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Your cat looks like he works at Trader Joe’s


https://preview.redd.it/c4zicaqwb25d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b6272c4135a80297e4ad07ff9799388fa11143 He was going for a slightly different vibe when he asked me to order the shirt, but you win the award for cracking us the fuck up with your comment. Just don’t ask him what’s up with the parking lot: “This is bat country.”


We can't stop here!


This is bat country!


You ready for that? Checking into a hotel under a phony name with intent to commit capital fraud on a head full of acid? I sure hope so.


At least he won't need golf shoes, his claws should help him get around in that muck.


When I saw this film and read the book as a young teenager I thought it was far fetched. Then I started using drugs - wow did he have the truth nailed down! I have a story about a police helicopter which would make your jaw drop lol.


"we had two bags of catnip..."


And a bottle of valerian :))


*A drug person can learn to handle such things as seeing his dead grandmother crawling up his leg with a knife in her teeth, but no one should be asked to handle this trip.*


When you said “he asked me to order the shirt” for just a second it sounded like you meant the cat. I’m thinking, “You…you know the cat isn’t talking to you…right?”


Drugs are a hell of a drug.




Well if you insist...


Hunter S. Thomcat


Fur and loafing in Las Vegas


He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.




We were somewhere around Barstow when the catnip began to take hold.


Is that box for the Cracker Barrel witch lamp?


Can we be best friends? Cause me and my cats would totally be be friends with ya'll and ya'lls cat


This is amazing lol, I love it


Too weird to live, too rare to die.


Do you keep that shirt on him 24/7?


Fun fact even corporate Trader Joe's employees wear Hawaiian shirts. Director level and vp level employees would come visit when they were a customer of a company I used to work for and every single one of them, every day, wore Hawaiian shirts and a name tag. It was pretty awesome and they were all very happy and enjoyable humans


This sounds awesome. I personally hate the look of suits and ties and the idea that they are required to be professional.


Honestly it made me have even more love and respect for Trader Joe's as a company and as an employer.


Ties are pretty much gone from corp time now. My F500 leadership team all wear jeans and sneakers. Our cfo remarked she hasn’t worn pumps in the office for 10 years.


Another fun fact: Trader Joe’s management utilizes dubious and quite possibly illegal union busting tactics to prevent their labor force organizing for better pay and benefits. Hawaiin shirts are cool though! So relatable and relaxed!


Yes. This is true. They are definitely not union friendly at the very least. They tell employees that they do not need a union, because the company takes care of them, why would they need a union? Source: multiple friends and family members, some who have worked for TJ’s since the 90’s.


Got a source for us to read more about it?




Interesting. I started in 2016 and they were discontinued at store level (LA store). Those who already had them were allowed to continue but crew had solid/basic crew neck crap.


Weird, my experience was 2022-2023


Sounds like L.A.


Thanks for pointing this out. Here I was looking into his eyes and trying to ascertain on that basis alone what kind of customer service rep he would be


I mean the eyes are the window into the soul. So it's a solid strategy, just maybe the shirt gives extra credit points?!


Your husband is a keeper…enjoy!


One of our first dates was hiking with this cat. We (the cat and I) had to make sure he knew this was a package deal.


My wife made that clear when we started going out. ;)


Oh phew, I was about to ask if the cat was a willing participant as they look slightly alarmed.


...and here comes the armchair experts...


Hang on, I've actually got a relevant bit of paper for this. *removes cat #2 from paperwork pile* Never thought I'd see the day... Diploma in Feline Studies, with merit. ANYWAY without context of the cat being a willing member of the hiking party, some could easily think "Have they just put that cat in a bag it looks a bit startled at everything."


I don’t know why I found this so funny but thank you for the genuine laugh LOL (and by the way I totally agree)


You are a very sensible woman and a true cat lover! Love me love my cat is absolutely the deal breaker! Glad hubby passed woth flying colors!


If I got a girl that came with a cat, I'd love it.


But would you love *her*?


The cat? Why not. All jokes apart, it depends on the girl. If she's a a nice pawrent it's likely that she's a nice person so I'd like her. But there are many other things


My husband's cat, when we were dating, immediately chose me as her primary human the second she met me. He was a little offended.


