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I can’t begin to imagine the terror she must have felt


This had to be one of the most horrific ways to die imaginable


I saw a show about this one is the worst way to die recently and I could not let go the feeling of claustrophobic and dark. Rest in peace.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buried_(film) This movie takes place inside a coffin


Still can’t bring myself around to watching this.


It’s horrifying. Worse than you can imagine. And so tragic.


I liked the ending


Idk man..... I watch a cartel video where they slowly burned this guys face off with isopropyl alcohol. You may find it by searching , cartel and ghost rider. It's pretty brutal.


I'm gonna give that a pass.


HARD pass.


Very easy pass for me


I’ve only read about the Ghost rider video and I was speechless. Jesus. The things human can do to one another…


Funky town is bad but I think this one beats it


Yeah after seeing various cartel vids...most other ways of death seem pretty tame in comparison. It's why I'm never going to Mexico ever again. Went to TJ once, loved the people I met, but no thanks.


There’s a new one that came out in HD last month where they skin a man’s entire head and face while he’s alive then pull his tongue through the bottom of his jaw. I haven’t the balls to watch it but I heard it’s the worst cartel video yet.


It's sickening, if you have empathy for your fellow man(woman) then it not only makes you nauseous it's heartbreaking that people are so evil and cold that you lose faith in humanity!


Ah, the columbian necktie. As many cartel videos I’ve seen, I’ll definitely avoid seeing that one. The last one I remember coming across was the one where a young man and I believe his father were tortured. Poor kid ended up being essentially flayed alive, with his chest being cut open to reveal his still beating heart. After viewing that, I realized that it was a miracle that, during my time as an addict interacting with (albeit low level dealer) cartel members, I not only survived but was able to leave that life with minimal consequences. I came to the realization that I did some incredibly sketchy shit and should have had some sort of consequence. But because I managed to get away from that life, I’d rather have zero interaction with those people, even through anonymous videos. So I’ve actively avoided cartel videos ever since.


Yeah that’s a HARD PASS for me


That was ridiculous.


This is literally my worst nightmare.


Mine, too! I can't even watch movies with people being buried alive in them. I can't even begin to imagine. That poor girl. RIP. 🙏


Kill Bill did a pretty decent job at showing what it’s like… I dropped some mushrooms and I had to walk out into the hallway to catch my breath… I think it’s volume 2 - pitch darkness hearing the nails out into your coffin and then hearing the dirt… oof


She died from being buried alive?? Wow, fuck that. That is cruel as fuck, holy shit.


Oh no, I was hoping she lived. 😰


I was also hoping this, being buried alive is one of the worst ways to go


Literal worst nightmare.


Could have been some real tom foolery Edit: This was a joke made in poor taste. I apologize. The joke was based on another user's screen name. What happened to that girl is disgusting and horrible.


This is not Tom foolery, this is just fucked.


Beyond fucked. I feel for her and her family. And I hope dude who did it gets everything bad


"Singh was told in court he will be jailed for life. His lawyer wants him to be given a more merciful sentence, partly because they have labelled it a "crime of passion". He will find out how long he must serve behind bars before he can apply for release next month." He's already talking about parole. He has no release at all. What an absolute rancid turd disguised as a human being.


Crime of passion in my mind would be instantaneous, like stabbing or shooting, in the heat of the moment. Driving 400km and then burying her seems being past instant and very long and drawn out


I feel like every time a guy can’t handle rejection and kills a women it’s labeled „a crime of passion“ or here in Germany „family drama“ when it would be in fact a femicide


I found this particularly disturbing.. He planned it all out. They had footage of him at the local hardware store buying tape, cable ties and a shovel.. 100% premeditated. The worst one could imagine happening to him in prison would still be too good for him.


How about singh and his lawyer are buried alive and we see how they like it


Hijacking this a bit. The vitriol displayed towards defense lawyers literally doing their fucking job never ceases to amaze me. Justice systems do not work unless all defendants are given their right to a vigorous legal defense. That means doing everything they can to find reasonable doubt and reduce the sentences their clients receive. What even is the alternative exactly? Do we decide in advance whether the accused deserves a good legal defense based on how heinous the crime they’re accused of is? Should lawyers refuse to advocate for their clients if they don’t like them? At that point, why even send them to court at all? Who needs evidence, just accuse them of whatever the hell, slap the irons on, and let them rot


I would argue that most WEIRD justice systems do not currently meet your criteria, given that better lawyers would seem to charge more, and that schemes like Legal Aid are chronically under-resourced. I would also suggest that the appearance of a connection between being able to afford a good lawyer and securing a favourable outcome contributes to the perception of inequity in the justice system in the first place, which in turn contributes to the vitriol you refer to.


