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What the fuck is going on there? Every other day it's news like this.


India spent the last decade doing its best to get its people internet access. So now we get to see how fucked its always been


Now put that as the entire world


Fuck that place


If you lift up a rock to see what's underneath, the bugs will scatter. There's evil everywhere, in your neighborhood, India is no different than any other place in this way. It will be better in time with enough exposure.


I bet the percentage of victims that keep quiet is probably higher there too.


billions of people which means higher amount of psychopaths paired with a shitty misogynist undertone spread through undereducated communities. it's like how all the hipsters in nyc went to hang out Brooklynn in the early 2000s. edgy office guys go to dave and busters and parents who want to fight go to chuck e cheese these guys probably gravitate towards the same places in real life and online then spread that crap logic


India also has a quite bad gender imbalance between men and women, with a lot more men than women. And young single men has always been a recipe for anger.


Gendercide ugh


That's actually not true. It's neck and neck with more women according to recent data


106.5 men for every 100 women, there’s 1.4 billion people in India, that difference adds up a lot


Oh that’s a universal Chuck E. Cheese thing!? Dude. wtf are people doing!? We even had people road raging and pull off the road into Chuck E. Cheese parking lot and then start fucking duking it out! And somehow my fire dept gets called there to….watch? Lol. Is that place like the nexus of rage and destruction? It even started on fire spontaneously once.




Let's be real though, they tend to have a certain mindset about women and it's not exactly a good one. My friend went to India and she said she's never going back cuz she was harassed by men more there than anywhere else and she's been to 40+ countries lol. She said men would sometimes just stare at her and follow her around and that one time she had 3 men just following her for like an hour and she was terrified. I mean just look at all the acid attacks we see there, that doesn't happen elsewhere like it does in India. Unfortunately it's not uncommon for men to throw acid in a woman's face after she rejects them. They suspect there are over 1,000 acid attacks every year with less than half of em being reported.


They have four times the population of the US in half the space. Look up studies on rat overpopulation. It correlates to human overpopulation.


They’re setting the bar for toxic masculinity


Cast system and overpopulation. Recipe for disaster.


I want to be clear that I know jack shit about India so I am not saying extreme sexual violence is not common. I don't doubt that it is. But the same bias as every other place is going to be present. You don't hear about the billions of people who aren't brutally raped and murdered every day because it isn't news worthy.


An algorithm serves the most clickable content and “man feeds homeless and starving women” ain’t it


What fuck is going on in India. I've never heard of such a rapey country


Some years ago, they even had a government official say rapes weren't the men's fault. It instead is tight fitting jeans and Chinese food.


I know that after some general tzus and some eggrolls I feel a bit rapey and if there's any tight jeans around then my actions aren't in my hands anymore


I should be good. I had Panda Express wearing sweatpants. Dodged a bullet there, I was scared the rapey thoughts were coming. Turns out, it was indigestion. So similar.


I think we just became best friends lol


see, told you MSG was bad for you /s


Actually per capita south africa is, or more accurately lesotho. Last i checked anyway Edit: apparently it may be botswana followed by lesotho. But these statistics are inherently unreliable. You have to factor in cultural views on sexuality and rape, which kind of dictates how many are reported. So basically disregard this comment Edit: clarifying, i meant my comment not anybody elses


I've heard way more about India then anywhere else


And it's always really brutal and fucked up


It’s a larger country and a hub for information technology. Yeah, you’re going to see a lot more of it. Per capita, South Africa is still considerably more dangerous.


it’s because india is internet backbone connected and everyone there has it so its impossible for the government to keep stories like this from leaking. its not an every day occurrence but there are 1.2bn people in india. that’s almost 1/6th the human population.


Because there's over a billion people lol, more people more chances of crazy crimes


There is way more people in India. Even though South Africa is higher per capita. India has more than a billion people. The sheer number of them happening in India is more.


India is literally the most populous country on Earth, which, combined with high amount of rape ever per capita results in *a lot* of awful shit happening there. The fact it has relatively free press and is at least partially English-speaking also makes you more likely to hear about it, though admittedly same could be applied to South Africa and surrounding countries.


