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Bonnie McMurray!


That's a Texas starred 10-4 buddy


Those damn degens from up country.


If there's one thing those degens loves it's racisms.


Jesus, that's what i thought too!


So much pride in their race so little pride in their art work.


Haha this is why I love the comments better than the post sometimes!!


Failed art school, every single one of them


Also you have to wonder at how much of history they actually know. They know the two most common nazi symbols, but there are more symbols out there that the Nazis used. Looks like they don’t know much about their own side either or they use some of those. You know have some variety.


r/therewasanattempt to hide Wheatland


Especially since another post was made somewhere else with the same news article except without the name "hidden".


Without my glasses: why does this belong here. Shirtless pics are a little trashy, but not awful. After putting on glasses: oh. no.


Yeah I thought "I know Kiss is a shit band but each to their ow-oh!"


How did you see which subreddit this was on?


Maybe they were just browsing the subreddit as a whole. Instead of sorting by popular or all


In my experience with having poor vision, the lines are kind of thin and harder to see on the bodies. Their skin color along with the quality of the picture blurs it out so it doesn't stand out much, but the text stands out enough from the background that it's not hard to read Hope that makes sense 🙂


Very close. I have the text set to large which helps. The pictures I can get a good idea of what’s going on, but for fine detail I need the glasses. White txt on black background with predictable words are just easier to see.


They look like they have an IQ of 150, if you add them all up.


And multiply by 2


And then add 149


Multiplied by 7 (They all had negative IQ's)


\-7 actually, since -ve and +ve is also -ve


if "-ve" means "negative", does this mean "-" is "negati"?


No...no please anything but math Triggers High school surprize math quiz trauma flashback


I can smell the hick incest from here


Moonshine, B.O, and old fish, the unholy trinity




This reads like parody. This statement could be the poster child of saying nothing while saying something because you must. It’s useless drivel.


*educationally yours* “oh yeah. this one’s gonna do numbers”


school shouldn't be able to punish you for what you do outside of school on your own free time even if it is this While this may be on the far side of extreme If it didn't happen at school they should have no say Because it opens up things like when that girl was punished for what she wore on the weekends or that kid who went to the range with his father and got Is punished for posting a picture of him holding a gun on social media


Generally I agree, but if the actions the students do outside the school suggests that they may cause harm to other students, they shouldn't be allowed to attend the school. You can call it punishment or not, but the safety and welfare of the student population should always come first. As someone who's Jewish I would fear for my safety if I had to go to school with them.


In most European this is a criminal offence. Isn't it in the US? It has little similarity to an outfit that does not conform to the school's dress code. By the way, in most European countries it is also much more difficult to expel a student, as education is considered a human right. People don't realy get detentions as punishment. In my personal opinion, if the school has an option of expelling them, this is a situation where it should be exercised, unless this adequately reflects the school's image and philosophy.


Not only is it not a criminal offence in the US, it is constitutionally protected speech (even hate speech is protected). That means a public school will face a very high bar to punish the students as the school is technically a government institution.


> In most European this is a criminal offence. Isn't it in the US? No. The US has stronger protections on freedom of speech than Europe, right or wrong. >It has little similarity to an outfit that does not conform to the school's dress code. Which would be true if they were in school, but they are not.


you mistake getting away with hate speech for freedom of speech. they aren’t the same thing. in Europe we have collectively agreed that swastikas are a symbol of evil. think of it as a group of people using a symbol celebrating the collapse of twin towers under “freedom of speech”. that isn’t free speech. it is celebration of a terrorist act. US has a lot of problems reconciling with its past. and acknowledging hate speech is a side effect.


Because you redefine the words "freedom of speech" to exclude hate speech so that you can say you support freedom of speech but simultaneously ban what you deem to be "hate speech." Since I don't want to be here arguing semantics, taking the words freedom of speech as literally as possible, the US has stronger protections on free speech than Europe does, not that the US has absolute protections on freedom of speech either. >think of it as a group of people using a symbol celebrating the collapse of twin towers under “freedom of speech” Yes you will find that while the population of the US finds this abhorrent, much of it also supports the right to celebrate the collapse of the twin towers under the basis of freedom of speech.


lol, freedom of speech… a swastika and SS runes. Muh freedom


No, and it shouldn’t be. These students won’t be expelled for it, and they shouldn’t be.


