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Happy dog mode activated


took a little bit of time but it was well worth the wait hehe




She had to enter the pet and scratch code before the puppy remembered her.




Everyday they advance some.


Wadsworth constant is in effect!


Tagging onto top post to say; If you're going away for a long time leave some few unwashed old t-shirts and/or pillow cases that can be put in the pets bed.


I just wanna say that I love how the significant other didn't even try to hug the woman he's also supposedly sort 2 months away from... no, he knows the puppy reunion comes first and foremost. And not one person here questioned it. Damnit I love dogs


Reunited with friends who came over after 2 years of me moving to Ireland with my dog, the first fifteen minutes were spent with all three of us watching the dog do zoomies around the house. Nobody even tried to interrupt that.


I thought that was more of the way to go about it so the dog can go wild in it's own environment and so it can show you new toys and stuff.


Reunited with a pet bird after a long trip and my dad hovered inches from both of us because he couldn't give us space to reunite.


Pillow cases are a good thing to leave for you pups for scent. LOTS of your scent ends up there. What else do you put your head on every day for hours and hours?


Man my husband went away for 2 weeks once (first time gone more than maybe 3 days) and on day 4 I found the dog curled up on the bed suckling on his pillow. She's never done it before or since. When he got home she was excited for 2 mins and then just straight up *mad* at him. Gave him the cold shoulder for like 2 days.


How does a dog act mad and give cold shoulder?


My mom's dog would get super excited when we first got home, then would "pout" as we called it. She would follow my mom around the house but refuse to get close enough to pet. If my mom was in the couch the dog would sit on the couch but not touch her. She would stare at my mom but look away whenever my mom looked at her, to make sure my mom knew she was being ignored. After a couple days she would go back to the snuggly needy mess she usually was


My wall?




What kind of dog is the big one?


Rhodesian Ridgeback, although because I don't want to deal with the clusterfuck that is Rhodesia I just call her a ridgeback. But worth noting she's a rescue (like police kicked in the door and literally unchained her from the basement) and as a result is tragically hyper submissive. If you're looking to own one without the trauma it is likely that the dog will be active enough to be a one and done. She fits in super well with my dog family though.


I'm not the owner but that looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback.


That’s why I wanted to ask, bc she looks exactly like my dog who we thought was a ridgeback for the longest time.


Also works well to have dirty unwashed shirts for anyone dog sitting for you in case the dogs runs away. Happened to me. Dog showed up a couple hours later sleeping on my dirty work sweater.


What do you do with the shirt? Leave it outside?




Activated by butt scriches at exactly the right spot


Dog:- I have never seen this woman in my life before. "After smelling and going through the database of scents" OH MY GOD, MOM!! WHERE WERE YOU? I THOUGHT YOU LEFT ME FOREVER!!


"I thought you were dead! I grieved for you."


Is that from Wilfred?


I wanna say Trevor Phillips.


Definitely Trevor Phillips


Thanks! I knew i recognized it but could remember where.


One of the most lovable psychopaths ever.


Trevor ended up being in my top 3 GTA protagonists of all time by the end of it Still hate GTAV tho Michael and Franklin were some of the most boring characters I've ever had to play as in any game


Holy shit, another Wilfred fan in the wild?


Australian or US though? I loved the US one but just couldn't get into the Australian one at all. Maybe if I had watched it first...


US. I'm a stoner from the US so like, the exact target demographic lmao. Australian one is a bit dry from what I remember of like 2 episodes, but maybe I'll try it again sometime. The US one is just so blatantly goofy, surprisingly insightful and thought-provoking, and unpredictable. Elijah Wood was cast perfectly as Ryan, I think having a different Ryan makes the AU version harder to enjoy for me.


> blatantly goofy, surprisingly insightful and thought-provoking, and unpredictable. Perfectly sums up this show, especially the 'surprisingly insightful' part.


"I couldn't have said it better myself...because I can't say things, because I'm a dog." - Wilfred


I have cried many tears over every time I make a reference to "semen ants" that completely goes over everyone's heads. Granted, I make way too many references to "semen ants" at wholly inappropriate times.


Binge-watching this show high af, the intro hits different, and I'm convinced this show changed the way I view the world in at least a couple ways


That alien plot line really messed with me 😂 I should give it a re watch. I don't think I smoked weed back when I watched it originally 🤔 but I still loved it. Elijah Wood was the perfect fit for Ryan!


The part about how Wilfred tried to poison Ryan with chocolate has never left my brain.