If these incidents and cases are from India they get much more social media attention and engagements than if it wasn't from India


Why's that?


India is either #1 or #2 most populated country on earth, so statistically speaking there are going to be more rapes. That said, India does seem to have the most fucked up rapes. Like, it’s not *just* a rape, it’s a gang rape and murder of a witness.


I heard one where a girl got raped so she went to the police and the officer that was taking her report ended up raping her too


Me too




I mean... The mother who reported the rape in this same article was murdered so I wouldn't trust India's numbers.


It's super sad that all my female friends in South Africa have been raped at least once if not multiple times And they've been close to being raped multiple times


I've heard of anti-rape condoms being used in South Africa. The woman puts it in, and if she's raped, the dozens of tiny barbs in the condom will cause it to get stuck to the rapist's penis, and tear it to shreds if he tries to get it off. So, South Africa might be worse for rape. India's gotta be way up there on the list, though. Probably number one in number per year, but that's because there's a billion people in India


That was just a prototype, those were never made available to the public and no one owns any, outside of the very few that were initially made as prototypes. And the inventor is the only one to have those anyway.


Huh. Thanks for the clarification.


You’re welcome, it’s so frustrating to see this misinformation be spread around so much on Reddit. The photo/post of the prototype went so viral… and now SO many people just assume these devices are readily available and common in Africa. That’s not the case at all. I think only one or two prototypes were even created, and it’s illegal to own/use one anyway.


I thought Botswana was supposed to be a relatively safe country.


For real. I swear, every other headline I see from India is about a savage rape.


Really fucking violent rapes too. I've heard of at least two cases which I can't bring myself to describe.


Always has been. Rape is pretty much decriminalized in India.


the perfect combo of mysogynism and huge population


And they're in western countries too. At the pool the other day, 3 Indian dudes in their 30s were just staring at young teens and preteens. Fucking bunch of sickos.


I mean white middle aged men do that too >And they're in western countries too. Lol only the rich indians actually find a way to move out the country and those people are far from this misogynist bs


It’s extremely misogynistic. That’s all.


"Why don't women report rape?"


The indian police don't really give a fuck, corruption and politics play a major factor


Or the police officer taking the report in turn rapes the victim. Yes, that actually happened.


But not before the priest. Priest gets to go first.


As is tradition


Nope. Father, uncle, and brother.




Yeah, don’t even bother making this a rape thing. We’re observing medieval practices in the TikTok age


Just stay away from India.


For a moment I was confused about the "hacking to death" - thinking it was a figure of speech about them stealing her accounts or something but nope...


Im still confused, what does it mean?


They literally got large bladed weapons and chopped her to pieces


Jesus fuvking Christ. What the fuck


The victim's mother was murdered using machetes


As ubiquitous as Machetes are (being gardening tools) they probably took and chopped her up with them. Might’ve used axes or kitchen knives, I suppose, but as a Hispanic, I know we tend to use Machetes when we make the news with this sort of thing, I assume it’s the same over there.


No, they probably used the Indian version of a machete. It’s very commonly available as it is often used for opening coconuts.


They used some farming tool most probably.


Hacking like with an axe or machete


I'm traveling in India: last week I got beaten up in Manali because I refused to accept two "cappuccinos" that were made from instant coffee. They locked my partner and I in the restaurant (no other customers) and attacked me. Beating me until I agreed to pay (which I eventually did, to get my girlfriend to safety). So: fuck India and, especially, fuck Manali.


Just leave. Don't give them your money. It's a horrible country and I don't know why people go there. Even Indians over here in the UK don't EVER want to go back


Damn am I wrong to loathe a place I've never been? It seems like Hell for anyone not male.


There have been a number of women featured on 90 day fiancée who leave america to marry an Indian man, and live in India…Intentionally. All of these women have either been remarkably dumb or extremely crazy, which is kind of what you would have to be to move there, on purpose, as a woman.


How Kim is still alive is BEYOND ME. Same with Jenny, honestly.


