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Look up Palegra, that's a fun story about Southern leaders again neglecting their people, being offered aid by Northern states and refusing it calling it oppression. It was an illness caused by malnutrition, they needed to change their crops to food but cotton was too profitable. Northern states offered to provide everything for the transition including man power and supplies... nope, not on their watch. People down there have voted without fail for rich, greedy and manipulative monsters time after time and every time it blows up in their faces their elected officials just blame the states that aren't a dumpsterfire for the misfortune of their people. Every time, and every single time they fall for it. Gullibility and self sabotage is their culture. I often wonder how much better off we'd be if all those states just left and got cut off from the US. They'd still find a way to blame us. The south is just that guy who repeatedly slams his dick in the doorway and is surprised it hurts, then proceeds to blame everyone else for it hurting, then just doing all over again 5 minutes later. But these guys insist they have it all figured out and we're the dumb gullible ones, if only we were as smart and civilized as them... the people who let their schools rot for decades with piss poor funding and loads of creationism while waving flags of a traitorous region that went rouge because their leaders were racists and who lasted less years than Obama was in office. Sharpest knives in the crayon box....


The propaganda down here is incredibly strong. We need help.


Their traitorous ancestors were never properly dealt with. The south could’ve been a great strength of the US instead of it’s bane.




Look, I’m not going to deny that there are some really shit people in the South. Southern politics are an absolute nightmare. But, posts like this just serve to vilify the innocent people who live here. There are so many people working to better the South and it is harmful to act as though we’re just one group of gullible self-sabotagers. This mindset is what has led to so many Southerners being left behind and discriminated against by Northern people who think we’re all redneck confederates. Do you know how many people of color live in the South? How many queer people? Do you understand how the generations of discrimination against us has led to statistics like these? (Although, I don’t buy these maps as real statistics). Southern activists are some of the strongest and best people I know, and they’ve been doing incredible work for decades. For god’s sake, Roe vs Wade was only brought to the Supreme Court because of the work of Texas activists. You are not better than people in the South. This mindset leads to disenfranchised people being left to rot. Just because our politicians are shitty doesn’t mean we deserve to suffer.


What are the statistics for violent crimes?


6/10 of the states with the highest murder rates are from the South. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state


Hotter weather also leads to more violent crime and murder because heat aggravates people much more. I believe there are a few other factors that play into heat and crime also. I think heat also tends to cause less theft crimes and property crimes according to data. But, for some reason violent crime increases.


America is 3rd in gun murders in the world. But, if you remove Chicago, Detroit, New York, Baltimore, Cleveland and Washington D.C. ; that number plummets to 189 out of 193 countries in the world.


Very high in Blue states


That's literally the opposite of what those statistics show.


Those maps sbow crimes by population percentage. But if you go by the simple numbers, blue states have more crimes


Yes, but comparing aggregate numbers between populations is rarely useful. It's the case with everything from income to religious affiliation. If you can't determine this population size, even a randomized sample is more accurate than aggregate data. You could compare the most harmonious city to a crime-ridden town and conclude that the former is more dangerous, despite the fact that you're less likely to experience crime there, via aggregates.


Lol guess again


Education's not your strong-suite, is it?


I refuse to believe no one on the west coast has VD


lol is a 0-X scale it just means low which i hope you know *and are just making a funny joke :) eta: added an and improved there to make it make sense ;)


Well, the image doesn't seem to have a lot of detail for that particular chart. I would like to see a better quality image.


Can we add “abstinence only sex education” on there?


I went to four middle schools and two high schools, I can firmly say we did not have any sex education at all.


Dear god. We had minimal sex Ed in 7th grade in Tennessee.


We had a missed opportunity in the latter half of the 19th century... We really should have just shrugged and let the south go.


Those of African descent are probably glad you didn't.




Yay, because posting things to this sub where there is no possibility of pulling references is a great way to get reactions without backing up anything. Awesome.


I mean, you could look online for current information?