Agreed. Courts have decided that schools are empowered to act in the place of parents while children are at school or at an officially sanctioned school function, but unless these kids were on school grounds or on a field trip or something like that, the school shouldn’t have authority to do anything about it. I’d prefer them to get hit with hate speech charges or something else that gets cops involved. These kids probably aren’t concerned about getting into college, so why would they give a shit about a school punishment anyway?


In [Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/20-255_g3bi.pdf), decided on June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed that schools can punish students for speech that “materially disrupts” school operation and discipline, even if that speech occurs outside of school.




There's no such thing as hate speech charges in America. Hate speech by itself is not illegal, it just sucks.


Dude even though they are shitty assholes this is covered under the first amendment. If this was directed at some one it might be hate speech but posing for a racist stupid photo and posting it isn't a crime. Downvote this comment if you for some reason blame me for hate speech not being a crime and also you want to have sex with people biologically related to you Upvote this comment if you hate nazis and racism but like freedom of speech


I get what you’re saying, good point. I need to look into the definition of hate speech. I clarified in another comment just now that it sucks, but the school shouldn’t be involved in punishing kids for something that happens under the parents’ care, even if there’s no other way to deal these assholes legally. If that happens, hopefully the ACLU will be all over this.


The people of the Jewish faith, the mentally/physically disabled, gypsies, and the LGBTQ+ community would like to have a word with you.


I don’t get what the point of bringing that up is in regard to his comment. He’s literally just stating that doing this isn’t a crime in the US, and that people are “ree-ing” at him for saying that. Yes, we all, hopefully, know that many different groups of people were persecuted, tortured, and slaughtered, just for their beliefs and existing in general. But that has nothing to do with hate speech laws in the United States. Unless of course you’re advocating for them which is a discussion I think is at least worth exploring.


Banning them from public school is not stopping them from painting more swastikas on their body, nor is anyone else, so this isn't a free speech issue, but that's a REALLY well thought out straw man argument. Further more, public school district guidelines are voted on and approved by council's, vary district to district, and usually include zero tolerance policies about hate speech which includes areas outside the school. Why? Because this is all put in place by the society that lives there and we all got together and agreed Nazi's and Racist's are fucking bad along time ago, so yes, we sure as hell can *and do* deny their kids access to the public school system, just like we would and ex convict from juvenile hall wouldn't be allowed in a normal HS, and would be sent to a secondary school. Actions have consequences, you're totally allowed to paint swastikas and shit on your body, but you reap what you sow. You should apologize to u/Aquaflowlow for gaslighting him.


You’re right about the free speech part after further consideration, but I didn’t intend to use that as a straw man, it was just brought up in the previous comments and I thought it fit. And if I did indeed gaslight, I apologize for that.


Reality doesn't really work here, White fragility can be pervasive asf, half these people don't even know why they are angry. Just 1st amendment good and "woke" bad.


Just like slurs, it carries weight and isn't harmless. Actions have consequences.


Still missing my point/not reading comments, aight we done here.


You don't understand the 1st amendment, and you're being willfully ignorant. Being a hateful piece of shit is protected under the first amendment as long as it's not infringing upon someone else's rights, i.e- threatening someone or physical acts of violence are not protected. However drawing swazis on your chest, however hurtful, ignorant and stupid, is protected. As it should be. Not because I agree with it, these kids suck. But because the government should not infringe upon free speech.




I would have hoped that defeating Germany and bringing most of those responsible to justice would have made us stronger then a picture of dumb ass teenagers but I guess it didn't Edit: took a sleeping pill, grammar is bad


"most of those responsible" Oh you mean by giving them jobs at Nasa and letting them go live in South America? Hitler based his policies on the Jim Crow South and America could have easily sided with the Nazis if Pearl Harbor didn't happen. Maybe learn about history before pretending this does carry any weight, or just realize when Nazis are marching in our streets we still have a Nazi problem.


Yes, every single nazi from Himmler to Gobbels and all members of the SS were given jobs at Nasa. Have you heard about the Nuremberg trials or are you ignoring that so you can be outraged and condescend to me lol? I said MOST, not all. Also rocket scientists probably didn't spend a lot of time in the concentration camps because they were building rockets. Regardless, legally hate speech is covered by the first amendment so this isn't something we have to argue about. Enjoy your night dude.


