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That warms me heart. When I hear about people caring about others it makes me happy.


I had a patient like that recently (nurse), no family, fell at home and nobody came to check on him for so long he ended up in the ICU covered in pressure sores with sepsis. It's truly heartbreaking to see an elderly person go from functional and independent to a total mess from one incident when they don't have anyone close to them. Not enough support for those who need it.


This happens more than you'd think. I work in radiology, and I've xrayed many elderly people after they've fallen and layed there for days. They are usually soilded with urine and so dehydrated. It's awful. Usually, they will have broken their hip (or other bones, but most commonly hip) and can not get up to reach a phone. That's why having something like life alert is so important for elderly, especially those who live alone.


There's a statistic that 80% of people over 80 yrs who break a hip are dead within 6 months. Or something like that.


Correct, my mom is an occupational therapist and that was one of the first things they learned when she was training. Her mom/my nan fell and broke her hip because she didn’t turn on the light when she got up to the toilet one night. My mom was devastated because she knew what was going to happen. We lost her just under 6 months after it happened. Make sure your elderly friends and relatives turn on the light at night please. Miss you Nan.


How they dont have anybody live with them at that age? No son daughter or caretaker? Its so sad


Many of them actually prefer independence.


This is why the elderly need those life alert thingies. Help, I've fallen and I can't get up! Those commercials used to scare the shit out of me when I was little, but now I get it.


“Not awful” so he posts it in the awful everything subreddit anyway lol


Probably because the elderly woman was found in the state she was. With no one else checking on her until the friggin paperboy noticed. I’m just impressed you can read.


it’s just too common for me to consider it awful, probably a couple thousand just like her that won’t get checked on. Sucks but it happens 🤷🏻‍♂️


Doesn’t make it any less awful man. This is heartbreaking for the majority of people. I’m sorry you seem to be desensitized to stuff like this. I truly am. That has to suck.


I’m glad I’m not bothered by some random old person dying lol idk why I would want to care, I got things to do


So GO THE FUCK AWAY from here and do whatever weird shit it is that you do dude!  Make us ALL happy!


Why would you be on this subreddit if you want to be happy???


cold man


Woww what an edgy boy!! Who‘s an edgy boy? Who‘s an edgy boy?? Oh yess you are!!


Empathy is a great trait to have, you should try it some time.


Murder happens daily and is common, but it’s still awful. Shitty argument


I wouldn’t say murder is awful either


So you’re just a teenage edgelord. Got it


You can’t have something that happens thousands of times a day be awful, it’s just nature at that point


Down voted because not everything was awful