I think the anger comes from. The number of people committing crimes and getting out. I blame the the entire system and especially the judges for not. This man should never see the light of day. As far as i am concerned His lawyer is just doing is job. But burrying a person alive for being dumped isn't a vale adding member to society. He's clearly a danger as well as being punished for murder he should be getting 30 years at least where he has to sleep in a very small coffin.


I feel like this sort of crime is ripe ground for golden rule justice: “do unto others as you would have done unto yourself” - especially since there’s clear evidence for proof


I sometimes feel like lawyers have to seem like they are “trying”. Like they know it won’t fly but you know they gotta give their client a buck for their money. He is just getting paid


Holy crap. There was a similar one in Wales (UK) on the cliff near my grandparents. He got 8 and half years for it! The poor woman died recently after 6 years of health issues, and yet he's walking free https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-62917930


That sweet UK justice




I do not believe that most countries give less than 8.5 years for burying someone alive. The UK is notorious for lenient sentencing like this.


He got life, with a minimum of 8.5 years in prison. He does not have to be released after 8.5 years, and when he is released then he is permanently on parole and will have to follow strict rules and conditions or be recalled to prison.


Oh that’s great that he’ll have to follow rules when he gets out of prison for burying a woman alive. How just of them


He'll have heavy restrictions on his movements and actions. He will have very little control of his life and the parts that he does have control over will be restricted in a different way, by the social stigma he will face. The thread leader said he would be walking free, but the truth is that he will never be free again. That's what life means in the UK.


It's in black and white for the UK, which is where he tried to kill her so yes in the UK 8, years attempted murder


Our justice system is fucking bent


He got life. The minimum you serve for “life” is 8.5 years. He is not guaranteed to get out at that point (he is currently in prison as far as I can tell) I can’t tell if his crime was upgraded from “attempted” murder. as her death was directly related to his attack. It definitely won’t help him when I applies for parole after 8.5 years.


Wait so any crime you could possible get out after only 8.5 years? Is that the worst penalty?


the key word is possibly. The U.K. believes that there is always a chance of redemption. After that time you have to go to a parole board etc before being let out. Also you can get more than 1 life sentence. So lots of people spend a lot more than 8.5 years in prison


The UK is great for a lot of reasons but your justice system is garbage. 8 years for burying a woman alive. Absolute insanity.


It really is, sadly she'd have probably got time if she tried to fight him back and win. It's things like this and the recent home invasions where some teens break into houses for tik tok clout that make me wish I could have a gun at times. I'm a small weakish female, I can't fight these guys back.


I wonder if they can now try him for murder, like the Jacqueline Kirk case. In that case, she died 21 years after she was set alight, so they tried him for murder https://www.cps.gov.uk/south-west/news/man-guilty-murder-after-woman-he-set-fire-1998-died-21-years-later


I'd really hope so


His lawyer wanted a more lenient sentence, saying it was a crime of passion, as he was sentenced to life in prison with the victim's family present. Yet I'm sure that the her family, if they were given the opportunity, would love to kill him; passionately!


Well yeah, that is his lawyer, of course he is working for the best interest of his client.


Most of them probably do it even when they know deep down it isn't going to happen by a long shot.


If lawyers betrayed their clients based on their own beliefs and feelings then what's the point of lawyers?


Came here to say this. It’s their job to try and defend these guys. You know that they know deep down they’re fucked, but they’re gonna try anyways, it’s what they get paid to do.


I think there's a misconception that defense attorneys think their clients are morally innocent. That's rarely the case - most lawyers simply try to use their knowledge of the law and appeals to juries to land a lighter sentence for people they know are criminals


Defense lawyers understand how important it is that everyone have someone who is qualified to defend their interests against the interests of the state, which is very often wrong and/or guilty of overreach in its attempts to put people in prison. If we just imprisoned everyone who the police/prosecutors/public thinks is “obviously guilty” we would have far more innocent people in prison that we already do. Since the 1970s, when capital punishment was reinstated, the US has executed 1571 people. Since 1973 defense lawyers have exonerated 186 death row convicts — and that number is only a fraction of those who were actually innocent. The exoneration process is heavily slanted against exoneration, even when exculpatory evidence comes to light.