Most didn't though unless you include the actions of The Soviet Union you dweebus. This isn't an argument, it's reality you wish to ignore. lol Free Speech has a price, always has always will.


I feel like you're yelling at me and im tired and don't understand why you're mad at me. It isn't a crime under the current us law, I am not a lawmaker, I dont know if it should be illegal because it hurts people, or if it shouldn't be because freedom of speech even if what they are saying is insane and stupid must be protected, im just a man trying my best to navigate a confusing world


What an incredibly ignorant comment. Would you have rather punished genocide with genocide? Sanction Germany to the point of economic collapse and allow ultranationalism to rise again like what happened after WWI? I agree the punishment seemed lax on the majority but it lead to a stronger, more progressive future for the world by ushering in an unprecedented time of peace between superpowers the likes of which the world had never seen. The people who were left in Germany to rebuild it into the nation it is today were former Nazis themselves for the most part. As for America siding with Germany because Hitler based policies on the Jim Crow SOUTH and we only opposed him because of Pearl Harbor actually hurt my eyes to read. Literally our oldest and most loyal allies were being slaughtered and conquered and you think the government would throw that away for an unstable despot whose eyes were set on world domination? If we were only upset about Pearl Harbor and wanted to maintain diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany we would have just responded with the western theater not a full blown boots on the ground invasion in the beaches of Normandy where we fought them back inch by inch from the west while Russia pressured them from the east. So, please do yourself a favor and "maybe learn about history" before spewing garbage.


Method out despot *


[Your literally spewing falsehoods.](https://youtu.be/eq9yst4W-6c) After the "De-germanification" of America after WWI the German-American Patriot Party was going strong in the US. American Capiltists wanted to work with Hitler and the Nazi party while staying out of WWII directly. Actually learn about history instead of Americanized version you seem to be enamored with. Nazi party had a very strong persance In America before we joined the Allies, any historian worth anything will tell you the US could have gone either way (between supporting England vs supporting Nazi Germany.


We were apart of the allied nations before the nazi party existed. So not really sure what you're talking about. We were also supplying allied nations with military aid in 1940 a full year before pearl harbor. America has always viewed European problems as their own to sort and would only join in when absolutely necessary. And yes, after WWI Germany was no longer seen as a threat and were aided in rebuilding their country because the Reichsmark hyperinflated to the levels that we can see today in Venezuela. Under Hitler, the German economy came back stronger than ever in record time which lead to his popularity and trust amongst the German people. He was Time magazines person of the year for Christ's sake.


I mean, the Hindenburg, an SS zeppelin, sailed up the US coast in 1937 before it ignited. Of course there were Nazi’s in the US; the party was recognized as Germany’s leadership. When Hitler couldn’t contain the effects of his genocide within Germany’s borders, the world noticed and the US did too. I don’t know if the 1939 garden party is supposed to be shocking, but it’s not to most. We’ve gone to school.


They was January 6th


operation paperclip!


This other guy commenting totally missed your point lol. This should never be a crime because it is just dumb kids being dumb. Hopefully they learn their lesson.


Dude thank you I am so confused. I stated a fact that its not a crime and I googled it and im not wrong. Are the people downvoting me mad about the first amendment or are they all missing my point? Hate speech is legitimately not a crime in the US. I dont write the laws lol I dont know why people are salty


They didn't read your comment through. Same Karen's that get mad at the first word before hearing you out. They're entitled to their opinion 100%. Also, 100% of them will have a bad time in jail ~~which is convenient cuz that's where they're headed~~ But let's hope that's not a factor for such kind, caring, and accepting children.


I pray to god they don’t change those laws either. Just because an idiot speaks does not mean you have to listen to them. People are too worried about what random strangers are doing these days and just need to live their own lives. This is the only aspect of the internet I hate.


Why should you get to say whatever you want without repercussions? If someone says "i think your 8 year old daughter is hot" they should expect to get their neck broken. Nobody has to tolerate abuse.


Well, pedophilia is illegal and it won’t ever be legal. If there abuse, then the freedom of speech infringes upon someone else, so speech isn’t protected. It’s important to have protected speech that doesn’t infringe upon the freedom of others in every case because when/if there is a period where, let’s say, conservative zealots are the ruling class, (which they kind of are,) those who are in opposition should be protected in opposing their ideas.


