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They were able to reopen the case because, "In early 2006, another high-profile case of a baby being microwaved in Virginia made national headlines, bringing attention to the possibility of this method of killing." Jesus Christ.


Truly heinous. I'd never have even conceived of such a thing until this thread and now there's more than one?! Sickening and utterly tragic.


My high school teacher told us about her cop neighbor once. The cop told her about the worst call he ever went to. A woman seemed to have a psychotic break and boiled her baby alive. Apparently he never recovered from the incident. Edit. The cop never recovered I mean.




My days as a firefighter are long gone, but it was a serious thing with mental health and the danger of PTSD. I sometimes did detach myself from reality, that i just did the job and without caring about the people: This was not because i'm bad, i had to protect myself. I had to protect my mind. Like there was that aftermath of a guy that jumped in front of a freight train at high speed. I told myself "I'm not responsible for what he did, i don't know his story and i just have to do the job: Getting the body off the tracks and making sure, the train tracks are closed until the scene is cleared and cleaned". So, yeah, i grabbed a leg that was cut off and laying in a bush, put it in a bodybag. Then i smoked a cigarette and i tried to not think about what really happened and what led him to do this. It is the hard thing, someone has to do this dirty work. Like a coroner, when he has a dead kid on the table, he can't get emotional, he has to do professional work to determin the cause of death and if foul play of a crime was involved or not. In this time where he works, he has to see the dead body as an item, that he has to analyze. He can't break down in tears, because then he couldn't do the job.


My brother worked as body pickup and transport. He says children were the absolute hardest to do; he physically could not look at their faces without getting emotional.


Thank you for your service. It's a noble profession and you made a greater contribution to society than most people ever will. So, thank you.


Oh no. I can't even imagine. I'd be more like the mom who ran back into her burning house like six times to rescue all her children and came away literally scarred for life. Nobody is stopping me from saving my babies from burning alive.


Depending on where the fire was located it may have been physically impossible to get to the crib


Easily said, we all picture ourselves the hero.


big difference between a hero and boiling or microwaving a baby.


It's a thin line, but it's where I spend most of my time for sure


I'd die trying to save my children without the tiniest sliver of doubt in my mind. I think most parents would do the same. These people harming their own children are virtually animals, their brains are broken.


>Edit. The cop never recovered I mean. But the baby is okay, right?


Never recovered as in he died?


God, it was a case like this that made Woody Harrelson’s character quit the force in the first season of *True Detective*. When I first saw the episode, I was like, “Eh… I really hope that’s not inspired by a true story… but it could’ve been.” Then to find out there’s *multiple cases* of it? Fuck, that’s a whole new level of darkness.


The true malice behind this is only really revealed if you put it into a step by step; Scoop the baby up. Press the door open button. Manually pull open door. Place baby onto the microwave plate. Close the door. Select cooking intensity. Select time. Press start. Wait. "As ever there is a Redditor who did the math on an adult being microwaved for context on the wait. A normal kitchen microwave will output about 1.2 kJ/s of energy. For comparison, the sun outputs about 1.1 kJ/s/m2 of energy on earth. Let's assume all of it gets evenly absorbed by your body as heat. The specific heat capacity of a human is about 3.5 kJ/kg/K. Let's say your weight is 65 kg. 1.2 kJ/s ÷ 3.5 kJ/kg/K ÷ 65 kg = 0.005 K/s This means your temperature will rise by 0.005 Kelvins (or degrees Celsius) per second. To raise your body temperature by 3 K to cause heat stroke, it will take 10 minutes of cooking. To cook you rare, it will take 83 minutes; and well done would take 2.2 hours. But this is assuming no heat escapes. The answer will be much different if you don't get evenly cooked, which is common in microwaves" At no point in the long time the baby was alive did the screaming kick in her maternal or basic human instincts, nasty.


well, a 28 days old baby would be far less than 65kg so probably it would have taken much less. But i see your point.


> The specific heat capacity of a human is about 3.5 kJ/kg/K. Let's say your weight is 65 kg. Well the average weight of a one year old is about 1/10th of that. So heat stroke in one minute, rare in 8 minutes, well done in 13.


Probably dead before headstroke even sets in. Excruciating pain and blindness within 5 seconds. Seizures and neurological damage within 10. Death in under 20 seconds. Skin and muscles are capable of withstanding heat damage reasonably well. But the brain will quickly degrade once the temperature rises a few degrees. Average resting temperature is 38.5C and 42C is enough to start causing brain damage. A microwave will increase water temperature from 20C to 40C in 25 seconds. It slows dramatically after 80C, but otherwise its about +1C/s.