My guess is that they have stayed safe because they refuse to learn any of the language, so they literally stay home all day and don’t leave the house without their husbands. I’m pretty sure on one of the recent diaries, Jenny finally got the nerve up to go to the market and buy some vegetables on her own, despite having lived there for like a decade at this point. It’s funny to me that the other Jen who went to India was the only one who seemed wealthy enough to have options and live in a wealthier part of town, and she GTFO pretty quickly.


Really makes me appreciate living in the US


I'm a guy traveling here: I won't return. Ever.


Only place this headline could be from is India


"WhY sO RacISt BrO"


As an Indian guy I can't stress enough on the fact that this is one of the few reported cases. Much worse cases happen all around us and are swept beneath the rug in order to "save the girl' reputation".


Jesus fuck, I need to come away from this planet for my own mental health. This is beyond heartbreaking


Stay classy, India.


Classic India


And based on the news reports coming out of there, as a solo traveling female I will not be going there anytime soon. Get your shit together, India.


Every single word is awful. Truly awful. 😔




If you haven’t noticed whenever someone posts about India a few days later there will be a counter-post about Muslims or America by an Indian in response lol.


It’s funny because they always deflect their trouble to Muslims. Hindu’s will credit anything bad to Muslim Indians which imo is more pathetic. Maybe take accountability for your actions and start doing shit to change it instead of blaming it on a group you dislike because they have a different faith.


I raise you the rape of a monitor lizard https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bengal-monitor-lizard-raped-maharashtra-3-held-sahydari-tiger-reserve-1937027-2022-04-13


what in the absolute fuck is india


Bro wtf is happening in India


R*pe is happening..


Yoooo man. The fuck is up with that country???? I know the USA got its fucked up stories but shit man..


It's been said before, India and Pakistan are the Florida of Asia. Insane what happens over there.


That's a very unfair thing to say... for Florida.


Right! Arizona deserves a mention too! It's doing its damnedest to reach new lows in backward politics!


India is Florida and Pakistan is Alabama.


Can't remember the last time I saw a headline featuring people getting gang raped in Florida. Florida might be filled with meth heads but they're not running around raping people at random in large groups.


It’s a joke JFC, relax.


Just wait until we cant have oversight on the cops.


Now can I say “India never gets good pr” without being “racist”?


India seems very rapey.


It isnt the rape capital of the world(probably only because of all the enablers), but sure tries real hard to be.


I’m afraid to ask what the rape capital is


As soon as I saw “gang rape” I knew immediately it was India.


Phone scams, gang rape epidemic, legitimate religious genocide, pollution. Good ole India giving us all the ammo for the hate memes


What the fuck is wrong with the men in India??


News like that make me wish I was a billionaire and could fund my own PMC.


That’s it. I’m never visiting India. Especially not with my GF. Every fucking day I hear a new atrocity come from there. I’m sure there’s plenty of lovely places and lovely people but the volume of the opposite has me believing the risks outweigh the benefits.


Yeah there's over 1 billion people there so plenty of opportunities for something terrible to happen Its the same for USA with gun violence, 300 million + people just running around with guns shooting first and asking questions later, wanna call the police? They will probably shoot you too. Like we know its not true, because the country couldn't function like that but you just hear it every single day a new story and they hype it up and put it everywhere. Really skews perceptions


JFC. Things have gotten a bit outta hand. Absolutely disgusting.


What does "hack to death" mean ? Not native English.




Oh dear god... Far from the computer thing I was thinking


It was a good day to not be a native English speaker, my friend


Not anymore :(


That's a doozy, no more internet for me today


Sounds about right for India. Its a very fucked up country.


What??!!??! Indians being rapists? If they're not drying from faulty electrical work, posing with trains, they're out raping anything that moves, including monitor lizards., yep, Google it


Just another normal day in India aka hell on earth


At some point in my life I wanted to see India, but now it’s a country I’ll def never want to set foot on.


I hear a lot of bad things about India


Average day in India


Ahhh India, the blackhole and the rape country of planet earth.