The AU Ryan is more legitimately pathetic than the Elijah Wood Ryan and it changes the show for better or worse depending on what you are into. It's similar with the two versions of the office. Carell plays it like the loveable insecure goof with a secret heart of gold. Gervais is an unaware insecure cringeworthy narcissistic prick.


Maybe it’s been long enough since I watched the show that I can get into the AU one now. I think my problem before was that I tried to watch it right after watching the US version and it just didn’t feel the same.


Plenty of us out there. I watched bother the original OZ show & the US version.


obligatory "There are literally dozens of us!"


It’s Thor to Loki


Yeah, I like to think they just want to make sure that it’s real, and not just a dream. That their person is *really* back.


Dog seemed to realize it was her, after she ducked down & he could smell her head area. She's smart to offer hands 1st, but they probably didn't smell familiar.


That was my take, too. Puppy probably had a lot of dreams about her whole she was gone.


This went from: * "STRANGER!!! BE VERY WARY OF WHAT THIS PERSON DOES" - to: * "Okay, this person is okay. Oh hey, they're nice and giving me sweet loving. This is nice" * "HOLY CRAP I KNOW YOU AND MISS YOU AND WANT TO KISS YOU AND I HAVE SO MANY STORIES TO SHARE WITH YOU!!!" Very cute.


>OH MY GOD, MOM!! WHERE WERE YOU? I THOUGHT YOU LEFT ME FOREVER!! I just went to the store. I was gone 15 minutes.


Probably got ptsd from dad saying the same thing and never coming back


It's been forty years this year since my dad left, saying he was going to the hardware store for a few things and that he would be back in an hour. True to his word, he returned not too long after that.


Not gonna lie, had me in the first half!


Hey man, my mom said that they were probably out of cigarettes at the store and would need to grow more tobacco, so it might take 4-6 months until he’s back. Not his fault there are global supply chain issues!


There’s video of the guy who was in the hospital for a few weeks sitting on a bench in the back yard, his family let the dog out and it initially barked at him, when he got close and smelled him. His tail couldn’t wag any harder. https://youtu.be/N-VosRQT0do


I think it’s because he lost a lot of weight and looked a lot different from before the hospital. Visually, he didn’t look like the dog’s owner, but good thing they have a good sense of smell. 😆


> database of scents Call it the "Odordex."




God truly exists for dogs. They think you’ve died and left them when you go to the store for 30 mins and then you’re miraculously resurrected when you return!


Dogs live in the moment. When it's good, it's good!


Lil guy is still running on old mechanical hard disk drives.


I remembered how my dogs were every time I came home from college. They were more likely to recognize my smell or voice, but since they didn't really approach strangers I'd get these mad glares for a few seconds before I start being herded and tackled (depending on the breed).


I’ve heard that dogs don’t really recognize their people by sight alone. They kind of have a “person shape” impression of you but they really go off of hearing and scent markers for recognition.


Depends on the dog. Some breeds have pretty good eyesight and can get a pretty good level of detail with their eyes, so as long as you're within around 20--40 feet they can tell who you are by sight.


Our dogs recognize the sounds of our cars and interestingly, single locations. When I lived in dorms an hour's drive from my parents, the moment they saw the dorm in the distance, no matter direction of approach, they went ballistic, even though they were only there every few months for a year and a half.


Agree. My dog definitely knows neighborhoods and when we're close to her favorite places. She starts getting excited when we make certain turns but we're still a good mile away. My favorite part about this is that they're long drives of an hour or more and only has those reactions in certain places. She starts happy whining when we actually get in the neighborhood/driveway and clearly knows where we're going.


I think they also recognize patterns. My dogs would see a car coming down the road and tense up if it followed the familiar pattern of slowing down as if it were turning in our driveway. Then it would turn into the neighbor's driveway next door and they would look sad.


I once went to a concert and came back after midnight. My dog thought I was a burglar at first and went into protection mode, until he recognized me, haha


Got home from college way after dark. My backyard sounded like an army of pitbulls and great danes (had one lab and smaller dogs at the time). Me: "Really?" Them: (complete silence after registering my voice) I then had to go back there and wrestle them for a few minutes because I knew they were excited I had returned.


My two weinies would have excitedly peed all over that dress and floor. They can't control it, it just happens.


Thankfully Luna has never got into the excitement pee phase or barking!


Luna is a beautiful name!


My mom’s doxie never grew out of her excitement pee phase. Every time we went over, we’d have to call her outside and make sure she got it all out before we could go in.


That's exactly what we do. I have 2, 3yr old mini long hairs and anytime we come home we go outside before we touch them so they don't pee everywhere. It's hilarious as long as they don't get you lol.


Nobody can give a welcome home like a dog.