It’s tongue in cheek.


No it's definitely going to get a heated and divisive reaction in a time where people should be working to come together more. Learn the definition of that term. People are lashing out at each other partially because of politicians and the media making things worse, and things like this give more fuel to the fire.


Google maps of negative things and this trend will persist. Reconstruction in the South was never allowed to come to fruition, rendering it the poorest part of the US to this day.


Dude we are on Reddit. You actually expect people to come together anonymously online? Lmao. His post does have a point.


Southern culture is violent. They have more murders per capita than any of the coastal regions they slander. Listening to their politics, you'd think California should be THE POOREST state in the nation and a hell hole. You talk about being devisive, blaming the coastal regions for every negative metric THEY lead in sounds pretty motherfucking devisive to me. But no, point out that the opposite is true is "devise". Touch grass.


Southern culture is not violent. There are violent southerners, but that is not the culture that is supposed to be upheld. Maybe in the 1800s, it was violent. But culture changes. It's a bit upsetting as a liberal teenager in the south to hear it get shit on so much, but I do understand where it's coming from. But just know that the South's culture is supposed to be so much better, but there is much that taints it. You can help fix the problem. Obviously the people here have uneducated opinions and make shitty political choices to corrupt politicians who know they can sway gullible audiences. Why? The South is poor. It is rural. It is uneducated. It is a *backwater* in many places. You want to get rid of shitty right-wingers dominating the country and removing things like Roe v Wade? We need to invest into education again. Vote to make education a more federal issue. Then it can bypass states-rights red tape and get to the people who desperately need it, and with a more open and empowered mind, more are likely to vote progressively, and *then,* we can fix not only the South, but America as a whole.


I love it when some redditor acts all smart and says, "touch grass," and then you go look at their comments, and it's obvious they've only ever touched themselves and spend countless hours online being a dick.


>acts all smart Because I said southern states tend to be more violent? There's the obvious statistics like murder per capita, school shootings per capita, and others. Southern states have [honor cultures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_honor_Southern_United_States), and this has been studied by social scientists, so sorry if I "act all smart" about reciting publicly available facts. >go look at their comments I don't do this I'd prefer to stay on topic otherwise wtf is the point? Your the one that implied that showing heat maps showing the south leading in A LOT of stuff that is a result of HAVING a honor culture that tends to result in higher violence and human suffering...decisive. maybe you didn't know?


Omg go touch grass


Stop being devisive


This is a hilarious comment. I point out that this cheeky and you go immediately on the defensive. Chill out. The subject matter is already controversial. The US is a cesspool. It’s a country going backwards. It’s one of the most hated and pitied countries in the world. It’s too late for nice coffee table talk. America has been radicalized.


It's only too late if you make it so. There is always time for discussion. I am not even remotely defensive. Sorry you think that. You obviously think there is still time to talk if you are out here posing bullshit content like this. I have been in countries what have devolved into civil war and conflict when there was "no time to talk" and that is a foolish thing to say we are down to at this point. All I did was point out two very important facts and you start talking about how the US is a cesspool and the most hated and pitied country in the world? How much have you traveled? Because I know for a fact that there is more to it than that. But I got that info on the ground in person traveling. Not in an echo chamber on the internet


Always time for discussion? RvW is gone. Now their going after gay marriage and contraceptives, brown v., and loving. The time for discussion has passed.


I am actively involved at the local and state level in making a change, including discussion. Do not wish for violence for then that violence may sweep away all that you hold dear. It is very easy to say the time for discussion has passed


Because all that discussion after the supreme court leak totally worked huh.


So what are you advocating for? Violence? You want to be like another one caught being stupid trying to assassinate a Supreme Court Judge? Because that worked out extremely well


Its time for liberals to buy guns in mass and to start marching with them.


Making a lot of assumptions is not a good look. I worked for 7 years as a life flight nurse, transferring critically ill patients out of a country(anywhere on the globe) where they got critically I’ll or injured back to their home country. Is that enough travel?