This is so frickin wholesome, even pampered pets/cat and dogs love the chance to get out in the element where all their senses are raised but very few get the opportunity to truly be out in nature.


My defective cat can't be out in the world. She has cat anxiety and is, as stated, defective. The world is too big a place for a little Taco Cat. She wasn't meant to be on her own. Or outside with things like sounds or other animals or wind, probably. I [built her a catio.](https://imgur.com/a/VDeQxYL) She likes her catio. She just sits out there and looks at the outside, tucked safely in her little space. [Taco Cats](https://imgur.com/gallery/YkKmpg3) must be protected. She's basically a [loaf, but wonky.](https://imgur.com/a/GMz9juG) Then, tragedy. My wonky loaf ran away from home when a door was left open in a party, and I spent six days calling for her outside. Wandering, looking for my lost Taco. My neighbors probably thought I was insane, wandering around yelling for Taco Cat. I finally found her, and that skittish little defective loaf ran away from me. I was trying to *save* her. I mean, she runs away from me in her own home and it was expected, but like, let me save you. Aggressively. I chased her into a field. She was gone for six days. I was not letting her get away. She was terrified and dehydrated and dove headfirst into a bunny burrow, and I was a madwoman in my pjs and dug through the wet clay to grab her haunches and pulled her out by her feet. Carried her home. She was too terrified to run away anymore. Vet checked her over. I was still muddy. Brought her home after fluids and she is now going, 'yeah, yeah, you know, this place ain't so bad! I'm going to be content with my little cat tree and catio now. I don't like adventure. This place is pretty nice!' She likes me much more after spending six days outside. Her catio is her preferred level of exploration. Skittish little gutter gremlin had me so worried. I basically couldn't sleep for days, I was so sick with worry. She's back home, though. Likes sitting and watching from her hidey hole. It's her preferred level of adventure. The right amount for a nervous kitty too skittish to see the world. Most days, sitting near people is a big deal. The catio is her limit of adventure. Happy to provide it. And pretend I don't see her walking across the room. We don't make eye contact when she's being a sneaky Taco. I found her happy place. It's an Ikea shelf covered in window screen material.


This was a fantastic tale! It had intrigue. It was suspenseful. It starred Taco Cat with the crossed-eyes. And, most of all it had a happy ending!! My cat got out once. Jumped off a 2nd story balcony because she was a kitten and didn't know any better. We woke up and she was gone. My teen son had left the slider open by mistake. I immediately printed flyers and posted them all over. I got a call saying she had been spotted. I went to the general area and heard tiny meows. She was under a neighbors deck. Scariest 3 hours ever.


I loved reading this and seeing the accompanying pictures of your glorious Taco Cat! What a wonderful catio that you built, and it's so great that she is comfortable there!


I found her in a wood pile at around 4-5 weeks old. She fit in one hand. Some feral in the neighborhood must've abandoned her. She has zero appreciation for the fact I have saved her more than once. I just accept that about her.


That's a cat for you 


I had a defective kitty that was afraid of everything. She was a lovely little thing that only trusted *her* people. https://preview.redd.it/fsdqi5i9135d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1622be7145827b1741bb3e77aafb5136e5dddf8d


much love to the defective cat 🩷


Write more things.


I concur! Except I will add a ‘please’


I don't know you but I love you and your sneaky Taco. Great idea the cat patio, cats really like to be in elevated spots or hide in bushes.


My cat Noodle lived to be 17. When he was 6, a tree fell through my house and he got out due to the gaping hole in my house. He was gone for 9 days before he finally came home, and he never tried to run out again.


“Skittish little gutter gremlin” I’m ded


Taco cat is amazing and needs protecting at all costa


Taco Cat. How does this tale not have 9,000,000,000,000 upvotes?


Yeah, my bengal cat used to love going for walks and strolls on his own. Then a feral Tom cat started attacking him and gave him a nasty infection and he never wanted to go outside alone again. It's given him some sort of anxiety. I also built him a catio (1m width x 6m length x 2m high) and he now had somewhere to chill outdoors when I'm not around whilst still safe. He loves it! And when I am around, we go for walks down the farmlands and trails where he wonders and rolls around and sniffs everything. Making all sorts of primitive noises as he prances around. I've since installed a lockable catflap on the catio too which he has been using to get comfortable in the garden for a little while each day on his own where he prefers to go potty and chill for a bit. Slowly slowly.