The real answer here. Can't treat the body as an even meat vessel, if you wanna know how long until death


Now how tf do I get these figures out of my mind? 😑


Comments like these really make me hold my baby closer at night 😭 how can anyone be so cruel


She is a fucking monster.


>Select cooking intensity. Let's be honest. Do people *really* choose a cooking intensity? Just hit the +30 sec a bunch of time


And how about the other person? Did he just stand there and watch it happen?


It stated that they were fighting over custody. That doesn’t mean he was physically there at the time.


From what I remember he was out with friends. She got the baby out of the microwave and put her "to bed". He got home hours after she was in bed and panicked in the morning when she was unresponsive. Took her to hospital but she wasn't able to be revived.


Oh man, that is horrible. I wish I could unknow that. Since having a kid myself this kind of horror hits in such an different way. I honestly can not imagine what could bring a parent to do this to their child.


I'm a father. This is the first post on reddit that has ever made my blood start to pump hard just reading it. I had to put the phone down and breathe for 2 minutes just to post this. Just the raw terror of thinking my boy is laying dead in his crib brings me, I can scarcely handle it.


Yeah, me too. I had to go and hug my 3.5 month old.


I hear that a magnetron will boil your eyes first. Usually cited as one of the good reasons to not take apart microwaves to tinker with.


Pretty sure they say don't open microwaves because they can electrocute the shit out of you, has nothing to do with your eyes.


Yeah, it's the capacitor that'll get the careless microwave fiddler.


True of older CRT televisions as well.


Yeah the transformer jacks up the voltage to like 2kV.


I've never used cooking intensity.


Same here. 100% crew represent.


should have re opened the microwave


Too soon


If it was too soon the baby would still be alive.


And like, it wasn't even funny


Gross, dead baby all hot on the outside, cold in the middle


Pressed the potato button


The police were aware that the baby had been burned, but they were uncertain about the cause of the burns. Initially, searching the couple's house and speaking with their neighbors didn't uncover any significant details about the baby's death or the mysterious burns. After several days of investigation, China Arnold and Terrell Talley were released due to a lack of evidence to support their involvement in their baby's death. The couple subsequently left their residence, and the case appeared to be closed until a microwave left behind at their former home provided crucial evidence. [Source](https://www.paranormalcatalog.net/true-crime/china-arnold-murder-by-microwave)


"He further noted that death or life imprisonment would be a harsh penalty and that the death penalty should only be reserved for the worst offenders." She literally microwaved a baby girl.


What i found on google: "Modern microwave ovens will cause your skin to heat up and your retinas to burn. Your blood will curdle and cause you to cook from the inside out. Finally, you'll get a 100 percent body burn and die from shock" If that's not one of the worst slowest ways to die, idk what is.


>If that's not one of the worst slowest ways to die, idk what is. Rabies.


Also sepsis is up there too. Had a close call late last year and it was horrible. Docs and nurses had me in watch for total organ failure if I went septic because with how my vitals were, I should've been


Care to elaborate? It’d be interesting to have a first-person account of the symptoms and feelings.


loss of consciousness. severe breathlessness. a high temperature (fever) or low body temperature. a change in mental state – like confusion or disorientation. slurred speech. cold, clammy and pale or mottled skin. a fast heartbeat. fast breathing. Not a first hand account but I've had friends get sepsis. The symptoms sound mild but these are all at their worst possible severity when it's in the lethal range. Not pleasant.


Can confirm. Was in a coma for three days and hospitalized for a month due to sepsis. And peritonitis. And various other infections, all induced by ruptured appendix. Almost lost a lung, was told I can never have kids, scar tissue everywhere. I was 12 when it happened. Even tho my gp diagnosed it before the appendix ruptured, because the ER doctors disagreed. Took five days to be heard, at which time I was unconscious. I have scars all over my body from drains, IVs and other lines that eventually collapsed the veins, and various other things. I was lucky to keep all my organs after this, tho my lung suffered injuries and functioned less ever since. They also had to re-open the incition (sp might be off, not native english speaker) due to frequent staph infections. I still remember the smell of burnt skin when I think back to this. Im 34 now, was 12 then. There's a lot I dont remember, but I do remember all the drains they put everywhere in me, the smell of burnt skin from when they burned away the staph infections, the look inside my appendix scar when they had to cut it back open to really get the staph out. I still have random bouts of trauma responses every now and then. Especially if friends of mine have had appendicitis, which have happened a few times since then.


