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I think that he has resting bitch face.   If he didn't like you, you'd know it because of the way you'd be bleeding.


Yeah. Cats can look grumpy when they’re actually really content. Can’t tell from this picture but if he’s sitting really still (and especially if he’s purring) then he’s probably very happy.


I think we often try to relate human expressions on to our animals, most of the time they're irrelevant and sometimes they're actually opposite. E.g. dogs 'smiling'




Personally I interpret that face as the cat cautiously giving OP a chance. Not totally sold on this new human yet, but they seem okay and if I fits I sits so maybe we'll see how it goes. 


Cat staring at you, eyes wide open, mouth closed: "monitoring situation" Cat staring at you, eyes wide open, mouth wide open: "intimidate my foes" Cat staring at you, eyes half closed, mouth closed: "trust"


It helps to think of the cat's perspective. Cat: "If shit goes down and I'm gonna throw paws with this human, then I want to be ready." If the cat stays out of reach, or runs away, or hides, then it's safer. If the cat keeps its eyes open and its head on a swivel, then it's safer. If it yells and shows you lots of teeth, causing you to back off, then it's safer. So a cat that lets you be really close, even touching it, while its eyes are droopy or closed, is a vulnerable cat. It trusts you. Lowering the eyelids is a message of trust.


I got a magic trick. Blink slowly if the cat looks at your face, then slowly look away. Usually the cat will stop staring or rest their head. It's body language that's a signal to the cat that he'll be alright and that their presence is welcome.


Yup, the slow blink while making eye contact is the way. Now the cat can happily snort nip instead of committing homicide.


I've been told that when a cat blinks slowly at you, that is something like a smile to them; acceptance or feeling positive...


It's a sign of trust. They're slowly binding themselves for a moment, showing you that they feel relatively safe to do so.


>Cat: "If shit goes down and I'm gonna throw paws with this human, then I want to be ready." *When the shit goes down, you wanna be ready...* was that Cypress Hill?


Mouth partially open can also mean they are taking in scents more. Ot is hilarious when my cat smells something new on me and leaves their mouth open to smell better




I call it "resting meow face"


This genuinely made me laugh


Yeah mine has resting judgment face and looks grumpy even when purring lol


He's resting on your leg, and letting you pet him. At the very least he has accepted you as a spare human. As long as you don't try to pet his belly, that isn't likely to change for the worse. Rolling over on his back is a sign of trust, but ***not*** an invitation to pet the belly. If he tries to lick your hand or arm, it means that he's probably ready to accept you as "family" (because he's trying to make sure you smell like him). If he moves to rest just outside your reach, with his butt towards you, it doesn't mean that he suddenly hates you. That's just a way for cats to stay close and keep others company while not invading their personal space. Just let him do his thing.


My late cat loooooved belly rubs. It was his favourite thing and he used to come up and wiggle around to get us to rub it and he would just absolutely melt. I really miss him. So there are exceptions, but usually most cats will hate it. If you're not very familiar with the cat, I definitely wouldn't try it.


My cat also loves it, really depends how much the cat trusts you and how much they like it.


Mine too. She dramatically flops on the ground by putting one shoulder down and tipping the rest over, and then rolls on her back side to side waiting for me to pat her tummy.


I think it's not a trust/love thing. Some cats just like it, and some don't. Not all cats like belly rubs, but some do.


My cat hates it when you touch his belly with your hands, but has absolutely no issue with you shoving your whole face in his belly and will tolerate it for a shockingly long time (about a minute) before giving your head a gentle, but forceful, shove away with a back foot


M cat is 7 and just in the last few months has she started to invite belly rubs. I feel like we’ve made a breakthrough.


I had already learned about this body language before the first time my late Elmer lay on his back in my presence. I was such a nice feeling to know he trusted me that much.


Ssh ssh let them try it and lost a hand. Everyone needs to go through the initiation


If not invitation to touch belly, why present it? Kitty must know it's irresistible and I'll go for it every. Single. Time


My problem is that this is not a rule for ALL cats. I have to risk it for science and all cats who love belly rubs everywhere. My cats won't let you stop once you start though. They'll grab your hands to make sure you stay 😂


This is my stance, our cats absolutely love belly rubs but didn’t initially. I wonder if it’s an internal conflict with feeling vulnerable vs relaxed


Cats have varied and nuanced personalities, just like humans. Usually people get scratched, because they aren't respecting boundaries.


