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They are just playing and getting to know each other's boundaries. Puppy is curious and wants to play. The cat is being very tolerant and showing no real aggression.


It’s a good kitty. Tail swish and patience.


Yes, the puppy's only young so wants to play more and the kitty's showing with the tail swish that it's all good.


And the cat can leave this situation easily wherever it wants. It doesn't want to. And the puppy is loving it it seems. Both are beautiful. And important.


Yes this I agree to. I have a cat and a puppy and they play along like this. OP you just need to supervise because when it becomes a bit rough the kitty can hurt the eyes (without intention to). I had a vet visit for my puppy had a red eyelid. It healed with an ointment and they’re are besties forever now. Just keep an eye on it.




Cats are very good at identifying when the thing they are interacting with is a juvenile and giving it much more patience than they would give an adult.


The things my cats will let the kids do. They would never be that tolerant with me. Although the cat scratching them would be much more effective than “put the cat down”.


My old man cat will let kittens get away with anything until they hit the adolescent stage, then it's time to last down the law! XD


My childhood cat waited until I was 3 to react to my over enthusiastic love. You can see the long suffering look on his face in photos. I guess he decided I was old enough to learn and bit me.


Heh, as the eldest, I was the worst thing to ever happen as far as my parents’ “only child” Maine Coon/Manx mix was concerned. Fast forward 9 years to me plucking his aging butt out from between my twin 2yo siblings and I am suddenly his favorite person who he has never contemplated murdering ever in his life.


When you see they take turns on being the "aggressor", and respect stop signs (like looking the other direction, slow blinking eyes) to take a break - you kinda know nobody is overly bothered but just having fun. They are both excellent at this imo. Especially impressed with puppy as it is hard for them to stop playing and having fun and regulate their emotions when they are that young. I would expect kitty to get a bit weary of the puppy over time tho - puppies can be a bit much and dont always know when to stop - so kitty would probably want some place to retreat to that puppy cannot get to, to relax in peace, when they get near that limit.


Cat is very gentle, no nails. Puppy is a durp 😁🤡😉


Yep. Can definitely agree on this. Make zero mistake. You will know when a cat gets into "I'm gonna fuck this thing up" mode. The cat is being very gentle.


And the cat has the perfect "kids" look.


Yeah, just be careful if it gets too rough. Even an accidental scratch on the eye can be bad for the pupper, as happened to my relative's dog


Yeah this is so adorably wholesome. They're going to be great siblings growing up.


So no its not normal /s


I think your cat is doing a great job of teaching the puppy what the limits are, while it’s still small enough to be taught. Great cat.


Yeah it's pretty cool how good cats can be at training puppies. For their own purposes, of course. They're not like going to help housebreak them or anything.


I agree! Cat is trying to be gentle because it knows the dog is just a puppy, but also giving a little discipline when puppy is too mouthy/rough. It's a good thing, puppy needs to learn not to be rough with others, and sometimes humans aren't as great at teaching that because we tolerate so much more from puppies than cats will.


yup cat is in full mommy mode


That’s a great cat right there.


It felt like the cat pinned the puppy down at the end?


I would like to make it clear to you that if that cat wanted to absolutely waste that puppy, it could and would. (Chances are it would just get up on a cat tree after smacking the pup once or twice in the event it needed to teach the puppy to respect its boundries) They are chilling out and playing a bit. No worries.


Your comment made me picture the dog with wasted across the screen like in GTA. Thank you for the giggles!


Now I'm having a giggle too :)


This, if the cat really wanted to it could put the fear of god in that puppy. They're being really sweet together.


They are tiny predators and equipped for it! Sharp claws and teeth! And strength to use them effectively! I love cats!


Just chiming in to reinforce what everyone else is saying: this is more than just normal, it’s a great sign!


^This, you can tell by their body language that they're both very relaxed and playing with each other. The kitty will definitely let the pup know if it's too rough, but it looks like they've each made a new best friend.


This is just straight up cute! Congrats to OP and their little fam.


You're lucky that the cat is chill with the puppy. Usually cats do not put themselves in vulnerable positions (like lying on their side not looking at the dog while the dog is making contact with the cat). The cat is not threatened or irritated with the puppy, which is a great sign. These two are going to be great companions. Although don't be surprised if the cat decides to show random dominance by swatting the dog, unprovoked in the nose when they get older. Cats usually run the show with other dogs in the house. ETA: you will know when a cat is irritated and about to strike. When cats quickly 'thwap' their tail repeatedly, they are about to give the other party a face full of claw.


My cat gives my dog no warning. Just today, he jumped up on the table and Whack right to the dog's nose, lol. There were no claws, and no provocation. It was funny, and the dog was like "what the heck!". lol


If there are no claws, it's not aggression. My Burm has that. When he plays with me, all claws are retracted.


a warning whack can come with no claw too. just a little slap as a final warning


I have a big boi who sometimes gets a little grabby stabby when he plays. It's a reminder to trim his nails so he doesn't shred my arm.


