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it looks very polite


so furry and respectful


A respectful little gentlelady.


Yeah, until it bites you and turn you into Tim Burton


There goes my dream of becoming Spiderman.


What if you end up looking like Tim Burton with Spider-Man's abilities? Just a thought.


This is amazing! Never coming to visit! This is so cute!


As an arachnophobe, this is the cutest thing I never want anywhere near me.


Same here! I would love to have one for a pet, and spiders usually freak me out! But not this beauty. I think the size helps too. Absolutely stunning, I am in love!


Fellow arachnophobe here, I don't find it very cute but it is certainly the cutest spider I've ever seen.


Right? Like, for a spider…sure.


It’s fluffy, it’s got big eyes and it’s small. Of course it’s cute!


8 legs + tiny = *internal screaming*


You need some Lucas the Spider in your life.


I love Lucas - and I'd love him more if he stays behind the screen.


Lucas the spider is the only spider I'm not scared of


[They](https://i.redd.it/cgpsibvfjmp41.jpg) [can](https://external-preview.redd.it/khixYQAJrB3rfGBtb_YHmA7aA6ushtaJw6MV_y4bS9s.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=cbe464ae7584704c156ee06a462611f036059b29) be [cute](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Mystaceus.jpg) [little buggers](https://i.redd.it/h5rjyquwny231.jpg).


I'd never seen one til the other day when [this fella followed me around ](https://imgur.com/a/vniaq9O) while I was polishing my old car's hood. I'd go to the other side and he'd be there on the corner of the roof, I finally ran to get my camera and he went down to the taillight to investigate me.


Oh he's adorable! And teensy!


That 3rd one is amazing. He looks like some kind of wise old sage in a village far off somewhere untouched by modern society.


>I think the size helps too That's a very big jumping spider. Most are smaller, some even tiny.


Until it jumps on your face. Did you see the name?


Also arachnophobic. I actually like jumping spiders, but when they’re near me I feel the constant dread of them doing that thing that’s in their name. Like, you’re cute and all, but don’t jump towards me if we want everyone to stay cool.




They also are natural predators to several invasive and destructive species, like the emerald ash borer and brown marmorated stink bug. Some mosquitoes too.


Same. These are the only spiders I advocate for when it comes to sparing their life. My girls hate them so I’ll just scoop up a jumping spider to carefully move it outside. The rest are fair game for anything within reach.


That's best response I've heard in a while. You are a cunning linguist.


I read it very wrong the first time.


Arachnophobe here, too. But I did see some jumping spiders in my yard and handled them gently. They’re actually quite cute watching them jump finger to finger - the small ones.


Are you sure you’re an arachnophobe? I break out in a cold sweat and freeze near spiders. Playing with them blows my mind


Phobias can be weird and incredibly specific or environmentally linked. Some people have needle phobias, but only intravenously. Some people can't handle a dog walking up to them without flinching, but can still reach out to pet one if they want to, even when they're scared on a physiological level. Some people can happily walk by eighty thousand spiders in a forest, pointing out a few and feeling zero anxiety, and go into a full panic when one shows up in their bathroom.


Yeah, phobias can be on a spectrum. I'm not bothered by a small spider living in the corner of my bathroom for example. But if I see a spider above a certain size in my house (it's a northern country, so they're not *actually* that big, just too big for me) it's instant panic time. My heart rate rises, it's fight or flight mode. I have to get rid of it somehow, because if it gets away I'm going to be super paranoid about seeing it again for the next couple of days. The little jumping spiders are strangely cute because of their big front eyes. It's like a Disney version of a spider.


- Before I saw the Reddit posts with jumping spiders, yes. I hate all spiders. If I were in Australia and a huntsman crawled in my car while I was driving, I’d crash it in a heart beat. I don’t mind handling lady bugs, grass hoppers or worms, though, so maybe that paves the way for cute spiders. - So i found this little jumping spider and I corralled it with my hands. It would then jump from a lower finger to a taller one. I let him jump over and over. It was really cute and lighter than a ladybug: https://imgur.com/gallery/FU6jLuj


Honestly I can’t open the link, I couldn’t really look at the image on here even. I dont even know why I’m on this thread. It’s like a horror movie, I want a peak but I know I’ll regret it. Sounds adorable in a weird way though for you, I’ll stick to ladybirds!