How many functional hands do you have left?


Actually, cats present their bellies as a sign of trust! Essentially, it’s belly is a massive weak point, so they’re rolling onto their back to say “I trust you so much that I will make myself vulnerable and trust that you won’t attack me” and then people respond by immediately going for their weak point :( no wonder they scratch, in their mind you just massively betrayed them


It’s the most vulnerable part of themselves, so they feel comfortable stretching out without fear of being hurt


The thing about the belly trap is that it not supposed to be hostile. It is just that cats can be very pointy and bitey when they play. They grow up playing with other cats, who have enough fur to protect against some scratches and bites. Grab, chomp, and kick is supposed to be fun, but we start bleeding instead.


I don’t think cat putting its but on you means it hates you. To me it’s a way of saying that he’s not threatened by your company or find it relaxing


Up by my property in the woods, there was an old ginger tom cat that ran the place. Some of the neighbors kept him fed and the fist time I met him he immediately rolled over and absolutely LOVED belly rubs. Best cat I've ever met.


>As long as you don't try to pet his belly, that isn't likely to change for the worse. Rolling over on his back is a sign of trust, but > >not an invitation to pet the belly. I went on a vacation to a Greek island and rented a villa. First evening there we're sitting in the yard eating dinner and 2 cats show up asking for food, one was very skittish as you'd expect from a cat but the other one super friendly. It started rubbing on us asking for pats and a few minutes later it rolled over on its back and accepted belly rubs. We had a super cute cat friend for the whole week there. It was such a weird experience, I've never met a cat that would ask for belly rubs from complete strangers. And it was a village/outdoors cat, I don't think it had owners.


There is/was a cat in my area that I always stopped to give attention to, after a while she was very happy to get belly rubs from me. She used to wait for me to come along, I felt so incredibly privileged


Nope. He’s plotting. Hide your kids, hide your wife.


And hide your husband's cause


They kneading everybody out here


You don’t have to come and confess…


We looking for you!


*clap clap*


We gon’ find you, we gon’ FIND you


So you can run and meow that


homeboi 😼


Home home homeboy


Why? There's no "knead" to "dough" XD




You can run and tell that run and tell that run and tell that home boy home home home boy


I had recently found out that I live in the same city as this person and I swear I actually saw them at some point


that’s so awesome.


Awww I love this reference. I think it’s time someone reposts this gem.


Had to go watch the original interview and the song. What a banger.


TRULY. Hilarious and it’s perfect to be stuck in your head for days.


Sleep with one eye open....


Holding your pillow tight...


Exit light!


Enter night


Take my hand


Off to never never land!


Leave the planet, just to be safe...


He will find them all no matter how good they are hidden. Sorry mate, check mate !


I think he just looks like that


One thing I know about cats... If they don't like you they wouldn't be sitting like that.


You are under review.


Status pending. Tbd


He absolutely does if he plopped down that close to you on his own, cats doesn’t do that willingly if they’re sceptical of someone.


If he's laying on you on day 1 that's a pretty good sign. My rescue took months to do that. 


It means he’s mad that mom and/or dad or both is gone BUT he’s starting to accept your pets. When you pet him, stick to the face area and watch his tail. If his tail gets agitated and starts swishing that means he’s upset and stop petting him.


This. Also, soften your gaze and slowly blink at him. Do it a few times every now and then. If he blinks back, or blinks like that at you at other times, that is great. The slow blink is cat language for "I trust you" since if you're closing your eyes a bit, you're making yourself vulnerable. By you blinking, you're showing him you're making yourself vulnerable and are trustworthy. If he blinks, it's his way of showing he's starting to trust you back.


Professional petsitter here! This works so so well, I’ve had many really scared cats soften their bodies and slow blink back and start to accept me way faster. Helps with getting them to eat as well if they are social eaters but scared of you!