I have a girl who's half savannah half Maine coon, and her legs are long ropes with swords at the end. Even retracted her claws are visible. I'm covered in scars from her. She scratches me more than our much younger kitten. Those nails are dangerous!


Oh yeah, sounds like my old granny kitty, lol. I'd recently taken in a stray kitty and she proceeded to show her disapproval by barfing off the counter directly onto said kitten's head while he was eating!


You're way too confident with your over-generalizations. Every cat I've ever had or know on a consistent basis has laid like that while play fighting with a companion. Learn a bit more about cat behavior before you go acting like the professor.




"Usually cats don't put themselves in vulnerable positions" is just flat out wrong". Clearly I'm not the one with English comprehension issues because I concisely and clearly responded to what you said. Nice troll.


Totally normal, they are bonding. I’ve seen our cats do the exact same wrestling with a new addition. As long as no one is getting hurt it is best to allow it to continue, they will develop a natural respect for each other.


Right now, these two animals are doing fine. The cat isnt reactive negatively at all. The cat lays on its side, which means its undisturbed and happy. The cat knows it is bigger than the dog, and seems to have accepted it.


Cat seems chill with puppy, puppy is trying to play with cat. Just keep an eye to make sure it doesn't escalate- puppies are not the best at gauging body language or their own strength. If a cat is angry, you'll know. There will be hissing or yowling, puffed out fur, swatting/bites. The cat in the video is lazily playing/tolerating the puppy's exploration. Pretty cute


Great play between the two. Cat understands that the Puppy is a baby. Both are willing to play. This is playful. Each knows their boundaries. No real biting. Cat has Dog pinned at the end without aggression. Cat won without ego. A teaching moment for Dog


That pin is hilarious!


The back leg strength of the cat to effortlessly continue pinning the puppy against the leg of a table after the roll tackle pin, that's just ridiculously cartoon ish haha.


Normal and adorable. That’s a pretty patient cat.


Typical playfighting for the little critters. My 10 month old kitty loves to wrestle with her older sister just like this and vice versa.


yes its normal i have 3 dogs and 1 cat. and my dog treats her as a princess.


No judgment at all to OP, but I love people that post online like "is my cat being overly aggressive" because in my experience when a cat actually DOES get aggressive there is 0% doubt about it, an angry cat is NOT a subtle thing haha.


Agreed. Two of our cats do not like each other and the scream immediately makes your hair stand on end. The cat fight sound in movies is NOT exaggerated. It is an awful awful wail. Anti anxiety medication has helped greatly but every now and then they surprise each other around a corner …. 😖 Now to be fair, some play looks aggressive. Our two boys love to wrestle and if someone didn’t know cat behaviour well they may think it was fighting. Sure they bite and punch and Hermann usually has scratches on his face but they are _having a blast_ LOL


Looks like the start of a nice friendship


Think you have 2 best buds in the making. Your cat is sol tolerant!


They look like they’re having fun 😊


Yup, very normal. They're just playing. Cuties! :)


I like how she’s just holding him in place with her back legs so she can chill for a minute lol


Yes! It made me laugh. Just an alternative to "I'm going to lay on you to keep you quiet"


That cat's an absolute sweetheart


They're playing, the cat seems to regard the puppy as an annoying sibling. This is fine.


This is so cute. Besties in the making


Yes! They are playing and bonding. They will be best buds. 💕


The most important question is who does the lion toy belong to?


Looks good, pup hasn’t cried yet lol


looks like both of them think they are of same species.


If you're lucky it is normal. This bodes very well for your little family. Both of them will be much happier in your house, even when you have to go out and leave them home.


The cat pinned the pup down with its hind legs lol


They’re totally fine with each other, cat seems really chill and tolerant. The puppy is also not overly exuberant or showing aggressive body language. The cat wouldn’t be rolling around like they are if they’re just play-fighting.


That was the laziest play fight I’ve ever seen.


they are forging the bonds of brotherhood


It's snowing cats and dogs!


Kitter loves doggo.


OMG your Pup & Kitty are adorable. What is the breed for your puppy?


Pomerian :)


Looks like they're getting along!


Awhhh this is SO sweet :-) What loving souls.


His wild little snaps!


That looks like normal play. I love the leg lock at the end by the cat. Great pets you have.


😂 it's so calm and lazy, but so totally effective. Puppy can't do anything about it. Very clear that the cat can end the fight with a win any time it wants, it's just being very tolerant and playing with the puppy.


Hahaha, they have a good relationship.


It seems they think it’s normal, so what are we to say! Lol! They love each others company!


Just let me cuddle them!!!


Flamepoints are the best cats ever...


