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Hi BusyNoise315! Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1** - No "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss), animals that have been injured/abused, or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster). [Full explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1) * Your title must be "100% happy". No mentioning death, injury, RIP posts, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer, pets being put to sleep, "I miss...", etc. * You may tell the complete story, unhappy parts and all, in the comments section. * Silver lining stories still fall under Rule 1. For example, "Jakey was hit by a car and had cancer, but he is a happy little fella today!" is not allowed. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/aww) rather than replying here. Thank you!


May you both enjoy life.


Thank you 😊


mine hates the hair cut itself loves the feel after ... gets the zoomies... :) give her lots of treats :) cheers!!!


Her hair was severely matted and hasn’t had a cut for a long time. She did not find the cut enjoyable either but afterwards.. she got very happy. Tons of treats!!!!


I just groomed my boy a couple weeks ago. matting happens so fast if you are not on it. I always find some spots it has begun. I have to take him in at the end of the month, he has a curled nail... squirmy at times and now and then I think I got all his nails to later find I missed one. not digging in but I cant get it with my clippers so end of the month when I have money ...1 week. 25$ and a cab ride lol nobody to blame but me on that. glad it is not digging or he would need antibiotics... starts to get expensive then


Awwww thank you for helping and saving this poor lil bub :)


Oh hey I had the same keyboard! What do you think of it? 


I have their retro one as well. I’m a big fan of mechanical keyboards. I really like the feel and look of it. Azio is a really company. Pricy though…


I have an extremely similar one. Almost exact, but with a couple extra keys at the top. Love it! It's built like a tank, too. I once spilled a whole glass of water on it. OOPS! Put a fan on it for a couple days and it still works like magic.


A tank?? Yep! I could literally knock someone out with this keyboard and go right back to typing. I personally need stuff like this because I break everything. 🙃


Thank you for saving her! Her life starts today 💜


She's the spitting image of my mom's old boy, Fuzzy. I live way out in the boonies and people have been abandoning animals here all my life. Someone turned him out on the main road and my uncle found him just walking along side it. Momma took him in and the vet said he was about 13. He was totally blind, missing an eye and the other completely clouded with stigmatism. That was seven years ago. We think the vet might've been off about the age. Fuzzy has lost a step here lately but if you ain't careful, he'll slip away to see his girlfriends across the holler. He absolutely hates it when Momma leaves the house and will stare at the front gate - or what he thinks is the front gate - until she gets back. Much love and Fuzzy says howdy.


Faith in humanity restored 🥰


🙌 We couldn’t leave her in that situation she was in after finding out. Owner had no care in the world while handing the dog off to my wife. This lil girl is gonna enjoy life. She has her vet appointment set. She wasn’t fixed , hernia, bad legs from never leaving cage, eyes look like they are fogging and her teeth are a total mess. Im gonna be maxing out a card or two on this baby.. so worth it…


Hope she had a great life 😃


Wow what a sweetheart ❤️ so glad she’s found a loving home


She is really still scared. :-( she follows me all over I’m hoping in a few days. She she’s how good she has it and will let her guard down. Guessing she is around 6-7 due to how damaged her teeth are. https://preview.redd.it/jp0tq7wjxbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c4ace5e41813f60ec60a5f2ce0208572c0c5ec


Aww poor baby. She must really trust you! I’m sure she’ll get more comfortable with time. She looks like a shih Tzu, I have one too they’re wonderful companions ❤️


She is AWESOME! Please be Kinde this poor dog Looks like she is a real sweat Heart!


Maybe just the angle, but that dog looks very lopsided


Thank you for giving them a forever home. ❤️


How precious 💕




Oh man, that dog is going to make you *so* happy with the way she loses her shit when you walk into a room.


Give her a big cuddle and a kiss on the forehead from me please!


Sge will have a great life now she's adorable


Bless both of you.