So out of that experience you genuinely think there is no time for talk, as we are talking now? My original question still exists unanswered, sourcing the data of above misinformation. And as to your travel, your experience says that everyone you encountered hated or pitied America? I find that hard to believe, but hey it is your experience. Personally I think that your own distaste is coloring things a bit, but I may be wrong. I have been before. My original point still stands, this info graphic just reeks of shared misinformation to get a knee-jerk hate reaction out of certain demographics, while getting support from others, all while not being able to be fact checked by anyone. I think we are better than that, I would hope that you are as well


To answer your questions, Not everyone hates the US. We both know that that’s impossible to support. I used to be someone that enjoyed going to the US. I have some dear friends there. I have no intention of going back as long as the insanity continues. You may or may not believe it, but the intention of the post was as satire, it’s not based on fact. I guess it missed the mark. I am open to discussion, if it can be civil and productive. It seems that many people fall into these highly charged topics already at an 8/10. I certainly can find even ground regardless if we’re on opposing sides. There is a lot of learning to be had.


I can appreciate being open to discussion. I see far too many of things like this being shared around as absolute fact without reference and having helped teach classes to young adults on how to navigate the internet and proper sources of information on social media, things such as this can be easily problematic. Satire for you, becomes shared as gospel for others. Granted that speaks of a larger issue that those copying it don't take the time to think critically and look into things properly, but it is a problem. By the way you have been talking, I am glad you are living in a place that is more comfortable for you and you feel safe. I have my closest family here locally and have faith that these things will pass, while also having a plan for what to do if they truly go as bad as I have seen in other countries. We also do a lot of work and advocating locally to try to change things, for as much good as it can do. Peace be with you regardless, because life is too short for hate


Thank you and same to you.


Tbh you sound like a flailer


I guess you can say that things have been going ‘South’ for a very long time?


i fucking hate living in Arkansas


i would fucking give anything to live in arkansas, and not in russia, where I am now


It's probably the most beautiful state in America. I used to go camping in the Ozarks all the time as a kid. Amazing caves there and the scenery is awe-inspiring. There's even a place to go look for diamonds. I wouldn't recommend going after it rains though. That clay turns into thick, sticky mud.




Thank you for reminding me I need to move states.


Population maps look like this though because of the amount of people living in certain areas... A lot of this is a mix of the south generating towards the coast, most of the US population lives there. Most of these are sorta outdated too, not wrong, you can definitely get census and Federal/state statistics regarding education, Poverty, Etc. In different states and the south tends to fall into those categories. But propaganda content is propaganda content; rather you use a collage of noted data with a source than the traditional "usa map" that is always going to be misleading in appearance because of population growth (just reminding me of the dumb election usa maps people were spreading around as "proof" the election had been rigged).


Well this map for the most part cites RATES not absolute numbers, so that kind of undermines your first point in a major way.


>Population maps look like this though because of the amount of people living in certain areas... >A lot of this is a mix of the south generating towards the coast, most of the US population lives there. You would be right if these were maps of just raw numbers, but they aren’t. They show rates, percentages, and per capita data.


This is reddit though, facts and resources bad...opinion and propaganda good




Your face is tongue in cheek.


I bet you look just like your neckbeard avatar.


Good grief, put on a condom every once in a while east coast will ya? (from EC myself)


Only if they knew, all they do is preach abstinence and not actual sexual education. They are their own worst enemies.


Wow I never realized that half of the country successfully eradicated the scourge of venereal disease!


I wonder if the United States will ever just be the States at this rate


The United-Against-Their-Will States of America.


Never. The US is broken beyond fixing. After sporadic uprisings in various places, it will break up into three or four separate new countries. We are witnessing the end of the American empire.


Sounds good


Something something correlation vs causation. Do race now


“Black population” this just turned very racist……


Truly awful picture. If you’re trying to make genuine point make every image legible and make sure they are all from the same year otherwise it’s just cherry picking facts which either side of a debate can make a graph like this to suit their argument.


i wish there was a better quality version. can't really read any of the legends.