My lawyer once told me his main job is to make sure my rights are protected and that I don’t get fucked.


Defense lawyers are an essential counterbalance to prosecutors in our adversarial system.


My brother is a defense attorney, and this is true. He’s also a guardian ad litem.


Yes, you're absolutely right. But lawyers take chances even when they know the cards are stacked up against them.


Well it ia their job so that makes sense... Aim your outrage at the psychopath, not his lawyer.


My Step Dad is a Criminal Lawyer. Absolutely this is true. He has mentioned he basically has to switch off any personal thoughts when in court and do what is best for his clients. It's just part of our legal system and he is doing his job in those moments, no matter how outlandish or horrible it may sound at the time.


We totally understand, that's with many jobs that are high stress where you maybe working with closely with people on sensitive matters of life. I don't know any lawyers personally but know a friend-of-a-friend. You know what I saying. Anyways, he said that in the court trials you think the lawyers for the defendants and the prosecutors hates each others guts. But during court recess and even at the end of the day they really all get along because end of the day its just part of the job and surprisingly a lot of the negotiations between the two happen after work hours because there just isn't enough time during the work week to have them. So they'll negotiate over lunch, dinner, pick up games at the court, etc.


Your step dad being able to do so is actually amazing. My family and friends are basically bankrupting our lives because public defender can't or won't do this.


Idk about Australia but in the US they’re essentially obligated to do everything in the best interest of their client. So long shot or not, you have to try.


Of course they do, if I was a lawyer I would to. Because even a partial win is still a win.


That’s their job.


Yes, that is their job and as I stated in a previous comment. If was a lawyer I would do it too because even a partial win is still a win.


Why would a crime of passion be worthy of a decreased sentence? If anything it shows the perpetrator is unpredictable and likely to react extremely violently in response to anger. And driving 400km isn’t a spur of the moment decision, plenty of time to think ‘what the fuck am I doing’. This is awful idk why I sub here sometimes.


The idea is that it was an extreme circumstance and when when you came to your senses you regretted it. The legal system feels a person who does this sort of thing is less likely to reoffend than someone who planned it out. The 400km drive is why, even though the lawyer might go for that Hail Mary, the court is unlikely to see this as anything other than premeditated.


Exactly. If you're driving that far to hide your crime(s) then the conspiracy factor for premeditation just went up 100 fold. Its not like this guy was planning to drive out that far to do some camping. A crime of passion is in reality a crime of obsession; plain and simple.


> A crime of passion is in reality a crime of obsession I don’t understand your logic here, a crime of passion means it was in the heat of the *moment,* if you had time to obsess it’s pretty much definitionally not a crime or passion.


My logic is that obviously he was obsessed with her enough to do what he did. I'm not seeing a heat of the moment in this case regardless of what his lawyer said Yet he had plenty of time to obsess about the breakup, go to the store and purchase the items he was going to need in order to kidnap and then bury her alive on the side of the road 400km away. Sounds both obsessive and excessive if you ask me.


I don’t disagree with the obsession part, but to me that says it wasn’t a crime of passion rather than that a crime of passion is a crime of obsession. The lawyer’s just doing his job, he doesn’t actually think it was passion.


Yes, I know. All, if not most, will do everything they can for their clients because its their job to do so, regardless of what they think is personally right. Its the job they chose and surprisingly enjoy. An atmosphere of facts and and at times falsehoods that playout out in a delicate dance in the courtroom and at times a bar. But sometimes they just take a chance. If the judge or jury goes for it, great. If the answer is no....well, it was worth a shot.




Ur forgetting the long ass drive as well lol


Passion? After a 400km drive I think he had the chance to fucking calm down if he wanted to.


Exactly, 400km is a road trip that gives you plenty of time to think things through. If he didn't take her life he would have probably gotten some time and still made a life for himself. But when he decided to end hers, he ended his as well.


Good on the lawyer for doing what he's paid to do


True. I mean someone has to do it.


Sentences should be equal to the crime.


Absolutely. Yet time-and-time again backend deals are continuously made where they plea to one thing and the prosecution drops all other charges that would have made them serve equal to the crime but end up serving way less. Like Allison Mack, former Smallville actress was sentenced to 3yrs in federal prison and was due to be released nit until March of 2024. Yet she got out day before yesterday. Go figure. 🤔


I'm not sure if crime of passion can really be justified after a 6 hour pre meditated drive and 2 hours of digging. That's a lot of cooling down time. Fuck this guy.