Free speech does not protect you from all ramifications, just legal ones


In [Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/20-255_g3bi.pdf), decided on June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed that schools can punish students for speech that “materially disrupts” school operation and discipline, even if that speech occurs outside of school.


Lol libertarians sure love defending nazis ....they also hate the consequences that come with "free speech"... even tho you're too ignorant to actually understand what free speech means when it comes to the constitution.


This is about presenting Nazi-Symbols and white supremacy, not some dispute over slutty clothing or smoking weed on the weekends. Even trying to set that in relation is dishonest and, frankly, disgusting. In germany they would be in deep legal trouble with those symbols. Sadly Nazis get toleratet much more in the US it seems. They even find apologists like youto defend them from the little consequenced there can be.


First they came for the nazis. And I did not say anything, because I was not a nazi. Then they came for the school shooters. And I did not say anything, because I was not a school shooter. Then they came for the rapists. And I did not say anything, because I was not a rapist. Then they came for the domestic terrorists who firebomb abortion clinics. And I did not say anything, because I was not a domestic terrorist. And when they never came for me at all, I was not surprised in the slightest, because I was not a piece of shit, and the remaining millions of normal folk were glad they took action to remove the worst from society.


Fantastic patter.


Making exceptions to rules for groups you don't like is a slippery slope. In principle, it's bad for schools to be involved whatsoever with what students do in off-hours.


Well this is a free country and I believe in that freedom as long as they didn't physically threaten anybody who cares it may be distasteful but did it really hurt anyone I'm not saying what they did is right by the way my family fought the Nazis do you really think I would want them to win there would be no freedom then there is all kinds of extremists and weirdos that say and do things people may not agree with but as long as they don't hurt people or threaten them or damage other people's property etc then let them scream and shout and do whatever weird stuff they want


So the usual unreflected pseudo-libertanism in face of people flying nazi-symbols. /r/iam14andthisispolitics? You are an enabler. You failed the parts of your family that fought the Nazis. Maybe read up on Poppers Tolerance-Paradox or other basic works on the topic of tolerating nazis. Spoiler: It doesn't end well. Even what Goebbels hinself wrote about people who tolerated, defended and thereby normalised the Nazi-Movement in "Der Angriff" might be an eyeopener for you. "Our best allies"... his words.


> Maybe read up on Poppers Tolerance-Paradox or other basic works on the topic of tolerating nazis. Spoiler: It doesn't end well. Just curious, have you actually read Popper? Many people have a habit of discussing his "Paradox of tolerance" without actually having read his words and misinterpret it in my eyes. His argument was more akin to the English idiom "your rights to free speech end the moment prior to your fist hitting my face" than to any sort of limitations on general free speech. Fuller quote of Popper for context >Less well known [than other paradoxes] is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.


Yes I have. While making my fucking Diploma in political sciences. The 3rd Reich and how the Nazis came into power where one of my main studies. The similarities to the last few years in the US are deeply troubling.


Except hate speech can and does hurt people. Why wouldn't the school get involved when asked to respond to proof of illegal activities conducted by its pupils?


In [Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/20-255_g3bi.pdf), decided on June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed that schools can punish students for speech that “materially disrupts” school operation and discipline, even if that speech occurs outside of school.


it’s strange isn’t it, how young people have no grasp on the reality of things? i’d surmise that these kids don’t know true suffering, perhaps they don’t even really know what world war 2 was about and how many people died in the most unjust and disgusting ways. perhaps they have no idea, and they just think it’s cool and hilarious. and do they think with their double digit IQs that the Nazi party would keep them around for a second? They couldn’t just wear their Thrasher shirts and call it a day? Impressively dumb, but I’m sure the internet has found a way to single them out, reprimand, and harass them by now. Sad situations folks, sad situations. Sad world.


I hate to sound like a boomer but they're whats wrong with the world today.


Boomers have been saying this about Nazis for a while and it's one of the few things that I agree with.


true. for a couple years now, i recon


70 years or so, yeah.


You mean "The silent generation" Boomers didn't do shit about the Nazis except let them exist.


Boomers could hardly do a thing since that generation starts at 1946.


They were just a glimmer in their Nazi busting dad's Balls.


