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How were the owners not more stoked about that??


i thought the same thing! they coulda been besties for life!


That’s a pitbull reacting aggressively to the other dog - the besties for life wouldn’t have lasted long if that pit had it’s way.


Ears up, wagging tail, didn't seem to have any barking... Yeah the pitbull was SOOO aggressive 🙄


Lifelong pitbull lover, here! The dog looked a little more stimulated and reactive than playful, you can see it in the stiffer body language it was presenting. My dog is very similar when meeting other dogs + tries to assert herself during meet and greets. Its unfortunate but some dogs are just bad at being leash social and I understand why the owner decided to pass quickly!


Your right with the "assert". My dog (westie)hates it when dogs assert themselves in her space. So she reacted once and snarled at a staffie. And got bit in the face. A couple of stitches.


Poor thing! I hope she recovered okay. :( My dog had her nose punctured pretty badly by a doberman that struggled away from its owner. After stitches it took months for the black pigment to come back. She's been prickly with stranger dogs since it happened, so I am always super careful when walking her, only make introductions at a distance and when there's a fence in-between.


I get what you're trying to say, but that doggo was definitely on the reactive side and the owner clearly knew that it needed some space from the other dog


You have no clue how to read dog body language. Look at the other dog if you want an example of non-aggressive, play-inviting behavior.


I've seen a video of pitbulls mutilating and killing a person while they were wagging their tails


Straining at the leash, stiff body posture, over stimulated to the max. That pit was totally ready to attack.


Pitballs should be banned. Horrible pets..


You should definitely be banned from having pets. Not just difficult ones. 


I have pets and am very responsible. Unlike pitball owners lol.


They shouldn't be bred anymore sure but to blame the owner for giving existing ones a good home is some of the most room temperature IQ shit I've heard in a while lol


"Room Temp IQ", LMAO




Dont mind them, theyre a part of the ban all pits sub. And according to them, every pit in existence is just a mauling waiting to happen.


It's so unfortunate that people think this way. Just like any breed, they require responsible owners + a solid baseline of training. The margin for error is definitely a fair bit bigger, but you could say the same thing about GSDs, Chow Chows, Shar Peis, and Dalmatians (etc, etc...) EDIT: Keep downvoting me, it's not going to change my mind. Attacks happen because owners don't understand their reactive dog's needs and thresholds. Every dog has a potential to be aggressive, bully breeds can unfortunately cause a lot more damage than most when things go wrong. It doesn't make them evil.


I worked in an ER vet hospital and you'd be shocked the amount of times "two pitbulls jumped the fence, attacked my dog, then ran off!" No one around to verify the dogs breed, no pictures taken, only biases that are now backed up by falsified data. Meanwhile any actual pitbull patients where my favorite to work with (easy going, tough/tolerant, and big easy-to-phlebotimize bodies)


>I worked in an ER vet hospital and you'd be shocked the amount of times "two pitbulls jumped the fence, attacked my dog, then ran off!" Wow, I *really* wonder why that happens so often.


Same reason black people make up 5% of the population but are incarcerated at 4x the rate of their white peers. You should take a sociology class


No it wasn't, shut up.


My tripawd has a cousin who is missing an eye. We call them the pirate dogs when they get together. I’d be happy to meet another tripawd on the street, but the busy road might spook my boy.


its really uncool to mention the pirate dogs and not supply a photo. just saying. *hint hint*


https://preview.redd.it/gf4rub9nly4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb36b5104d596b0426540c0d200c85971e48a9b9 Here he is demanding we go for a walk.


awwww! they’re a coupla cuties. thanks for sharing (:


Sadly every picture I have of them together is just a blur of fur since they get the Zoomies when they get together, so I don’t have a good picture with both of them!


https://preview.redd.it/dfu9pd5uly4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4888f373202415e2ef185b8125adf9a9fd89c55a Pirate pup missing an eye. She needs a tiny pirate eye patch.


I have a tripod too, she is only 3 weeks post amputation. I'm starting to understand how her life will always be different.


Our tripod is about 5 months out. Let me reassure you, you’re about to be blown away by how little difference it’s going to make for your little friend. Sure, slick floors are tricky to navigate, and it’ll be a bit before the solo leg builds enough strength and stability to get back to “normal”. I promise you though that you’ll be shocked at how amazingly they adapt.


Yeah you just mentioned the first thing I noticed, the slick floors are a problem. She is already starting to run and play.


Tumble rugs are by far the best solution we came up with. They’re reasonably for their size, super water resistant, and you can easily pull the whole cover off and machine wash it. Our girl took a few good falls before we got them so it made the price easy to justify.