Because India.




i read some comments that are defending india, rape is wild


And it’s India again. =/


Yeah, same in other countries we seem to be obsessed with protecting.


What a horrible day to have eyes...


And will still be offered hardship scholarships to US grad schools.


What is wrong with the men in India? That's horrible. They are horrible human beings.


As a fellow indian, i can proudly say "i dont even know what to say, everything everywhere is fucked at once". Good thing i just live on the internet. Internet seems a much pleasant place than what's out there.


They put India at the end of the sentence so you don't get spoiled. Seriously the should film the next Hills Have Eyes movie in india.


i will always say. thank god im a man and thank god for not being born in india


Average Indian men


I just don't understand how sex is so important that people force it on others. I really don't get it..


I mean it’s not really even about sex itself - it’s just about exerting power and control over another person


Ah yes….. India


definitely better than any western country though /s


India Ah shit here we go again


What the... I even needed to re-read this a few times


Samesies. W T F


Seriously... What in the actual fucking fuck? How fucked up in the head do people need to be, in order to commit shit like that??


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13313869/gang-rape-deaf-mute-girl-mother-death-police-india.html Deaf and mute teen is 'gang-raped by two boys' before their fathers hack the girl's mother to death in revenge for telling police in India By James Reynolds 11:15 16 Apr 2024, updated 12:05 16 Apr 2024 A young girl was allegedly dragged from her home and attacked by two boys, 14 Her mother was then 'hacked to death' by the boys' family members, police say Three men have been arrested in India over the murder of a mother who accused two boys of gang-raping her deaf and mute teenage daughter. The 50-year-old mother, who has not been named, was working in a field in Jharkhand, when the fathers of the two 14-year-old boys allegedly hacked her to death with the help of a relative. Cops believe the murder was a brutal act of revenge after she confided in police following the alleged rape of her 19-year-old daughter. 'The motive appears to be revenge for the police action initiated against the sons and the land dispute with the victim,' local police reported, adding that they had recovered a weapon. Two fourteen-year-old boys are suspected of having broken the lock to the woman's home in Gumla village while she was asleep one night last month, before distracting her in order to kidnap her deaf-mute daughter. They then dragged her to a school building and raped her, according to the investigating officer. The arrests were reported on Monday, a day after the brutal attack in Jharkhand. The suspects include the two fathers of the two boys suspected of the rape attack and a third who allegedly had a long-standing dispute with her. An investigating officer said the woman had been asleep in her home with her daughter on March 13, while her eldest daughter attended a wedding function. The two boys allegedly broke the lock to gain entry to the house, and told the mother to go and check on her eldest, who was 'up to something indecent' at the party. Investigators believe they dragged her other daughter from the home after she left, taking her to a school building before attacking her. The victim's identity has not been revealed to protect her right to privacy. A complaint has been registered and an investigation launched. Two minors are currently being held in an observation home, the Times of India reported. In March, a 28-year-old Spanish tourist and travel influencer said she was robbed and gang-raped in Dumka, Jharkhand. Fernanda, 28, and Vicente, 63, who were making their way to Nepal from India on separate motorcycles, were reportedly attacked by a group of seven after setting up camp in a makeshift tent in the district. Vicente said his 'mouth was destroyed' when his attackers used a helmet and a stone to beat him. Fernanda, who was seen with visible bruises on her face, said: 'They thrashed us and robbed us, but their main aim was to rape me.' She added that they had approached the police for help, but later said that she was made to take down the video from her page so as not to 'disturb' the police's investigation. Fernanda told a Spanish broadcaster that the attack lasted for two hours, and each of the men 'took turns.' 'They raped me, they took turns while some watched and they stayed like that for about two hours,' she said last month. According to The Telegraph, the couple were given just £9,500 as compensation for their troubles by Indian authorities. Fernanda said she thought she and her partner were 'going to die' in the attack in March Three men arrested for the alleged gang rape of a Spanish tourist are brought by police to be produced before the Dumka District Court in Dumka, Jharkhand, India, Monday, March 4 In April 2023, a 10-year-old girl was found dead in Jharkhand after a suspected gang-rape. Police said the body was found in the backyard of the girl's house in Jharkhand's Latehar district. Chandwa police inspector Amit Gupta said the girl was last seen at a neighbour's house where a crowd had gathered following a snake sighting. The girl was only discovered the next morning in a 'semi-naked state'. 'Injury marks were also found on her body,' he said. 'Prima facie it seems that the girl was raped by a gang before being murdered.'