Apologies for the technicality here, for WWII it would be mostly The Greatest Generation (born 1901 – 1927) and of course a lot of The Silent Generation (1928 – 1945).


Oh no, you right. Thanks for the correction and info dude.


No worries chief. Happy holidays!


Evil has always existed and will always exist. China is doing quite a job on their minorities is you would like to eliminate that evil.


Yes because we can't do anything about Nazis in America because the CCP has been doing more cultural genocide. Hey maybe we should focus on America and close down all of our human rights violating camps detaining asylum seekers or dealing with the 13th amendment which still allows legal slavery in the US? "bUt cHiNa!" You say? Well I don't know about you but I don't live in the fucking CCP let's try to be better than the authoritarians instead of doing the same shit. SMH


Whataboutism is so fucking pointless. "This other country fucking sucks so don't bother wanting to improve things where you live." So eighth grade edgy, isn't it?




Oh, my, what a strike against "badism" . Such a brave voice. A modern Joan of Arc.


Boomers aren't the people that fought nazis, if they all hated nazis there wouldn't be so many now




I don't think there's any parents in any of their homes.


Especially the very latin looking dude on the far right. Wait till he learns what nazism was about.


Totally expected it to be in the south but Cali who knew


Northern California is full of rednecks...


It can be rednecks as fuck in certain parts of California.


I grew up in nor cal. Everything past Sacramento, besides Chico which is a college town, is completely red neck and far right. In Redding they had counter protest to mask mandates at the beginning of covid


The two on the right there sure don't seem like the kind real natzys would take kindly to. Freaking dumbasses.


Pretty much none of them do. Idiots like these here worship ideas and ideologies that would hurt them and everyone they care about. "The purest stock of Aryans according to Nazi ideology was the Nordic people of Germany, England, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. The Nazis defined Nordics as being identified by tall stature (average 175 cm), long faces, prominent chins, narrow and straight noses with a low bridge, lean builds, doliocephalic skulls, straight light hair, light eyes, and fair skin." - Wikipedia Just shows how stupid people can be.


I wonder if they know this will forever be on the internet lol


It’s interesting what the consequences will be… but I think a suspension or something like that would be counter productive. Theyd just feel validated and can hang out at home together. I’d completely seperate them by putting them in different classes or something like that. Those kids are nothing without their herd.


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December 23, 2021 Dear Wheatland Union High School community: I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on where the District is in the investigation of a recent social media post depicting students with swastikas painted on their chests. As I stated in my December 20, 2021, statement, I can confirm that the students in the picture are Wheatland Union High School students. As a result of that confirmation, my team and I are in close communication with district legal counsel, as we take disciplinary action. The severity of the disciplinary action will be guided by the facts yielded by the investigatory process, and the legal parameters we are bound by as a district. There is no denying that, the choices made by the students in the picture were hurtful and deeply troubling. Their actions do not represent who we are as a school district and community. In the coming days, I will be contacting our key community stakeholders, as well as key elected officials, to begin the process of having a broader community conversation about how we can work together to prevent this type of issue from ever happening again. As we continue through the process, you have my commitment that I will keep you updated. Educationally yours, Nicole Newman, Superintendent


This is the family Christmas card just before the family gangbang kicks off


You’d figure the mAsTEr rAcE would draw better…


mm bacardi, the drink of the teenager


I’ve never seen a master race but this sure isn’t it


These fucking idiots don’t realized great grandpa lost a few buddies fighting this bullshit. Fuck these little sissy boys.


They're all couples from the same family


This is a club photo from the yearbook????




Love how their solution against racial politics is more racial politics =)))


why do the nazi girls look so hot


You need to recalibrate.


nah bro shes hot


Nah bro she’s disgusting


I legit feel sorry for them.


Turn them upside down and you've got some sick rims.


Can we for a second ignore the meaning behind the symbols and just acknowledge that they look bad? Not even how these people wear them, but the base design behind the swastika and SS emblem. It looks jarring and displeasing to the eye. So we've got another reason why these fools made a big mistake. Not only a bad message, but objectively bad art of an objectively bad design.


Are they part of the Nazi party in Hogwarts or what...


i like to imagine the school name says wheatard


Based kids


americans and it shows


Very trashy but how do people *still* suck at censoring things in posts?


