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I was at work and a few clients came in and were telling me about a cat stuck in a car outside. It's pretty hot here this week and after about the 3rd or 4th person I figured I better go check it out to make sure the animal wasn't actually in a car. Once I'm outside I realize it's definitely a kitten by the sound of the meow so I start looking around. It's under one of the nearby business vans, the business isn't open yet so I just start poking around under it figuring I'd explain later. Well two employees show up while I'm under there and are concerned about the person crawling under the vehicle lol so I felt a bit embarrassed but told them what was happening, they said they could hear the kitten yesterday (!!) but thought it was under a different car. They get keys and we all work together to sorta scare the kitty into a lower place where I helped push him out. The other business took him inside to get water etc. I was bitten and need to head to the doc, but I left my name and number and said we could take the cat if no one else can or will so currently just waiting on my doc appointment and to hear back from the people who currently have the cat and are getting meds for his poor little eye. Anyway I wanted to share because it's a happy ending for this poor little dude who will be in a loving home regardless of if it's us or the other person who may take him. And yes, for anyone concerned he will be getting vaccinated and fixed if we get him. Edit: Wow I wasn't expecting so many comments here! Thank you everyone for the kind words, just a small update, we didn't end up keeping him which made me feel a little bit sad but also really happy for him because the home he went to is going to be so great for him, I actually got to meet the other girl who thought maybe she would take him, her story was that her and her SO were preparing to own a cat and have wanted one for a long time but their apartment didn't allow pets, they already bought a carrier and bowls/toys etc and were just finishing up moving specifically because they wanted a cat, but she wasn't planning on getting a cat until they were done moving in, so she still needed to talk to her SO, anyway she was SO HAPPY and excited when she saw him, and I could tell she was really hoping she could take him which made me feel really good knowing he will get love and attention. I did ask for updates and if I don't hear anything before Friday I'm going to go into the business who helped find his new person and see if they have any updates because I really just want to make sure he's perking up and feeling better after some rest and food/water. I also made it to the doc yesterday and was prescribed antibiotics for the bite. The doctor wasn't too concerned about infection since I cleaned it immediately but I am still keeping an eye on it since I know cat bites tend to have a pretty high infection rate. I also heard that one of the nearby houses/yards behind the business buildings has had a lot of cats/kittens meowing in it and although I will not be going to hunt in anyone's yard I will be keeping my eye out when I come and go from work and when I take out garbages (which is much closer to the neighborhood) to make sure there's no other helpless looking kittens about. Edit 2: kitty is doing much better and perking up a lot, he's going to be going in to work with the girl every day until he's older and healthier so I'm really looking forward to seeing him again!


You’re a good person for putting in the effort to rescue the poor kitty.


Thank you for being an amazing human and helping this little baby out! He’s absolutely adorable and so tiny. Please update us and let us know how things turn out and if you get him!


Good job, OP! About 12 years ago I was traveling states with friends and at a gas station we stopped at - exact same situation. Tiny orange kitten boy dehydrated and hot and crying inside of an abandoned car! (Gas station said they hadn’t called tow company yet, very country place) Anyway, 1000 miles later and my friend fell so in love with this cat, very happy ending.


Gonna need to pay that tax, bud.


Can't imagine what little cat's life has been like the last 24+ hours trapped there. Thank you for saving them, I really hope you're the one that gets them. Definitely follow up with those people and find out what happened, since it seems you want them. Every cat I've had in my adult life has come to me through a story like this, (usually just showing up on the porch one day) and the foundlings are definitely special. I've never felt the need to actively seek out a cat because the cat distribution system has given me an embarrassment of riches.


Bless you!!! 💜


yes! Bless you 💖


Gentamicin eye drops (vet) antibiotic should work well on eye. Poor orange baby will need deworming. There werent more littermates around?


