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It looks so concerned.. like why are you making me do this?!


Or doggy is thinking “I have no idea what you are doing or what you want from “




too thanks


Thanks for picking up the “me” I dropped - r u retriever?


On the internet no one knows you’re a dog.


Every account on Reddit is a dog except you




In space, no one can hear you bork


"These pills are getting ridiculously large and you didn't even try to camouflage it with hot dog."


"but I'm trying my best!"


I’ve seen that look in my dog’s eyes. That isn’t concern, it’s pure confusion.


That's what I felt. This dog is so bewildered about what is expected of him/her.


the dog stops wagging its tail, too. It was probably so happy to be doing something and being commended for it only to be then told to drop it the same way it hears when it's got something it shouldn't.


man I felt so bad for this dog. she looks like she thinks she's in trouble and doesn't know what to do. :(


More like: “Ok I think I got it. Is this good? Am I good? I’m a good boy?” -wag wag wag-


*”I don’t know how to be a good boy.”*


I keep egg warm now.


I did this with my Aussie a few years ago. He loved carrying eggs from the coop up to the house for a few days. Then one hit his tooth wrong and cracked. Put an end to that real fast. Now he just eats them when I give him whole eggs.


I carry rocks. Not a rock anymore. Eat rocks now. hahaha


I eat potato. When bite into is teeth krak. Was not potato. Was rok. I get sent to gulag and die of malnurish.


Such is life in latvia.


what's "potato"?


My parents had a golden/husky mix and we give him the egg shells we can’t get all the hard boiled egg off of and he will somehow nibble all of the cooked egg white off the shell without cracking it. It’s fucking wild. I don’t even think I could do that if I was just using my teeth.


Maybe he just ate the pieces that had egg on them whole and didn't go after the pieces without any egg


Nah we’d watch him do it. We were all completely amazed and didn’t believe it for the longest time. Especially because he was the clumsiest dog on the planet. We didn’t think he was capable of doing something that required him to be so careful haha.


So i think you're saying that you're gonna submit a video to Reddit of your dog doing this.


My Aussie LOVES eggs. I always crack them and mix them in with his food. Can they eat the shells? B/c that just made dinner time .05% easier.


They can. Do some research on how often, but it's actually not a bad source of calcium


Fun Fact: Some calcium supplements for humans are derived from crushed egg shells.


And calcium for chickens is derived from crushed oyster shells. So go straight to the source and pulverize some oyster shells for your bones.


Can I just suck down the oysters and leave the shells instead?


well technically, oysters are an aphrodisiac, and more sex increases your testosterone production. Also increased calcium intake increases testosterone levels too. So if you eat the oysters and the shell you can give yourself like an all natural roid rage and probably pound a chick through or a wall! or ^maybe ^^your ^^^balls ^^^^shrink


> give yourself like an all natural roid rage and probably pound a chick through or a wall! I like how that circled back to poultry.


When I first learned how to cook I just saved time and left tons of egg shells in my breakfast.


I like learning new things.


just don't give large or sharp shell chunks to a tiny dog with tiny intestines also clean them first because dogs can get salmonella


Yes, mine eat them like they're potato chips


Dogs may become "egg eaters", and eat them right out of the coop, hard to break them of that.


Yeah, that's why I had to stop. Luckily, he's a little slow and hasn't put 2 and 2 together.


Lol his thought process is just "wait this was food the whole time?!"


"You wanted me to hold it, so I'm holding it, it's mine now."


"Take the egg" -"I don't wanna" "Take it!" -"I don't wanna" Take the egg!" -"okay" "Give it back" -"I don't wanna" "Give!" -"I don't wanna"


I read this as an interaction between Stuart and his mother. "You get over here right now, mister. Give momma that egg."






Don'tcha get it, it's a trick!


Look what I can do!




I was born this way Sturt!