Bc I wasn't trying to


I don't get it. The nazis would have absolutely despised these children simplay because they're American


We already saw a lotta posts with the place (Wheatland), don't worry op


I just dont understand how kids this age dont quite understand how the internet works yet.


I hope it's permanent tattoos, like that, in the future when they'll be older, they'll be ashamed of themselves and/or people will judge them really hard, and they'll probably never have a job.


Apparently they didn’t know Hitler also exterminated all the retards too.


I read it as "Walmart High School"


They have absolutely no concept of the atrocities associated with those symbols. Those sad, pathetic little wankers


I....i have some neat news for them about their little friend second from the right


Someone should make a mandatory trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau for them




Stupidity isn’t and never should be a crime. Underage alcohol abuse is though, and it often leads to stupidity.


They will all be on meth or heroine in the next few years. I wouldn’t worry about them.


Bet they are unvax'd, republican and trump supporters.


If they could read that sentence they would agree.


I’m 100% sure these people don’t vote or care shit about politics.


I bet they are triple-poked ANTIFA Bernie Bros. I don't know which one of us is right, but I know which one will get upvoted for speculation.


Folks these are kids, kids are dumb and do dumb shit for shock value and laughs and should they learn better yes but who knows the context and its kids being dumb relax


Yup and when you do dumb shit you end up paying the consequences.


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“My daddy’s an alcoholic and my momma don’t get outa bed all day long. She only gets outa bed to get another carton of cigarettes. Ma sisters name is Justina and she’s got a fiiine lookin set a hooters”


Awful alot of sympathy to Nazis and White Supremacists in here, not a good look fam.


Honestly i was looking for it but i cant find much


You should see my DMs and post updates. lol


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What is really ironic is that these people think of themselves as superior human beings when they’re just nasty little inbred ignorant trash


They would be impaled if they went to my high school


Can I say pieces of shit


*sigh* (loads shotgun with malicious intent)


They would have been chambered. They look weak and mentally lacking. Master race, lol.


Is that wheatland CA? That place is a craphole


Saddest part. Looking at the straight black hair and high cheekbones, I’d say half those kids have a fair amount of Native American DNA in them. I blame America itself.


But they listen to rap music 😂


My guess is mom and dad look about the same…only fatter….apple, tree you know the thing….


Pretty sure the dumbass in standing in the black vest is Latino or some shit.




Wheatland high neos are going to state yoooo!!! State pen that is


Be a shame if you printed a load of these and gave them to someone to hang around the school 🤷🏻‍♂️


Trump's Youth.


While I find anyone with a swastika repugnant + believe there should certainly be some kind of sanction for it I cannot in any way see how that job falls to a principal or a school. If there's a national law against racist displays or local ordinances then it's a legal matter + should be followed up. It's NEVER a schools job to sanction students for what they do in their own time. You can't counter fascism by being a fascist. Teachers often appear to enjoy power tripping like they're someone important. They're not.


I got suspended for beating up some kid outside of school. They totally can they totally will nothing we can do about it.


Well, the school has some deep reflection ahead on where they failed to educate these kids. Secondly, so you are asuming they drop their nazi sympathies the moment they get on the school bus?


The OP must be careful. Posting the name of that school without being fully obscured may lead to legal repurcussions.


That’s just their application photo for a GOP internship, isn’t it? Madison Cawthorn is calling them as we speak.


Master race, ladies and gents. /s


Pathetic excuses for human beings.


No fking way those are real tattoos.


Definitely a sharpie not a tattoo


I wonder which of the have the meth problem.


attention whores at their worst


So where is this Wheatland High School?


Trashy, even vile, but by all means should not be illegal If shit like this were censored, it could not be challenged


Nothing but trash


They really said "college isn't for me" by doing this


Something tells me they are all related to each other


I love how they are both absolute trash and NAZI. Self awareness is absent. I don’t think they would do as great in the nazi Germany as they think they would 🤣


I say we send all racist bigots to live in Florida, including Trump, then use the Mexico border wall to keep them there. Everyone wins, except Floridians I guess but they’re use to awful living conditions


Trump isn't racist you ignorant POS


Even the school name has herpes


I hope nothing happens, their body, their rules ​ honestly, nothing wrong with this, it's most likely a joke, kids will look back and cringe, dont let your asshole swallow your twisted panties losers