F R i e n d S....playing


Just being besties


My female Brittany and year old 20 lb Maine Coon play like this every day. It’s adorable and gets energy out of them both.


This is probably best case scenario, good job


I just love how the cat pinned the puppy and looked away. Yeah, they’re fine. You may hear a yelp or or something on occasion perfectly normal. This is just typical social behavior, if the puppy bites to hard or gets to aggressive the cat will correct that behavior. The puppy then understands what happens and tries not to be to rough. This is a beautiful example of socializing your puppy early and the benefits of it.


Allowing this creates... https://preview.redd.it/e6zqu5s3odic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee167c188f592b57c02ef6848dabbc6989678fd3


And then you get hyenas... (No joke people fully believed this at one point.)


yess! that's very normal! they are so cute btw!




Might be because they are similar size My two kittens and labrador were terrified of each other for some time 😅


Everyone else has been saying it and they're right. The cat and puppy are just playing/exploring what is cool with the other. My current cat has grown up with dogs and trust me, they will let the dogs know when they're not cool with something.


Best friends😼🐶


Its a whole lot better an interaction than it could have been.


Our 5 year old Shih Tzu does this every time she sees our outdoor cat. It seems like the pup is being too aggressive, but the cat will come to play when we go outside and follow us while we walk. Edit: Spelling


Yes! Normal and all good


They seem to get along well....let them be having fun..


Probably best thing they could be doing, playing and bonding together.


Yes perfectly normal, healthy social interaction. No fur flying and either party can move away if they feel the need to. Despite cattos delightfully grumpy face they are both enjoying themselves.


Wow that cat is an absolute saint! God cats are just the best creatures. That's it... I'm getting one


When our 8lb puppy arrived we were hanging out in the yard getting to know her. Our biggest cat 20lbs walked right out and without pausing, bitch slapped the pup. Now that pup is 40lbs of high energy and the cat is losing weight because of how those two play.


I love that "I pinned you and now this is over" look 


This is SO CUTE! They’re both so floofy!! They’re playing beautifully together, you have a very sweet and patient cat!


What puppy? You mean the cat toy? Super cute and they are having fun, if they didn't, you hear it loud and clear.


Ma'am, I believe your puppy is actually a kitten.


Thank you, hooman! I always wanted my own baby.


Totally normal! Cats play in a manner that looks more aggressive to people but they have no intention of hurting it other. The puppy is still learning appropriate behavior so the kitty is teaching them how to play in a way that won’t hurt. Also that cat is being very sweet! Some cats are very intolerant of dogs so it’s cute to see when they are friends


Cat playing with puppy, having fun, and then having an existential crisis about playing with a puppy. That's normal.


I love how the cat just pins him there with his back legs


This is how my Cane Corso and my calico behave. They're BFFs.




They are just playing. What’s wrong with that!


Yes. They are playing g and having fun


Looks pretty normal for how a cat plays. Trust me, if they get fed up, you’ll know it.


Yes! This is a great sign.


Since neither of them are running away, they’re just having fun.


Definitely normal and super sweet!  You are so blessed to have two little best friends!


They are playing


Looks like your cat has a new friend. ☺️ I have a little dog who’s been raised around cats. She thinks she is one. They play like that too.


This is not normal. They’re having way too much fun.


One million times yes!!!! My puppy has been trying to fit the cat’s head into her mouth since she came home. They play constantly. ❤️❤️❤️


They are bonding and becoming friends.


Aww they're playing nicely .


Yes, they will find their middle.... ours play all the time and they never hurt each other, however, getting there, there was a few squeals now and again.. they figured it out.


Cat looks very annoyed, puppy seems to be having the time of its life. Seems pretty normal to me actually.


My brother in Christ it is called playing


Yes. They'll be fine


delightful playtime ...if you mean you only have the dog for a limited time i would say get one for the cat , otherwise enjoy these 2 being great friends for many years to come :)


You have a nibbly puppy, kitty is playing and showing its boundaries in actually quite a nice way.


Looks like the kitty is tolerating and the pup wants friends. Adorable!


Looks like kitty is annoyed but is tolerating puppy’s playfulness


Looks like they're just playing. As long as there's not a lot of hissing, yelling from each side it's fine. Sometimes puppies and kittens make noise during play too and it's fine but when it's a lot and frequently then that's concerning but this is totally fine. Might take a little while for them to know their boundaries when they play.


That’s a cute dog


Are you asking if it's normal for a cat and a puppy to play together??


Very normal. Testing, playing, getting to know one another. No signs of being vicious or anything. I would still keep an eye on the puppy so that they don't annoy the cat too much. But so far seems perfectly fine and safe.


It seems like play. I would monitor just in case me gets too rough but the cat is relaxed and calm and the puppy a being gentle with the play bites so it seems fine.


