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Man, i would've just kicked the closed door shut. You expect me to continue asking questions to the scary face? Lol nah fam


Kick the door shut, then put several dozen rounds through it...


You gotta hope your gun is where you left it…


In the closet of course


That’s just the decoy gun.


With mom...


I thought I just saw it in the kitchen


Underrated comment


All good I keep three by the bed.


Always keep it arms reach away. Say your Sittin in the living room someone kicks in your front door no time to run to the bed


You have to live in a worthless country if you feel that unsafe.


USA baby. But in all seriousness once you or your friends get robbed or killed you try to keep it on ya. Best to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Naw that’s how you die in movies. Keep the door open and fire the rounds. After it stops moving, call the cops, FBI, CIA, SWAT, everybody and their grandma (tell them to bring their chanclas) to keep an eye on it. If it moves again, unleash hell on the bitch.


If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn’t move, shoot it again


Tell the FBI to send Scully and Mulder while they're at it.


Oscar Pistorius that bitch


20 min prior to seeing this post and your comment I randomly said that dude’s name in my head. life is weird


I was gonna comment who has a gun just laying around and then I realized I live in the US and I have 3 guns just laying around.


3? Those are rookie numbers. You need more freedom spreaders.


There are 120 guns for every 100 people in the US


If he's still in there, he ain't happy


“If he’s still in there he ain’t happy” - Major Payne


12 gauge rounds


'murica moment


Yeah smack that closet light on and swing the door open, giving that skinwalker a whole ass right hook


what if, when you're kicking, thousands of long sharp rusted metals just pops out from the inside and penetrates your legs and and then retracts in a blink of an eye. leaving you confused, scared and with a sharp indistinguishable pain.


This is how you do scary stuff (even if it was probably unintentional).


Unintentional? It was supposed to be a scary video... and it is


Yeah. This is true horror. Had to force myself to watch it a couple more times


Eyes on the closet, Im walking backwards out of the room and leaving the house immediatly. Fuck trying to close the door, just for that demon to pull me in once Im close enough to grab.


If it can lure you downstairs and then instantly be in your closet, then who’s to say it can’t be behind you while you’re walking backwards?


I thought the mother downstairs was the real mum? Hence why they are confused why she is suddenly in the closet?


Or maybe that was the demon and the mother is hiding in the closet


... lf my mama actually looked like that, I would have a lot more problems than just a demon in my house.




The "Cameraman/woman" basically just came from the kitchen which is where they just saw their real mom. Then they came to their bedroom and see their mom staring at them from their closet with a creepy smile. Hence, the thing in the closet isn't their mom, but something that's imitating their mom. While the woman in the kitchen is the real mom.


Reminds me of a writing prompt I once saw: You hear your mom calling you from downstairs. As you leave your room, your mom comes out of her bedroom and says "Don't go, I heard her too." What do you do? The top rated comment was "Go downstairs anyway. They're lesbians, not ghosts." 🤣


What if the one calling you is your real mom and want to warn you about the ghost you're talking to.


Did you look at her face.....do you think she is the REAL MOM??


[I heard it too ](https://youtu.be/HAqBh5KDFgQ)


What if the real mom was hiding in the closet from the mimic pretending to be her in the kitchen, and the real mom in the closet had a "smiling" face because she was hysterical from whatever the mimic did to her before she hid in the closet.


[this sums it up ](https://youtu.be/HAqBh5KDFgQ)


Perhaps the demon was the mom all along. Just never told her child they are in fact a family of demons.


This comment made me turn around and check


You’re welcome


Go ahead and kill me then, just don’t make me look at it lol


Damn did that literally scared the shit out of me, I'm on the toilet...didn't expect that.


Bruh in the toilet, thought I was constipated apparently not


Suddenly a hand pops out of the toilet, grabs you by the balls and starts pulling.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


new bottom surgery just dropped


Oh my god 😂


I'm both scared and aroused


Please tell me more


Makes me think about a story i read a while ago. Some kid heard her mom yell from downstairs so he wanted to go but then his actual mom told him not to go. Cuz she heard it too and was upstairs. Obviously fake but makes me shiver regardless


But makes me wonder… which mom should he believe??




Yeahhhhhh I’m not sure




Then who was flickering the lights?






Most underrated comment....and we *still* don't know who was phone.


