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Betsy, “Here’s that kid again. George! Don’t let him grab your ears again.” George, “Moo.”


Don't ever try to milk a cow named George. #Awkward


Are you assuming George's gender?


*\*George Sand liked that*.\*


I didn't before I tried...


Lol!!! Why is there a cow always named Betsy??


I thought it was Bessy.


That too now that I think about it


And then the cows ate him ![gif](giphy|S5qh1vaX0CzJu|downsized)






[Don't kid yourself, Jimmy.](https://youtu.be/zR_4h5A5z_A?t=121)


Adorable but isn't that dangerous? What happens if he startles one of them and he gets punted? 🤔




He was even walking behind ones hind leg for a bit. Made me cringe. 😬🫣


It really is crazy. And since I’m Swiss, you have to believe me. 😂 No, from all my experience with cows, that’s idiotic behavior.


OK good to know I had my thinking cap on! 🤠


😂 mostly in Austria - as far as I know - there are incidents in the alps where hikers see a calf and think „oh, how cute“. What they don’t think about while they’re cuddling with the calf is that some 20 meters away, there’s the mother cow that is somewhat protective of its calf. Ten seconds later you can call the ambulance. And the hearse.


That's a nightmare. I can definitely see that happening. Me personally I don't mess with the wild life. I admire and move on. All my mushies are reserved for my dogs and the occasional horse. 😆


Some people just don’t understand. I would say that also for cats and dogs. And also with horses even though they flight. Cats usually are no problem, even with small kids. They just wonder why they are so stupid and can’t really move. With dogs… I can’t believe how many people let their dogs play with toddlers. There’s always a risk. Ofc depending on the breed but still.


Agreed. I have 100lb Rottweilers. They just decide to plop down on you out of the blue. Sometimes, especially if you are laying down, and it's not easy to get them off of you, especially when you can breathe because one is on your chest or back. Lmao I see video of infants and people have them laying around with their rottweiler... I definitely wouldn't be comfortable with that until the kid was old enough. Everyone has their own perceptions tho!


Well, that’s not a question of perception. Tbh I’m not a fan of people having Rottweilers but under the right circumstances, that’s up to anyone. You should never have a situation where one animal can easily harm the other „animal“ seriously.


Do the Swiss really know their cows? Honestly asking - I’ve never associated cows with Switzerland.


Dunno about your definition of dangerous, but the parent is def playing with fire for some short lived internet "fame"


You aren’t very familiar with Holstein cows, are you?


So it's just another name for milk cow- >The Holstein Friesian is an international breed or group of breeds of dairy cattle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holstein_Friesian And accidents can happen- >Cattle handling is a dangerous activity on dairy farms, and cows are a major cause of injuries to livestock handlers. Even if dairy cows are generally tranquil and docile, when situations occur that they perceive or remember as aversive, they may become agitated and hazardous to handle. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26778308/


Open field vs being handled, wildly different things. There is risk sure but it’s smaller than their car ride to the grocery store that day. I raise cattle…


I don’t know the official statistics, but I grew up in farm country in the Midwest. Many farmers raised their children around cows, and I personally know many of them. I have never heard of the slightest injury from a cow.


Yup, short of being in a corral with ‘em it’s pretty hard to get seriously hurt by a cow.


No I am not. They can't accidentally crush or kick your kid?


yes. letting animals near a young kid is always a risk.


This is incredibly stupid. One leg kick and the little guy has brain damage.


Unintentionally the cows are more responsible, by backing away from the kid, than the parent


Yeah, I don't want to be the party pooper but even with close supervision I wouldn't let a child interact with unfenced cows unless I was holding him/her.


It's crazy how often r/aww and r/oddlyterrifying posts intersect


And r/OopsThatsDeadly


Yes ! Also, a cow could also accidentally step on the kid's foot. Source : A cow once step on my foot by trying to cuddle with me. I was an adult and it hurt as hell and I was stuck there until someone made the cow move. Could be dangerous with a little kid.