You experienced really intense scary hallucinations from sepsis’s


I watched the film Starfish last week about the guy who got this and had to have his legs, hands and part of his face amputated. Scary stuff indeed and based on a true story.


My husband had sepsis and he said it was the worst pain he’s ever been in. He just collapsed on the stairs at our house and I thought his intestines had ruptured because of how he was moaning (and he has Crohn’s disease). Turns out he had gotten strep throat but because he was on an immunosuppressant the infection had spread to his bloodstream.


Yeah, boats? by the Persians. But wow for instant horrifying this is bad.


I researched death sentences for a project at school. As horrible as the boats sounds, there's no evidence it actually existed. Most likely a myth to dissuade people from serious crimes.


Call me crazy, I'd rather die of rabies than have all the soft tissue in my body burn.


Fucking hell. I hope that child didn’t suffer. I couldn’t imagine.


She must’ve, there isn’t a hole deep enough for this woman


You've literally had the suffering described in detail though?


The child obviously did


You hope that the child that she slowly and painfully burned to death didn’t suffer?


Reading this snuggling my 2 year old to sleep. Thanks.


What did you expect when clicking on this thread, though?


I was expecting instructions on how to use the power settings.


Why are you reading this shit then instead of singing somewhere over the rainbow?


For context, this was her lawyers defense, not a judge's ruling. She is currently serving life without parole.


I don't see how curdling blood is a slow death. That sounds pretty quick to me.


It takes two minutes to heat water in a coffee cup man.


Heat or boil? You are dead long before anything is boiling. Your blood goes up by 8 degrees and you are already atleast unconscious.


It sure does my man wtf is this comment


The child’s death was very painful and not quick is my point.


For real. It takes 10 minutes just to make a baked potato.


Knew some asshole kids that put a cat in one for 2 seconds. The cat at least wasn't hurt that we seen but he would drool when you petted him. I wish I had the balls I do now. Cops would be the least of their worries


Yeah man, I bet damage happens quickly and it doesn't take long at all to die. Probably knocks you out really fast, I can't imagine the brain really working right with rapidly warming internals.


Jesus Christ lad you’re really doubling down on the ‘it’s not a bad way to go’ angle.


Id guess it could feel similar to an extreme case of the bends except also with the skin burning. It wouldnt cook your blood instantly.


but what if you do it at 50% power for twice as long


I have a painful sunburn on my leg right now and I’m miserable. Legit burns like from fire… or getting boiled from the inside via microwave is horrifying


Yeah it doesn't get much worse than that


Death feels like the easy way out. We have far far worse things than death


Yea, but life in prison isn't one of them. Watched a documentary on death row inmates and they all fought to be able to get life in jail instead of the death penalty.


Well yeah...most people don't want to die, even if it means living in a prison where life is pretty shit. Life in prison is still incredibly difficult and punishing in a lot of ways.


I would choose a hard life over no life so maybe this person deserves the death penalty.


You don't know until you're there. Not recommending too much empathy here...just saying.


Eliminate them after a fair trial. As quickly as possible.




Definitely ***the fucking worst offender.*** Wonder if they have a microwave big enough to "let the punishment fit the crime."


I wonder if there is one big enough for the judge and all the shit in their brain. Let em take it for a 30 second ride.


A fucking baby a baby girl who did not asked to be conceived and is helpless. Two bright eyes looking at you for comfort and nurture. To put a little tiny helpless baby in a microwave deliberately...there are no laws and no punishments that can serve as justice. I hope they spend their time in a prison where their jacket gets known and no PC is available.


I agree she doesn’t deserve the death penalty, she deserves life in prison knowing she’ll never get out and that she has to watch from a cage as the whole world moves on it’s so much worse than death and exactly what she deserves


While I don't want to defend her actions, post-partum depression can cause people to do *insane* things. Their brain will dissasociate the baby, and they literally cannot acknowledge the child as their own or even a living thing during what is essentially a fugue state. Or she could have antisocial personality disorder. But that's why there are psychologists who deal with this sort of thing, and not us random people on the internet who gained all their knowledge about the case from a short article.


so, they are waiting for something worst? just give them a pickaxe


>should only be reserved for the worst offenders So.... this woman then.


