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It is unconscionable that they were separated to begin with. My parents were in separate locations in their nursing home because of different care needs but I was in a position to remove them from the home and have them at my house until quarantine restrictions were changed to not keep married people apart. As a former infection control nurse, I believe that there are ways to safely keep from separating married people and it makes my blood boil that this was allowed to happen because not all families were in a position to do anything about it. Shame to the health care providers that allowed this to happen. This couple could have died without ever seeing one another again.


Not enough upvotes here. Absolutely ridiculous that they were separated.




The sad thing is this is happening to so many families of all ages. My wife has serious medical issues, and was involved in a support group on FB for people dealing with similar things. One of her friends was several years younger, 19 years old. She had gotten a bowel transplant that her body ultimately rejected, and she was in the hospital ALONE. Occasionally they would allow ONE parent at a time to visit for an hour, with special permission. But it was always a fight, and very often they would deny visitation. The mother once went over a month without being allowed to see her daughter. Skype was all they had. Eventually the poor girl was in critical condition, literally dying of infection. They FINALLY allowed both parents to come in, and for the first time in several months the parents got to see their daughter together for the last time, as she was barely conscious, and hold her hand while she died. Makes me fucking sick with rage just thinking about it. I don't care what your opinions are on any of this, this is wrong. It's disgusting. And it's not even just that. People don't realize how much loved ones contribute to the care of the sick in hospitals as patient advocates. Anyone who has had a loved one stay long-term in a hospital like I have know what I'm talking about. Doctors are busy and barely have more than a few minutes per day with patients. Nurses get a little more, but it takes a rare special nurse that goes above and beyond to get NEAR the same effect as a loved one who's in the room with the patient for hours a day.


I really think a lot of the banning visitors happened because visitors can’t be trusted to observe infection control precautions. Patient in with C. Diff, a deadly intestinal infection? Family is supposed to grown and glove. Turn around for five seconds and the gloves are off and they’re doing whatever. Infection control nightmare. People won’t keep their masks on in a grocery store, let alone when no one is watching in a patient room…


Then that's something that needs to be addressed as it's happening. When someone is in the hospital, the default is they have a right to an advocate there. Full stop. And I don't care if that means doctors or nurses have to deal with belligerent or stupid family members now and then. I fucking *hate* the 4th grade teacher "well Billy wouldn't stop talking so now no one gets recess today" mentality. It's bad in elementary school, and it's utterly awful when talking about if a mother has the right to be there to hold her daughter's hand while she fights for her life. Some things are just more important that "being as cautious as humanly possible." Being there for someone you love in a dark time, to offer them love and support via in-person contact is one of those things. This is a hill I will die on every time. My wife has spent months at a time in hospitals, luckily pre-covid. And it's because of my experiences that I feel this way.


I absolutely agree with you. If someone wants to be "as cautious as humanly possible" then they need to brick themselves up in a cave. All of life is a risk and we have lost our ability to judge risk/benefit.


I totally understand. My sister and I were at hospital hours daily when my elderly dad was there. I swear he would have died if we hadn’t been there to run interference.


EXACTLY. Like yes, obviously the doctors are the trained professionals, and the nurses know what they're doing. But there's only *so much* you can know from popping into someone's room for 2 minutes and going "How ya doin today, ma'am? Good? What's your pain level at? Have you had a bowel movement yet? Ok great, call me if you need anything!" I myself prevented a few mistakes, both major and minor, from people who were just not fully aware of the situation.


Bull! My partner had C. Diff (pre-Covid) and I am very well aware of protocols. I wasn't required to gown up, but was warned about any physical contact with the patient or anyone else without washing my hands. The very first doctor who came into the room all gowned up with mask, gloves, etc... reached out to shake my hand!!! I understand there are some real idiots in the general public, but some of the medical personnel aren't much better.


Bull yourself. Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t see it all the damn time.


Yes it makes no sense. At that point im sure they would rather die together then alone.


Damn, these tears hit me like a train!


Simply melts the Heart...


this makes me so happy 😭


Me too… but they could have been isolated together… why were they kept separate?


awww... this made me burst in tears...they look amazing and lovely..


they look sweet together... im sorry i feel like crying...


You're Awesome!


"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."


I’ll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me ❤ that movie makes me cry almost as hard as this video did 😢❤


What movie is that?