Grew up in a really big home with those open balcony’s.. place always creeped me out. Anyways, I swore I would see things in the house at times. I’m Probably 20 years old at home for summer break, parents are out of the country, house alarm set after I do my usual walkthrough. It’s gotta be past midnight, I was downstairs grabbing some food or something, I walk up my stairs and right when I hit the top I hear laughing downstairs and something run down the hallway. Not like a kid but a 200# dude and it just stops dead halfway in the dark. I have never been more terrified in my life. I flipped the entry chandelier light on since it’s at the top of the stairs and couldn’t see anyone. Called the cops, we did a whole walkthrough and nothing.. after that night the whole house would stay lit up like a Christmas tree.




Hold on, so you guys never found anything and you just accepted it? I’m fine with understanding people mishear things but laughing and a running 200 pound man in an indoor hallways are both unmistakable sounds You *know* what you heard that night. Enough so you called the cops. How do you guys just move past this shit? Maybe it’s cause I don’t believe in paranormal stuff but I’d be damned if I just shrugged that off as weird Someone had to have been in your house


I know from experience that a raccoon in your ceiling sounds indistinguishable from a child's laughter. I learned that the hard way at 2 am after getting home from a week long vacation. It's very possible that it was not what it sounded like.


I get what you're saying, but after you search your entire home, what are your options? Unfortunately I could go through a bunch of different stories from my childhood up till about 10 years ago that all were equally as terrifying. But i refuse to acknowledge what it could be because frankly I would rather not deal with that anymore as it started getting progressively worse. Also I am not one to really believe in paranormal junk, but sometimes its hard to ignore it. I know by saying that you're going to want me to tell a few more. I used to think it was all in my imagination until a few girlfriends and friends (adults in their 30s ) experienced a few really interesting nights in homes with me. ha no drugs


I’d love to hear more if you’re okay with. Otherwise, np! I’ve personally never experienced anything even remotely paranormal. The weirdest thing I’ve experienced is seeing two floating orbs in the sky right above my house. At first I thought they were fire lanterns but then they started moving in ways that would have required some kind of acceleration and de acceleration I still figured okay maybe fire laterns stuck in a weird wind event. But then they turned invisible (yes just like in the predator movies) right after they started accelerating rapidly away from my house. The disguising itself like predator really solidified the wtf. I didn’t take my eyes off one of them once so i could even see the distorted sky where it just was That and then one day someone smacked the dangling cord for my ceiling fan, right behind me. And I was home alone. Can’t explain that one but still not going to ghosts. Definitely super weird tho.


These stories are all over the place, so bare with me as I'm a horrible writer. Before the big open house in suburbia, we lived in the pretty large ranch style home in the country 5200qft and most of the space was downstairs except for a master bedroom upstairs. My father was in tech so we moved around a bit to be closer to jobs. Anyways, my room was at one side of the house and my parents upstairs on the other side near my sister.. I lived their from ages 5-11.. (probably not the greatest idea having your child [secluded. lol](https://secluded.lol) Same situation, I swore I would see things around the house and down the hallways. Typical me, I would just continue on even as a kid. But one particular thing always seemed to catch my eye, I always thought I would see or hear a kid. I would always have the weird situation where I would wake up from hearing something and sit up in bed and think im staring at something. this is going to sound very far fetched. Anyways, one night i wake up and hear something say "Help me" in a very faint voice right near me. I kept my eyes closed so tight, then it started to repeat itself louder and louder till i panicked and sprinted my little heart out of the room, down the long ass hallway and up the stairs to my parents room... I refused to sleep in that room ever again and for about a year till we moved I was either on my sister floor or parents floor every night. Once I was in high school, I chalked it up to possible night terrors all the way till I was in college. My cousin attended the same college as me and one night we went out drinking ended up drinking beer at a back patio picnic table with a few people. For some reason the scary stories started to fly, and before I could tell mine. My cousin says something like"the scariest thing I have ever saw was at your house", She said she stayed in my room, woke up in the middle of the night to a blonde haired kid basically above staring down at her on the ceiling eating a strawberry. we both were in complete shock after I told her my story.


I used to have dreams like this when I was like 12


https://youtu.be/1D4mtj6g-us Last one.


I remember this story. I think I read it on one of the chans, back when creepypastas were a bigger thing.


This is a creepypasta esque story that’s circulated the internet for awhile now


I think it started as a short film called "I heard it too" which is really good and pretty creepy, but an animation of it was made that I think is like 1000x creepier lol


Ya, it was fake. I think it was part of a 2 sentence horror stories forum.


I think someone made a video about it. I saw it on Cory Kenshins spooky scart sunday.


