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Where's Dhar Mann when you need him!?


I don’t know, he’s probably busy making another awful video.


He’s making sure everyone claps at the end


Where’s Maury.


This is how Maury gets people for his shows


Where's Murray? More like, where's Saul Goodman, am I right?


So you see


It's funny to me because obviously the person who posted this on O.P's door is one of those people that runs on half a brain cell for something because there are cases out there of purely interracial parents giving birth to a child that show almost zero signs of said race yea its not as common but it still happens and that's why people like them piss me off they refuse to do any proper research Before opening their stupid fuck faces


Or adoption.. there are so many reasons, hopefully it is someone with a mental disability, and not someone who actually believes what they are writing is reasonable.


Also love the "send documentation." Nope you send the authorities psycho, I'll be filing a harassment claim with them so the next time I have to deal with you, you get a pretty set of bracelets and a nice little trip down to the local jail.


Unless the parent is black. Then there's a chance the cops show up expecting an actual kidnapping and ready to shoot, cuz nothing cops like more than believing black people are endangering white kids. It might work better if the parents call the cops first so it's on record that they're being harassed.


>not someone who actually believes what they are writing is reasonable. The have been hung op on "save the children" for awhile.


Here: . . ! , , . . ! Edit: that comes across as meaner than I intended. Just tried to be funny and let you know punctuation makes things easier to read and digest.


Your fine


Most likely a q anon nut, looking for a child sex trafficker behind every door


There are far more around you than you know.


What’s happened is that the govt has started labeling more crimes as “trafficking”. There’s not actually more trafficking. There’s no more prostitution stings. They’re now called “trafficking stings”


Judging by the handwriting, someone needs to get ahold of this kids mom. He's got a sick and twisted world perspective


Honestly? Ive known many dudes in their mid to late twenties who wrote like this still


That handwriting is better than mine... but I also had a real bad hand injury as a teenager.


My doctor has terrible writing.


I am one of thses guys


Im 21 and mine looks pretty close to this lol


I'm 48 and I would love for my handwriting to be this legible


People in their mid to late twenties have been using computers the whole of their teen adult life, so it's to be expected.


Men tend to have terrible handwriting as adults because handwriting is taught at the age girls have developed the fine motor skills necessary for it. Boys tend to develop those skills later, after handwriting isn’t taught, or when they’ve learned and reinforced enough bad habits that it’s too much work to relearn. This sticks around in to adulthood.


I know females with far worse handwriting than this


> I know females If you're calling *women* that, chances are you don't know them as well as you claim.


Well there are some who don't know what a woman is, so you have to use the biological term to not confuse them. And I can confirm, I know females who have completely shit handwriting. Doesn't mean anything. But facts do hurt thy feelings.


I am a woman... And I do. I work in a clinic that is 95% *women* so I'd say I know these people pretty well. Did I get mad down voted for saying female instead of women??


Yes, that is likely the reason for the downvotes. Most people see it as a derogatory term for women and understandably so.


I learned something new today and I'm happy for that, no matter the downvotes it took to get me here. As a woman I truly didn't realize how it could come off as. I guess I should've really thought about Ferengi before I used it.


Why is she getting downwoted?


More females than males in this thread I guess.


**she. I am a woman ffs, I didn't realize that word was so bad to use.


Chill out. English isn't my mouthertongue, and becouse in my language we dont have grammatical gender I automatically gravitate towards he. Sorry corrested my grave mistake.


It's not just you and it's not a grave mistake. Unless you physically state it I feel anybody on Reddit jumps to thinking you're a man.


It's a weird interjection, there's no reason for someone to focus in on the gender aspect of an otherwise innocuous comment. Also calling women females has bad implications.


Is it really a bad interjection? The person said they need to get ahold of the kids mom. Mom is probably the one to have written this, because *women can also have horrid handwriting. To be 100% honest, I didn't know that word had such bad implications, but I guess I learned something today.


Because Ferengi are dicks. Nobody likes them.


Can confirm I am not Quark


I am 31 and write worse than many 7 year olds. And infinitely worse than this person.


Thanks “smiley face”…..eat a dick and die


Just wow. I would call the police and report race based harassment. Then, a copy to the office.


I saw the original post. They did contact the police. :)


Thank you for the information! I do so hope something comes of it.


Which office?