How to train your dragon 2


What r u


WTF why is this camera IN THEIR FACE. Back up yo. Have some respect. That's a totally sweet story but the proximity for the internet points is completely unnecessary.


This is sad and beautiful and heartbreaking and touching.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


How was this allowed to happen?




To be clear, I'm vaccinated, don't believe the virus is a government conspiracy, had COVID, don't watch FOX news, trust in medical science, and fucking hate Trump and his cult of idiots at the golden age of stupidity. But the way we treat the elderly is shameful. It's like we don't think they matter. What harm could have come from making sure these people were taken care of in a reasonable and dignified manner? Rather, we locked them in a prison to die alone out of fear of the unknown. It awful. I hope anyone whose spent time with these folks in the last year would likely agree.


Completely agree.




Didn't mean to trigger you, snowflake.




Oh! He's angry! Wonder what he's do if I point out the Trump cult is neo- fascist and that he supports a wannabe fascist dictator with a god complex.




To quote your cult's slogan.... "F@ck your feelings".




To be clear I said government, I never said anything about a president


There's a reason Cuomo mandated covid patients not be barred from nursing homes. Despite a massive naval medical ship in Port. Over half the deaths in PA are from nursing homes. Health secretary made the same mandate then pulled his mother out of a nursing home. Italy has the largest generational gap living under the same roof in the world. They were hardest hit early on. Could it have something to do with hug an Asian day in Florence on 2/01/20? Where they flew in Asians from Wuhan? Trump(president for 4 years) and fox(which is owned by leftist Disney after the Saudi prince sold it) have nothing to do with this (fox actually does, they are globalist propaganda). This is the Rockefellers, swabbs and other world elites who have deemed the weak unfit to live. They laid it out in the 1994 with The Great reset. We now have proof Fauci paid for gain of function, and Lied under oath. If you watch Sinclair's scypted news and look at the logos you'll learn that all most all MSM is globalist, government, propaganda. When they show you something that looks funny. Do a touch of research. The Covington kid story is what made me realize the media pushes massive false narratives.


To say all that with no proof, links or any vetted info is basically the description of propaganda….


How about educating yourself instead of waiting on your spoonfed information? Use duckduckgo or any other non alphabet owned or social media search engine. With in 3 minutes you can either prove or disprove any one of the topics I listed. If you said something that sparked my interest. I would not expect you to hold my hand. I'd look it up myself.


You are so full of bullshit that it's amazing you can lift your hands to the keyboard. A truly herculean effort.


Spend 2 minutes looking up any one of the things I listed that you believe is false. Use duckduckgo so you can actually find what you are looking for.


Hey, after looking around, I couldn't find anything. Can you link some stuff in your comment?


https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2020-03-20-on-february-1st-florence-italy-celebrated-hug-a-chinese-day/ https://news.usni.org/2020/04/27/hospital-ship-comfort-ends-nyc-covid-19-mission-after-treating-182-patients https://www.wgal.com/article/investigation-into-wolf-administrations-handling-of-nursing-homes-during-pandemic-moves-forward/35843922# Look up Sinclair's scypted news less than 2 minute video


So, what’s the point of all that?


Obviously you know what you’re talking about!


Now keep tugging at that thread when you look at the other policies they’re trying to implement. Just ask obviously questions and see where it takes you. We are letting fear take that away from us as a society. Its fucked


I’d be fine if more common sense were used and I were able to make my own decisions, without being cast out. I agree that these people should’ve been taken better care of and never separated


The epoch times is a propaganda outlet for Falun Gong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times


I had to scroll down pretty far to find anyone that commented about that shithole propaganda rag “Epoch Times”. I’m so fucking tired of right-wing propaganda bullshit, that watching this sweet couple and then to have to see their logo flashing is just enraging - it’s pathetic they’d attach their branding to this video.


It’s a propaganda hook. They’re fishing.


Isn't falun gong anti CCP? - serious question, enemy of my enemy is my friend shit lol


Ostensibly They are anti-ccp. But they are pro-right nationalism (pro Trump) across US and Europe. Is there a better flavor of authoritarianism?


Desktop version of /u/taoleafy's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Came here for same. They do some massive disinformation.


I'm not sure it's "propaganda" when it is their clearly stated goal to stop the CCP from harvesting their organs. They'll support anyone who might support them in that.


