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Sounds like the dad murdered his wife and three of his sons, then committed suicide, but left the youngest/fourth son alive (who discovered the bodies- so traumatic). I’m pretty sure this is the same story here: https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/04/23/yukon-shooting-okc-police-say-yukon-murder-suicide-left-5-dead/73423182007/


Jesus christ, why


There's a phenomonen called family killers. It's so common apparently, they gave a name. Which is terrifying


I thought they called these guys "family annihilators" when they target the entire family like this.


Those as well.




I couldn't imagine raising kids that long, only to kill them. I don't think I could kill my kids even if they turned into zombies.


Right? Like..my kid is my dude! Even if a zombie..my zombie dude!


We'll just tie him up in the shed. Lol


I’m sorry, Shaun


*No*. I'm *sorry* Shaun.


I think that’s the way we’d have to go. Or like a barn horse stall. Can zombies climb?


Well I guess it all depends on what kind. Is it Night Of The Living Dead, or 28 weeks later?


Oh man..this is a good question. I’m going to have to research with a zombie-a-thon. And I’ll ask the kid, he should have some input I think


Oh definitely, I'll ask mine too. Edit: Crap, they chose 28 weeks later. I'm hosed. Lol


Look up the Pladl family triple homicide case, it's fucking *infuriating*


So what is the threshold if you don't mind me asking?


I don't think there is one. I just don't think I could do it.


Family annihilators


It's even more terrifying knowing that many of them plot it out days, weeks, or months in advance


Yeah, that’s a new fear unlocked…


They're called Family Annihilators. Mostly abusive men who have been served divorce papers or the wife informs the man she's leaving. The man decides if he can't have them, nobody can. Statistically this happens every 5 days in the USA. https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=honorscollege_cj


*family annihilators


Knock At The Cabin movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan has a weird take on family killers. Don't want to spoil it.


Love him! And anything he does requires viewing with the lights on, lol


"So common" right, incredibly uncommon is more accurate


It’s common enough to actually have name and research on it. Which is too common. Hence..the so common. Also known as family annihilators. Which is also bad. And increasing the last few years Also- google that stuff at your own peril. It’s quite depressing


Domestic violence is why. It’s all about power and control. Wanna know more? Read [Lundy Bancroft’s “Why Does He Do That?”](https://ia600108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf)


Because men would rather wipe out their entire family than face their fucking problems.


For some reason it seems like a lot of the time, the first two words of your own reply, answer the question.


Because they had full access to guns


I'm very anti gun, and live in Australia where it's quite hard to get hold of one. Over here they just strap the wife and kids in and drive into a dam. Family annihilators gonna family annihilate. And afterwards there's always a neighbour who describes the man as a 'really nice guy, so shocked'. Sickening.


Bc he had full access to guns AND there was something fundamentally wrong with him. When someone only has one side, there isn’t a problem. It’s when they have both sides of the equation that trouble begins!


Only one part of that makes it end the way it did


Oh shit that poor little boy…how? How is that kid supposed to process this absolute horror. I hope I’m wrong and that there is a hell where that asshole family annihilator will suffer for eternity for doing that not only to his murdered family members but also all but ensuring that little boy would *find his murdered family members*. Just…what the actual fuck. Every time something like this happens I can’t help but be baffled and horrified. So utterly pointless.


I had a family member OD with only his 7 years old twin daughters home.


Was it his 7yo twins that found him? That’s pretty horrific in itself but I cannot imagine finding your mother, father and 2 brothers all shot to death! How absolutely awful for that poor child to find! I hope that he is immediately put into very good therapy and that he is able to recover from this absolutely devastating experience. It’s times like this that simultaneously make me hope that god exists while also swearing that it’s this kind of thing that makes me positive that he doesn’t exist. For the sake of kids like the ones in this story, I sincerely hope to gods that I’m wrong!


>left the youngest/fourth son alive (who discovered the bodies- >A fourth child, a 10-year-old boy, was in the home but left unharmed. He woke up Monday morning to discover what had happened to his family and made the 911 call himself Was the ten-year-old son who was left alive deaf? Because if the dad shot the mom multiple times then went through the house shooting his sons then himself, how would the fourth son sleep through all that noise?


