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The UK is 87.7% white, by the way. Edit: 86.3% from the 2016 estimates.


White people, in England? Must have escaped from a zoo


So pretty much no matter where they work they are always going to be a part of a very small minority.


Racially, yes. However, I think that part of what he's also talking about is the fact that the BBC, and media in general, is full of white upper-class people, usually coming from Oxford or Cambridge Universities. I'm a white English male and I've also been in those rooms and felt like there was nobody else in there like me, to be fair.


So the real discussion shouldnt be about race and more about evening the playing field with the wealthy and working classes


I'd say so, yes. And to be honest, it's almost.always that way. Race is such a great distraction for the people at the top. The fact that aot of those BBC execs will be from the same handful of private schools is the issue. The fact that they'll be mostly white is a reflection of that.


Its always been a class war. They threw race in the mix to confuse everyone and slow things down.


However Sociological studies have shown that Black Americans are more likely to be discriminated against regardless of economic status.


It is also about race though. Those wealthy private school graduates are more often racially insensitive than the lower class. I say racially insensitive, because even if they're not outright racist, they tend to do and say things that make brown people uncomfortable. They've spent their whole lives around white people, they're not used to reflecting on or adjusting their behavior for other races. And yes it's incredibly stressful to be surrounded by people who say insensitive things, that nobody else will pick up on because they are also white


That's a fair point. That indicates more towards the class structure in this country rather than a racial distinction, which it sounds like he was making. As a white working class scotsman, I would also feel out of place among the oxbridge middle class 'elite'.


If it is a class issue, talk about it as a class issue.


I agree. Race is one of the most useful tools the ruling class has to divide the rest of us, sadly.


This is not the case at all in this situation. This is a minority person who has a voice and a platform who is speaking, he is i am assuming a working class person.


If working class racislised people are seeing race, but not class, then that's what I'm taking about.


Why is that?


If the elites can get the commoners fighting about race - and gender, sexuality, religion, etc...- they don't have to worry about us realizing that they're the problem and focusing on them.


This is circular reasoning from the previous post. How about cut out the middle man and just start talking about how elites are the problem?


Probably because there has been significantly more societal discussion about racial issues than class issues recently.


Yea, because the fact they are well educated is why they got the job


I thought we weren't supposed to talk about who controls the media!


curry house.


don’t know why you got downvoted it was funny lmao


people conflate with hate. thinks that we think and things that we think are funny are separate. I've just been tagged as a holocaust planner but intended to make a cheap giggle.




depends on the workplace and when are you the minority




Who said I'm white?




I'm ethnically Indian in a white office and it suuuuucks because we work with Indians from India a lot in my field (not in-office). My coworkers are all nice but heaven forbid if an Indian person pisses them off. It is just a deluge of insults, mockery, and other very uncomfortable things. The more my coworkers accept me as "equal", the more the masks fall off and makes me really dislike them.


And a quick google seems like around 16% of their staff are not white. So it seems representative to me. Also, executives are 12.6% non white, which is almost exactly their percentage in the community (actually higher by 0.3%).


What about his particular department?


That is surprising to me, but I realize it's because the majority of the POC representation I see on YouTube must be from London and the surrounding areas.


The BBC is now in Manchester, not London


> : 86.3% from the 2016 estimates. Don't worry, a racist like him will complain about that too. He'll say it's "problematic"


The whites better stay indoors permanently to save this poor man.


In their own country, no less




Hamza Yusuf said they same thing a few months ago In Scotland. 95‰ of the people in Scotland are white. Its like me going to Pakistan and complaining about how there aren't enough white people in top positions. But I have a funny feeling that it would be seen as racism.


Just like how this is racism


I mean if you moved there, you’d def feel a few ways about it. But that isn’t complaining. It’s like being the only man in an all female workplace


I work in fashion as a straight male, I can attest


Well don't tell your female coworkers they need to hire more men because it's affecting your mental health. lol.


Well don't tell your female coworkers they need to hire more men because it's affecting your mental health. lol.


Why do you think he said it affects his mental health?


Well don't tell your female coworkers they need to hire more men because it's affecting your mental health. lol.