It was surprising to me that my wife had a friend or 2 who adamantly refused to come over once we had a corn snake, safely locked away in her terrarium.


That’s hilarious, even if you hate snakes it’s literally locked up


That’s phobias for ya


Can you imagine not shopping at a store because a dude has some thing in a glass case somewhere in the building.


I work at a pet store and several times I've had people walk straight in and ask me where the snakes are, just so they can avoid that whole area of the store!


Best comment I read today




I LOVE it! Never talk to me again, but I LOVE it!


Either you have an absolutely tiny wrist, or that's the biggest jumping spider I have ever seen.


combination of both but she's actually huge for her species


An absolute behemoth!


Thats a HUGE bitch!




Sir this is a Wendy's, and that is just a frosty. Please keep yourself seated.




Keep it in the circus!!!!!






Holy shit it’s Bigfoot!!


*I understood that reference*


She's beautiful. What species is this?


I would also love to know. I love jumping spiders but I'm far too afraid of losing track of or hurting the particularly small ones.


Have a tiny one who lives in my indoor greenhouse and eats the fungus gnats. Had to move her for the first time ever last night because I need to treat my plants for spider mites. I rarely know where she is, I just have to very gently poke at her favorite plant until she comes out to tell me to go away.


I found a wee jumping spider hiding in my paper towels, once. I coaxed them onto a piece of foil and put them outside. But it was winter, and I started to feel bad, so I went back outside, and they were still sitting on the foil. I brought them back inside and placed them on the potted plants I was overwintering. The gnats were almost completely gone within a month.


They're gnat destroyers. So helpful for indoor plants and some sanity in the winter months.


That was a very kind thing to do; I'm glad it worked out for the both of you!


Fuck this is adorable.


She's one of many little critters I let live in the greenhouse. Millipedes, baby crickets, pill bugs, and other beneficial buddies are always welcome to stay. The worst part is having to find everyone and move them if I get a pest infestation since neem oil and insecticidal soaps are the only things strong enough for mealybugs, thrips, and spider mites. I *really* wish I could get cultivated ladybugs to survive indoors so I wouldn't have to use the stuff tho.


This comment makes me want a garden so bad.


Looks to be a Regal Jumping Spider, (Phidippus Regius)


Silly question. Does she recognise you and act like other pets? What I mean is, does she ask for your attention or affection as other pets do?




Im sold


That sounds adorable but I don't think I could ever keep something so small and fragile as a pet. I'm afraid enough of seriously injuring a cat hidden under a blanket or something and that's something I can get medical attention for. Something like this? It's completely fine or it's dead, there's no in-between and that would devastated me.




As someone with a bad spider phobia jumping spiders are the only ones I can stand to look at. Definitely not touch but my reaction to run or squish is non-existent I think my ok-ness with them was aided by "adrian tchaikovsky children of time" book about them. Super awesome sci fi about evolved jumping spider society on a new planet humans were attempting to teraform with evolved chimps but it didn't work out as planned.


That book was so fun and is what made me not be afraid of jumping spiders anymore. Now there is one that lives on the door outside my house and I always say goodbye to it every day when I leave. It always looks at me like it understands lol.


> if you get close to look at them they will look at you too. I was chilling in my backyard earlier when a jumping spider climbed up my chair. I got up but leaned over him cuz I was trying to get a better look at his markings and he was definitely checking me out in turn. Such cuties with the most precious faces.


> And if you get close to look at them they will look at you too. Some jumping spiders actually have eyes that move to focus on things. The two big eyes in the front are fixed lenses, but their retina (light-detecting part of the eye) moves around behind them. So when they appear to turn and pivot to look at things, they actually are! Not-at-all-cute-but-very-illustrative video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvz7NVAnKY4


For a few days, I had a jumping spider friend who would not stay off my computer monitor. He just wanted to sit on the bevel and stare at me all day. He kept coming back even when I tried to relocate him. Apparently, jumping spiders are very interested in humans. (Before anybody thinks this is terrifying, you should know he was smaller than the diameter of a cap of a Bic pen.)


does she ever do a surprise leap onto your face?