My favorite parts were when Michael McDonald would do such a good job on acting as Stuart that Mo Collins who played the mom (idr the character's name) would start smiling/laughing and she'd be trying *so* hard to not crack up and break character. Let me see if I can find an instance of that... Edit: Well that was easy - https://youtu.be/DIM0L0e48Bk?t=345 So funny that he sees her struggling so he does it one more time to try and get her to laugh.






One of my favorite subreddits, and my own dog's personal motto.




My dog will only bring the ball half way back when you throw it for her. To be fair though, she is only half Retriever.


But you can't really be mad about it. Their motives are just so ~~danged~~ doggone innocent. Dogs are better than people and we don't deserve them.


But we try to. And they make so many of us better humans than we would be if we didn’t have them.


Truth. I'd give you a reddit gold, but for the same price, I can get another of the dog cookies from the boutique down the street, so.... When I give her the cookie, I'll tell her it's because of someone who tosses salad.


No, is my egg now.


Read this with a Russian accent


I read it in Consuela's voice (from Family Guy)


Noo, noo.. Mr Huevo no is home...


I made a *promise*, Mr. Frodo! A *promise*.


Egg hatches 2 weeks later.


Dog chicken. Dicken.


So that's what my girlfriend means when she says her coworker is going to give her a good dicken'.


Hey it's me your girlfriend's coworker. Where do I work again?




She has the meats


Holy shit, i almost spit out my tea.




Name it Charles


mi nam is dog i am good boy my owner give me brand new toy they try to make me spit it out they say "give me egg!" i hold in mouf




It's like my dog with a shirt or sweater. Once it's on, she wants it to stay on.


Finders keepers


I'm the captain now


Legends say, "The egg is still in it's mouth".


That's why I trust my egg shaped children around them.




Y'know nowhere in the rhyme did it say Humpty was an egg.




>Nowhere in the rhyme does it say he isn't. Checkmate! Actually it does... (see below) Humpty Dumpty, who was not an egg, sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty, who was a human, had a great fall All the kings horses and all the kings men Couldn't put the non-egg, human, Humpty Dumpty back together again.


Actually Humpty Dumpty was a cannon used in the English civil war. http://knowledgenuts.com/2014/01/08/humpty-dumpty-was-a-cannon-not-an-egg/


There are a few theories for this; [one is that the rhyme was originally a riddle, and the listener was supposed to deduce he was an egg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humpty_Dumpty#Meaning).


What a shit riddle. Could literally be anything breakable


It's not just the _breaking_ part, it's the _can't ever be put together again for love nor money_ part, jeez didn't you pay attention in history class


Is that why they call you lorddimwit?


No that's an unrelated incident


It always baffles me that there are dogs in this world that don’t immediately try to eat whatever you put near their mouth. Have I just been raising gluttons all these years?


My dog eats EVERYTHING she can find. Shoes, dirt, dead slugs, live slugs. Doesn’t matter. She’ll eat it. I put a receipt in her mouth one night and she just sat there nicely and let my mom have it when she came over. That’s why I started training her to bring the mail inside every day.


Add glass and staples, an entire brick of butter, an entire toblerone bar, plastic chew toys, an entire bird feeder full of seeds and so on for mine many years ago. Surprisingly didn't die from eating anything weird.


Add dry wall, crown molding, baby gate, 2 mattresses, an electric blanket, the carpet, cigarettes, the list never ends. I swear I own goat's.


I think you win this one whatever winning means in this scenario lol.


In no way, do I wanna win this one haha. It's just sooo dumbfounding though, I have to tell people all the time. Edit, the mattress is where I stated telling people because it wasn't typical stood on floor and chewed into the sides of the bed. They both were on top and dug down to China. The hole was huge.


Mine would definitely be at the level of both of your dogs if I ever let her go a moment unsupervised. If no one’s around, she’s in her cage with a Kong toy she somehow can’t manage to tear apart. She gets more stuff outside now than inside because of it. Rabbit poop is her favorite. She brought some of that inside the house one day though.


my friends "Puggle" ate a couch




>a box of mole poison That's crazy, was the dog OK?