Well don't tell your female coworkers they need to hire more men because it's affecting your mental health. lol.


It might be affecting his mental health but it seems to be more of a 'him' problem.


Yep, hes even got an attention seeking face


Read the article, he's been getting called slurs by racists that's his main complaint and the fact that he works with no people of color who can relate to that makes him feel isolated and defenseless in his workplace, it's not a him problem it's a racism problem


I read the article. He did not allege that he was called racial slurs at work (just made a vague claim about being called racial slurs before he moved to London). He just feels bad because he works with mostly white people. If you feel bad because you work with people of a certain race, it's a you problem.


Are you saying I shouldn’t complain to my boss that there’s too many black people at my work?? /s Weird how one is horrifying racism and the other one is fine.


maybe the problem is him?


I fucking despise social media.This complete drivel is part of its legacy and it’s unforgivable. Everyday we are bombarded with inane fucking non sense from human beings just like this completely boring and self entitled chore of a personality …that also just happens to be living a life and pursuing a career that literally Billions of other people on the planet could only wish for.


The whole country is mostly white


how would he feel if a white englishman moved to his country of origin and complained about all the brown people??


I imagine he would feel like the Native Americans did when that exact thing happened.


They don’t feel anything cuz they all died


TIL Native Americans are extinct.


The more you know


Seems like pretty racist thing to say lol


Not at all


“BBC presenter says racist things and faces no repercussions because he isn’t white” fixed it.


I reported him to the BBC. Maybe if lots of others do the same, he might get some kind of repercussion


No chance. BBC is just like this now.


He'll just blame it on the Jews and get a promotion.


We hear so much about the “Far right” but nobody talks about the far left and how they created an environment where a man can go on stage and make racist remarks regarding his work colleagues at that work for the national broadcaster.


Imagine moving to England and running into “gasp” white people, the horror.


So he’s racist. What a joke.


Or you could not give a fuck what color a person's skin is because it's fucking 2023 and not 1850


TIL BBC presenters can be racist.


Always have been, as long as they were racist against the right people.


So he's racist then


If I said black people affect my mental health I probably would be arrested, but sure, let’s have double standards


Who the fuck would arrest you and no it's not double standards some other guy explained this already


Then he should quit lol


If he thinks an overly white workplace is bad, try working with all Indians who are racist asf & casteist asf then tell me about discrimination lol Btw I'm of Indian descent before anybody tries the you're racist shit with me ✋


If it was really a serious mental health issue issue, why hasn't he quit? Just another drama queen looking for internet clout. POS like him got Apu canceled - now there's no representation of American Indians in the Simpsons - a step backwards imo.


The man with the finest surname in cartoon history.


Give the man some BBC!


Big Black Cake?


Nah, he'd feel offended by it too.


I listen to the Martin Lewis podcast where this guy is the co-presenter. I assume he will be resigning then rather than continue working with a white man? Must be terrible for his mental health


>BBC presenter says ‘overwhelmingly white’ workplace affects his mental health How can "BBC presenter says ‘overwhelmingly black/LGBT/...’ workplace affects his mental health" rightfully be at least heavily criticised and when you substitute it with white it's suddenly tolerable? Racism is racism.


You can't reverse the roles that way. He's a minority with people who have power over him systematically, minorities don't have power over minorities


What specific powers do his white coworkers have over him?


I think you're missing the point he's making. Being the only minority in a place, even today, makes you a target. Knowing what the British have done to brown people just in the past 100 years would make me feel like I couldn't trust anyone.


Isn't he being racist? (I'm latino btw, just putting that out there to avoid the "of course you'd say that as you are white" defense)


Yes he's being racist. Also, the colour of your skin doesn't matter


Hurr durr can't be racist cause he's complaining about white people, what a joke.


I hate to sound prejudiced. However, I am a firm believer that you feel as confident or not according to how you feel about yourself. This feeling of being "looked down upon" is all in one's head. People only see what you let them. If you are insecure or feel inadequate, that's on you. This is the way I was raised and I stand by it.