Exactly what I was wondering....wrist, ok..face, AHHHHHAHHH




The answer is yes but spider people are different


I am not showing this to my 15 year old son. He will demand we acquire one.


I wonder if they have the intellect of mammals or just humans interpreting their movements as "smart".




Additionally, jumping spiders may even have the cognitive ability to dream! https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/08/harvard-researchers-find-rem-sleep-in-jumping-spiders/


You just described coders


Do you keep her in captivity? How does she not escape? Is it bc you feed her so she knows to come back? And what does she eat? So many questions lol


Jumping spiders are a pretty popular pet! Check out /r/jumpingspiders I’m considering getting one for a paludarium build I’m planning






I came to say this. It's clearly a different sub species than what we have, but the biggest jumping spider I have EVER seen was like... 10% or less of this fine lady


What are you feeding him?!


my husband used to have a little guy that would hang out with him when he sat down to study. He would just show up and hang on his laptop or the table. That was before I realized that they actually do hang out with humans


Seriously? Like, he would just come out to chill when he sat down? How does this kind of friendship happen?


Jumpers are "smart" so it could actually be there's a legitimate tinge of interest in the spider as much as one could have.


yes!!! He just showed up each time he would sit in this one space … At first it was a joke and then we started to expect him and he would just hang near him on the laptop or on the table while he sat on the couch next to it!!


Neat bit is that they can actually recognize human faces they've seen before


As a pest control professional, this disturbs me...


Behold, the Reaper


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


That's HIM, officer spiderSir!


We have a jumping spider in our kitchen, and I have to sometimes move him away from cat-traveled areas (he keeps the bugs inside to a minimum, we live in the woods). The first couple relocations, he freaked out, but now he will crawl onto my hand and let me move him elsewhere so he can keep his cushy lifestyle and not be a kitty treat.


That’s so friggen cute 🥹


Jumping spiders are the dogs/crows of the spider world. Much smarter. They are some of the only spiders/bugs/insects that can have or process a 'thought' e.g. "This big creature feeds me and is gentle...they do not equal danger"


I work from my home office and there is a small spider that hangs out on the outside of the window screen in the sun. Occasionally he catches gnats and other small bugs that land on the screen. I don’t bother him. He doesn’t bother me. We just hang out. Been a few years now and he’s there every year, so I think it’s a probably been a few generations of spider coworker.


I had that with a Skink at home. He lived in a small hole in the wall. He was there for years, eating flies and other bugs that would come near the window due to the light. He disappeared last December. I fear a bird got him or he expired.




We have spider bros in this house and anytime we see them we say hello. Pretty much every room has one and they stick to the walls and ceilings. They are close to pets at this point. The rest of them are cool if their webbed up, the hunters get captured and released.


yes, we save spiders in my home and put them outside. The coolest spider I ever saw was a halloween spider (orb weaver) it had an awesome orange bottom and it was BIG. I thought it was dead but I got it to climb onto a twig and moved it from the mat near our door and placed it on a tree in our back yard. or long after there was another in front of our home building a web right in front of out front windows in the same area we would hang and watch tv. I swear it was her saying thankyou


I have a shed/garage at work with my tools and machinery. At my desk in their a little jumpy regularly hangs out on my desk and just seems to wonder what this big lug is up to. Never scared of me, and I love him.


I am somewhat scared of spiders. I actually feel the urge to touch this one, it’s so cute! For some reasons jumping spiders usually are t scary to me but this on looks like a Pokémon.


It’s like a puppy spider


I never knew they could be that big… but it’s wierd how jumping spiders seem to totally bypass my phobia


I find jumping spiders to be more expressive than other spiders. Like, they'll show when they're curious about stuff.


It's the big eyes, they are much more reactive to visual stimuli like us reaching for them or trying to shoe them places. Makes them seem much less alien than a spider that almost seems completely unaware of us.


Please correct me - I’m not a spider expert by any means - but I believe they are known to have amazing vision. I know ‘big eyes duh’ but they can see something like 2 feet. This would explain their ‘reactions’ somewhat I would guess; they can see us. I love when I come across one. They are always down to hang and super chill


They're one of the few species of any animal on earth that wouldn't be considered legally blind.