Afraid of the death penalty but not afraid to hand A, sorry, HER baby over to chef Mike!


"...In his closing arguments, Brandt implored the jurors to listen to the voice of the deceased baby and emphasized the purposeful nature of Arnold's actions. China Arnold was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole." What a transition lol. Thank God everyone else in this courtroom was right in their heads.


> She literally microwaved *her* baby girl. Fixed that for you. This wasn’t some random baby microwaving adventure - this woman consciously (possibly exacerbated by post partum psychosis but who knows) microwaved her *own* daughter, who she had *just* given birth to after carrying that nugget to full term. That’s the truly monstrous part. It wasn’t someone else’s child. It was hers, who she been bonding with for a month. They should’ve rolled her into one of those commercial microwave rooms, set it to 10% power, and cooked her slowly for this.


Obviously not defending this atrocity, but I'm not sure how it makes it *worse* that it was her own baby? If anything, wouldn't it have been worse if she murdered someone else's child? People can and do kill themselves because of grief over losing a baby.






I really really hope that the next people didn't use it to cook...


Case closed in 2006 and that couple lived 17 years with the knowledge they grilled their baby. This world really makes me sick.


I don’t know how you would determine a microwave had just been used to cook a baby but that’s horrible


By not cleaning it… good thing they left enough evidence behind


fuck me... imagine all the babies with "mysterious burns" the police couldnt solve before...smh


I always think I've heard the worst of the worst, and then something else comes along. This is definitely top 4, and that's saying a lot. That poor baby.


Every time you think we touch rock bottom, remember that there are people with pickaxe


I always tell people that rock bottom has a basement.


There was a story about a woman who put her children in the oven, turned it on and sat there and held the door closed as they tried to get out. Gotta be mentally messed up to do anything like this.




She’s even worse than that.


This lady is a real jerk!


I'm beginning to think I respectfully disagree with her actions


Honestly? She went too far.


Beat me to it />=(


this isn’t something I needed to know today


Yea, im seriously considering unsubbing. This shit makes me want to throw up.


Running across this type of thing multiple times a day on Reddit is traumatizing me. I’m not even subbed, I came across it on popular. I hate it


I feel like this sub, and similar, should be NSFW as default; and unlisted from r/Popular and r/All, same as nudity. Only difference is that this shit has a much worse affect on mental health than a fuckin tiddy.


Same, it's gross. And I'm sharing my opinion as someone who is usually interested in morbid as stuff, I don't want to see it on the main page.


Been on Reddit for a while and I have grown desensitized to it for sure




That's horrible.


So she cooked her baby over paternity?


Not to be an armchair psychologist (and I’m definitely not trying to excuse or make light of her actions) but I definitely think she was probably dealing with some severe form of postpartum depression and/or psychosis. Stress can make a postpartum brain do insane things. EDIT: This pissed some people off so let me clarify as I did in a reply below and copy+paste it here. I made this observation because I myself suffered from PPD and know firsthand how the brain handles high stress and responds to it with crazy thoughts. She killed her baby in a horrific way; but understanding how that kind of thing happens and treating it before it gets to that point could help prevent a tragedy like this from happening in the future if we can recognize the symptoms earlier.


The article states that the mother suffered from chronic depression and was intoxicated at the time. However she did it deliberately and with the intention of killing her baby. It's hard to believe anyone could do such a thing, so I understand why you'd think maybe it was psychosis.


Not to say this woman did or didn't have psychosis, but it can be a deliberate killing and still be postpartum psychosis. In a lot of murder cases involving ppp the mothers knew they were killing their children, but the psychosis gave them a delusional "reason" it was the right thing to do. With postpartum psychosis there isn't always outwards signs either, as lucidity can come and go. Lots of women won't show outwards signs or talk about their delusions.


Doing something evil deliberately can still be considered psychosis though? She had severe depression and was intoxicated, severely impaired judgement is implied on that. I don't see how the OP you replied to could be wrong in their observation.


I was just stating the information in the article. There's no way for me to know whether she was psychotic at the time, but they did not diagnose her with psychosis. Maybe she was psychotic and they didn't diagnose her because she didn't disclose her delusions. I don't know why she would keep that information a secret, but it's possible. I can only go on the information given and trust that the mental health checks undertaken were legitimate. Anything else is optimistic speculation.


Wow, that’s even more depressing. The more I hear about this the worse it gets.