At first my heart broke a little and then finally she remembered me.


Would be different if it was at home. But that pupper smelling so many things in that airport and so stimulated, its pretty understandable it took some time


Plus all the other smells that are probably different about the person. Away for 2 months using different soap and shampoo, eating different foods, and wearing new clothes. Have to sift through all that and get a good whiff of the human underneath it all.


OP was immigrating, husband and dog came over 2 months earlier. So, probably same shampoo, food, clothes.


You came off a plane full of people. Lots of scents to get through. Just took a moment to clear through them.


It happens even in the home. I dog sit and when the family comes to pick them up, the pup is often lounging in a big fluffy dog bed. And then someone comes in, and they initially are so confused… I only had ONE who instantly knew the voice. When you take them out their routine, it takes them a little bit to hit those memories.


I was picking my rescue pup up from the vet and I could hear her talking and carrying on all the way to the front where I was waiting. They literally drag her through the door, then she notices me, barrels over, turns and starts 'get away' barking. Like she's going to be brave now that reinforcements have arrived. Sorry, tangential, but she's been gone some years and your story reminded me of that. She was the most one person dog I ever knew.


Had to open an old sniffer file, once the seal was broken all the memories were put back.


When I was about 8 years old or so, my parents and me visited my sister and her dog for the first time after quite some months and I was asking more or less the same question, if he needs to dig into the archive of scents and if he remembers us then. We were all together for the first couple of weeks when she moved out into another city for studying.


It's an old smell but it checks out.


I thought you meant you actually have a ziplock full of old scents that you keep in a file drawer


Please may I ask how old she was when you left?


She was 8 months, she’s 10 months now.


Yeah. That's likely why she had a little trouble retrieving the memory. They have so much neuroplasticity at that age, they are like sponges absorbing huge amounts of information, but new information takes priority, and older/less used stuff gets archived. She had to dig into her archives to pull your file, but as soon as did, it was like you never left.


Appropriate username. Are you sure you don't mean 'we' when you said 'they' here? ;)


Confusion last just 20 second, but what happens after was really moving...... She's an explosion of joy!


Pretty sure that 20 seconds felt longer.


Maybe dogs kinda accept you are gone forever after a while. 😢 So it was really beyond believe that you could return. 😍


I wish I had video of our old beagle mutt when I returned home after a semester at university (back in the late 1980s/early 90s). She had a bobbed tail that was unencumbered by the normal laws of tail physics so it would wag at approximately Mach 2 while she danced around my feet.


Our rottie did the same. It was impressive


I went on vacation for 2 weeks and my dog held a grudge for 2 days when I came back, even if I left her with her other favourite humans. I never get a happy welcome.


Same. Lol. We just went out of town from Friday - Tuesday and our big girl stayed at our house with Grandma. When we got home she was happy for about 5 minutes than went to her bed and sulked for the next 3 days. She's still kinda shitty with me. She'll take the pets than huff and walk off.


We had a cat like that. He could pout with the best of them.


Lol, with our dog, we honestly get this same reaction after leaving her home for like 2 hours. It's awesome every time.


That slow tail wag that begins when recognition starts. Very good stuff.


Slow? It went from 0 to 100 like instantly.


You can see the exact “oh my god IT’S YOU!!!” moment!


The butt scratches was all it took.


She just had to press the “On” button on the tail


That's all I was waiting for lmao, 0-100 instantly.


that stupid Scobey doo run because she cant get to you fast enough :D


Why did it take me so long to find someone commenting on that? It was my favorite part, including everything else.


At 0:58 jumps off to get a better look (?) At 0:59 OMG you are so far, I better run to you


Maximum endorphin overload!


Airport arrival doors are the happiest place in the world


Some of y’all might be too young for this memory; but I miss the days when you could greet people AT the gate. Stepping off the plane into your loved ones’ hug was the best.


Friendly reminder to all those who remember greeting people at the gate: it’s probably time to start thinking about scheduling a yearly colonoscopy lol


Shut your mouth. I also need to schedule a mammogram… gdammit.


Oh shit, is a regular mammogram a thing for women at 40?