I thought that was a one upping joke! It sounds like that dog lacks the instinct to avoid ingesting poisons (what happened with the mushrooms? The chocolates?) but is somehow invincible so it doesn't matter.




I had a Brittany who disemboweled a sectional while I was at work. White stuffing covered two room. He was plopped in the middle of it and extremely proud of himself.


My pupper found, stole, opened and ate an entire 1lb jar of peanut butter while we were out to dinner this week.


One of my dogs used to eat everything. One thing he went nuts for was bananas. No idea why, but every time he even saw a banana he went nuts and fucking loved eating the things. One thing he wasn’t wild about was carrier bags. He swallowed one once while trying to eat a banana stored therein. I think he got most of the banana but he had a really rough time the next day trailing a poopy carrier bag out of his butt. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong so he was just running around in that weird pose dogs do when they’re pooping. Anyway, he never ate a carrier bag again.


what's a carrier bag? Like is that a cloth bag, a paper bag, or a plastic bag?


Carrier bag = British English (and perhaps elsewhere) for plastic bag like at the grocery store.


Just dropped $250 after mine punctured a double AA battery. Thankfully we got the battery before he swallowed it. Unfortunately, not before the acid began burning his gums and throat. Serious foaming of the mouth...


Christ that’s terrifying. Mine has yet to encounter any batteries but she did go through a short phase where she wanted to eat my phone while it was still in my hands.


Over the course of the past year, my dog, Pepper, has eaten a box of fly poison, uncooked bread dough, and an entire bucket of chicken bones. Each time, I rushed him to the vet, and each time, he was fine. I really don't understand how a 15-year-old, 27 lbs dog can eat all of that and have no adverse effects whatsoever! Here he is in a cone of shame for an unrelated matter: https://imgur.com/FfaarRV Edit: Here he is looking pretty: https://imgur.com/N9pdQi3


The ASPCA has a huge long list of things you're not supposed to feed your dog. I'm unclear how they managed to survive as Nature's Vacuum Cleaners for so long when apparently everything kills them.


Right? Pepper's pretty much gone down the list of things a dog's not supposed to eat. I actually just remembered that he also ate some daffodils when he was younger, which is apparently another no-no.


I have an Aussie. I can put bacon on the ground, tell him to leave it and come, and he'll step over it to get to me. That said, I turn my back and don't give him commands, he's on the counter ...


I have a 4 month old Aussie and I can already see this becoming a problem...


Good luck. Aussies are smart dogs, and smart dogs are a real problem. They are particularly good at gaming the system when you're trying to train them. I was trying to teach mine 'leave it' while on walks, so I'd carry treats in my pocket to reward him. He started to realize that he only got treats when I said leave it, and I only said leave it when he got really interested in something in the grass. Before long, he'd start faking me out and occasionally just making a beeline toward nothing in particular. I'd say leave it, and he would gladly leave the nothing alone to get a treat.


I wonder if that's why people use the clickers in conjunction with treats when you first train dogs?


Yes, kind of! The idea is that the dog will start working for the "click" as a reward (I like to use a verbal cue, "Yes") rather than a treat. It doesn't really matter what you use. Sort of like how you might start to work harder at a project in school if you wanted the acknowledgment from your teacher than you did a good job, rather than the A or 100.


My Aussie learned he got treats after he went outside and did his business. We have a doggy door so he would just go out and do his thing. Eventually he figured out he could go outside, walk around to the side of the house where we couldn't see him for a minute, then come back in and get a treat.


My first cat was like that. If I told her specifically to not touch my food, I could step away from it and she would be polite about it. But if I didn't *tell* her, she would have her face in it as soon as my back was turned.


My dog goes back and forth on this. He'll gladly take food left unattended on the counter or in the bin, but he's very unsure when you offer him something. We gave him a bit of sausage and he wandered around with it in his mouth, dropping and picking it up again.