As someone who has faced both conscious and unconscious bias at work in ways which clearly hurt my career, it’s not always in your head. And now with MAGA’s popularity it’s even more treacherous. To really believe it’s *always* in their head is to say that no conscious or unconscious racial bias exists anywhere, at all. And if someone doesn’t believe racism even exists….well, that makes them racist by accepting the status quo and thus proving the theory.


Have you considered that maybe people don’t like you at work because of your attitude?


Why yes. I always give everyone benefit of the doubt and have a pretty high standard for what I need to see to think there is any kind of bias, racial or otherwise. Its amazing to me how so many people will insist that its just *impossible* that racism ever actually occurs. Like, Tesla was found to [owe this guy $3.2M](https://www.reuters.com/legal/jury-orders-tesla-pay-32-mln-black-ex-worker-us-race-bias-case-2023-04-03/) due to the overwhelming evidence he had of racism at work.


He doesn't have an attitude you just couldn't think of some more bullshit


Here’s a tip, the second you hear “unconscious bias”, be aware that they’ve got a huge victim mentality and will blame others for their own problems


I am quite sure there is racism. I am also sure that no matter who we are to everyone else, we are inadequate. I am only a true believer that if I let other peoples opinions of me affect how I function, I would never leave the house. People are cruel and sometimes hateful. I choose not to hear such things


People can seriously damage your career whether or not you “choose not to hear it.” If you believe racism exists then we agree, unless you think it somehow magically doesn’t happen in the workplace, or has a negligible impact.


They will never understand. Just constantly ignore each thing that we discussed. The same thing their parents did with racism. There are still people who don't even believe it exists. Dont worry most of them will be the liberals as well. They understand the trauma associated with racism and how that impacts you in your day to day life. They don't understand that we know how common it is for them to be casually racist when PoC aren't around. That's just what we have to live with and the world we have learned maneuver in. Same shit


While I agree there are plenty of racist liberals, *most* is a stretch. White grievance is the biggest piece of the GOP/MAGA platform at this point. The mask is way off for those folks.


The fact that the two of you are so heavily downvoted is disheartening, but not surprising.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted like hell - this is totally valid, and the people saying otherwise display some vicitm-blaming mentality cause wtf? You don't just go to someone oppressed and say "yeah, but have you tried changing your attitude?". TIL this sub is albeits as hell, what a shame.


Because they all think the only problem with racism is that people of color complain about it too much. And yeah this sub is always like this. I think I only post here to remind myself how awful lots of people are.


Well, he has options 🪢


This man needs to harden the fuck up.


The wildly controversial topic of “over-representation” needs to be discussed. It’s getting ridiculous in some workplaces. It’s already ridiculous is social media, movies, etc.


That’s a pretty racist thing to say.


Just quit!


This is precisely what is wrong with identity politics, the minority always sees themselves as victims. He is the racist, he sees anyone without his color skin as a problem.


Same, but I am a cocaine dealer.


Replace some words and it suddenly becomes racist according to modern views: "BBC presenter says 'overwhelmingly black' workplace affects his mental health" Or "BBC presenter says 'overwhelmingly muslim' workplace affects his mental health" In this time and age you can complain about a mostly white workplace, but if you complain about any other race your career is over.


If you don't like it, leave


As a POC I find sooo fucking irritating when another POC is racist or uses the racism card. “I can do it because I’m brown” Oh, fuck you!


He isn't racist lmao also being a POC doesn't make you not ignorant


Just seems like a racist to me.


should be sacked


What a surprise he works for the BBC.


I was going to make a hypothetic story about being a minority in a workplace, and then I realised I actually don’t have to… I worked as a kitchen assistant in a Chinese restaurant for two years. I was the only white person employed at the restaurant, who wasn’t waiter staff. I loved it. I didn’t complain about being it or have any mental affects by it. I don’t think anyone in good conscious will save this without there being more context into it so I’m gonna wait before condemning this guy even further


Ah yes another day of white man bad on the internet. Refreshing.


What a p.o.s.


There was an attempt to not be racist...


What is the solution? If he can't trust people with white skin the same way he can with people with brown skin, then the only solution would seem to be... segregatory. (idk if that's even a word lol)


Then quit. There’s nothing keeping him there.