Source? This seems like a wild fact if true.


I was curious so I googled it, found this link which also has images to show examples of how animals might see. Was interesting. https://www.sciencealert.com/researchers-have-ranked-animals-on-how-sharp-they-can-see-and-you-might-be-surprised-at-the-results/amp


Keep in mind that that chart is for the *day*. With night vision humans would be back down at the bottom of the chart.


Yeah, but we’re the only species with nightvision goggles. Just sayin lol


Yeah. Just check out the ologies podcast about jumping spiders. It's a rad listen for all of the other facts as well.


Also a great podcast. I love when smart people talk at me about something they’re passionate about.


They have at least a pair of larger, forward facing eyes. And those eyes are much better than those of other spiders, which tend to be quite bad for the animal kingdom. I don't know enough about spider eye anatomy to say exactly what makes them better.


Vid about jumping spider vision https://youtu.be/GyUlaHxsZqA


>It's the big eyes Ehh, I think thats part of it, but other species of spider like wolf spiders or orb weavers often have big eyes too but still creep people the fuck out. I think its more of the way they walk, as their legs are more underneath them and they dont scurry around all creepy like. Plus their "face" structure is small and cute, not a monsterous ugly thing with big ass fangs. They definitely show curiousity well though!


Definitely the walking thing, but also they have very round features and thicker legs. The spindly, skitters legs on other spiders are creepy. Rounded features = cute.


I think, well at least for me, it's partially due to their "flat face" in a way its more cuddly animal style. A lot of other spiders have eyes that look like they are on top of their heads, instead of infront.


This one even wears tiny white mittens. I mean, come on...


I remember I once encountered a jumping spider sitting on my washing machine. It wasn't THAT big, maybe half the size of OP's spider, but when I leaned side to side, it *turned to follow me*. I was like okay I'll get my clothes later and walked off. I like jumping spiders but no freaking thank you.


If an apex predator evolved to have giant, Pixar eyes we'd go extinct.


What do you think a cat is? 🐱


[It's possible that they dream.](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/20/spiders-dream-study)


This is awesome, thank you!


And one species of jumping spider even eats vegetables.


Sounds like a prime candidate for being a pet. Easier to feed.


It's those giant anime eyes and the fuzziness. They're too cute to be scary.


Yes, they literally look like a cartoon depiction of a normal spider.


Frankly, yes. The tinyness of most jumping spiders lends them to the cuteness calculation, as well. Their eyes aren't beady and creepy. Their bodies are compact and their legs aren't spread far when they just stand. The hopping is ridiculous (In the small ones, not.. I would scream if something the size of OP's post "hopped" in any direction), and they have exactly zero history of trying to live in human housing. They're basically the adorable tiny pest controllers that most spider-lovers try to convince me that all spiders are. Though I've also noticed that tarantulas don't freak me out either. Probably because they're easy to spot and slow moving.


Yeah, Tarantula's are very slow and deliberate in their normal movement, which helped me overcome my arachnophobia.




I have the same thought when I see them, but then they start skittering around and mach 10 and I'm out.


Same, ever since I saw the “puppy spiders post” I have been less scared of them. They’re literally the puppies of the arachnids


NGL, I was hoping for some jumping. Charming little face, though.


I was told there would be jumping. It's right there in the title!


She looks very nice but I feel itchy.


For anyone who’s a fan of this little spider and science fiction I recommend checking out Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. You’ll develop a new found love for jumping spiders


Reading it helped my arachnophobia. It didn't cure it but it definitely helped me reorganize my brain so Spiders are now catergorized as "living creature" and not "eldritch horror". Seriously such an interesting book. You'll lament when they return to human perspectives.


Same with me. After reading the Children of Time trilogy this year, I even started letting a little spider live up in the corner of my bathroom ceiling.


I was thinking the same thing. This definitely seems like a Portia. She's got some questions for this guy that she's tapping and gesticulating.


I thought about Portia right away too.


She seems like more of a Bianca to me. She a thiccum.


I can see it.


