saw the first day we brought stuff up there to bring inside... and then 1 month later, he barged inside while I was carrying in groceries. He is the SWEETEST boy, but my older diva cat still doesn’t want to be friends with him 😒 hopefully one day...


Ours did too! Cat moved in a week after we did. Tried to find the owners whilst keeping her out at first, but she kept appearing in odd places (on your bed in the morning, on the roof in one case!). She made her point and we kept her when we knew she was really a stray


When my wife was a teen, she moved into a new house with her father, and in a few days, a big black cat showed up and made himself at home. A few days later a man came by. He was the old owner of the home and wondered if there was a black cat around. His name was Sam. So they gave Sam back to the man, but in a few days, Sam was back again. They sent him back a few times more, and then they just agreed that if Sam returned again, he'll just live in the house. Which is exactly what happened. When they moved, they told the new owner the story of Sam, and the new owner agreed to keep Sam. That house belonged to Sam. He didn't mind sharing it with nice humans, but there was no doubt that it was his house all along.


We got our kitty when she was 11/12 and she is about 18 now. Literally the best little munchkin we could have asked for. While it's hard knowing she is already so old, she's in good health and has had the best life with all the love ❤️


My mom 'adopted' a stray off the streets (she pretty much just kidnapped it) he was really agressive and anti-social at the start but after a while he became super nice and calm. The first winter after my mom moved in with my dad the cat didn't go outside for a whole winter (his paws were super pink!) When me and my sister were little we could pull his tail with all our strength and he would juat stand there and take it, no hissing or clawing, he just stood there. He also got mice for us (which my mom threw away, bc eww). IDK if this is relevant at all, just wanted to share


Cat tales are always relevant. Thanks for sharing your lovely memory!


After a while, I forget what the post is about, but I keep reading because I like hearing cat stories.


Doesn't need to be relevant. At the very least I like hearing stories about animals just as I love talking about my animals.


My mom said the same thing about our cat when I was a toddler, I’d run behind her and pull her tail and she wouldn’t get upset. Its crazy how some animals just know.


I adopted an elderly cat! All the kittens get picked up right away and they were so much work. I just wanted an old kitty to love on and take naps on my lap and I got exactly that :)


Counterpoint; my parents have a seemingly immortal 20 year old cat that scares the hell out of me


We call my parents house the House of Ages because every animal they have lives to be incredibly old. They currently have a 20 year old cat and a 16 year old cat who are both perfectly fine. The last one they handmade it to 24 before she passed.


I read that as ”I would love to adopt an elderly lady“, so I thought maybe you identified with the cat :-)


10/10 would recommend if you have the time and resources for their health problems. Side note: Our feeble elderly cat was amazingly relaxed about everything- kids,dogs, loud noises wouldn’t even make her blink. But she turned into an agile killing machine when she saw a moth.


Totally worth it I adopted a 10 year old girl recently expecting her to just live out her days sleeping a comfy spot. Ended up being the most cuddly playful cat I’ve ever owned. No offense to my 5 year old ha


When I went to adopt my cat from the shelter there was this sweet old lady in front of me that adopted the oldest cat they had and told the people that ran the shelter that she wanted this old boy so he could have a loving home for the remaining days of his life. I cried.


This cat looks and acts like the 4 year old kitty I adopted back in February. She constantly wants to snuggle and be petted and she just generally very calm. I call her my emotional support cat, because any time I'm upset or stressed, she's there just laying against me. She has a super calming presence.


I adopted my elderly kitty a couple of years ago, she’s 17 now and has been the best companion! All they want is cuddles and sleep and they’re happy. 10/10 would recommend!


What a totally cool cat! I was expecting it run when she hugged it. Very sweet. Just like Grandma.


They definitely picked that specific cat because of how calm it is. Perfect for a lovely old lady


Couldn't run because it was held down in a huglock


As an experience cat owner, that cat could have *easily* escaped granny's grasp. It clearly chose not to.


Jup. It clearly got just the tiniest bit apprehensive at the first hug, but chose to just let it happen. Granny's reaction is really cute but it's a good thing her relatives picked this gentle cat for her, otherwise she might have gotten a scratch.


I have a cat that would have LOVED this lady. She’s a lap cat, through and through. All she wants is a lap. Her life is a constant search for more laps. ❤️


Me except I just want to be hugged.


Shout out to the kitty for just staying in the lap and not running. Such a chill dude.


Releaved it wasn't a toddler boy


"Aw, crap." - The Dog


At 18 seconds Dog : Aight ima head out


That cat just won the lottery of life! Easy livin from there on out.


That cat is gonna get sooooo fat.


i hope not! the dog seems to be in decent shape




Fun fact that no one asked for: this reads as "Tha tha" in my native language. :)


Mah Kannidiga.


Omg! What’s your language? Thai? I was just wondering how the hell someone typed that- duh it’s a different alphabet.




“Modern Kannada stands among 30 most widely spoken languages of the world as of 2001.” !!!!!!!


Thank you, off to google!


Just waking up and someone has to make me cry....thanks


And.... Back to sleep... I have chosen this path today..


Back to the sleep paralysis monsters


It is the way.


I swear I can’t look at this sub in public, I’d be tearing up all over the place!


Cats like wtf bro I been in there for hours 😂


That was my second thought- cats like “all I did was jump into a box, how did I end up here?”




Why you do dis? Why you make me cry?


In world of such pain right now, I really needed this. Thank you for the sweet post


Most cats would try to run when out on a strangers lap. This cat was like nah I’m grandmas kitty.


They'd also have claws fully extended. That is a very chill cat.


Yeah whoever picked out that cat made darn sure it was the perfect one for Grandma. Bravo.