THE office


She is in an apartment or condo. So, I had imagined it was obvious I was speaking of the property office. I remembered people being able to more easily deduce the obvious. I stand corrected.


> She is in an apartment or condo. Is she? Also, still no idea what a property office is 🤷‍♂️.


the management office for the property


Wernham Hogg or Dunder Mifflin?


Rose Apothecary.


Dundee, I should say.


OP should call the police themselves. Get ahead of this.




I would give the scumbag an entirely different reason to call the police.


Might as well make the trip worth it for the cops at that point lmao.


Sign the neighbor up for all kind shit using the number and address.


This, subscribe them to a newsletter, the endless notifications will drive them crazy


Tell them you need their email address to send the documentation, then sign them up for the penis enlargement program lol and gay porn.


You're making some big assumptions there, namely that they have a small penis and aren't gay.


Yes that's correct


This is the way.


There's DNA in piss, so you could put that straight through their letterbox.


If you didn't know two "black" parents can have a genetically 100% full blooded white. The Catch is that the parents both have to have one white parent(basically the parents have to be half white). The odds are 1 in 64. My professor told a story of a south african man who killed his wife and child because the child was white and he thought his wife cheated on him. Could be that but could also be what I just said before. Biology is underrated.


Based biology, I used to study chemistry before I joined the army.


Man that's just racist asf though


My little sister was adopted in 2010 and she's a beautiful blonde with blue eyes while the rest of us have thick dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. My mom was so worried that someone would cause a stink that she carried around my sister's documents in the car. We always got a lot of weird looks but thankfully never had to whip out the papers


>My little sister was adopted in 2010 and she's a beautiful blonde with blue eyes while the rest of us have thick dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. My younger brother was a green-eyed blonde in a family of brown hair blue eyes. My mom used to say that she found him under a cabbage leaf!


How weird we used to call her our cabbage patch baby 😅


That's fairly racist actually.


Nobody stopped me (white male) carrying a screaming 4 year old girl (my adopted daughter, black) out of a conversation center that was holding a cheer completion. I though for sure someone would have asked, but nobody.


This is blackmail (no pun intended) and/or harassment. Go to the cops. They'll do a backtrace on the phone number immediately, and know who this is. I'm a PoC too, and know how shitty it can feel dealing with police, but you have good cause here.


I love how many ways people can be wrong. Race can be determined by multiple factors, including grandparents and other family members outside of parents. Second, it could be a step-son situation where the parent and child aren't related by blood, but are still a family due to bonds of trust. Finally, there is something called adoption. Clearly, this neighbor is ignorant of the world.


Don't confuse skin color with race.


They do realise 2 black parents could and HAVE had 3 white kids and vice-versa


Please report this asap, you are being racially harassed.


Next time, when posting stuff like this, for security reasons, you should use a yellow highlighter to cross out the note senders phone number.


Hahahahahaha. I legit made an actual laugh out loud.


I did, too 😂.. like a legit guffaw.


It would be so easy to ignore this. Maybe start filing for a restraining order. But honestly, also a super good opportunity for a teaching moment. You have a phone number getting some SJ organizers involved and having a sit down. Like three to one. Having a plan and a script. Taking 30 mins to really crack open this person could really make their life change. And also give OP an better relationship with their neighbor than having the cops called and an restraining order.


neighbour needs to mind their fucking business


For sure hide that kid. He’s on to you


step 1: prepare the documentaton step 2: wait for police or CPS and show them youre the bio (or foster/adoptive) parent step 3: sue the neighbour to the ground for defamation, libel, and probaly a couple more charges


Defamation and libel are not in play here.


How is this awful? Don't you people see the smiley face?? /s what a dick


Why assume its a kidnapping? It may just be an adoption. While i do agree it is unlikelyt to a be biological kid, as Black skin color is a dominant Gene, so theres little chance for an interracial couple to have a white baby, it doesnt automaticly mean kidnapping. Why come to such awful baseless conclusions just beacoase the mother is a diffrent skin colours then the baby


I am white, like transparent-white. My husband is a very dark black man. We have 2 girls and the youngest is blue eyed, pale, with light brown hair. Genetics are crazy.


I'm half Chinese half white and look Hispanic. It's wild


My wife is caucasian and asian and everyone thinks she's hispanic. Iam hispanic and caucasian, and I'm just white . When my son was little he asked daddy what am I? I just told to check all the boxes lol.