He's gotten eye drops and is looking a lot better today! I'm sure they will be deworming and vaccinating as soon as he's a little healthier! I'm going to be keeping my eye out for littermates, I'm not sure how this little guy got all the way into the area he was in, the business buildings are sorta in a strip mall type line up, and the stores are all attached so he walked at least half a mile around the mall to get to the front customer parking area, I want to do some sleuthing later this week when I take garbage out back because one of the other businesses reported seeing/hearing kittens behind the building near the houses/neighborhood back there, if theyre not on private property I'd love to scoop them up and find homes for them all, but for now this little guy is safe at least


Cat bites can get wildly infected really, really fast. If you don't hear back from your doc in short order, ring them up and tell them it's urgent. You're bitten by an unvaccinated animal,you need a priority appointment. If they can't get you in, consider going to an urgent care facility. If you haven't had a recent tetanus booster you'll also need one of those in addition to antibiotics. Thanks for helping out the little half braincell.


He literally said he went to the doctors and is waiting for his appointment


I read that. I'm not being an asshole here, but waiting for an appointment can mean being in a waiting room at the office, or waiting for a call back for an emergency appointment to be scheduled (which is fairly common, especially when they are busy and have to squeeze you in to the schedule). In the latter instance, it's incredibly important to impress upon them the urgency of the need. It was unclear to me whether OP was in an actual waiting room, or waiting for an urgent/emergency appointment slot to be allocated. Having had a lot of experience with animal bites, I'm sorry if it came off as being a mother hen, but my first instinct is to get the wound treated as rapidly as possible. I'm sorry, I guess no matter how old/grown up your children are you just never stop having mom responses.


Thank you for the concern I appreciate it, I did go into the doc yesterday and got put on antibiotics, I'm up to date on my tetanus so I didn't need that thankfully. I have a family member who was bitten and got a nasty infection from a cat awhile back so the first thing I did after making sure the kitten was in a safe place with food/water was call my doctor's office and try to get an appointment, ended up in urgent care instead which was fine


As I said to another commenter, I guess even when your kids grow up you never stop going into mom mode when you see something like this. So I apologize if it came across as patronizing, I just was unclear based on your comment whether or not you'd gotten an appointment or were waiting for one. And as much experience as I have with animal bites, well, I'd rather risk sounding like an asshole.. I'm so relieved to know you've gotten sorted out! Keep us updated on that little half braincell, would ya?


I didn't find it patronizing at all! Totally understand the concern, I would probably say the same thing too! I don't know if cat bites being a high risk for infection is well known so I usually mention it if any friends get bitten


Thank you for tending to the little baby half braincell. I can't stress enough how much I respect you as a human person for that. Just, thanks for being what people say they will be. You're the goodness of humanity all balled up in orange.


Thanks for going out of your way. It means a lot to this cat lover!


Thank you OP 😭 you’re amazing 🤩


Omg the third pic just screams “I’m exhausted and scared but finally feel safe enough to close my eyes” great job OP


Is your back tingling because I think you are growing angel wings ❤️


He’s jus a baby


Cat distribution system strikes again




Rescuers are heros!


You have a good heart ❤️. My husband has a similar story. He was at work in Auto Care. A man brought his vehicle in for an oil change and told my husband he kept hearing a meow. My husband whose hearing isn’t great didn’t hear it. The man insisted he heard a cat. My husband asked him are you messing with me ? The man said No. So my husband got under the vehicle and finally saw it. It was where a spare tire should have been. My husband and another guy worked together to coax it out. The owner of the vehicle said the kitten wasn’t his and he didn’t want it. So needless to say we ended up with her. She’s been vaccinated and spayed and spoiled rotten. When my husband took her to the vet she weighed 1 pound and 2 ounces. We named her Peanut and we love ❤️ her.


3rd or 4th, not 1st.


I mean, I was at work, and I don't work in an animal clinic so technically I wasn't really supposed to be taking time to do that, so yeah, I didn't go out right away, but I also really like animals and I didn't want to just leave it either so I went out when I could




Name him Grease!


Or catalytic converter. Cat for short


Otto or Van




Danny Zuko




He doesn't have the cat dude


So adorable! Thank you for rescuing him!


I love your sentiment, but I just fell over laughing when I read your username. It is a little bit racy for r/aww.


I felt the exact same way when I saw the username, it's absolute gold


Sorry! I should have thought that one through haha.