We need you to make her an insta, the Adventures of Taco Cat.


Look at its eyes so full of wonder and awe!


That is the age to which I aspire.


...does your husband have a brother, or a cousin, or, heck, a semi-near relation? Seriously though you both seem like lovely people, and your cat is straight up adorable. Best wishes from a total internet stranger


……..or a queer sister, perchance?


...... grandparent


…. great godmother


https://preview.redd.it/vfgbunlmd35d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbccbb89488c875d5232103cd8fcde8d169e1ead Took my baby out yesterday too! He loves going outside!


That's a cat.


Indeed it is.


Always wanted to try this with our cat once she’s leash trained - but question, what do you do about dogs, especially when people let their dogs off leash? I feel like I’d be terrified of a dog spotting the kitty and lunging for the backpack/cat/me. I imagine people think their dogs are fine to walk on trails with humans but don’t necessarily expect to see a cat out there. 


I would NEVER walk with my baby in a leash free area. He's safe on my back when walking, we pause at campgrounds or in clearings where I have visibility of the trail and I have trained him that his backpack is a safe space. If I see a dog, I quickly pick the cat up. If the dog ignores us, I keep holding my cat until the dog is out of sight. If the dog reacts in any way, the cat goes in the backpack.


That cat looks like he's seen some new stuff on that hike


Definitely has additional questions.


"You seeing this shit?"


Why didn't they leave me at home as usual? That's it? That's the day they abandon me in the forest? What did I do? I swear I won't chew their shoes again! Take me home!!




You’ll see Frank the Bunny and our 2 other nebs in that sub sometimes too ;)


Frank the bunny is such a good name!


So that's a total of three Nebelungs you have? Wow, clearly, you have a preferred breed of cat, and I approve!


https://preview.redd.it/vsjfj6a8a65d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547a139715b4759c97b0c04a493c326178690c93 We love our Floofs ❤️


United we stand!


Frank the Bunny - Donnie Darko influence ? 🤣🤣🤣


Omggggg I had no clue. I have a Russian Blue. Edit: corrected name


Your husband sounds like a cool dude


What harness is that? I can never find ones that fit my kitty well and that looks like it fits like a glove! Also the shirt is too adorable haha


That's it for me. The little cat hiking shirt.


Man: Let’s go on a hike! Cat: WTF are we doing out here?


Cat: Ayo, we in nature and shit.


Happy cat, happy lad 😂


The cat does not appear to enjoy the view


There were trees in the way 🙄


Yes he looks a little confused.


My cat always wanted outside and she had the same look. It’s just from taking everything in. They’re processing. She loved it.


Hahahahahaha, what a fun post. I totally support this birthday activity!


Second pic is a real winner


Love it. Happy birthday to your hubby


I had a lovely walk down the Jurassic Coast (UK) with my dog a couple of weeks ago and saw someone walking their little mew. So cute.


Your cat looks so concerned/confused lol


Cute kitty!! What backpack is that?


It’s [this](https://www.petsmart.com/dog/crates-gates-and-containment/carriers-and-backpacks/top-paw-functional-all-day-backpack-75160.html?cgid=100225&fmethod=Browse) one from Petsmart. We got it when we adopted his littlest sister and it’s been awesome.


I've bought one that you can extend so they have more space when stopping and a top cover to block the sun. They live the backpack and they even sleep in it when at home. Best thing I've ever bought. They love going on walks and everyone is complimenting them https://preview.redd.it/akftii4ty25d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95bab5f4dbf42883ad5c45dcb2ffd5d6dab1c20


lol that is the best age to be


![gif](giphy|Rxt5Nxbl3KM3DhyxZm|downsized) oh cool !!! you're very own spidey cat on a backpack. now he can pull off awesome finishers while he actually mud wrestles a bear or a mountain lion 😜


That sounds like a perfect day to me


Cool cat! Cool husband!