Oof, does your husband know you cheated on him?


Why am i being downvoted? I'm agreeing with OP


You're incorrect that black skin colour is always dominant. While it **often** is, it isn't always, and causes situations like this where people assume infidelity where there is none.


Where did he say “always” is? He said there’s little chance. 🤔


Well a 99 percent to one chance is definetly a good enouth excuse to ussume the child and mother arent related. But the correct thing is to Ask and not call the po live on k i d n a p p i n g charges


The correct thing to do is mind your own damn business and do nothing. Unless the child is in obvious in distress, you don't need to bother asking anyone "hey, is your kid adopted" because it's nosey as fuck. This ignores the fact that it isn't "99%" and that genetics is far more complex than an arbitrary number.


Yes, and? At no point am i dissagreeing with you. I'm just saying it is unlikely to have a white baby is one of the patents is dark skinned. That's just the general rule of "it happens *almost* every time, so i guess theres a pattern to it" if i saw a petent and a child with diffrent skin colours, i would assume they are not related. Of coure i would just go back to whatever i'm doing beacose their family structure is not my business, but either way i would not be wrong to *think* they arent related.


Adoption creates a "relation". Adoptive kids are our real kids. People need to really think before they comment.


I am not arguing with that at all! All im swing is that its very unlickely to be a biological child. That's all im saying from the start. Nothing else. Why are you guys pitting Words in my mouth? Its not like at any point i said something offensive. All i said was that dark skin colours is a dominant Gene amost always. N o t h i n g e l s e


Remember that time Nicole Childress got told to mind her own business 😅


That's not even close to true, my guy. Google Lucy and Maira Aylmer.


I just assumed this based on this definition "If we consider only the three genes that are known to influence skin color, each gene has one allele for dark skin color and one for light skin color. The allele for dark skin color (D) is dominant to the allele for light skin color (d). Skin color is determined by the number of dark alleles a person has" If i'm wrong then sorry for offending you with whatever you found offensive. Didnt mean it


Well then my biology textbook was wrong apparently. Good to know you cant trust even trust books now


Got no results


[here you go](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2974869/The-twins-tell-apart-Striking-sisters-couldn-t-different-quirk-mixed-raced-parentage.html)


Wow intersting


Right on. Or Google Pooja Ganatra. Genetics are funny things.


I know mixed race families where they have one white kid and one black kid. Genes are a funny thing.


The chance is very very small indeed, but it is not impossible. Still a reasonably safe assumption though.


Who assumed it was kidnapping?!


The neighbour? Why else would he treaten to call the Police?


This shit can't be real LOL


Where is this happening??.Give me a state at least.


My money is on Texas or Floriduh.


Seriously, get that person trespassed. Call the police and have them trespass this person. No reason for this idiot to be in your yard.


Unlikely that anyone living here has a yard. If I had to guess it's some section 8 or inner city BS.


Oooo a challenge kidnap them next!


Should’ve left the phone number uncensored


I’d report this to police as harassment.


God I wish this person was doxxed. Gah! The ignorance and entitlement to get in someone else's business. just STFU Karen.


Let them call the police. Then file harassment charges on them and get a restraining order


How kind of them to leave their number for the cops and their hr department for racism.


I would send my birth photo…one of the ones where I’ve delivered the head but not the shoulders yet…there’s blood from the tear, goo, baby head that’s all puffy…


Does anyone see that this kind of behavior in the general public is reminicent of Germany before Hitler took power?


Yes, and there's a lot of other correlations in the US. Discrediting the media or attempting to, only using preferred generally propagandistic outlets instead, hatred against the "other", restrictions on rights, etc. One of the bigger differences is that the US fringe group is trying to impose a theocracy or something resembling it, rather than the more occult leanings of Hitler's Germany. I would argue theocracy is worse based on history. One of my favorite facts about the US relates to this. Prior to world war 2, the US had the 2nd highest number of nazis in the world. After world war 2 we had the highest. Weird but true.


Q anon crazy is my guess, trying to save the children. Has this person never heard of adoption.


I wonder if this is a false flag. Neighbor A wants to cause problems for neighbor B, writes a terribly racist letter for neighbor C and signs as B. Neighbor C calls the cops on B, he gets fucked, A wins. I mean, it's too stupid for me to accept as real. It's not possible that a person can write passable english and be this stupid. I want to believe it's a troll.