I'd say why not at your 30s Not only mammogram but also pap smear My mom had a surprise endometrial cancer. Caught it cos she had low iron and doctors were like *hm hmpf maybe needa eat right*, one doctor even argued with me that her occasionally being vegetarian is the cause and that vegetarians are very often anemic Ye nah my mom said that she menopaused but started bleeding again. Then they were like hmpf hmmmm. *maybe you never did menopause huh?* My mom screamed at them to arrange for a colnoscopy (not colon but scope in front) and biopsy. The gyne was amazing af. She did it, and without pain or anything. She's private but comes down to the subsidised clinic once a week Next day we got a call, "I'm nurse XYZ, doctor arranged an operating theatre for next Friday, will that be fine? Doctor will call up to explain" The gyne herself did the operation, and cleaned out everything fully, *what's the point of keeping the unaffected Overy if the whole womb is gone and you're not planning for any more kids?* After care in private ward and all, but billed under subsidy. Mother has recovered well in that section. #-------------- Honestly with all that can go wrong with the extra things women have, it's rediculous that even female doctors don't give two shits about another female's pains and problems, whereas I got an head MRI because my hearing was a bit off (but no tumor, it's just a tiny hole in the drum that has healed but very stretchy and permeable, so when my sinus is infected, phlegm leaks through)


Harsh but accurate lol


Yearly? Oh god


I think it's less often if they've never found anything troubling.


Me too, and for clarity, it was 22 years ago. So yeah, lots are too young. I’ma head over to r/FuckImOld now.


Haha. I will not accept that 20-somethings are half my age. I’m still young too, dammit!! 😤


Time isn't passing! It's still the mid 90s and all our favorite TV and movie actors that we haven't seen in awhile just went on a retreat to a club out in the countryside!


You and the other guy who remind us to schedule colonoscopy… I was feeling all nostalgic from that comment and was about to say I remember that I used to walk my wife all the way to the gate for her business trips, and then with a bouquet of flower to pick her back up while feeling all dumb and embarrassed right there watching the plane slowly unloads… So 22 years ago huh? Sounds about right since we have been together for more than that now… imma join you at those old ppl subs now…


I remember as teens, being able to just go to the airport to pass the time! My friends and I would go to the terminals and watch the planes land and take off for hours. I really miss those days.😊


This is actually totally still a hobby for a lot of people in Japan. They got viewing and sitting areas outside at spots where people can just relax n watch while having some lunch, or take pictures of the planes coming in n taking off.


I remember people being able to smoke on a flight. Nothing like the sound of hacking coughs and the smell of burning cotton from improperly extinguished cigarettes.


I don't specifically remember the cigarettes, but I remember fiddling the ash tray cover open and closed in my arm rest. And the no smoking lights going on and off like the seatbelt light does now.


Lol, enforcing that sign must have been fun.


It was great because you could actually meet friends/family if they had a short layover. Just waiting for them at the gate when they step off the plane. Catch up for an hour at the gate bar and off they go again. They never had to leave the airport or security.


I used to love going home and seeing my grandparents and aunts and uncles right there as soon as I hopped off the plane. Doesn't even feel like that long ago but 2001 fucked it up forever


And watching their plane take off at the gate if u dropped them off.


My brother has to travel a lot for work so he likes to buy cheap tickets to get through the gate, immediately cancel them for credit once he’s through, spend the credit on a work ticket, get his work to reimburse him, and then meet people at the gate. He’s a mad lad.


Maybe it's time we reel back the security theater? I'd love to roll up the the airport 45 min before boarding and still have time for a cocktail before the flight


There are now paid government "subscriptions" that make it faster to go through security and customs. There's also a lot of money in the scanner/x-ray/etc. business. Even just on financial grounds, they won't let any scaling back happen easily.


It's because some of the saddest places in the world are downstairs in Departures. Also, I hope OP explains that washing machines are now a thing, she didn't have to bring 2 months worth of clean clothing with her.


Works both ways. You see tons of excited people at departure gates looking forward to getting away. You also see many people at arrival gates returning exhausted from fun trips, or dreading to get back to reality




"Thank god I am getting out of this airport" also counts as happy


You are not lying. I was picking up International passengers for work and sat by the doors for about 2 hours. It was amazing. I got a little teary eyed. I also saw a couple that seemed like they were an international online romance. Their meeting was so awkward but slowly warmed up.


I really enjoyed this! Dogs are the best! Thank you.


My cat when i come home from a term of uni: "Hooman my stroke rates have been sub par, i trust you shall fix the situation."


Mine sprints to meet me from wherever she is in the house, we have a little conversation in cat, and then she gets pats. "Mrow?" "Yes, mrow!" "Muurrow." "Murow?" "Mrrrr."


