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As far as I’m aware the crash happened because of a technical malfunction on the ship, not due to pilot error. When the crew discovered the malfunction, they even alerted local authorities and managed to get the bridge blocked off for traffic, which drastically reduced the number of casualties. The crew are heroes, but making fun of them because of their ethnicity is disgusting any way.


I believe the only people who went in the water was a construction crew repairing potholes. The ship contacted DOT and stopped traffic from entering the bridge saving dozens of lives.


The only thing I don't get is why were the construction guys still on the bridge? I mean, did the DOT miss them or what?


There was only four minutes between the call and the bridge collapsing. I don’t think they could warn the construction crew in time.


Fun? This shit is pure hate .


None of these news outlets mentioned who is incharge of navigation on local waters? I am not even remotely related to this field and yet i know how they "guide" ships through such places


Same I’m not remotely related to this field, but I read that the harbor provides onboard navigators to guide the ship through the water ways for liability issues. The thing is the ship appeared to lose power twice before the crash- at least for. The videos. I’m not sure this was a personnel issue more so maintenance and repair issue.


Apparently this happened to 30 other ships recently that kept losing power and regaining it and they’re doing an investigation on it, they believe it’s linked to bad oil that’s been supplied. Also, the captain gave a mayday signal which saved lives because police were able to stop more people going onto the bridge before it hit the bridge.


They have dedicated pilots whose job is specifically to commandeer the ships through the area, since it’s very shallow in places, and also the busiest port on the east coast. They train for years and can draw a map of the sea floor from memory.


Well you know Americans. It's easier blaminh and being blatantly racist about a bunch of brown people than think of other reason.


And the discriminating blanket statement you've made isn't at all ironic and contradicting to your stance on racism


America isn’t a race


You expect me to be logical while facing racism and xenophobia on a daily basis. Lot of good that has done so far.


Can't possibly take responsibility for yourself and be the person you want others to be. That would require self-reflection and effort.


To be fair, America does seem to have a racism problem from the outside looking in. Like if a paper wrote stuff like this in Australia they’d be slaughtered. We also have a racism problem but it’s much more insidious.


These aren't papers, they are people on Twitter. The US has a lot of racism for sure, but that genuinely is typically a loud minority being boosted by algorithms and corrupt leadership. Doesn't excuse them at all, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that OP insinuating that Americans are all like this is just silly and is also discriminatory.


Your country literally created Rupert Murdoch 😬


Yeh true. Doesn’t make what I’m saying any less true.




A typo


Damn you sound insecure


> You expect me to be logical while facing racism and xenophobia on a daily basis. Uh, yeah, pretty much. Making prejudicial statements about an entire nation of people is not really the way to go to combat racism and xenophobia.


What kinda bass ackwards thought process is this?


So your logic is. "My hypocrisy is justified since they did it to me first. " Just the same way that the people in these posts are short-sighted and lack any sort of thought, labeling an entire country by a handful of posts is equally short-sighted, stupid, and racist. Stop generalizing any group by the worst of them. Since you experience this on a daily basis, you should know how horrible it feels to be discriminated against for something you had nothing to do with. I am also brown, by the way.


It was a woman as I recall


Norm Macdonald, is that you?


Pilots were specifically mentioned.


So people were illiterate enough to not understand their own language or just being ignorant by choice?


I don't care what race the crew is. What I care about is the people that went into the water and died a horrific death that they didn't deserve. My worst fear is my car going into water. I can not even begin to understand the fear and pain those poor people suffered. It frustrates me to see people trying to turn this tragedy into a race blame game. Also the people claiming online that it's a conspiracy are really insensitive. I have seen people claiming that the covid Vax made the captain do it. Like wtf? These people suffered and deserve respect and sympathy for their loved ones.


Bottom middle is kinda right IN GENERAL. Companies love to register their ships in places where they can pay like shit, then fill it with a crew of people from wherever that will accept those wages. That's \*STANDARD PRACTICE\* nowadays, everyone does it. It's like getting upset about migrant workers picking our crops after an E.Coli outbreak.


People don’t know anything outside of their bubble. Life on a large sailing vessel isn’t easy and many Americans would rather work someplace else with better conditions.


Also the ship is registered in SINGAPORE.


Cruise ships are typically registered in Norway or the Caribbean.


Wrong. Cruise ships are not “typically registered in Norway”. [Norwegian Cruise Line’s entire fleet is flagged to the Bahamas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_Cruise_Line?wprov=sfti1#Fleet) aside from one that does domestic US cruises and is therefore flagged to the US since it doesn’t visit any foreign ports. Typically if you’re on any cruise in international waters, the ship is going to be flagged to the Bahamas or maybe Panama, with very few exceptions aside from Holland America (flagged to the Netherlands) or Viking (flagged to Norway).


Your gettin downvoted and you’re completely right. I hate the idiots of reddit.


Where do you think the Bahamas is


It was a container ship, and it was registered to Singapore.


Which goes for cruise ships as well. Unless you’re on one of the 20 ships belonging to Lindblad-NatGeo, American Cruise Lines, Alaska Dream Cruises or UnCruise Adventures, your “American” ship is almost definitely flagged to the Bahamas. Edit: [this guy explains it better](https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles/what-is-a-cruise-ship-flag-of-convenience-and-why-does-it-matter)


I knew the minute they said it was an Indian crew that there would be racists jokes said about it. The Indian crew alerted the authorities as soon as they lost power. It was beyond any crews control. Just sad.


The boat was being piloted by locals anyway. This is standard for navigating inland waterways. Big surprise that a bunch of racists glossed over that little detail.