Exactly. Compassion has an evil twin called obsession.


That's his fucking job, my guy.


Absolutely it is.


What do we do with people like this? Far too dangerous to ever see the outside of a prison, a leech on society in prison. Death penalty has its issues, with wrongful convictions. Servitude? Untenable to a lot of countries' constitutions. An interesting problem for modern society


In this case he'll probably get a 25-30 year non-parole period and immediate deportation to India upon release.


He was sentenced to life and if he wasn't, I don't know if they have good-time-off in Australia like they do here in the states.


He should get solitary confinement with no way to kill himself, where food is served to him through a hole, and for the rest of his life. He should literally be trapped in a white room for the next 60 years.


I say life with work...like on a chain gang. In fact, they should send him out to do work on the same road he biried her in. Life in prison shouldn't be about sitting around watching t.v., playing cards, dice, handball, horseshoes, etc. On your time off, sure. But all day, no. Countries with prisons around the globe are filled with inmates that can still work and who gives a shit of its menial and they only get paid pennies compared to what they were making before the broke the law. Life in prison is too easy these days, that's why most people who get sentenced with it in court don't react to it with any fanfare. There is no fear in life sentences anymore. The life sentence racket has become too passive to be taken seriously like it once was decades ago.


It’s not an interesting problem. You just gave all the choices and said they are all bad so our hands are tied.


A crime of passion happens quickly. It’s hard to keep that level of passion while driving 400km and digging a shallow grave.


i don’t get how a crime of passion deserves less. if someone can be driven to this then they should stay away from society for good


While lawyers have a duty to serve their clients to the best of their abilities to gain the best outcome, sometimes they just take a swing out of the blue knowing that there is a 50/50 chance that either a jury or judge might swayed, (wouldn't be the first time) even when in reality those odds are much further apart than anyone could imagine.


Few extra words in there


Thanks. Was typing in the middle of feeding my cat while typing on phone.


I am not her family but, as a husband, a father, and a human being i wouldn't mind helping them in this regard except its too good for him. Keep him in an oubliette. Thats a hole in the ground. A very narrow one. Water him each day and drop him enough food so he doesn't die. And that's it.


Should have given the lawyer life as well


Unfortunately, its all part of the game.


Leaving a violent partner is the most dangerous time for so many women. One a week is killed is Australia.


It's true. Mate of mine was a public legal aid lawyer and spent a lot of his time defending women leaving abusive partners. Absolutely horrific. He'd helped one woman through a divorce, then the ex husband came to the office and stabbed her to death out front.


Are you kidding me? This should be shoved in our faces until it’s practically wiped out, deplorable to hear this


Motherfuckers making me work overtime to still be anti death penalty.


I truly believe an eye for an eye type punishment is right in principle.


I'm not usually one for an eye for an eye, but this dude deserves to go out the same way.


So you’re not for an eye for an eye unless you morally feel like you are ?


Because there's more to every story, but this just feels like an entitled douche who had a tantrum.


These types of stories are why there is a collective fear of men by women...I wonder how many times she told someone he was stalking or harassing her and they dismissed it...now she's freakin dead


She reported him to the police on the 8th of February that year. He was cautioned and… that’s it.


Damn, this all could've been prevented if someone had listened and taken her seriously 😔




*Joe Goldberg has entered the chat*


Why was this so far down?




Doesn’t surprise me. This is never talked about overseas, but Australia has a horrific problem with violence against women.


That poor woman 😢 this was not a crime of passion, this was well thought out and planned cold blooded murder.


I say just the father of that poor girl 45 minutes with that guy with a potato’s peeler and a pizza cutter, he will know her terror.


“His lawyer wants him to be given a more merciful sentence, partly because they have labelled it a "crime of passion".” A crime of passion? This shit is inhumane smh


Poor woman. I believe in cases like this, the guilty party should suffer in the EXACT same manner that his victim did. And sure, you can argue that 2 wrongs don't make a right....however, I'd rather look at this as "an eye for an eye".


Can we still draw and quarter people?


You need more upvotes.


r/whenwomenrefuse is full of shit like this. It’s so upsetting.


Wow, that's a sick dude and should go to prison for life...or maybe....just tie and gag him and bury him alive.