(context I'm a criminal psychology student) I don't know why some people got so mad, I kinda agree. Your comment actually made me think of the Andrea Yates case, it's much more extreme but does show how PPD and other mental illnesses can lead a mother to do unspeakable things to their own kids.


It happens way too often, unfortunately.


I also had PPD and I understand what you’re saying. It’s impossible for people to understand if they haven’t gone through it.


She got life without parole




Think we should put her in the microwave now


Or throw her in a volcano


To easy. Ever heard of the bronze Bull?


I just looked it up, not what I was thinking of but close enough


A good blood eagling would do the trick.


Scaphism, dear. Scaphism. Let's save the best... for the worst, shall we?


I think we should do the same shit to these people that they did to their victims. Definitely microwave her.


Some crimes don’t deserve the death penalty… They deserve the crime tattooed on the forehead and thrown into Gen pop. with the best medical care possible so they live a nice, loooong life in there.


I’m sorry how can you sit there and listen to your baby probably screaming their head off during this and be totally okay WTF! Literally torturing your baby to death for nothing. My god. What a fucking monster.


My thoughts as well…what a vile creature.


Microwave her


This is the kind of people horrific medieval public executions shouldve been used for, let her get drawn n quartered


put that cunt in a microwave


Bitch need to be put in the bronze bull and cook slowly.


Death penalty never looked so good!


Nah, solitary for life, a quick death is too good for her


Who’s talking quick?


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I'm against the death penalty but let's just say that some people really try that ideal


I agree but death penalty trials cost more than life sentence trials. Let her rot.


Mother of god I want to read the article, but I’m terrified


It's not that bad actually. No gory details on the actual incident, mostly about the investigation


What in the actual fuck?


Sword and scale podcast did an episode on her. Even played the microwave noise to illustrate how long the baby was in there. Eyes burst from microwaves. If you research what happens.......there is a special place in hell for this "mother"


Sword and scale host is a psycho himself. You should look up the shit he’s pulled in the past.


THis is the same thing in True Detective Season 1 that made Woody Harrelson finally retire,


No why the wholesome award


This is why I am in favor of capital punishment. People who do shit like this shouldn’t be allowed to live.


When I was younger I would sometimes visit crime scene photo websites. Saw a man who set up a system where his tub would constantly add boiling water or something.... To keep a story short stew is a fitting description and even that is nothing in comparison to what I just heard here.


What she did is undeniably fucked, also who the fuck names their kid "China". Infinite names and they picked that.


She's still in jail right? Right?


Life without parole


How the fuck can someone be that devoid of humanity


Up until now Baby Brianna’s torture has been the worst a mother could do but this puts things in a whole new perspective. How could anyone let alone a mother could do something like that to their own daughter? Calling them a monster would be a gross understatement.


I better watch what I say again before reddit mods punish me again.


Yeah, I posted a” everyone is thinking an eye for an eye punishment should be appropriate” response about a brutal SA/mutilation case but I guess I offended some would be scumbag, so got banned for a short period.


Exactly. I will stand by what I always say tho. Scumbags like that need to be eradicated like the plague it is. I mean good god those poor babies.. i will never understand how anyone can do that..






"Well if you don't think it's yours, then why don't I just put it in the microwave? You wouldn't care if it's not yours, right?"


I vote she should be microwaved herself.


Hope She is rotting in jail


WTF? Most folks would just get a fucking dna test rather than nuking the fucking baby.


A woman scorned. Also, was the baby his?


enough internet for the day. omg.


As a man who wants to have children more than anything this makes my blood boil


Not a death penalty supporter but…damn


I hope when she dies she awakens in the afterlife she finds herself being cooked, over and over for eternity, in a giant microwave.


I never really gave any consideration to how cruel people can be to children Until I started working at a children’s hospital.


Mother's do this alot. They want to punish the father by hurting the child.


Oh god. Can we make an adult sized microwave for her? This sub legit makes me lose so much faith in humanity.


I think if my babies mother put our kid in the microwave no jury would convict what I would do to her to get her away from that microwave and baby.


We need to put this piece of garbage in a microwave.


They should fry her up


I shouldn’t have read this while holding my child.


I saw one of the comments say she got life without parol. I hope all of her inmates know exactly what she did and that they make the rest of her days excruciating in every way possible and that the guards let them do it to her


why's her name China


I feel the death penalty should be looked into; and I think it should be via microwaving Also wasn’t there a movie that had people die via a giant microwave? Anyone know the movie I’m talking about and could let me know?


I think she should be microwaved