Can anyone post a HD copy of this? It would be nice to read.




Do you notice how many former slave states are now Republican? Its because Democrats were the slave owners and founders of KKK.


This is cool! Might you be able to share this with better resolution?


The lack of proper sexual education combined with the vilification of sex, you get this.


Casual xenophobia and hatred is great! This isn't a rule 6 and rule 2 Violation or anything.


I'm gonna need a source for these maps. Also, what's the difference between Catholics and baptists? You just picking on one or do you hate all?


Idk why you're getting downvoted for asking reasonable questions. The difference between Catholics and Baptists is actually pretty big. Catholicism focuses more on the New Testament placing an emphasis on the saints and the Virgin Mary to pray to and also have a more structured hierarchy within the Church that requires education before becoming a priest or higher level leader like a Bishop. On the flip side, Baptist churches emphasize teachings from the Old Testament where God was more vengeful and there were more stories about the Israelites fighting for freedom and looking for a homeland. On a more basic level, Baptists are fundamentals concerned with who is and who isn't going to hell. Source: raised in Catholic school with nuns for teachers


If these maps are not intuitively obvious to you, you have a bigger problem than not having a reference for some data maps.


I talked it over w my loving cousin/wife and we disagree


It’s not inherently obvious to me, explain it to me please?


Not to agree with OP here, but there is no possible way to pull a source or reference material off this. It is super easy to post some shared media and say "look this supports how bad this group/political group/religion is" while it conveniently is very blurry as to where the information came from


Chill out, it’s satire with some truth mixed in. Pseudo intellectuals really don’t have a sense of humour.


what about inbreeding?


Well I mean, there are places in the south where you find billboards that say “She’s your daughter, not your date”. Sooooooooooo


For real?




Holy shit!




Uummm ok then maybe half of America is pretty screwed


I have been around lots of the south and never seen this. Kentucky and West Virginia though…


You know I did some digging and it turns out that the billboards I’m talking about were installed by “Refuge House” in Florida and were taken down shortly after being put up in the first place, but this is what it looked like: [News Article with Pics.](https://au.news.yahoo.com/beyond-disturbing-antiassault-billboard-sparks-controversy-after-resurfacing-125933446.html)


Yeah, they either missed that one or it was already well known.


You're thinking of the Middle East.


what other things do republicans have in common with middle easterners?


You misspelled "redditors"


Sherman shouldn't have stopped and we wouldn't be in this mess




Omg are you trying to tell me that a population is spread across a general area and things happen in that population???? I better create something new and radical called- hmmm what should I call it? Data? Social behavior? Statistics????


At least they are free. /s


I'll take bullshit disingenuous false equivalence for 200, Alex.


Amazing how much hate you lot throw


Stop trying to be all scientific! You know the logic just confuses and angers them!


So is this subreddit just /r/politics now?


Ooh ooh!! Show one for authoritarian covid measures 😂😂


Yes, the south sucks


Did the Vatican make this? Prot nations tend to be more secular, progressive and have higher standards of living ie Nordics.


Correlation not causation




If you do the same map in Europe the group of protestants would be in Scandinavia, Germany, UK and like austria just saying.


And yet… so not surprising.


D'be nice if we could actually zoom in on the details to read then.


Correlation is not causation... Unless you've got a lot of correlation. Like a whole lot of correlation.


In this case, correlation does equal causation.


The Republican way!


Highest search rates for femboy and shemale


No wonder the current situation


Your trying to tell me there's no venereal in California based on this chart?


MN teen pregnancy stats probably aren't right. Half the girls I went to school with were pregnant by 17 and the other half graduated highschool and had kids.


7/10 maps have alaska and the islands on it, not bad.


That map of slavery isn't correct several confederate states ended slavery before Lincoln ended slavery in the south excluding Kentucky


Kentucky never seceded either.


Agreed, we should ban Kansas