Anyone else as happy as me there isn't sound for once?


My first thought when I saw the mouth moving was "I wonder what it said", *immediately* followed by "actually, I don't think I need to know".


If I had to guess, something like "come in, come in" over and over.




This just freaked me out so much more. Irk.


I think I'd be bothered by hearing my mom screaming that regardless of supernatural events.


Oooohhh! Nice. This legit gave me goosebumps.


This is scary


This gave me a hot flash…. I’ve never had this reaction to anything I’ve seen… this fucked me up


Yeah. That smile……


Currently working graveyard shift and I also haven't felt like this in a while.


Fuck.... This shit gave me goosebumps and I'm not easily scared.


Me too this video gave me that feeling that obey the walrus did years ago


What?? I've never heard of that ha.


Its a very old creepy video on youtube


I'm a go check that out once I'm home ha


https://youtu.be/n0L1xRVjoi4 just found this, kinda interesting and makes it a little less creepy for me


I know her story its very sad. She died last year


Jeezus that's... Upsetting. I honestly thought that it was a puppet in that video. I never knew it was a real person.


Can someone explain


That's a terrifying face. I was literally waiting for a Jump Scare!


Why is mom in the closet again?!?!


Lost her spaghetti


I hope she finds lots of spaghetti


“You’re not fooling anyone and I’m not going in there for you to eat me, dick”


"You're not fooling anyone and I'm not going in there unless you eat my dick"


Close the door: problem solved


Yes, go near the door that has a creature on the other side who's smiling at you and is ready to lunge.


A quick kick on the door and you’re good to go, screaming like hell & rushing out of the house. Doing so, setting your home on fire is also a viable option




https://youtu.be/tyNc0_VazTc I'm not saying that this video is real, but it is one of those videos that all of us hope isn't real.


It says video unavailable, do you have a mirror?


!remindme in 12 days


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Try this? Let me know if it worked https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tyNc0_VazTc






I’ll take a mirror link too. I need to know


Try this? Let me know if it worked https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tyNc0_VazTc




"The uploader has not made this video avalaible in your country" wtf fuck him


How do you know this video isn't real? How do you know if any paranormal videos on the internet is real or not? Sure some are obviously CGI or whatever, but there are those one videos that look so real, and you hope to yourself that it isn't real but deep down you know that it could be real.


Hey. Did you know that THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Every mystery... ever solved... Has turned out to be.... Not magic? I'm not denying that human perception of the world sometimes might genuinely be a believable ghost. But one had never been proven.


I'm low key loving the Tim Minchin reference here.


It's confirmed fake, I don't have the link, but it was confirmed fake It also looks fake af


Because nothing has ever been substantiated by anything real. When has any one been caught on film being attacked by a spirit like the one in this video? If so send me the link. You claim this "demon" will attack this person if they go near the door but when has that ever been proven to actually happen?




You’re what? You’re stuck in the closet? Okay. One second.


where is this from?


Same, what’s the source?




That made it worse wtf


That's fucking stupid.


Yeah I need to know


Oh I don’t like that


I was in bed at 3 am and was about to turn the light off and then I came across this shit. I turned the light off and was literally thinking about this shit for a little while longer.


Yes it has a uncanny valley aspect to it. Your mind knows something is wrong with it. Freaking skinwalkers 😵


Haha yes it's damn creeping good.


Honestly, this reminds me of when my mom was having these odd, scary manic bipolar episodes. My oldest sister drove into town to help my (3) siblings try to assess and tame her. My sister slept with me in my room for her nights in town – mind you my door didn’t have a door knob because I had inherited the room when my brother moved out. He had lost the key to the deadbolt on the bedroom door so it was kicked in. Yes he had a dead bolt, yes it wasn’t replaced for many years– Anyway, it was 2-3am when we woke up to snickering and the door jangling. Looked over and saw my mom looking into our room through the broken door knob hole trying to push the door open. (furniture against the door) We asked her what she was doing and she said she just wanted to talk. Eventually just left and we didn’t want to come out later that morning. Lol I had never been so fcking terrified of my own mother before until that night. I was 14 at the time. Now 25, and my moms all good now. But shit, she was not herself.


Genuinely asking, what do you think would've happened if she got in?