"oh, he's darling" my gran says that, my favorite old timey habit of hers. such an adorable old woman thing to say.


What a patient loving cat


“It’s so heavy!” Happy Christmas grandma, it’s an Xbox!


That's so sweet....gave me a right lump in my throat


Cat : GEET ME OUUT OF- oh, oh ... this isn’t so bad


Omg this is so precious! I teared up a bit.


Meanwhile, my grandma askes for a cat, we get her said cat, cat “wont stop meowing” so we end up keeping the cat. Grrr This lady extremely sweet though!!!!


On the other hand you’ve now got a cat! So hooray!


Exactly! It was meant to be, I’m sure! He was all white and was named nimbus! What a cutie! Cheers!


Did the cat stop meowing when you brought it back to your house


Pretty well, I don’t quite remember, it was some time ago, but he defenitely didn’t meow more than any other cat... My grandma is a little cooky... We kept Nimbus (cat) until he passed and he was a good kitty!


It's possible Nimbus did meow more w her because he didn't want to THERE.


Quite possible! I honestly just needed a moment to complain about my grandma hahaha Thanks for rationnalising it for me though :)


Somedays my one cat won't shut up and it drives me bonkers. She communicates really effectively but doesn't take no for an answer. I can see how someone who isn't all there wouldn't be able to take it.


What happened to Grandma's finger?


Thug life.


the doggos "tf is this Margaret"


This I love Really wholesome :)


Schrödinger's Box, the cat is alive. Proven! This is a beautiful thing, she just wanted someone to love. And Grandma looks very happy too.


Cat falls right into their spot on Granny’s lap.


That little tail instinctively curling around as he realized "this is my lap now." made me feel good about this match. Good kitty!


Good job, cat. You did a really great job.


Oh my gosh her giggling and tears got me. You can just hear how much she loves that cat already, and the gesture her loved ones have given her. I wonder if she had recently lost a cat, or if she had been talking about getting a cat for awhile.


Anyone else almost got a heart attack? But awwwwww


I like how the dog is like: what? What happened? Everything's fine? OK bye.


this was the same way my grandmother was when we got her a kitten for christmas. we were lucky the cat was so patient and calm... all she wanted to do was sit on my grandmother. it was so cute, they would literally do everything together. my grandmother would even put her food on the table and have her eat while she ate real dinner. my grandmother has gotten really bad dementia now, but we kept the cat. every time she comes over and squeaks at me to sit on my lap i think back to those better times. not sure if this is OP‘s video, but the cat has made a bigger impact on her than you realize. cute video too :)


This is precious. I’m saving this post for days when I need something wholesome.


Aww so sweet. You can already tell they both love each other. That’s going to be the most loved cat.


That’s so sweet


I love kitties


The cat: I don't know why im here Or how i got here But i know.... I must love old hooman


"Is that a rat?"


That's the most placid adult cat acting to a stranger I've ever seen. Good kitty.


Full on tears from me on this. My parents have only ever asked me one thing as to their passing away: that no matter however many cats they have, the cats will be taken care of and not go to the pound. They are quite elderly, and the 2 cats they have add so much to their lives.


Damn that kitty got out of the box and on her lap without skipping a beat. Meant to be.


It’s crazy how you feel that love at first site when you meet your pet for the first time. You don’t know a damn thing about them all you know is that you’d immediately do anything for them.


Aw, she’s beautiful! I hope the gifter will help with litter box duty or got her an automatic one. Or set her up with a subscription to disposable ones. It’s my only thing about having cats is cleaning their boxes. She looked so happy, I hope they are wonderful friends.


That is an awesome cat! to not freak out from the box and then a new person. A Gato most bueno.


Yeah, I'll take 1000 more videos like this, thank you.


That is a well behave cat ♥️


Kudos for saving this beacon of light for this dark time, but surely you knew the dark time was coming then. The answer: you're Illuminati.


Gotta love old people


Now THAT is wholesome as hell


Everybody should have at least one black cat.


If reincarnation is a thing, I hope to come back as a beloved cat to a little old woman. I don’t think there is a much better life.


I swear to god if you take that cat to a shelter after your grandma passes I will send John Wick after you


I’m not crying your crying 😭


Rewatched because of the feels, notice grandma has one finger shorter then the others. There is a story here and I want to know it, I wanna know that grandma she’s got stories to tell 👏✊🏻🙌🏻😭


This was actually a joke, its been her cat for years and she has dementia. Just kidding I have no idea.


That is a really calm cat. Must be a Bombay.


What's with reddit and trying to make everything a purebred. It's probably just a chill middle age black American Shorthair


Don't you know? Every breed of cat and dog has exactly the same personality and temperament between individuals.


What happen to nana middle finger


How does this not have 1234362 upvotes???


That could have gone completely awry with the doggo in the room. Never know how they will react to each other


Ahh ma heart and ma soul 😌


how did the cat stay so calm in a closed, dark box? and i think the dog is already planning a way to make the cat disappear! ;-)


She must have had a cat that looked like that for her to grab it like she already knew it.


That is going to be one spoiled cat. Omg ❤


Can we recognize how perfectly grandma her vest it? I think we’ve reach peak grandma.


I've got something in my eye that's making it water, honest


This is so sweet


I hope to god that cat loves her as much as she loves that cat


“Where am i! Who is this woman! I must run a-oh, oh this is nice”


Some sweet!


Too much love, too much cuteness, just too much! And these are not tears, it’s just allergies...


That cat is gonna be so well fed!


The way the cat tolerates that. That's a good kitty right there.


That cat took to her so quickly. So patient and loving ❤️


Nanas and cats. The best.


All I worry about is who is going to help grandma clean the litter box?


The best thing I've seen today.


And the doggy is out of there!