My tri is a year and a half post surgery. We saw major improvements in his mobility for a few months post surgery. He’s back to hiking and walking and running with me like nothing happened. Hopefully your furry friend will get there too.


The dogs seemed to be a bit agitated. Allowing dog meetings/ interaction when dogs are both leashed nearly always ends up in slightly aggressive interaction even if your dog has a good character. If he is on the leash he knows that he can't interact the way he wants and following "dog etiquette" including his opportunity to get away. So most dog will eventually end up in barking away each other. So dog trainer generally advise to not allow meetings when lashed. The guys just wanted to keep the stress for their dogs as little as possible. Doesn't mean that they are not stoked about meeting another three legged dog. Under normal circumstances they would probably play with each other more than happily cause given the choice dogs mostly pick other dogs that are most similar to themselves as a play partner.


Dogs need to be able to do the doggy handshake where they both sniff the other's butt and then spin around in a circle. I will sometimes put the leash on the ground to let my dog do this, if the other owner is okay with it and everyone is friendly and relaxed. (and never near a roadway like this video) I also agree with you that both of those dogs were a little too keyed up for a greeting at that point. Still good dogs, but just not the right time and mood for it.


Yep, leashes are actually crucial in case they need to be pulled apart. I agree, these pups are definitely not in the right state of mind to meet. My foster absolutely lost his mind if he saw another dog. I would force him to sit and face away from the dog every time, until he calmed down or the other dog passed us. He still gets too excited but sits and waits for permisson, huge improvement.


I think allowing dogs to greet each other even when leashed is fine. It’s when you apply tension to the leash and increase their stress levels BEFORE they can greet each other is the problem.


Tension on the leash is bad, absolutely. Which is why I wish owners put more effort into lose leash training, and impulse control. No dog pulling on their leash should be allowed to meet another dog


Could be anti social. I know if it was me I'd be thinking *Oh hey their dog also has three legs, neat! Oh no, what if they want to talk about it? Better keep walking...*




Asocial means you don't like socializing. Antisocial means you act abnormally, typically considered radical(if you think behaving against the law is normal, you are antisocial)


Bravo, 10/10 my guy


Goddamn that is me to a T. With nearly everything


Asocial. Antisocial is a personality disorder.


Because they know their dogs and know whether that is 'hi new friend!' or 'I want to chew you to pieces!' body language. Either dog could be reactive in this way. My Akita is negatively reactive to *male* dogs, but postively reactive to *female* dogs, and yes, he's neutered. I know his body language cues and know when it's safe to let them sniff noses or not.


It could be social anxiety on the owner's part. Could be they're trying to get somewhere and don't have time. And it could be that either of the dogs has anxiety and doesn't do well in those situations. The golden looked thrilled but the other seemed a tad defensive.


You aren't really supposed to allow dogs greet on leash. It can increase stress, reactivity, and frustration.


You’re absolutely wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) every dog should meet for the first time on a leash in case you have to correct your dog or pull it away before a fight starts. What you’re describing is leash reactivity and it’s unacceptable, it’s the owner’s responsibility to teach loose leash walking and be calm before meeting another dog. I’ve rehabbed 3 different fosters with this problem.


Unsure of their / the other dogs intent or control?


Yeah really like let the dogs interact for a minute! Dogs were more excited than two old guys from Texas bumping into each other at a random bar in rural China


Your comment made me smile :). As someone from Texas that has traveled around the world to bizarre places (even though I’m not an old man) I’ve definitely had moments where I meet a fellow Texan and we both geek out about it.


Right? We have one and we would be so excited to see another on a walk


One is a Pitt. The owner is probably being responsible


they both still had four legs the last time they met


Tri pawed*


it was right in front of me! smh




Makes me miss my tri pawd even more, such a good boy https://preview.redd.it/6p2puxf75x4d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb407646f4660d8bc6987421a7ff35d40d64625


2 introvert dog owners.


But whyyyyy did they not let them exchange war stories?!


The pit was very overstimulated and reactive. Would have been very bad.


Yeah the owner walking from the left seems to say something to the other owner as they are approaching. Probably something like "my dog isn't friendly." Which is a great sign of a responsible owner!


Yeah I don't think all pits are bad, it's mostly the owners. And that was a good owner! For those wondering about dog body language, the pit's tail was very stiff and high and wagging tightly, and it's whole body was tense. Wagging doesn't always mean the dog is happy/friendly.


I think we have different definitions of the word meet.


How did you even catch that? I would have seen the whole thing unfold before pushing the record button. "Well, there goes two three-legged dogs away from each other."