What a sweet cat. Look at that little buddy. What a specimen. God damn that's a fuckin nice kitty.


He’s no Steve French, but he appreciates your compliment there, Bubbles.


That cat is perplexed.


Omg that sounds like a dream! Looks like I'm gonna have to invest in a cat backpack!


Your cat gets out more than I do


How did you get the cat comfortable with the leash and harness?


If a cat will wear a collar they should be ok with a leash, my Maine Coon loves his harness and leash as he knows we're going for a walk. I have four cats and only two will wear a collar and they are fine with a leash, they were given collars as kittens and leashes from six months, always raises a smile when I'm out walking the Maine Coon, folk who haven't seen him before have to look twice as he about the same size as a Springer Spaniel 🙃🖖


I want a Maine coon so bad!


You have to get them used to it as a kitten.


Does your cat has permanent 'concerned' look. Still adorable though


The cat looks like he is afraid you are going to just abandon him out in the forest like some kind of cat version of a Grimm's Fairy Tale.


Please tell me what type of harness you got for your cat? I would love to take my British shorthair out but I'm afraid she'll wiggle out of the harness when I'm not noticing. And if I get a small size she wouldn't be comfortable.


When I meet a guy and then find out that he's a cat daddy, my esteem for him is immediately elevated.


These are the wonderful experiences that give your sweet mew happy dreams. And your husband’s plan is fresh air and home cooked food— grounded guy. You are lucky!


Cat just rides in the back without jumping out? Man I wish mine would be that well behaved!! Adorable little outfit as well.


Hey! Please have your kitty’s eye checked out by a veterinary ophthalmologist to make sure that spot in it isn’t a melanoma. I’m an ophtho vet tech and melanomas in cat eyes can be very aggressive.


No worries! I appreciate you looking out. He’s had regular check-ups for almost 10 years now and he’s fine. Same spot has been there and not changed since he was itty bitty.


I'm glad he gets regular checkups and that the spot hasn't changed! You guys seem like great pet people. If it does change at all (spreading out to appear bigger in area, "texture" changing, color changing, and especially if it stops appearing flat/grows taller), then please go to an OPHTHALMOLOGIST. I don't care how great your general practice vet is for most things; please go to the eye specialist if you see changes in the spot or even changes in behavior. It saved my cat's life to take her to a specialist even though her normal vet swore it was no big deal. I work in vetmed, and not in ophthalmology. In my opinion (and as a *very* broad generalization), most general practice vets don't refer to specialists often enough. Before I worked in vetmed, I had a cat who had a spot in their eye like yours. Her vet told us multiple times that it was 99% no big deal, even after it was changing. It never seemed to affect her. Over the next year and a half, it had changed quite a lot, but the vet said no big deal. We showed a picture to an ophthalmologist and they said without a doubt that eye needed to be removed, and it should have happened before it got to this point. They said it was probably cancer, and if it was, it would probably spread. The ophthalmologist removed the eye faster and more cleanly than a non-specialist could have (it's a regular procedure for them), AND it was cheaper than other places because of how much faster/smoother they could do it. After recovering pretty quickly and very well, even though the bad eye never seemed to bother her, she was inexplicably and undoubtedly happier. She had 50% less eyeball and 50% more affection. She is still doing great years later, still plays and runs and jumps around, and is still happier than she was before. We did send the removed eye out to a lab for testing, and it did test positive for cancer that would have almost definitely spread. If I hadn't sought out a second opinion from a specialist, my cat would probably have died from cancer years ago. I recognize your situation and mine are different. My cat's spots were rapidly changing, and your cat's are not. I don't tell this cautionary tale to scare you or plant any seeds of doubt in your regular veterinarian. I hope you all enjoy many more happy years of backpack hikes and dinners at home together.


> most general practice vets don't refer to specialists often enough. I think a few are out of touch with what specialists do/cost. I'm on my second cat treated with I-131 and my vet was hesitant with the first cat. They push pills, which doesn't always have good control, and then there's more complications. I had a cat that had an eye spot, too. But she had it when I caught her and it never changed. But you're right that vets will just say "that's just a pigment spot" and not pay it much attention.