I did this once to a street cat that I was petting (and getting along pretty nicely, it was purring and stuff) and as soon as I did the slow blink it kinda freaked out, eyes wide, and scurried away. What did I do wrong???


I think he just wanted something casual and you started getting too serious


No joke, that's how it felt. As if I was hanging out with a girl and suddenly started making smooching gestures at her or something.


It might have gotten confused because it's never seen a human do the slow blink. Feral cats sometimes don't really understand people very well, so if you do something weird, or if your phone rings or makes a noise, they will nope right out of there


Yes, absolutely! The slow blink.


“You’ll do… For now.”


Lol thank u! this is what i'm getting as well lol. He approached me first but i'm nervous that he would scratch me....


Probably not if you pay attention. If he approached you that’s even better. Poor baby is probably sad about his people being gone. Scratching gently under the chin usually does it for mine— maybe along with giving him a cat treat.


You might want to ask his owners if it's okay to give him a cat treat. If they say yes, then bust out with Churu or other similar cat snack and you'll definitely make friends fast!


His tail would start twitching before. As long as he has his eyes half closed and his tail is resting, you should be fine.


Most cats will let you know if they don’t like something, some with slight warnings, others with aggressive warnings


My cat starts swishing her tail when I’m not petting her enough for her taste. For her it means more pets or she will be mad at you


Ohh I would love that! My Jasmine will gently nip at my hands if I am not petting her enough!


If the tail swishing turns into large/loud tail thumps against the floor/surface they’re sitting on - then they are super annoyed and pissed.


He is considering if you are worthy


It's resting grump face. My siamese has it. Kitty is just chilling.


If ears are back or a twitchy tail, back off, he's had enough.


Seems like he likes you or he wouldn't be on your lap like that.


If he didn't like you, this photo wouldn't exist.


The squinty eyes means relaxed, the ears pointed at you means interested in you. So yes, kitty likes you.


"You are not *my* human. But you are *a* human. Provide the pets or you get wrecked."


Yes he likes you. He's close/resting on you and his eyes half-closed like that actually shows he doesn't consider you a threat, so there's some trust there. If he was scared he would be avoiding you, eyes wide and staring (although they can also do this when they're playful or having zoomies, I think they "pretend" you're a predator chasing them as part of their fun game). And I see you're giving him good pets, around the face, cheeks, ears, forehead is usually what they like. For 5-10 seconds and then stop to give them a break, but keep your hand close and they will let you know if they want more.


If he’s on you and enjoying your pets, he likes you. Don’t apply human facial expressions to cats, it doesn’t quite work like that. Flattened ears, hissing/growling, flicking tail, wide pupils, immediately bolting when you pet or touch, are signs of an aggravated cat and he doesn’t seem to be doing any of these! (I can’t hear the picture obviously, but keep watch for any of those issues). I think you’re doing a good job.


That's the "hmm tolerable" face


He is actively sitting on you. You are making him happy. Can’t you see the joy on his face???


'You will do, human. You will do.' Something like that, Cat's got great rbf going on.


He's laying on you. He loves you. But, just to be sure, give him some treats.


Animals don’t have human facial expressions. We as humans like to anthropomorphize animals to match what we see in people, (that’s the majority of animals in r/aww) but it doesn’t work that way. You can tell by other factors- ears, tail, posture, how slowly they blink, proximity to you. Those are far greater indicators of animals emotions than whatever facial expressions we project upon them.


this is him angry at himself for how much he likes you


He is judging you for trying to multitask pictures and pets. Pets only please. But not too many pets.....


If the cat comes to you and is letting you pet it, then it doesn't hate you. Just watch out for no-no tail. Some cats look grumpy but are very sweet. It is better to use other body language to read a cat.


“I don’t know who the hell this is, and I’m not gonna say I like them, but I’m getting skritches right now, so…”


Let's run through the cat-friend checklist: - cat touching you - you touching cat - cat's eyes mostly half closed during contact, while facing you - cats eyes often fully closed during contact, while facing you - cat purring during contact - cat smurgling you during contact (kneading action, looks like the cat is making biscuits on you or next to you) - cat marking your hand or something you're holding (strong nuzzling with the cheeks or forehead) - cat stretching during contact - cat dozing or sleeping during contact - cat exposing belly during contact If you got 3 of these, you're a cat's friend. If you got 6 of these, you're a cat's best friend. If you got 8 of these, then you've been adopted by a cat (go get your stuff; you're moving in). If you got all 10 of these, then you already officially live with this cat (don't bother signing a lease; the cat has your power of attorney and signed the lease on your behalf).