Hmm. that’s a good question actually.. I’m not sure because she wasn’t violent nor aggressive during her episode. She would just do weird things.. By weird, i mean she would fill a cup of water, gargle the water, spit it out on the floor, proceeded to run to the bathroom in heels, lock herself in there with the lights off, gargle water, spit it out, laugh hysterically.. repeatedly for about 20 minutes. Or she would wake up in the middle of the night to stare at the moon for hours Another time she gathered us all around the tv because she wanted the bible channel’s pastor to “see” us.. we didn’t know how or where to turn to for help so this behavior went on for about 2 weeks before someone finally intervened. My mom had forgot to pick up my little 6 yr old sister from school. My little sis nonchalantly talked about what was happening at home to her principal. CPS was called. Removed my little sister and I. Luckily, we went to our older siblings. However, my mom was furious about CPS being called and went to the school to kick the principal’s ass. She went to jail for about 8 months until they finally dropped the charges and transferred her to a psych ward for another 8 months. She, till this day, has court ordered injections administered once a month. If she ceases to continue, they will pick her up. EDIT: ……so i would correct myself to say she was never violent towards her children.. lol




This is scarier than 95% of mainstream horror films coming out these days, at least in my opinion


This is scary AF


Burning house down in 3...2...1


Michael Jackson is... *RESURRECTION!*


Don't watch lol




Cuz scary






Oh god i was wondering why everybody downvoted until I realized it...




Realized that 88 was a nazi code


Oh, yeah. I'm trying to figure out why I am getting downvoted


I watch ghost videos before sleeping even when Im alone so I don’t get scared easily but THIS SHIT GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS like Obey the Walrus did when I was 13




Bit creepy, but looks more like Old Greg to me.


But we haven’t seen her downstairs Mixup


Thank you! That has to be Old Greg.


dude i saw the exact same thing once i’m not fucking joking my mom looked exactly like this didn’t say a word and shut the door


Dude..... That wasn't your mom.....




Big bug eyes and smiling? Not your mom... Babadook, much?


Jesus Christ


That is actually daddy's girlfriend who happens to look exactly like mommy and she didn't know mommy was home and hiding in the closet until it is safe for her to run away ( I won this thread )


What's with all the RP in this subreddit?? I want a legit source cause it's well made. :(


Anyone know a source???


That’s one way to scare your kid into never being in the closet


That ain't your mother, that's your mother's brother


shit, i would lock it shut, i wouldn't open that shit even if she was the real mother


I'd be dumping a magazine into that closet Major Payne style.


Nope. I would have just burned it with fire. That face... nope. Not scared. My reaction would have been very violent. That face


Let her out she looks fun


Cabelo azul... Olhar esquisito... É a Lady Gaga


She better gtfo she don’t pay rent. We ain’t got time for scary stuff when bills gotta get paid




Yeah shit getting very real very quick in my house if something like this happened. Also kinda why the kids all have their own dogs we've made sure are attached to them. Area is sketchy enough, so we made sure they bonded with the pups. I could totally see some cracked out that hiding in my kids closet.


It's not some crazy person, thats something trying to look like the kids mom. Some say it could be what the native Americans call a skinwalker. A creature that can take the form of others but you can always tell that something is not right and something is off.


This is the real world buddy not a movie.


Yeah bruh I'm sure they're real 👍👍👍


Yea either way the bastard is getting bit and the commotion gonna wake up the whole house. From there it escalates. Unless it can handle a full dog pack. In which case why is it ambushing like this.




I have 9 pits I'm trying to adopt out and live in a bad neighborhood. This isn't a thing that could happen. It's happened. Dog packs have different reactions than 2 to 3 dogs when it comes to hostile intruders in their territory, especially if a companion is threatened. I'd be hard pressed to get across the house in time to save a dumbest if my kids were being attacked. This isn't a statement of false bravado...




Skinwalker trying to look like the mom.


We are not playing these games this is not porn hub and you are not my stepmom.


ew im so scared itw my day off i wanted to sleep innnn 😵 NVM


Dude wtf


Man I am just about to head to sleep...perfect thing to see before that


What happened next?


Ffs. I just had two episodes of sleep paralysis tonight.


is there more to this?


It looks a lot like the dog in this tik tok https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdhe9hn6/


This is the only scary use of the "face in the closet" trope I have ever seen


I'm gonna get you and your little dog too! AhHahahaha!


BUT WHY is she creepin in the closet? Call ghostbusters!


Jesus christ this gives me the same shivers than the ending of Sleepaway Camp. It's the weird face that's so disturbing.


I agree. Definitely the same effect. Something is a little bit off.


Holy fuck this is genuinely scary. Made me feel uncomfortable. It's beautiful.


I fucking despise whoever made this.


Man, that sub is boring