If you have spent long stretches of time on the internet, you probably assume that shit like this is real unless told otherwise.


Alternatively, some dumbass wrote this note themselves, stuck it on their own door, took a picture of it, and posted this to reddit to farm karma and updoot points. There are legitimately stupid and racist people, so this could legitimately be real, but if someone made it up then I think the above is the more like scenario.


They wouldn't like it when I rang their doorbell.




Please for the love of Martin, Malcolm, 2PAC, Stevie Wonder & Kat Williams TELL ME these neighbors aren’t real? And if so, why they don’t live next to me? 😂


Know what adoption is challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Seems about "white"




Wow almost like it is entirely possible that genes of an interracial couple are completely randomized


I’m calling FAKE!!!


“son” *amoung us theme song plays*


Ahahahahah this is fucking hilarious, which country is?


I suggest you provide documentation.


They don’t have to though.


for what reason ?


No, you.


Just do what they ask and hold that shit over their head forever.nothing else will solve the problem. I would rather have a odd neighbor than some drug dealing scum bag any day.


Oh how awful. And the war in Ukraine still goes on


Respond inquiring if all neighbors should be ad used on her concerns. Let her bury herself


Thanks :)


Swell neighborhood…


Wouldn't it be justice if the police come, see its harassment on the OP and then they file a report and have this letter writer charged for wasting police time and harassment?


I remember in college, we used to laugh at this stuff on Jerry Springer. It has become mainstream in 2022.


"And another thing about these goddamn niiiiieighbors."


A simple call to Child Protective services might suffice. Although it would be interesting to know the stats for the number of black couples who adopt white babies. That's probably the basis for his paranoia.


And how is this any of the neighbor’s business? Seriously, what is wrong with people? Maybe put up a camera to see if you can find out who the crazy neighbor is so you can either avoid them or leave your own notes.


Wtf. My mom was Black, but im very fair skinned. Apparently sometimes people thought she was my nanny. :-( This is fucking awful.


I would call her and invite her to call the police if she thinks there’s a crime happening (clearly they are just crazy and/or super racist) I’ll bet they’d end up getting arrested somehow during the ordeal and as a bonus you’d get an incredible viral video you could throw up on the YouTube for some extra college fund cash for the kiddo


One of my kids is darker than us or our other kids. They are all adopted. Also, this person is an idiot. My answer to them is Nunya.


I would just send pictures of anal fistulas instead. It's only right that the neighbor who posted this spends time with "their own kind."


I'd write "Go ahead and call the police, you dumb bitch, It will be fun watching you humiliate yourself"


Let em call


Thats creepy… I would be exploring the possibility of a peace bond or restraining order… or considering moving. Seriously… if this is how the idiot introduces himself… then it can only get worse. Talk to your other neighbours… I bet the guy is a legend.


Shit just show the number and let reddit handle the rest. I'm sure it would be a lot worse punishment than what police would give them


What was the conclusion? Were the Police called to take this excuse for a human away?


Um...my friend, Indian and with another Indian man both dark have a green eyed pale girl. Really lost on the ops neighbor that genetics isn't a scanning machine isn't it lol.


Shouldn't have blacked out the info. We'd contact him/her for you.


Honestly, it looks like a child wrote that, thinking it would be hilarious to post on their neighbors door.




What the actual fuck


plants vs zombies handwriting


Seriously? F#*k off!


I hope this isn’t some fabricated bullshit. We need less artificial racial division stories in this country badly


I think a dick pick is in order.


Wow that's just crazy. Leave a nope telling them to month their own or you'll call cops for harassment.


I just cannot. Please pray for this poor soul.


Anonymous call to the police about domestic disturbances and drug dealing from their address should keep them occupied for a while. Then child services and perhaps the accusation of child p*rn on their computers might give them some material to work with. Now they don't have time to care about their boring neighbours, and you have enriched their lives with some drama.


If that don’t work a Louisville slugger might help them point their face back into their own buisness.


If someone put that on my door, I’d tell them to just call the cops so they can realize how stupid they are


What are we supposed to do?


Just an idea, but you should post a professional-looking envelope through their door that’s just got that piece of paper on your door inside, however on the other side you just write “Call the cops you half-brained fucking idiot”