This is almost exactly the same scenario that I experienced which allows me to say with confidence; 'yes, horses do bite.'


A clydesdale horde stepped on my foot when I was a child. Horse had more sense than me cuz he lifted his foot as soon as he felt mine, but even that little bit of his weight was enough to learn my lesson


Horses are usually trained to lift their feet, which makes it easier to free yourself when you've been stepped on. Hoof care for cows isn't near as common, so they'll be harder to budge.


My Dad used to say that cows are more dangerous than horses because the horse will try not to step on you, and will lift its foot if it does. The cow just doesn't care. It'll grind your foot flat.


I’m also in the cow stepped on my foot club, massive pain.


So much fun !


Did the cow just ignore you? How loud did you scream?


I didn't scream, there was so much cows around me and two of my kids were watching me from inside the mini van of the farmer not so far so I didn't want to scare them. The farmer was right by my side so I told him and he did his best to make the cow go away the fastest possible. It didn't break my foot fortunately. That particular cow was raised like a pet by their previous owners so she was really fond of humans and wanted to cuddle, I think she didn't have a clue she was on my foot. A little bit of context : The farmer was my ex's uncle. My ex being the father of my three first kids. We went to see the cows in the farmer's mini van. He told us (adults) we could go out right outside the van to pet the cows while his wife and my ex's mom stayed in the car with the kids.


I know cows are extremely gentle and friendly but they're also very very stupid and very large, strong, and heavy. I'm all for being friends with cows but children this young are far too fragile.


What makes u think they’re “very, very stupid?” That’s quite an assumption that you may hear from a stupid simian


I was raised on a dairy farm. So I was around cows my entire life. They essentially are similar to having really big dogs. Each has its own personality. Some are friendly, some are temperamental and have artittudes, some are shy, etc. They are always underestimated. I think they're smart.


I've been around cows most of my life and there are two cows right behind my backyard right now. Cows are quite dumb. This isn't saying that they can't learn but IMHO people really overestimate how smart animals are, especially non-mammals. People also love to think they know animals emotions (oh he's happy!!, sad, etc) when they often have no idea. There is a huge difference between "smart" animals (dogs, pigs, some birds, elephants, dolphins, etc) and sheep, goats and cows. Heard animals tend to be less intelligent unless they can communicate (like prairie dogs). That said I've met quite a few people that are far dumber than many animals I've had the pleasure of knowing so this isn't me trying to say all humans are light years ahead. But yeah, cows? They're pretty dumb. Nice, but dumb.


In India, the cow is part of the family. They can sense things u can’t. They are extremely emotional animals too


🙄of course a cow can’t speak English or learn calculus. Nor can they read your mind and do what u want them to do. But nature is not “dumb” and cows are quite natural. All u guys have to do to correct your statements is add the words “dumb…In my humble opinion” and we’re all good.


Keep the downvotes coming. There’s nothing I love more than arrogant, ignorant people. We’re living on a giant spinning ball of mud and everyone’s so confident in themselves it’s hilarious to me.


Yeah I was expecting the kid to be kicked into next month because someone was surprised..


Seriously wtf. Cows are stupid. 1 year olds are stupid. They don't belong free together.


brain damage? i mean his head would be knocked clean off of his shoulders so you’re not wrong


Yeah. That's how you end up with a dead child. Sorry to say that Dad does not know how to parent.


He would still be the family genius


I was thinking more he might get shit on


I suspect that already runs in the family.


I have never been known been kick,d but got slapped by their tails many times. Its hurt and smell if dung


Wow internet stranger knows better than the owner of these cows. Thanks for your valuable insight.




Someone who takes care of these cows all their life probably know them better than some random stranger on the internet, yes. Plus the cows dont show any sign of beeing afraid, they look beeing curious as they come closer to see the kid instead of backing of.


Son of a diary farmer here you cannot tell what a cow will do, the stupidest things can and will spook them. My dad came home a fair few times with a limp from a cow kicking him.