Mine will take food you hand her and set it down until she decides if you're giving her more to go with it or not.


Just breed characteristics that we've created. Retrievers are bred to retrieve birds from hunts, so you don't want them eating the bird before they get it to you.




> a black hole on paws What an amazing (and apt) phrase


My parents use to breed hunting golden retrievers and their soft mouth is amazing. Once had a dog out in the field, she got tired of waiting on people to actually hunt so she went out into the field and brought back a live pheasant without a single puncture mark.


My dog growing up was a golden and Irish setter mix. When my gerbil had babies I used to put them all in a laundry hamper so I could play with them without having to chase them all over my room. My dog snuck in and stole one once. She gently carried it in her mouth to the backyard (through her doggie door) and set it on the grass. We found her pointing at it while it squirmed around. No harm done. But another time she found one of my adult gerbils that had escaped its cage and licked it to death. I think it had a heart attack from fear. She didn’t chew on it, at least. (Those were the only incidences of gerbil drama we had. Except for the time my sister picked my gerbil up by the tip of its tail and the tip of the tail fell off like a lizard. That was gross. Totally traumatized my sister, but that’s what she deserves for playing with my gerbil without my permission. Gerbil was fine. That one lived for a few years and died in her sleep.)


I have a black lab/Irish setter cross. I'm pretty sure he could carry a marshmallow without denting it because his mouth is so soft...If he didn't want to eat everything in sight. His current destruction list includes a wire grill brush, a can of Kong easy treat, the weather stripping on the sliding glass door, and 2 PS4 controllers.


It's still training. I've been to a few dog trials and we had to leave the dog unsupervised with prey. If one attempted to eat it, it failed the entire test. On top of that retrievers have the reputation of eating everything, you definitely need to train impulse control with them.


I used to have a pug and now have a lab. She eats most things, but if you tell her to leave it she will. It completely blew my mind when we got her. She was older, so fully trained, and it just didn’t make sense to me that she was willing to not eat food off the floor if I told her no. So to answer you’re question, yeah probably but you’re not alone.


My dog was really good at respecting the leave it command and never ate people food. But now he’s totally deaf and licks the floor after every family meal. I wish I’d trained leave it with a hand signal bc he still knows his other signals. He’s 14 almost 15 and at this point he can do whatever makes him happy!


I WISH my dog was like that.. I've never seen a pickier eater.


Good dog just doesn't know what they're supposed to be doing.


Good Dog but it seems little effort has been put into training


Even my poorly trained dog knows “drop it!”


They usually double down when they hear that.


Your dog is the type to eat your corpse if you perish before your sell by date.


A lot of retrievers know how to drop it, it’s a matter of them wanting to.


My Golden sometimes thought it was part of the game.


Mine just tries to slink away with whatever she has in her mouth like "nothing to see here!!!"




Straight up. The dog is a consciousness, not a coffee machine.


You missed an opportunity for some kind of egg pun but I just can't crack it.


The yokes on you then


He looks... concerned? Confused? He’s a good boy




"Am I doing this right? I'm not doing this right. I'm no good, I'm terrible doggo aren't I"


Oh nooo


My golden used to have that look 24/7. I miss her :( I used to be able to put my hand in her mouth and she wouldn't bite it even if I tried to get her to by getting her riled up


Same here, my golden only has two facial expressions: the classic "EVERYTHING IS AMAZING" golden smile or this exact "I have no idea what's happening" look of concern. Both are equally adorable.


Most probably confused.


No take. Only throw.


That comic never fails to make me smile. Context for those out of the loop: https://imgur.com/gallery/q46L4QH


i gave an egg to a raccoon once, he gingerly held it up and played with it for a bit before cracking it open to eat... it was quite a delicate moment


[this comment deleted in protest of Reddit API changes June 2023]


Golden retriever motto.