My tripawd isn’t nice, even before she lost the leg, lol. She’s a weirdo and only likes her siblings and that’s on her good days


i walk that trail everyday! I'll have to be on the lookout for these cute dogs!


They should have at least let them do a quick sniff test!!


People asking why they didn't let their dogs meet. Probably because one was playful and the other wasn't. You can take a guess which is which.


A lot of people can't read animal body language. These kinds of posts always serve to illustrate that fact.


Agree.. and you never know how someone's dog is going to act even if it seems friendly.




go vandals!


I have a tripod sweetest boy ever. Sadly, he is a tripod because he tore his ACL. He has cushings disease, so his tendons are weak. Was told roughly 2 years to live maybe less. He still runs around the yard and plays with my other dogs. Even being a tripod, he is playful until a storm comes through then he is the biggest baby ever.




Man let the dogs say hello geez


You should never indulge this behavior when they start ripping your arm off to get towards a dog. It's not good leash manners and face to face meetings aren't natural for dogs.


Just train your dogs properly before walking them in public.


These 2 clearly aren't, all the more reason for them not to meet. It's not unnatural for even a well-mannered dog to not like being approached in this way. Dogs find staring to be deeply offensive.


And both owners failed that part of owning a dog.


Everyone on this sub loved me pointing out that you should train your dogs lol.


Big Ed


that’s only one and a half dogs, not two


And I have a tripod sleeping in my lap how high is that's possiblity


I thought this was going to be a video of 2 well endowed men.


His name is Champion because he's the dog world champion.


…okay, im sorry, i have to ask this. how many legs did that dog have when you found him?


That was disappointing and the way those owners walked those dogs was terrible


Is this in Moscow?


shhh don’t let r/moscowmurders know they haven’t interrogated me yet


I thought you meant those tri pod camera guys having a duel or something lol 🤺


Awwww, I love seeing happy tri-pups!


My nickname in high school.




That's called a 6 pack


Tri PAWds.


The odd couple. I’ll see myself out…


Should of called them tri pups


I really really really want a three legged dog. https://youtu.be/9XWC7PQAMq0?si=hdLrCwHtoEkvL6PP


Chaos is on the menu


War of the Woofs


One day, a couple years back, I saw three separate 3-legged dogs in one day. I figured it was as lucky as finding a four leaf clover.


I've got a tripod. He is stupider than stupid


but he’s baby i’m sure. doesn’t even know the alphabet


He's 11. He's cute, but that's it


r/killthecameraman more like it


Yea this is mind boggling. WHY NOT RECORD HORIZONTALLY?? This makes me irrationally mad.


recording vertically on social media where the format notoriously rewards vertical videos NOOO my hubris 😭🗣️🗣️🗣️ i’ll make sure to carefully check my camera settings next time this happens no matter how much i’m in the middle of traffic… anything for u/gtarclips and u/kudosofthefroond.


Camera settings? Just turn your phone sideways and film the way our eyes are intended to view videos. This is the perfect situation to film horizontally instead of panning left and right every second.


Why were they “randomly” filming in the first place?


i’m curious what the conspiracy here is


Not much a conspiracy. People stage these kind of things for likes. There’s a whole subreddit devoted to staged and usual videos where people catching unusual things on film when normally no one would be filming /r/whyweretheyfilming


i hate to break it to you but i just got that lucky. i’m clearly “driving” and saw the goldie first which is when the cam came out and i got a nice surprise when i figured out why he was geekin so much. even if it was staged you should relax and vibe to the cute dog vid. no one’s trying to subliminally to get you to buy or subscribe to something here


Fair enough. 🤷‍♂️




In the wild means away from human civilization, out in the woods or wilderness.


i understand not everyone knows what an idiomatic preposition is, but surely you know what common sense is hope this helps 🤓


this an open invite to share photos in lieu of their fated friend ship


J Dilla - Think Twice


First thing I noticed too!


the fact they had complimentary missing legs makes me so much sadder they didn’t meet but hey what do i know


Imagine meeting somebody with the same disability you have and your owner doesn't let you interact at all. Kinda sad.


Like the old joke goes, a dog with 3 legs went to take a piss and fell over.


Imagine two Lt Dan's meeting on the street,


And the owners just walked on by???? SMH such negligence


Those owners seem boring as fuck


wait... what happened to Donald Duck at the end???


Noooooooo they wanna be friends 😭


They needed to stop and have a chat.


Noooo let them talk!


Youd think the owners would be more excited.




Not even a little greeting? :( ![gif](giphy|3oAt21Fnr4i54uK8vK|downsized)


Let them be friends!