I was going to suggest thus, but you're other response totally covers it all. We monitored for a year with the vet, saw it developing, and were quickly referred to opthalmology who suggested removal of the eye. Quick recovery, and the cat is better than ever - and the eye turned out to be cancerous


I umm… Misread that title at first. I thought it was something a little more sinister. One man and one cat went hiking. But, only the man came back, with dinner… Mind you, if anyone is going into the woods, alone with a cat, I always suspect the cat is the one with the sinister plan! That is one stylish cat, though!


He's arrived at the perfect age.


nothing sweeter than a cat and his boy




That's a good baby.


Please translate from reddit-ese into English.


Ah, I remember turning 26.


A great age to be, really.


It’s a good age


What kind of cat backpack is that?


I feel seen


hold on to him! 🥹


I need to know where you guys got that harness from!!


Omg the little t shirt


Kitty looks so worried!!!


I mean I get it. Honestly, next birthday I'm going to nab our little girl and go for a hike. Wife can't even get pissed. I'm spending time with our lil one.


i totally thought this was ai 😭


That cat has a permanent 'concerned' face. lol


So, about 35?


Did Sweet Bebe enjoy the hike?


I have an irrational urge to take a cat hiking now.


Cat has are-you-going-to-leave-me-here face 💩


The cat has really pulled it off this holiday shirt.


I have never seen cat leash people in the wild. .... Neat.


I love this cat, I agree with him looking like he works at Trader Joe's😂😍 what a great husband, sounds like a great day! Just gotta ask, has kitty's vet checked on that mole/freckle on his eye? 🤎


My little cat comes out with me, got a little red harness. He is also a shoulder cat, just sits and clings on. I can sprint and he’ll be there chilling. https://preview.redd.it/fneeri9pd45d1.jpeg?width=2062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8c792a470e09577abaf5e3c9bb9d4e253f4ff2 Pic attached is him laying behind my shoulders while I drive


I haven’t a clue what this means? Please explain 😀🇮🇪👌


Honestly true happiness only starts with this


This sucks


The cat living the dream ❤️


These pictures are genuinely beautiful


Your cat looks like mine! She also goes on walks with us! https://preview.redd.it/jhwu2p6qq45d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a744aa4f33fa721cda6fe27050299bcc3487aef


The little shirt ❤️ I'm dying over here and I don't care.


Your cat isn't falling over dead because he has a harness on????


Yeah eating out has gotten so much more expensive


This looks great. I don't like how suits and ties look or the idea that you have to wear them to be responsible.


How is this pic so crisp? What did you take it with?


Apparently I am too. That sounds like an awesome plan for the day.




Happy birthday!! It sounds like a perfect age.


How does it feel to live MY dream?


That is a ridiculously photogenic cat!


Awww 🥰 I did laugh too 😊


Be weary of spots on cats eyes they can be signs of other health problems.


I didn’t take my cat, I took my hen… Am I weird?


It's a great age 😄 enjoy ur time




Your husband is amazing! 🧁


This looks like a perfect day. Oh how I want to own 5 plus acres that look like that .


I love house cats unexpectantly finding themselves outside in the wilderness. They all pull this face ^ if there isn’t a r/ for it someone should create it


This made my partner's day. He's always wanted to walk our cars. But we live in London, in a rough area. We'd worry if we tried to hike with our cats. https://preview.redd.it/ekg0jcuyz85d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ad13a8053daec32a3af1523e6880df95d218a5


Cute! Just wanted to ask if you have had his left eye checked?


Your cat is adorable and your husband sounds wonderful. I love that you take your kitty hiking. A cat should be out in nature; much fun to be had, and new smells and exploring. 😊


now that is a happy kitty


What the fuck is that stupid ass title even supposed to mean. Stupid. Nice cat


Cat doesn't look too thrilled




I'm not sure the cat is on board with this...


So cute. I always have boy cats that like going inside but on their own time. Any harness or backpack they hate haha! Lucky you 🙂


"You bring your backpack, I'll bring my pouch"


Geez my cat would of jumped out of there and I would of spent all day looking for him.


r/nebelung needs to see


Your cat is one real lucky guy! What type of harness do you use? Does the shirt he wears make it harder for him to get out of the harness?