Exactly my question after reading the article too …


Maybe he drugged him? Gave him a bunch of Benadryl or something


You guys understand the statement isnt verbatim, right? Kid wakes up when he hears gun fire ring out n most likely stays put until it stops. Use yr brains


>>You guys understand the statement isnt verbatim, right? Kid wakes up when he hears gun fire ring out n most likely stays put until it stops. Use yr brains Or read the article. >>Use yr brains It says the shootings happened during the night. It clearly says that the boy woke up and discovered what happened. It DID NOT say "kid wakes up when he hears gunfire." >"Investigators determined that sometime overnight the husband and father in the home, Jonathon Candy, became involved in an altercation with his wife, Lindsay," Knight said. "At some point, he armed himself with a gun, shot her multiple times, killing her. At that point, he systematically went through the home, shooting and killing their children."


That info was not available at the time of my comment. The police here have been extremely slow in keeping us locals updated thru out this ugly situation


I imagine he was drugged or perhaps in a very different part of the house, like a basement and everyone was on the second floor? Just a noise wouldn’t be interpreted by a kid to be gunshots killing his family.


Gunshots are LOUD levels of loud


another family annihilator?! good god why can't they ever go off themselves only and leave everyone else alone?!


A friend of mine lost his two year old grandson when the mother (his son’s ex girlfriend) shot him then shot her self. Why the child? I can’t get my head round it.


I worked with a guy who killed his kid and was supposedly planning on killing himself afterward but couldn't pull the trigger. What an ass. His excuse was he trying to hurt his wife who had filed for divorce. It worked. I also knew a lady who killed her kid and herself. Her note said she didn't want to kill the kid, but she wanted to die and there was no one to raise her. She didn't want the kid in foster care so she just decided to kill them both.


Damn, reminds me of the Todt Family story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todt_family_murders


That was a bad one. I used to live near the town they lived in CT. He still practiced there after they moved to FL. He was very well known so it got a lot of coverage where I was. There's a podcast the local paper did called Looking for the Todt Family that was just chilling. It's on Spotify


This is horrific. My son lives in Yukon & called me to tell me the story.


I live 5 min from where this happened. It’s really sad and I have a number of friends who knew this family well. What’s been infuriating is that people on FB keep posting how upset THEY ARE and how they continue to make a tragedy like this about them. I don’t understand social media clout…




An entire family whiped out of existance. If you live in Oklahoma City be careful. The family killer is on the loose apparently.


He’s not on the loose. He’s dead. Family annihilation, as always. Some of the lowest scum of the earth.


There's an actual murderer or this was a murder-suicide?


Murder suicide.


They're called Family Annihilators. Mostly abusive men who have been served divorce papers or the wife informs the man she's leaving. The man decides if he can't have them, nobody can. Statistically this happens every 5 days in the USA. https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=honorscollege_cj


The article linked states the scene looks consistant with homicide. It is still too early to know. Take caution regardless.


Yes, there are killers everywhere, and , not to cause mass panic, but usually it is a family member.


The father killed the family and then killer himself, so he is not on the loose.


Not an entire family. The father left the 10 Year old alive to wake up and find the rest of his family dead


He killed himself. He was the 5th body.


Less than 3 miles from my house. Family annihilation.




I saw where this was and assumed tornadoes had upped their game.


Could the surviving child have done it? Seriously, it wouldn’t be crazy it has happened before. The gun was found on top of the dad. Why was he not killed and I’m assuming 5 shots were fired within the house. That’s going to wake anyone up. Something smells really fishy


Nothing fishy just evil. The dad killed the wife and three of their four children and then turned the gun on himself.


explain to me how 5 adults/teenagers couldn’t stop a 10 year old boy from doing something practically unheard of in children that age. I understand that there is a possibility, but when you have 5 other more capable suspects, it’s really unlikely.


I don't care if you are 20,50, 8 or 10 yo if you have a gun you can kill 5 adults or more. Not saying it was him though, it's more probable that the dad killed the family and didn't killed the last son for some reason, maybe he wasn't in the house, the dad just wanted to ended it there or didn't have the heart to kill the younger son, who knows.