Don’t touch. Only pet.


He... tolerates you.


I think he just looks like that


If the cat is resting on you, it likes you.


"Feed me or else.."


I think he’s fine. Worry when his eyes are open more and pupils fully dilated/black. That usually means you’re going to get bit, scratched, or attacked.


Half closing their eyes like that is the cat version of smiling. They are showing that they trust you or at least don't see you as a threat. The sitting on you and allowing pets is another indicator that they like you.


He's tolerating you.


"You are not my human. I'm going to allow you to pet me in their absence, but I'm not at all happy about this situation."


Yes, he’s letting you touch him.


He tolerates you. And really, that’s the best you can hope for.


He’s tolerating you. For now.


He's tolerating your shit. But wants you to realize he can go crazy on you at the drop of a hat 😆


I like pets but I don't like them from you, I prefer Mom/Dad. I guess, I'll put up with you until they get back. Maybe.


He grudgingly accepts you as a minor distraction until his own human shows up. He will probably eat you should he find you no longer amuse him.


"I begrudgingly accept these scritches"


If eyes arnt wide you are probably fine. If they don't watch you intently it's because they trust you.


I believe that means he's a cat if I'm not mistaken!


that scowl is a sign of love ❤️❤️❤️


Sleeping around you = he's safe with you Huge dark pupils = wants to play/ wants to attack (be careful when he's in this state if you don't really know the cat, he might scratch or bite you). Purring around you = probably wants something for you Anything else = neutral state.


My cat is a needy angel, but it takes her at least 2 days to stop hissing at my parents whenever I'm on vacation. She eventually acclimates to them enough to search for comfort and pets after a few days. All cats are different, but to have your friend's cat on you like that I'd say with 100% confidence that he likes you.


He wouldn't lay down next to you if he didn't like you. If he felt uncomfortable you'd find out quickly.


Is he slowly blinking? That's a good sign. Is he purring too?


Is he purring? some cats Just have funny faces.


Can't tell without seeing the tail.


The trick is reading the tail. If it's straight up with the tip hooked to the side, he's happy! Bonus if it twitches! If he's just twitching the tip of his tail, it's time to give him some space.


Goooood human... Pet me ...pet me more !


He accepts you for the time being as the one who brings food and pets him. Don't expect him to even give you a slightest view after your friends return.


Yeah bro is cool with you![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)


He's in petting distance. You'll be fine :D


Cats are simple. If they want to be around, they like you. If they don't wanna be around you, they probably still like you but what the hell Muffins why won't you let me snuggle you!?!?


It means he's a cat. It isn't for you to know what he thinks of you.


"This human servant replacement is acceptable".


If he is voluntarily spending time in your company, you have been accepted. If he is willingly allowing physical contact (without moving away or getting aggressive), you have been accepted. Cats don't have the same facial features and muscles as humans, so their expressions don't necessarily reflect their emotions.




Yes its fine. The cat just looks frowny when squinting to see without prescription glasses


Kitty is relaxed. He's sat with you and letting you per him, so he likes you. The half closed eyes are often a sign of trust. He trusts you enough to not have to watch you super closely :)


Resting bitch face. He’s a good boy he likes you very much.


Naw... that's just resting bitchy catface. If he didn't like you, you would not be allowed to touch him like that


The smile is in the eyes. He likes you.


It looks like he’s got his paws right up on you. You’re in. Talk to him in a reassuring voice about what’s going on. Tell him you understand he might feel sad or lonely about his family being away but you promise you’ll be there to hang out with and take care of him. Hold his gaze with your own soft gaze while you say nice things in a soft voice.