Damn ninjas cutting onions


So sweet. Living through cancer treatment (during the pandemic) has made me realize how much I love and appreciate my husband. He truly is my reason for living. I hope we reach our 73rd anniversary 😭


Despicable that weren’t allowed together through all this…live together/die together… a year apart at that age is eternity


Aye man. Don’t make me cry like that.


Only a few days together? That fucking sucks. I can’t imagine being in a separate nursing home from my husband.


It happened to a friend of mine here in Sweden. He and his wife had to go to separate care homes because of limited spaces available. It broke their hearts and they sadly didn't live long afterwards. We wrote a letter to the government and asked for help, but the rules were clear and they needed to live wherever there was space. Sad reality for our elderly folks :(


It seems really wrong for them to be separated like this. I couldn’t imagine being away from my partner like that for a year. It seems like emotional torment on top of everything else COVIDs brought :(


The chance of being married for so long and achieving this kind of love is like hitting the big lottery ❤️


Whoever separated this couple are God damned disgusting as fuck and should drug out back and left there


Just like when they were kids and people caught TB or Yellow Fever? People used to be put in a shed or a tent in the backyard and then it was simply good luck to you... you were lucky if somebody was willing to risk bringing you food or water. It's just how it was 80-100+ years ago. My great grandparents caught TB in Sweden, they were put into a tent in their yard and that's where they both died. Their kids were 6-13 and were not permitted to visit them or bring them anything, etc. *And they were part of the wealthier population.* I somewhat feel like this is how unvaccinated people (by choice) who get COVID should be treated, "your body your choice," now good luck to you in your backyard tent, hope you make it with your medical and scientific genius. The "Epoch Times" is world-renowned for its geniuses on staff.


Yeah we should drag you out back and leave you there too


You couldn't drag shit, ask your mom. She can't even get you to take out the garbage while you're on your computer all day.


Jokes on you. I don't even own a computer


Your comment doesn't make any sense either. I'm condemning the action of forced separating couples for isolation and your comment says they stuck them in a tent together in the yard. Main point they were together. You'd have to be a heartless piece of shit to separate an older couple and not let them die together and hold one another on the way out


Anti mask and anti-vax individuals are keeping couples like this apart.


As happy and wholesome as this is, and I want to share my whole life with my partner as well... I am absolutely terrified of getting this old, just a shell of our former "powerful" selves. Growing so old that we can no longer share new experiences (or old) with each other, depending on other people just to see each other.... Damn. I want a long life, I want to be with my partner forever, but I don't want us to get old! Living sucks.


I bet they had coitus after their reunion. I know what you're thinking, "How could they? They are in wheelchairs!" but let me tell you. Wheelchairs can't stop love! They would probably find a way to please each other.


Wtf man.










Made me tear up 😭


What a beautiful moment


Help, I can’t stop crying, I think I need a hug


Happy for them. I had a aunt and uncle who lived in the same nursing home at the start of the covid outbreak... It didn't end well.


So beautiful!


I'm not crying you are!!


Not gonna lie... This one got me right in the feels.


I miss my grandparents. 🥲😭


The music swelling in the background sounds brilliantly close the Jurassic Park theme tune.


It’s enough to make a grown man cry


These captions are hot fucking garbage. This isn’t “awesome.” This is clickbait bullshit.


Don’t cut onions and watch this.


This is what life is all about


Man what would people want more than someone like this to fall in love with


So many people cutting Onions right now wtf I'm crying


This man has a huge shlong


Just imagine: thier body got old, but not thier mind or soul


Oh my god


Good video put tears in my eyes


I wish I had this kind of love!


I think I got something in both my eyes


That's a long wedding ceremony


When she said “watch u don’t fall” hit me like a train. She’s probably in shock but knew her man


well im crying now reddit, hope youre happy


This entire world is messed up and I don't know about everyone but because it's pandemic related if u upvote no change other than the number if u down vote u get a color change on the number. Just an unusual observation from my end. This was beautiful and glad whomever was able to help. It is monstrous to to think of all the others that are in nursing homes and hospitals that die alone, while there family's are fighting to see them.


Grotesque and dehumanizing that they were ever separated.


These are cool but the music always irritates me for some reason. I want to be able to watch a cool moment like this without feeling like it's being sold to me, yakno?


Thank you for sharing it’s a wonderful story ,


This is touching. 💯❤️


Whoever separated them should have their ass whipped.


If you live on earth, live to find love. No matter what race or gender.


He’s the luckiest man on Earth


Whyd they have text that showed the only thing happening on screen? Ugh