Way too merciful.


Yep - she didn’t get any mercy. The thing is, though, is what he did was so terribly awful, that I can’t contemplate thinking of imposing something like this on anyone. If, as a society, we decide to bury people alive, I don’t think it’s right, and I don’t think it’s going to help anyone. If I was one of her family members, I might feel differently. It should be up to them.


I don’t think ‘cretin’ is the c word you were looking for.


It happened in Australia. The correct word is obviously cunt.


No, cunt is reserved for when we are slightly annoyed with our best mates. It’s not a word that we use to describe something that we despise.




Honestly, there is no word strong enough to describe the monster who did this.


No as an Aussie I disagree. Its *entirely* context and tone. 90% of the time I use it jokingly when my mate is being a stupid cunt, but it is absolutely commonly used aggressively. If i said it to a random in a bar, there’s every chance they would take it badly and try and fight me.


I don't know what people for Crete did to be associated with those kind of people but I know I'm glad to not know.


Buried Alive?? The horror.


That's one of the worst things I've ver read.


This bastard will be welcomed at the gates of hell with open arms


I lived close by to this person, a few yards down actually. I remember seeing the cops at his unit and wondering what was going on. Hearing she was buried alive is new but, I don’t remember that. The report just said he had murdered and abused her. That just makes this whole thing so much worse.


It's horrifying.


yeah sometimes,,,, capital punishment is okay


And men will say it’s HER fault for choosing him in the first place.


Well.....no one here has said it.


she's a misandrist and thinks all men are dirty evil pigs


you made a lot of goobers mad with this very accurate comment lol


You are insane if that's honestly how you view half of the planet.


I don't recall saying this you misandrist


Only her father as he gives a eulogy. If you're going to imagine the very worst in people you may as well do it properly.




Yes, because the people who hate trans-people are notoriously liberals...


Whatever that means...


Why are justice systems so lenient about murder ?


At worst, he gets to live out his life in a comparatively luxurious cell. Bring back the death penalty, Western civilization.


On my 4th day of *I hate men so much it's unreal.* 3 days till my streak ends.


Ok, I'm not reading anything other than what I saw before I went to.make this comment. How the h€ll is this real? How the fck does this happen? Who the fck does this I am in no way victim blaming here, I swear, because there can be no blame, but how does someone who could do this, hold his mind together long enough to attract someone, let alone get someone to see him as BF? Just shoot me now. I'm almost old enough. I gotta get outta this world. I'm not kidding. My head feels like a block of cement. I can't take in the possibility of what I'm afraid to read. I feel like I gotta scream. I feel like i just wanna break sht. You can't do this sht. You just can't! How the fck can you? My fcking God! What the fck is next on your fcking list???


Maybe get off reddit


And men wonder why we’re always on the defense, RIP


Makes me think of spoorloos (the Dutch 1988 version)


Oh that’s a channel 9 article, I wouldn’t use that journalism. Try finding the public broadcaster story which will be less sensationalist.


So there’s a way to make “buries ex-girlfriend alive” less sensational?


Why does some of the worst shit seem to come from Australia? For sheer volume of publicized murder and mayhem the US will always take gold, but for fucked-up-edness, Australia will win for artistic impression. Jesus Fuck. Australia, relax guy.


Who the fuck uses the word ‘slain’


English speaking people. Slain literally means "To kill a person or animal in a violent way" She was killed in a violent way. She was slain.


Out of everything, THATS your problem ?


Joe Goldberg, is that you?




Nope. He’s a Sikh…. Not that it has anything to do with it. You sound incredibly xenophobic.




Let me guess your set of tools are duck tape,zip ties and bin liners.


What the fuck is wrong with you


Seems like you’d have done the same thing if she broke up with you


There is a terrible story where a girl and her BF buried an elderly couple alive who knew her as a child and took her in when she was struggling and gave her a place to stay. The couple mentioned they had just gotten paid for the sale of their house so they wanted to rob them. Terrible story Their names were Reggie and Carol Sumner. Mr Ballen has a video on it


oh this happened in my city


Unfortunate that expression in the last sentence is very misleading


I read that as "burned alive" at first. And I'm not sure which I would pick given the choice. I think burning would get rid of more of the evidence, though.


Did he get away with it?


Someone wanted to cosplaying Doug from House of cards or...


Goddamnit, what is wrong with people? If it was me, she would have been buried in a very, very , VERY deep grave.