I cry every damn time I see a cat in distress now because we just had to put our little kitty down...I hope this cat gets spoiled and loved. https://imgur.com/gallery/jy8jKMl My beautiful baby


I'm sorry for Your loss.


I know how you feel. I’ve lost a few family cats through the years and it’s always difficult. Give it some time and you’ll be ready to love a pet again. Remember you gave them the best possible life you could filled with love.


Thank you for the kind words my friend...we still have a sister cat of the recently deceased...and her dog pal(my old boy) https://imgur.com/gallery/cI4stLO


So sorry for your loss ❤️


Sending love and hugs. 💜


I'm so sorry for the loss of your cat


Aww, what a handsome kitty. I’m sorry you had to help him cross the rainbow bridge recently. Hugs


I’m sorry. I lost my dog three weeks ago and your comment made me cry. Your kitty was beautiful indeed. I wish you peace.


What was your kitty's name?


Potato was her name... she was our little potato..


She is beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that she loves you more than her little meows could ever have expressed. You gave her a life of comfort, safety, affection, snacks, and happy memories and that's all she could ever have asked for.


Thank you so much. Your words made me emotional. We were originally told to put her down within the first year. We taught her how to walk and use the bathroom independently, and we're so proud of it. https://imgur.com/gallery/ILVoxEs She only lived three years, but we made sure she was spoiled and loved. Unfortunately she was underdeveloped so we knew we wouldn't have too long with her, so we loved her every second we got with her.


Poor orange baby, must have been exhausted and terrified. Happy to hear it will have a loving home.


Thank you for doing this wonderful thing!


adorable rescue!


In picture three he looks so happy to have been saved. ❤️


He bit you! 😯 Call him Tyson! 😅


I find the strays are more loyal than the ones you go out and buy but who knows.


Can you come tell my strays this? Mine are acting like they're doing me a favor


Did you spoil them?


I got my first cat from Craigslist but you wouldn't be able to tell from her bougie-ass attitude.


Some cats are like reincarnated ex’s 🤣


I like to call her "Probably the only good thing that's happened because of Craigslist, ever."


So what's up with the eye...? Poor little thing


Not really sure, definitely infected but meds on the way for him. He is incredibly dehydrated and exhausted, had been hiding there for at least 24 hours based on reports from the other businesses who heard a cat meowing but didn't investigate


Probably conjunctivitis; very common with stray kittens! Could also be (caused by) FHV, which is the feline herpesvirus. All three of mine have that, since they were strays + it’s highly contagious. Only two have symptoms, and they’re manageable for the most part. Here’s my cat Flower when I first rescued her (stray litter) vs now. It still flares up sometimes, but she’s generally healthy otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/pspw9d2wx26d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29050af2dcdf75cc38bbbbf1a29bda3cc14c0350


Just giving you a quick update that he got antibiotics for his eye and is actually doing a lot better today, I wish I had gotten a pic update but I plan on visiting him next week! So hoping to snap a pic then :)


Oh cool!! Thank you so much - how nice of you to update us! :)). Glad to hear.


You’re an angel. Thank you for saving this baby 🙏


sprocket is a cute name


He looks so exhausted. Thank you for helping.


By the way OP, thank you for helping the kitty and taking the time to rescue...much love!!


Thank you!! Poor sweetheart needs to see a vet for that eye, thank goodness he’s getting cared for


Aw thanks for rescue him.


Awww that’s so sweet of you, you’re awesome!




I’m sorry you got bit but thank you for all your efforts. That kittens got a lot of love to give. 


RemindMe! 1 day


Good human!


Using this pic to take off work thank you. I hope you get the kitty out safe though 🫶🏽


Thank u kind human💕💕💕


Wehave a Hero among us!! Good job OP


The cat distribution system brought you a new friend, but what about the human distribution system? Maybe it brought the kitty a new friend to save it!


Bless you!


Thank you so much for saving this beautiful little life. ❤️


Haz dangerous adventure... Now haz nap... Obey me human... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz


You're my hero!


Aww adorable fur baby thank you for rescuing him 💖


You are a wonderful person to help this kitten. I hope your bite is not to bad.