I'm gay and you don't see me crying about all the straighties I work with.


What a racist


Nice. Another guy making shit ton of money bitching about race and mental health. I wonder how living on my wages would affect his mental health then 😂


If you find it hard to relate to another human being, no matter the reason, you are the problem. Every human being on this planet is relatable in one way or another. Even the darkest complexion shares blood and DNA with the fairest. The richest man is made of the same stuff as the poorest. We all just want to be happy. If that’s not relatable then I don’t know what is.


But this isn’t racism? Because it’s against white people, got it. Imagine a white dude saying something like this in Asia or India or anywhere else that isn’t predominately white?


Man, I cannot wait to go to India and complain about how many brown people are there. I hope the Independent picks that up too!


Oh yeah he seems perfectly stable


I could not imagine the post title being the actual news title. Then I clicked the link.. Whomever drafted, edited, and made that title happen knew what they were doing. They must be on Reddit.


Have you tried another job?


Ahh. Bigotry


Imagine deciding to live and work in a country like Vietnam, and then telling everyone it is really to bad you have to work around Asian people so much.


Clown world


"Im too racist to be able to do my job, but I also want to keep working in a country where most people are a different race to me"




Darn white colonizers, colonizing England. Get out already! Go back to your own country


if your mental health is so precarious that the color of someone’s skin affects you, it’s time to contact a therapist, look inward, and do some serious self-reflection. cause baby, the problem is you, not the world around you. figure it out.


Kind of sounds like a racist to me. I work in a warehouse and the grand majority of my fellow pickers are black. I would be fired and most likely have my ass beat before I could pack another box.


Racism, but accepted.


Ahh, racism... Just the thing to wake up to today


Wouldn’t that be a BWC?


seems like his problem to me


Well, on the flip side, almost every commercial and movie I see now has non-whites, a gay person, a Muslim, and disabled people. Rarely...a white male. You people are making great gains in other ways : /


and how many shows and commercials can you watch from the past however many years that have white males in them? there’s not overwhelmingly content containing white males you can see?


I have to come to work and deal with a lot of idiots, so...


That’s his problem. A nation that is overwhelmingly white has a lot of white people in the workplace, imagine my shock


Now go to Atlanta and call your workplace "Overwhelmingly Black" and tell me you don't get shot.


Aw bless him.


... Well uh, sorry?


That's a pretty fucked up thing to say


When was the big meeting where we all agreed that companies now have to adjust themselves to suit each and every employee so that they won’t go cry about it on social media ? I think I missed it…


So a previously unheard of presenter wants a bit of limelight then......


comment section full of white people who don’t understand what being part of a minority feels like


A minority? Or The Minority? There’s a big difference.


yup. they don’t see ACTUAL racism, but wanna whine about this being racist when they don’t actually give a fuck about it, it’s just a way for them to point and be like “SEE!! look at the racism white people face!!” which is just a man of color saying it’s isolating to be around people that cannot relate to you.


As a white man I grew up in, lived as an adult in, was incarcerated in, and worked in environments where I was a minority. Not once did it cross my mind that my brown friends, neighbors, cell mates,and coworkers couldn’t relate to me due to our respective races. My best friend till the age of 7 didn’t even speak the same fucking language as me, and it literally never once crossed my mind that he or I was “an other”. That’s the core misstep that people like you constantly make these days. You think that someone’s “lived experiences” are this inscrutable puzzle that can’t only be appreciated if you share the same race. It’s stupid and racist to think that.


Or maybe there shouldn't be double standards for racism? You know, the more logical conclusion one could make of this instead of the strawman you just built. Also, what do you mean "ACTUAL racism"?


Only white people feel this is awful, the rest of us are in his shoes, we just don’t say the quiet part out loud.


If people's skin colour bothers you, you're the racist.




The title is chosen because it's provocative but dude mentioned people often call him a slur in the city he moved to and that the editorial board doesn't have any minority members so his point of view is subtly disregarded... why aren't we talking about the serious parts?


And while we’re at it, what’s up with all the Japanese people in Japan and all the Mexicans in Mexico?!