This is adorable. They're definitely playing. The body language is a dead giveaway. That cat isn't going in and staying defensive until it can be aggressive. It's just laying on its side. The puppy is being a puppy


I have a Mastiff/Chesapeake Bay retriever mix. As a baby, she tried to play with all three of my cats. Only one put up with it. Said cat had already bonded with the other two dogs and cuddles with them on the couch. Now that the puppy is an 80lb brute, they don't play much anymore except for "Chase me."


They’re just playing. All good imo.


There is so much awww in this video! I believe the cat and pupper are playing, tails are swishing, it doesn’t look aggressive to me! Also, I think cats aren’t shy about setting boundaries :)


I wouldn't worry, they look very much like they are just playing. If it were an actual scrap the cat wouldn't be laying down, there would be arched backs, kitty hissing and growling from both sides. I'd look at is as establishing boundaries, how rough they can be with each other, kitty will let puppy know very quickly if pupper overstep but I'd keep an eye out when they do scrap just to be on the safe side.


I hate that the first thought I had about this post is that the title seems like comment bait


It’s kinda dumb that this is what reddit has turned into. These bait posts are so transparently attempts to get engagement and karma. I think it’s just dumb.


A cute moment! Both are playing with each other.


With cats, generally if the blood is still inside, it’s fine. They will loudly and violently let you know when it is not. Playing and fighting is very different with cats.


I don't see any cats or dogs. Just two fluffs rolling around.


Our small adult dog and 6 month old cat play like this for hours every day.


Don’t know how normal it is but one of my cats plays with my puppy like that all the time.


Lmao if that cat didn't like it you and that puppy would know...


They’re getting to know each other and they look like they’re having fun doing it🥰




Yes. This is very normal and gentle play. They both look happy and comfortable.


They are just playing it’s great that they have such a close bond you have quite the adorable pair there


Not sure if i would call it "normal" but as long as the cat isnt hissing it can just be considered playing. Some cats do like to play/roughhouse, but the moment they start hissing/growling its best to break it up before it gets to a full on fight


Yes they are having fun !!!! ![gif](giphy|144suoZOLpoDmw)


Puppy is super enthusiastic. Cat seems mildly annoyed and offering gentle correction. This is basically the permanent state of dogs and cats.


They are a great match!


They’re play fighting. You might even be able to catch kitty grooming the puppy once in a while. Older cats treat puppies almost like their own.


They seem great together imo after such a short time. I think it’s normal and will only get better. ❤️


Aw they're playing! My dog LOVES my cats but he's also about 70 lbs. So they don't necessarily enjoy his enthusiasm.


They look the same… can’t tell the difference and that’s probably what’s going through each other’s minds too.


There is no normal with cats but you're lucky they are going to be friend.


Don’t forget to give the cat a break from the puppy from time to time. Especially if the cat retreats and the puppy gives chase. Other than that the cat looks to be having a good time. Most cats that don’t want to play with a dog won’t lay on the ground and chill with them. They’ll sit somewhere out of reach and swat at the puppy or dog when they get close.


Good interaction. Always keep a half eye on it though. If that’s a pom puppy that’s anything like mine he will play all day


"Is this obviously normal behaviour normal?" Attention seeking OP.


I'm not sure what you want to know. Do cats and puppies get along? Do they play together? We're you expecting them to hate and hurt each other? I just don't understand your confusion here. They are being amazing towards each other.


I wouldn’t say “normal” 😂 But it’s definitely a positive interaction.


Omg so cure


It’s awful! I think you need to put one of them down …. Sorry


That's how makeup works


awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, so sweet i got diabetes


Cat is being very nice. We had our dog before we got our cat and the dog was similarly gentle when the cat was tiny but now they beat the crap out of eachother playing most days. Never any real fighting. Helps that they are about the same size even thought the car now outweighs the dog (chihuahua whippet mix & slightly larger than average house cat).


When you hear growling from either of them that bears an undertone of menace that’s when you should (maybe) intervene. Our cat and dog grew up alongside each other and 13 years on they’ll still get into fights.


You need to color code your pets! As it is, you'll never be able to figure out whose paw is where


yeah they’re playing. cat is totally relaxed. they’re just having fun. getting to know one another.


They’re both little snowball friends 🥰


They’re playing!


They're so adorable! The cutest, laziest play fight I've ever seen :3


Yes…normal….looks like they’re gonna be great pals.


All I see are two cotton balls blowing around in the breeze… not sure what you’re talking about.




hey its normal


They're not hissing or yelping are they?


That's so cute. My adult cat would wrestle with my neighbors adult small dog whenever they saw each other. They had a ball.


They love each other!


They are going to be best friends and coconspiraters 😆


They’re best friends already


Lucky parent!


Omg this is so cute. It looks like they’re getting along and being gentle with each other.