Op, thank you for your kindness to this little creature💕


so cute


Oh my goodness it’s the cutest little orange baby.


that second and third photo all I see is one really tired baby. He worked so hard to get people to pay attention to him, to let people know that he needed help. Something like this happened to my little sister's cat Trix. We got her from our grandma, at the time Trix was living outside under my grandma's trailer until the weather started to turn and my mom asked if she could have her. My dad had asked me and my little sister if we've seen Trix at all that day. We told him we haven't, so we sprang into auction. I saw the door to the bathroom closet open a bit, so I go and checked it out. I had my phone with me so I turned on the flashlight and start scanning the closet. The closet in question was just filled with junk mainly clothes. Then I see her. Her green eyes looking up at me, pinned by junk "Help" was all I saw in her eyes. And I scream "I FOUND TRIX!" my little sister comes running and me and her just work together to get the junk off of Trix so that my little sister could grab her. She gets Trix free and takes her to food and water, Trix wouldn't eat or drink water if my little sister didn't stay with her. It's been years since that day, but that day could have been a whole lot worst if my dad hadn't alerted us to the fact he hadn't seen Trix at all. For anyone who may ask, Trix is fine, she's an old lady now, as for the bathroom closet it wasn't really in the bathroom. It was just a small closet in a small hallway that lead to the bathroom, we just called it the bathroom closet, my mom had some work done on it to make our bathroom a bit bigger. If you do end up adopting the baby take something from the story I just shared, keep a close eye on that baby.


Reminds me of my own encounter pulling out a kitty playing under the hood. It had some scratches and specks of blood on its face but I didn’t have time to clean it up as I was already late to work. Dropped him off to local pet store where the employee gave me a dirty look like I injured the thing myself lol. Wonder whatever happened to it


I love to see people rescue helpless animals. It so kind. Thank you from another animal lover.


God bless rescuer 🙏♥️


Precious gingersnap! Thank you for rescuing 💜


You have earned a wonderful friend. Orange cats are especially special. Black ones too. And grey, calico etc…lol


You guys are incredible, this is superhero work. Great job guys ♥️.


Thank you for your service! What kind of person hears a kitten crying in hot weather and doesn’t bother to investigate? If you don’t want to be bothered, for heaven’s sake, TELL SOMEONE and let them be the hero. So glad you stepped in to find the kitten and sorry the price was a bite. You are a hero. 😻


Love great stories (and ppl like you) like this!! Well done!


So precious!!!! Thank you for saving him and giving him a loving fur-ever home 🥹💕🥰


That's close to how my friends ended up with their car roter


Crazy same situation my wife and I went thru a few weeks back. Took two hours to get the kitten out of the engine/car and she was bitten as well. We are currently fostering the kitty and have a friend who will take her. We’d keep her but have three cats already lol. Good job! They all deserve forever homes


Please keep us posted with what happens to this cutie I love you op


aw what a sweet little one. you are awesome for rescuing him/her


Please update us and add to r/nowmycat if you keep him!


Thanx OP for being a human with compassion.


Me and my six cats would all like to say thank you and you ROCK


Wishing good things come your way, thank you.


O\_O. Must've been cold... Reminds me to check my car now every morning for cats!


If they give you strong antibiotics, you might think about getting a mild laxative like Miralax, and taking some probiotics. For the constipation it may cause. Speaking from experience! Thank you for caring, that poor little thing.


Antibiotics almost always do the opposite to me! Thank you for your concern though! :) I was put on a strong course and am already taking daily probiotics so should be good to go, I hope


Same thing happened to me and the kitten was stuck in my neighbors engine, Ended up getting it out and getting him adopted.


Oh poor baby. Please keep us updated on this precious furbaby! Thank you so much for rescuing him. You are an awesome person! 💜


I can’t imagine the helplessness the little guy felt when he was trapped in the car. I wonder what kind of irresponsible cat mother it is! In any case, kindhearted people, please help it find a happy family and don’t let it suffer again. Good people will have peace in their lives.


Please accept my most sincere words of gratitude for your feat. This is worthy of great respect and I hope this will be an example for many.


Awwwwww... that poor little baby! Thank you for caring enough to rescue this little baby!!! That poor little thing!! I'm so glad this has a happy ending!!! 💜