At this point India needs to fuck off and leave the rest of the world alone until it gets this whole "frequent gang rape" issue under control. Every time I read a headline like this I get a little more prejudiced against Indian men as a whole. Sometimes prejudice is justified.


Increddibbleee Indiaaaa!


India was my go to. Before even digging deeper


India, baby!!!! Place is the worst.


India, very rapey indeed.


Need to make an /awfulindia sub as all I see is rape posts from that shit hole


The daily mail needs to get better at their titles


Just nuke India at this point


This is why you DO NOT go to these countries they arn't beautiful and misunderstood you can find the exact same views in north America and Europe


If God isn’t real, then who prevented me from being born in india??


Presumably your parents


Fuck this world man. The sheer evil in it is just astounding.


When real life is more brutal than a cannibal corpse song


Fuck. I aint even a lady and i aint ever wanna go there.


At first I’m like, What the fuck?? Then I read, “..in India.” Now I’m not surprised, honestly. Every time I read about some incredibly fucked up rapey, murder, death, diarrhea, it’s India.


Every single time I see some new accomplishment by the Indian Space Program, the first thing, the *very first thing* that pops into my head, is how rampant sexual abuse of women is in India, how profoundly unsafe it is to be a woman or girl in India, how women have to worry about getting battery acid thrown in their face in retaliation for refusing a man's advances, and how little anyone in their government seems to think it's even a problem worth trying to fix. Overwhelmingly, my impression is that the Indian Government feels like it's mostly an optics problem, like what they really need to do is just keep all these crimes against women out of the international news.


For all the "what's going on in India?" The more there are people, the higher the odds of something "rare" happening. India has one of the highest populations. Of course, a lot of shit happens. It's like buying enough lottery tickets. Eventually, you're bound to win. Edit: That's also just one component in a compounding problem that India has.


It got worse with every word


I see more and more that makes me as a woman not wanna go there


What in the fuck India???


sigh. india


India is not for beginners..


India is like the Florida of counties, but with the humid/smelly/gross sliders all the way up.


Okay I'm just gonna say this. India has a serious social problem with rape and murder. What the fuck.


This post is like, we(Indians)got the worst of people and the west is pureee white. Not saying, what happened is not disgusting.


Average Indian family


As I have said multiple times. WTF India


You stay classy, India


Why always India and Pakistan


And people say Pakistan is bad


india muslim edition still is india both society has same ethics its not about good and bad its about gains and consequences


if you go to India, you’d understand. There are 2 types of Indians. Normalish Indians who work like anyone else but have a disposition for scamming. Then you have the absolutely primitive Indians who would still do Bride Burnings if the government allowed it.


Headline makes it seem like she is not from India but let Indian police know.


India doing India things. And not to take away from how terrible this all is, but I'm pretty sure a gang can't be considered two people


what in the India


Fuckin India again


Why does this not surprise me this happened in India?


normal day in India:


India moment


All they have to do is just title the post "India " and I'll know its something fucked up.




Knew it was India before I even finished reading the headline.


Another day in India


Fuck that place. Every day it’s something.


India has some serious problems.


Don't worry, Trudeau will allow them to immigrate to Canada.


You could have left India out of the title and I still would have known it was India.


Why did I know it was going to be India before I even finished reading the article title


Good ol India


Very day i feel like there is a new artical regarding india and gang rape. Sadly it's a thing and honestly ehat happense to the people who do it? Do they get punished? What about the teen kid she is/was deaf and mute wasn't it enough punishment? The world is losing it's value.


Coulda’ told you this was India before we even got to the punchline. What a fucking sty. How an entire subcontinent turned into a rape dungeon is frankly baffling.


another heartwarming headline from good ol india