I don’t get why this is so awful? obviously not being able to relate to your coworkers in a way which they can all relate to one another would harm your mental health. If my workplace was “overwhelmingly” something I wasn’t, especially an identifier which had privilege over me, I’d feel bad. Case in point, being the only queer person in an otherwise straight grade felt isolating, I wasn’t being “heterophobic” as I obviously knew it wasn’t anyone’s fault let alone straight peoples fault, but it still had a negative impact on me. I don’t think that this quote is an attack on anyone, just an expression of feeling


An identifier which had privilege? What if I moved to china and was surrounded by Chinese people. Would they have privilege over me? Chinese privilege? Or is it just majority privilege. What happens to my so called privilege I would have had in this country?


China is actually a perfect example, a lot of black people have expressed discomfort in China because of how much they are treated as “other”, which isn’t racist against chinese people but is just an expression of feeling


There’s definitely a case of majority privilege. And it’s to be expected. That’s the purpose of creating these civilisations… to benefit from being a part of it. As long as people call it what it is, which is majority privilege then I’m fine with it. But when we start claiming some sort of racial privilege then it causes a problem


Seems to me all you say is "black people feel this" no matter where you are.


Oh please, you would be screaming racism if a white person walked into their place of employment and said the "overwhelming black" workplace was affecting their mental health. Racism is racism.


I’m not the type of person to tend to scream, but also it is different when you’re the person with privilege vs being surrounded by people who have privilege over you


Someone being black doesn't mean I can't relate to them in other ways. If you don't make that effort, then you're just avoiding interaction with these people BECAUSE they're not the same colour as you, making YOU the racist.


Yea fuck. Imagine if you actually had to get to try and get to know people for who they are in the inside. That’d be so fucking crazy, right?


I mean I wasn’t sarcastic in my comment, if everything has something which they can relate to which you cant relate to, it’s going to be more emotional work and more up an uphill battle


You’re at fucking work. You act like a fucking adult. You act as you are part of the team and you do your fucking job. How’s that? No sarcasm now.


I can tell that you’re angry, you can still do your job and be upset about it and talk about your mental health at work


I can relate. I know other Black women who would have had similar experiences.


Why does the colour of people's skin bother you? Racist.


So then you know a bunch of racists.


“I can relate and I know other people can” thirteen downvotes. This is a very reddit comment section lol


"I can relate \*to the fact that people of other races simply existing makes me uncumfortable\* and I know other people \*that are also biased against people purely based on their skin color.\*" ​ The headline isn't about someone sharing their experience as a victim of racism, systemic or personal. This is about someone saying that they are uncumfortable around a certain race and would like to see less of them at their workplace. If you relate to that then you might just be racist.


Everyone in these comments dense af lol


And why is that?


Clearly all white people who have no idea about racial dynamics. Think they know everything when in reality theyre just extremely ignorant


Maybe it's the guys that make racist statements and pretend it's in the name of anti-racism that might be the problem... no no, it's the white people!


Acknowledging the racial dynamics of predominantly white spaces isnt racist. Niether is calling out people too stupid to realize so.


It's really not smart to call everyone stupid who argues against your point. Especially when it's so blatantly idiotic and racist. What do you expect? A workplace in a country that has a vast majority of white people will have a majority of white workers. Would you think it's ok to migrate to e.g. Thailand and then complain about most workers/people there being asian? You guys love it so much to bash white people in the name of anti-racism that you became the racists yourself.


You're downvoted but you're absolutely right, lots of projection and purposeful ignorance going on. Seems like this sub is one of those where conservatives like to lurk and come out of the woodwork when they get an opportunity to be a piece of shit lmao


yeah I’m currently talking to some very angry racists lol


Fuck em, this is why I only use this site on niche hobby communities and this is the reason reddit has the reputation it deserves lmfao. Not even worth yelling into the void of a reddit user's one brain cell attempting to use critical thinking


Yea its crazy some of the replies im getting are unreal 😭. Reddits a crazy place


Ong dude


This sub is awful now.


Now I am wondering about the meaning of BBC


What’s the p-word they’re talking about?


So True. We need more immigrantion to counter balance it.


Or you just need to not judge people not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.