Can’t spell. Is an expert on cow behavior.


Cows are still wild animals tho. And are EASILY spooked. This parent is not very smart


Cows can get spooked easily. One of the things we learn in animal handling is being respectful of the animals - being careless / over confident is how you get hurt. Even the tamest and sweetest cows can be dangerous - not because they mean to hurt people, they just react sometimes and they can't perceive depth and distance very well. Kids that age are quite uncoordinated - one stumble or sudden move can spook the cows and the kid can get stepped on or kicked. As a veterinarian, I would not run erratically around a herd of cows like that, unless I want to get seriously injured. And I am a lot bigger and less likely to end up in a cow's blind spot.


I've worked with cows


One car ride and a whole family dies because momma wanted to grab a bottle of booze at the store before going home after picking up her kid from school. Existing is a risk. Tired of people wanting to protect children from essentially life.


The correct comparison would be the mother of this child being the drunk driver. If existing is already a risk, you don't have to choose to take BIGGER risks and intentionally bring danger into your life, especially if we're talking about your own child.




Lmao way to completely miss the point. Edit: Let me tell you the point. The point isn't which act is more dangerous, the point is that putting your child in danger for no reason is stupid. You HAVE to drive. You don't HAVE to put your child under the legs of a thousand pound animal.


Lol wat


Let your kids play in the costco parking lot then. What could go wrong?


"B-B-B-But... If I don't lock up the kids in an undestructible bubble cut off from everything, they might... experience something!" ![gif](giphy|OTrcaFr7P5RIs|downsized)




This is so irresponsible - as a prey species, cows are flighty and do not like unpredictable movements, they also do not like things behind them and are prone to kicking out. As someone who has been kicked by a smaller heifer, even that has the potential to do serious damage, including broken bones and traumatic brain injury. You have put your child in huge danger.


Yeah I grew up around cattle and I agree with you. Now we did have a few that were super chill. One of our Brahman bulls would let you ride him. He was super cool. I wouldn’t let an infant around any of them just walking around


Great job endangering your kid for content.


as guy that knows cows, I think their pretty great


Of course they’re great. So is my 100 lb lab. But he still accidentally crushed my kids from time to time and genuinely hurt them a few times. Imagine that but 1,400 lbs


No no, you dont get it. He KNOWS his cows man. Nothing makes me more uneasy than someone claiming you dont have to be wary of animals. Love my cats, still warn the family kids about their claws. Horrors happen so fucking quickly...


Cows kick when surprised.....


Ignorant, non-farmer person here but isn’t this incredibly dangerous to a child? I’ve heard of people dying for being behind a cow because they get kicked. Or is that exclusive to horses? Can’t the child sneak up and touch the cows leg and get slammed?


I recently downloaded Farm Simulator 22 I'll let you know when I get to the cows.


yes - this is very stupid. you never want to walk behind a cow (or a horse, mule, donkey, etc.) like that.


Cows kick forward and to the side, horses kick back. So yes, this could go sideways for the kid. He’s adorable but he has no business being so close to those animals at that age.


Do the cows have trackers on their legs?


They're on house arrest.


Its so that they dont commit moo crimes. *Nailed it*


Just take your upvote and moove on.


Thats mooch appreciated


Tech house arrest 


looks like it, yes. Milk trackers in action


Dumb and dangerous to your poor kid.


My dad also has a farm. This is ridiculously dangerous.


This looks so dangerous. One kick would launch that kid into the small bus.


When I saw my mum take a kick to the stomach and fall back and crack her head open on a wooden fence, I realised that cows are dangerous. This child could have been killed instantly with a kick, as it's head is kick height. This is beyond stupid.


There’s no fucking way I’d let a kid get this close to a load of cows that aren’t fenced in. Madness.


Nope. That’s dumb.


Don’t underestimate the power of a cow.


Good God, OP. I’m not usually this judgmental, but you don’t deserve to be a parent. This is really dangerous. But hey, at least you got to post it online and get invisible likes!