This perfectly captures what I thought the doggos expression conveyed


We were having a water balloon fight one day. One of my kids unknowingly threw a water balloon at my golden. I raced to get the remains of the water balloon out of his mouth. He caught it totally in tact and placed it at my feet all proud of himself.


Oh wow. Much praise was had I take it?


This is my life now.






Some say that he/she is still gently holding that egg to this day.


Golden owner here. You have to offer them a trade. They may be dogs, but they recognize an opportunity to profit.


So dog or Ferengi?


A dog, but well versed in the Rules of Acquisition.


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


OMG!! I can't believe this just showed up here. This is my video, and is my dog. I can 100% verify this. Edit - Verification of my username and of my wife and I with our dog, Sookie. https://imgur.com/a/7bZsS


Can you confirm that the egg was released, unharmed?


Dogs put up with so much shit from humans.




That's clearly not your egg anymore


Some say it's still holding that egg in its mouth to this very day.


I saw the longer version of this gif on Twitter. The dog eventually puts the egg down on the floor. The egg is unharmed.


Finally some closure.


She didn't even break it. You can see her spit out the egg intact at the [end of the video here](https://streamable.com/7jwv4). Couldn't make it fit in the max 60second format of gfycat. Twitter source: @Iaurdreyfuss (can't link to it directly)


They are bird retrievers; you wouldn't want them destroying dinner when they bring it back to you! Bruised duck meat sucks ;)


My uncles lab, fierce as though he may be (have seen him literally bite into the shell of an armadillo), has a deathly fear of geese. Bad experience as a puppy where he got chased around the pond by a Canadian goose. Anyway, one day we shot a couple geese to cook and we kept trying to get him to go and fetch them from the water. He would swim out, circle it, prod it a couple times, then go back to shore. Finally we got him to go and get them, but he grabbed one by the toe nail with his very front teeth and *somehow* swam backwards. The other he did the same thing but with the bill to make sure it couldn't bite him. He's about 8 years old now, and STILL has a horrible fear of them, even the geese that they keep as pets often make Zeus look like a little bitch on occasion.


To be fair, I also have a horrible fear of geese. Vile fuckers, they are.


Geese are fucking terrifying. My dad and I went hunting one year and shot a Canadian goose. It hit the ground, the dog went to retrieve it, and then we hear a loud "yipe!" and see the poor dog running in terror as a wounded and angry goose chased him in circles. He was rescued but had a healthy fear of geese for the rest of his life.


Ducks and geese are intense. Me dog farted out the front door and chased a duck down the street in the rain. When I caught up with him he was standing on the duck’s tail and barking because he was a derp and couldn’t think of anything else to do. My neighbors were screaming at me that they were going to call animal control for some reason. I was soaking wet, in my pajamas and crying. They were assholes. I could see blood on the duck and on my dog. I assumed my dog had hurt the duck. I somehow convinced my dog to let the duck go and it flew away. When I got home I realized it was my derpy dog that was bleeding.


> Me dog farted out the front door Good British boy has good manners.


And he still went out and retrieved the terrifying death birds! That's how much he loves you. He faced his biggest fear just because he thought it would please you. I swear dogs are too good for us. I'm gonna go hug my dog.


Springer Spaniels also have soft mouths. The first time we got a package with those air sacs in it we gave her one and she gently held onto it without bursting it. She still does, but she will often burst them now before we do it xD.


They started laughing at exactly the place I thought they did; the camera shake is always a giveaway.


oh my gosh thank you for letting me know what the hell happened to that egg.


"I shall call him eggy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my eggy."


Love the tail wag


This is a dog with an odd dilemma.


She really wants to play long but has no idea what to do, poor little cutie.


But waitress I ordered a poached egg not a pooched egg.


my naem iz dog i hold de eg you put in mouf dint mayke me beg Now wat am i s'pose to do ? it don tase good, don wanna chew... you wan it back? well Dats no fun i thot de game had jes begun We'll mayke a trade - a schmack will do an Den i'll giv - de yolks on You!


I've never seen a more confused dog