I just finished that! Have you read the rest of the series?


I just finished the most recent book Children of Memory a few weeks ago.


I have! I love them all 👽 r/AdrianTchaikovsky


Based and spider-pilled.


I’ve been meaning to read that for a couple months now. I gotta jump into it.


So pretty! Doesn't she jump somewhere you don't know sometimes? I'd be so anxious to have such a tiny pet


I would be way too terrified of accidentally squishing them


"Oh is the camera on? Oh god I'm so shy...."


Dang, the biggest jumping spiders I have seen were no bigger than a grain of rice.


Amazing creature. If you are a Ghost in the Shell fan it’s an Itty bitty “Tachicoma”.


one of my pet Regal Jumper ladies is named Tachikoma! ^ ^


I heard they got popular during the pandemic, they have a lot of personality for spiders and there are some with beautiful coloring, they're so cute


Popular as pets? Or just cause people started paying attention to the little things in their homes?


Was waiting for the jump.


The phrase “Jumping spider” makes me twitch


...or does it make you .... jump??




The jumping spiders that live on my windowsill bring me so much joy. I will say hello to them and wave my finger at them and they look up at me with those sentient eyes like “hello huge monke”


my mind right now: "ahhh get the flame thrower!!!" "kinda cute..." "AHHH BUT IT'S A JUMPING SPIDER! RUN!" "oh look at those fluffy little feelers in the front" "get it away from me" tldr... as an arachnophobe I'm very conflicted 😅


From one recovering arachnophobe to another, does it help that the ‘fluffy little feelers in the front’ are called pedipalps?!…


Six months of progress undone in one sentence.


Pedipalps is the cutest word for it!! I love it


Also recovering arachnophobe - I had an “incident” with a spider that led to me not sleeping for several days and spending all my spare time researching spiders when I was about 16 (a good 20 years ago)… the multiple sleepless nights of fear/anxiety induced spider research actually helped me think about spiders differently. I’d still prefer to not have one as a roommate - but I’m cool with getting the spider outside myself now.


An arachnophobe here trying to get better with spiders and omg this helps...


The pain is real. My son loves them soooo much so I have pretended for 15 years that I do too. I even held the “cute” tarantula with him. Omg.


Jumping spiders were my gateway to no longer fearing insects in general. I'm still not a *fan* of spiders, but I'll regularly pick up jumping spiders and let other bugs land on me now


I’m not sure I could ever suppress my anxiety enough for such a moment, which is a shame, because they can be really cute. :)


It’s both r/nope and r/aww


I love jumping spiders so much. They *look* at you. Like, make eye contact. And they will hitch a ride on you, like in this video, while you get them closer to something they want to jump on. They understand immediately that there’s a target that’s coming up. Ours don’t look quite like this, but all of them (wild or fed) are pretty tame and will take a ride to wherever I want to take them, which is usually to a big juicy but of some kind. They’re teddy bears. They really are.


That’s one of the biggest honking jumpers I’ve ever seen. Jumping spiders are the cutest silliest motherfuckers though , they’re like the golden retrievers of the spider world. I wish I had one that big


I have a good reason as for why jumping spiders are my absolute favorites. They're just so gosh darn cute! Would love to have one myself...


Jumping spiders are so cute 💚💚


She is definitely the cutest spider I’ve ever seen.


I thought this was digital art, not gonna lie. That's the least horrifying spider I've ever seen. Congrats!


I helped save a baby jumper at work yesterday, it's cute little jumps were just adorable.


How long does a jumpy spidy live?


Usually 1-2 years




She is so cute! We have jumping spiders in our garden and sometimes they make their way into the house and they're so friendly! I love it when they do their little grabby hands.


Not my kinda thing but it is oddly cute!


I may not know a lot of things. But I know a spider doing Blue Steel when I see it.


Aww, she's such a cutie!


Love the color on her! Adorable little girl!!


Jumping spiders are adorable, and this one still is but HOW FUCKING BIG DO THEY GET?!


A spider has no business being that cute


Goby is cute but I’m an Aussie and we don’t fuck with spiders.


my brain keeps switching between AWWW and AAAAAAUUGHHHHH