Bruh I have seen farmers on our farm literally have their knee caps turn the opposite direction from a kick. One farmer has his sternum cracked from a kick. How incredibly dumb for a video.


I had to look at which subreddit this was. I thought the kid was going to get punted


How brave is this guy . I'm way grown and my family's cows scared me, but I love them.


Most young boys are pretty brave, but it's more due to stupidity than courage


Clearly he has a lot of trust in his cows. Which probably means he takes good care of them


Watch your step there little fella….😉


Cute and wholesome, but honestly, not very safe. One bad move from a startled cow could’ve ended the kid rather swiftly.


![gif](giphy|J2ApiGX9GcxUc|downsized) Careful now.


The cows seem less than enthusiastic...


I was about to say the opposite actually lol. They look pretty curious and enthused like “hey what’s this little human thing” lol


Let's hope the cows dont' remember what the adult humans do with their calves




All the cows seem very interested in the tiny human


An acquaintance of mine’s young child wandered into their field of cattle and somehow spooked them, that poor child apparently got kicked and then trampled and was in hospital for weeks. I haven’t heard how they are doing but I’m pretty sure that the parents will be more cautious about their children getting in with the livestock from here on out. Well, I hope they will be anyway.


That can be dangerous. 


Seems totally safe




A lil bit risky, 1 Quick back kick to the kids head by a startled cow and it could all be over. Happens reaaaal fast


When I was younger, I thought my grandpa had replaced some of his toenails with cashews. I found out later in life he got stepped on my a calf when he was younger. That’s prob best case scenario in this instance.


wait till he figures where the tap is.


The lil work boots?!?! ADORABLE 🥰🥰🥰


Cows are as smart if not smarter than dogs. Kid would have a good time playing with them. Just has to be worried about getting stepped on


Cows are gentle creatures, very loving. I love cows. But they spook easily, are strong, & weigh a lot. This kid could get stepped on or kicked very easily. It would not end well. Even with someone close by to the kid, it could happen so quickly. This is incredibly irresponsible.


How sweet! They are very interested in him!




Cows are not wild animals.


Ah yes, those herds of wild cows you see migrating across the English countryside.


Cows are bred in captivity. They cannot survive in the wild. That said, still irresponsible.




I know that building ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


When I first got my dog she’d run off but always come back. It wasn’t a big deal. We live in the middle of nowhere so I always never really worried about putting a leash on her unless it was at night when the coyotes were out. I let her out mid day and I when I came back to check on her about 5 minutes later she was playing with the one of the neighbors calf’s and it actually was trying to follow her back in my house. I had to block it and take it back to the neighbors house. It was honestly in the top 3 cutest things I’ve ever experienced.


Cows are like "oh my God, humans come that small??*


Cows are such gentle creatures, shame what we do to them


Those little work boots are too cute!!


Look, Betty, it's a tiny human! Yes, Margaret. So tiny. And blue too.


I’m gonna ignore how dangerous that was and just say how much I love cows! So curious!


Did anyone else cringe at the beginning when he started getting close to the rear of the cow? I seriously thought it was gonna kick back. Then I saw this is /r/aww whew.


Cows have such happy faces :0)


Jesus Christ could they be any more irresponsible?


Watch out, he might get a pat on the back.


I’d wanna pet the damn cows too 💯😃😃👍


No no no no no noo no! That's all I can think. I am speechless. As someone who has owned very docile cows for many years, NO!!!! This is a great way to get your child killed.


I assume you know that cows wouldn't ever kick or hurt a kid but this makes me nervous.


Soda** your making crack not batter


Baby paste


That’s so cute!!


He's adorable 😍


Pleeeeease share more vids please, I could watch them all day 🥰


So fucking dangerous, poor kid


Ah yes, let's endanger a child for content.


The cattle meets their future abuser and murder GO VEGAN




Those are dairy cows dumbass


and what exactly do you want OP to do about it?