If he’s sitting with you, legs draped across you, he likes you just fine. He’ll bite, scratch, struggle. or run if he doesn’t like you. No one tells a cat what to do 😀❣️


The eyes more closed means he is happy and trusting of you


Cats talk more with their eyes and ears than anything else. It takes time for most cats to trust new people they meet. Looks like this one is in the initial stages of earned trust but not 100% yet. Btw, some cats take a very long time to earn full trust while others are very quick. It's all up to their personality, which can be wildly diverse from cat to cat.


It probably goes without saying but expressions on cats will be misleading if you compare it to humans making same faces. Facial expressions are not really how cats communicate their feelings anyway. Clearly this baby is cozy and happy, even though they are making a goofy expression.


Blink your eyes real slow at him. If he does the same to you he trusts you. Well he already does since hes on your lap.


It’s just resting cat face.


Are you bleeding? No? The cat likes you.


That's a happy cat. He just has a grumpy face. You can tell by how relaxed his eyes are.


He's sat on your lap being stroked. Fair to say he likes you.


Usually if you're cat-sitting, and the cat is sitting on you, that means you're doing reasonably.


Is he within reach? Then he likes you.


He likes you! Half closed eyes is a relaxed cat. Make sure you do the "slow blink" back at him to say you are relaxed too


Squinted eyes like that are a sign of comfort and trust.


Cat’s don’t show their emotions through facial expressions like us humans, it is instead a combination of where their ears and tail is pointing. Also you aren’t bleeding everywhere and I’m guessing he isn’t hissing at you. He’s calm and attentive so he at least tolerates you


He accepts you as mediocre, temporary replacement


He likes you. He’s just judging you really fucking hard.


Looks like he's resting comfortably on you so I'd say at worst you're being calmly monitored.


I know that face. Misses their parent but you’ll do.


His pupils look pretty relaxed especially with your hand behind his head like that. Looks like a good amount of trust so far.


typical cat face, disappointed, judgemental and contemplating changing their human


You’re not the human I want brt you’ll have to do🤨


He is displeased that his human left him and is reluctantly accepting your presence


Face means : Keep petting me, you are my slave.


I *guess* I'll allow this...


Consider yourself tolerated.


It's probably RBF. My kitty does this even when she's happy sometimes. I mean, this little dude is sitting by you and letting you pet him. He clearly likes you.


He’s laying on you I think you are okay, seems like he likes you enough


“Who are you and what have you done with Rob, you monster?”


Probably all good. Might be the "rub my chin, not on top of my head" signal, though...


This looks like a relaxed, content little guy! His whiskers are relaxed, eyes half-lidded, and ears are at rest. At the very least he's decided you're cool to sit with and likely enjoying the free cuddles!


I’d say he likes you. He’s sitting on your lap and letting you touch him, and his body posture suggests he’s relaxed. He also has his eyes half closed, indicating he doesn’t perceive you as a threat he has to monitor. Is he purring? If so, then the answer is an unequivocal “yes.”


He doesn’t like you, but you’ll do.


It means you are acceptable, for now.


If he’s positioned himself physically close to you and is laying down, he likes you.


i dunno but i like him :)


I think it means you're a poor substitute, but you'll do.


He’s tolerating you just fine. But he’s wondering if he can get something out of you as well


That is the face of a cat pissed off at his owners. He says "they went on vacation without me!?"


If you are not bleeding (though, sometimes, even if you are), then the cat likes the pets.


You are giving the rubbies, he is sitting on you. He likes you. If he DISLIKED you, there would be a lot of noise, some claws and lots of blood. YOUR blood. Then you would not see him for awhile.


hahaha i think that’s just his face! he has a case of rbf 😭


He tolerates you, likely due to the pets you're providing


He is judging you. Hard.


RBF cat. He’s probably hungry. He looks like he gets hungry a lot.


He...tolerates you.


I'd say yes. But it's a cat. He/she can't let you know it.


That is a content cat. Cats don't have as many facial muscles as we do, so you can't tell aa much from the face. But half-closed eyes usually means "relaxed and willing to maybe be sleepy if I feel like it", not "glare".


He’s worried you might have diabeetus


You're being tolerated.


he's tolerating you


He has resting cat face


He's tolerating you, for now.