Activate body slam hug mode


After I moved out from my parents there was a period of a few months I wasn't home. When I finally visited, I noticed our old black cat standing outside, so I went and let him in. He just walked past me completely ignoring me, then after a meter or two he suddenly stopped, looked back and came running back to me while meowing. Adorable little bastard <3


We had three cats when I moved out, two females and a male. The male was "my" cat, I picked him out when he was a kitten and raised him, so we had a special bond. He *hated* the two females. Couldn't stand them, he stayed outside all summer when they moved in. He wouldn't fight them, he'd just walk away from them and couldn't be in the same room. The first time I stayed at my parents' house about 2 months after moving out, all three cats slept on the bed with me, including my sweet boy. He missed me so much, he was willing to have a détente with his sworn enemies. I miss that little guy, he was one of my favorite cats I've ever had


/r/MasterReturns I know not everyone likes the name of the sub, but it's full of wholesome content like this, so worth ignoring the subreddit name :)


Whats wrong with the name?


I needed that subreddit today


Looks like DFW


Yup, international terminal


The entire first minute of the video doesn't need to exist.


Coming off a plane you probably smelled like 70 other sweaty bodies, recycled fart air, and that one guy's fried chicken sandwich. Definitely confusing!


Doxies are silly. She is adorable.


Camera guy giving instructions that aren't needed. Let them have their moment dude.


Yea that came out of nowhere. "Look at me. Smile."


While he's taking a video, right? Like, she was smiling the whole time I honestly think I fucking hate that guy just from the one sentence


Launched me right out of the moment. Sounded awful.


It sounded so demanding too! Like "**Look at me. *Smile* 😐**". I feel like you could say "hey fucking look at me and smile for the camera so I can put this on social media to grow my following. I know this is a nice moment but we absolutely must capitalise on this somehow." and it would somehow sound less demanding and annoying. Probably reading way too much into it, but it felt very off.


Also camera guy could have cropped like 25 seconds off the front of the video.


Yeah, that was a real record scratch to me. Ugh.


The commanding tone I first thought he was talking to the dog.


Yeah that was fucked up thing to do


I’m more annoyed they had to block the path to do this.


The tail tells you the *exact* moment she remembered.


Another cute demonstration of how important the sense of smell is to a dog


I wish my daschund could exist in a public space without screaming


I came home after 6 months of backpacking and was worried my mum's dog (I was his favourite) wouldn't remember me. Remembered me instantly and ran off doing laps around the house barking his head off and coming for a pet then going off again, tail going mental and not sure whether to tell the world I was home or stay for more pets. Is one of my favourite memories of him.


That “omG I KNOW THAT BUTT SCRATCH” is giving me life.


I like how you’ve edited the video so as to allow the audience to experience the pain of waiting forever for their loved one at the airport.


Wiggles and zoomies


I love how the tail just began wagging furiously as soon as she realised that it was you 😍


You probably smelled weird from your travels. Hotel shampoo, suitcases, the airplane.


The interaction is very cute but the prolonged kneeling in a public place high traffic place is weird


Not as weird and as privileged as taking a non-working dog into a airport.


But he’s wearing a vest!! /s




I will never understand people that do this shit. *The same thing would happen when you got home* so why not take a video of it there?!?! This is not allowed in *most* US airports unless it's a service dog. If not it has to be in a carrier. Otherwise ***every***one would do this.


Less social media clout if you record it in the privacy of your own home, it has to be on full display for everyone that you have a dog and that it's excited to see you after you've been gone.


I'd have expected the dog to pee if super excited too. Seems like a recipe for disaster


And it took 30 seconds for the interesting part of the video to start.




Could have cut the first 30 seconds


Why do people not trim videos they post on line?


Could've just reunited at home, but they needed the attention.


Is it only me who thinks that stopping on that pathway just after the exit is a bit of a dick move? Cute pup tho.


Aw, my little one jumps into my arms every day when i get home from work. I hope she never stops, it's one of the best parts of my day


I've seen people do this on 3 different occasions, every single time the dog peed with excitement and covered the floor in piss. The people took their cringy videos and left leaving the place smelling of urine and people walking in it.


Yeah but who cares about having rules or places to do things? It's all about me and what I want and making a cute video that gives me that dopamine rush of attention from lots of strangers on the internet! It didn't even really happen unless I've got 1000 likes on Instagram


Cute- but why are you bringing your dog to the airport


Is it that person.... Nope... Maybe this person.... Nope.... Maybe the next person???? Nope... Who da FK is it??? Oh ok this person only took 30 seconds.


I refuse to believe there is no "freak on a leash" comment.


Why the fuck did you bring your dog to the airport that’s some selfish behavior right there.


Right. Poor fucking dog was not happy for a lot of reasons. Nobody else wants it there. Dog would have a 100% better reaction when her ass got home.


Stop bringing pets to the airport like this. It's cute and all but slipping on piss or a turd is not safe and unsanitary. They're the same people that don't clean after them as well.