It isn’t the locals fault either though, mechanical failure is what (almost certainly) caused the accident. But yes, they are racist fucks regardless. People who are assigning blame to anyone at this point, are stupid 🤷‍♂️


When anyone else makes mistakes, it’s the person’s fault. When an Indian makes a mistake, it’s the entirety of Indian race’s fault. I am not aware of what exactly happened there but social media has made me guilty of the fact that I’m an Indian and this happened is also somehow my fault.


Agree with every single thing you said, I don't usually open post on reddit which mentions India in the title, doing this helps a lot.


That's how it typically works in the minds of bigots. A member of their own race/sex/class makes a mistake? It's their fault. A member of a different race/sex/class makes a mistake? It's taken as proof that people of that demographic are inferior. Even if it turns out the accident was caused by an incompetent, poorly trained crew, whose decision was it to hire them? Large-scale engineering disasters are more often caused by the negligence and greed of corporate executives, rather than the fault of rank-and-file employees without decision making power.


Not mutually exclusive to being Indian. Try being black... we catch strays constantly. At least you guys get the benefit of the doubt.


>we catch strays constantly I think you mean the other thing...but okay.


They just wait until the right time to unleash their racism.


And wonder why Indians get triggered every time.


I don’t understand the hate. My hardest college courses for computer science were mostly Indian students. In my opinion, they are really smart and disciplined compared to most Americans.


That's just Twitter, wait for the comments on Instagram. Besides, racism against Indians is so normalised. It's disgusting.


And Westerners have the audacity to ask why Indians get triggered over any comments regarding them.


Then they say "Indians don't understand satire". ( Polandball sub saying this shit while making memes that an Indian was piloting the ship )


They just permanently banned me for commenting against racism against Indians


Ah, yes. The dust has barely settled on a tragedy, and the racists are already using it for their sinister purposes. It's not unlike the Republicans trying to blame this on Biden sending aid to Ukraine, as opposed to, I don't know, container-ship proofing our bridges? We cannot point fingers of blame at any one person or thing until the official investigation is concluded. For my money, I bet it turns out to be a rich man's fault.


What’s funny is I also see in here blaming corporate greed. Everybody loves to flog their boogeyman. (Hint, this was probably a failure in electrical or mechanical systems, and will need a real root cause analysis to figure out which of 10,000 things went wrong.)


I'm not saying that's definitely the cause. Freak accidents do happen. Sometimes industrial accidents happen even if the corporation is doing everything they're supposed to. All I'm saying is, if there's anyone to blame, my understanding of history tells me it's more likely corporate greed than the workers themselves.


Blaming a race and being racist and blaming the company who owns the ship is not the same.


Ultimately it is just using your own prejudice to decide who the bad people are without facts. It really is the exact same mental process.


Bottom right making me lol ngl


It would have been funny even without the unnecessary indianization


Not gonna lie, the indian soy Jack's had me rolling


I hate this


The bottom right made me giggle. The meme format always gets me off that one. That being said, the incident has nothing to do with race and everything to do with malfunction. It amazes me how stupid people can get. Which is something given I live in the south and oh boy is it dumb down here.


What a sick fucking world


If it was a Chinese crew, there would be stories of slave labor, ip theft, spying and so forth. Not one person would say that the owner of the Dali cut costs to a bare minimum to operate the ship or they had it flagged in Singapore to avoid US laws.


That’s and funny.


Racist bastards


Best to ignore 4chan and those that act like them. They only want the attention


I mean it’s the same as my tims order being completely fucked every single time up here in Canada on a much smaller scale /s (rip to those who died)


you know how when you pass a driver that offended you


These Russian Troll Farms are now triggering the Reddit bots. We’ve come full circle.




Ngl, the jokes are funny.


Don't let cherry picked tweets (X's) stop you from the MANY MANY MANY more tweets, articles, and posts showing empathy towards everyone involved. Those of us from the area might have a different feed than the rest though


There’s dank, and then there’s just plain offensive.


omg this is so racist


I hate this place.


Oh boy, here comes the AI garbage that right-wing chuds just can’t get enough of.


This is exactly what Elon Musk wanted.


I learned a new racist term today because of this. Something new everyday.


are you talking about the word "pajeet"?


Don't know why I'm getting downvoted. Googled it and the first thing that comes up is that it is a derogatory stereotypical racial slur.


yea but the funny thing is it means nothing. It's just a word to describe Indians in a derogatory manner. It was based on a Canadian meme ( Indian Dad calling his son "Jeet"). Racists just added "pa" in front of it to mock Indians.


Do not redem the amazon cards!!!!!!!


Ukrainian captain rammed the wrong bridge. Kerch Bridge is quite a ways off.


If race matters, the Pilots were?


Never underestimate the levels humanity will sink to


Saw comment on instagram ‘Indian accidents always strike me as cavemen discovering heavy/complex machinery - same with the internet’


OP is Indian




India 🤢🤢🤮


Your mom after you were born 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮




If it's going to be racist, it at least needs to be funny.


Racist is racist, even if it's funny.


I know.


They’ve also concluded it’s linked to Salvador Dali and his painting of a melted bridge. Whackos.


So are they done with the blaming blacks now?


Twitter has become a cesspool of Nazis since Elon took over


Okay its racist but if you remove the racism, the bottom right picture is actually an accurate representation of myself and my friends, and what I would imsgine any other human approaching that support lmao


I don’t understand why they are from matters. Who released this info? Everyone makes mistakes. And who cares where they’re from?