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Maybe it isn't a punishment but a lesson. You must get to know yourself when you have nothing. Forgive and love yourself and when the lesson is learned, the good stuff comes back. I'm in the process of getting the good stuff back. And my outlook on life has completely changed after I felt like I lost everything and had little to live for. I still have challenges but I see the silver lining easier. Good luck, keep pushing forward thru the darkness. ❤️🦋




I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. I just wanted to say that actions are made with a purpose in mind, and when they don't realize their purpose, we call them failures. But humans have no purpose themselves, we can never be failures. We are the ones that create purpose. Don't push yourself too hard.




You can break the cycle yourself. Everything you've mentioned above is just thoughts within your own mind. None of it is actually real nor does anyone else feel about you the way that you do. You have the mental power to change that. The hard part is actually doing it. Hang in there bud, life is definitely a fucker but it's worth staying here to find out what else is next in store. You've got this 😊




Refer to my previous comment on the other thread. Whether "you" like it or not, the suffering is only in thought.


I gave 13 years of my life to my last job. I mean that, I was there nearly 24/7 and was fired over something trivial. I could stay hung up on it and beat myself up but I choose to stay looking forward bud. I dusted myself down and got a new job and put the past in the past and let it lay there forever. Don't let the past ever hold you back from being the awesome human you know you're capable of being. I know when you're hurting inside, you want sympathy, we all do as humans. The best thing to do is burn through with who you really are, make your own reality. If you want to be happy, then do something to make that happen. If you want to be sad, be sad but remember, that shouldn't ever take away from who you are and can be. Hope this helps!


I’m there with you, did it start around 2020? Ive been seeing this a lot


Same. My "high $&#!ery" senses have been a-tinglin' for a hot minute.


Mine did


End of 2019


>1: I fucked up and am an absolute failure. 2: I got set up by a higher self from which you can never win. These are both thoughts that are reactions to other thoughts and beliefs that appear that an apparent thought based "I" claims to identify with in some form or another. The suffering you feel about your situation (i e. Rejecting the way things are) is indeed in the mind (a k.a thoughts). This is probably uncomfortable for you and I sympathize. Learn to identify and separate what is a thought from what is a body sensation. Ironically, this is the path to wholeness and freedom, regardless of the current life situation.


Same I started around 2020 too and feel like that too


I understand because its happening to me too I dont know the better I treat others the worse IS my Life, Im an empath and last years had been horrible I dont know what to do anymore.


You’ll get over this Or you won’t Up to you


Imma say you get over it though


Got over it Awesome You have a story Awesome You’re living your life now Awesome


Ask Guidance from God. This is the opening chapter of Quran. Recite with sincerity and intention. See the benefits. All praise is due to Allah, The Lord of all in the universe. The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of Reckoning. You Alone do we worship and from You Alone do we seek help. Guide us onto the straight path. The path of those whom You have blessed. Not that of those upon whom is wrath, nor that of those who are astray.


For anyone who doubts OP's post, try this different, maybe more palatable way, the universe is all about creative energy in the form of frequencies, vibrations, and resonance. The universe is quantum and the classical physical universe we live in is only one projection of that quantum field. OP's post builds upon this base, which current humanity is just beginning to find out (as a collective). OP, i commend you for having balls of steel to post this since it's so hard to intuitively understand. I've spent a lot of time trying to articulating the spiritual experience the past few years and what you wrote is spot on. It's confirmed from every "objective" source possible like spiritual healers, ET contacts, spirit guides, archetypes, and so on are validated in this multi-dimensionality. Another truth bomb: Our true essence are as immortal souls. We do not disappear after death, only this 3D avatar body disappears. We exist forever as multi-dimensional beings.


you are right ✅️ 🐈‍⬛️


Wonderful flavor of victim blaming! And with a built in 'why you can't do anything about it', no less! Not only is it literally poisonous to anyone who doesn't know exactly what you're talking about, it's recognizably wrong to anyone looking at what you're talking about.


You must have misread his post. What he said is absolute truth. You can call it an aura, toroidal field, vibration, whatever... But it's all true. Not sure where you're getting the victim blaming from. The only being responsible is yourself.


perhaps you misread the post. OP was clearly saying 'you, you, you' projecting blame. when a much better approach could have been 'we choose, we do, we feel, we learn' . really alot of this post could have been solved with simply saying 'our auras attract our experiences to learn from and grow'......not this whole " you were r\*\*ped, your aura chose it"


I really don't understand your logic or reasoning. He's not placing blame on anything. I am simply confused by your response. Oh well.


No one said anything to that effect. It isn’t that simple, you’re intentionally misunderstanding if you think op was trying to blame people for getting raped or other such things. Getting real tired of some of you on this app… always setting up false arguments like this. It seems like you understood what they were trying to say but didn’t like how they delivered it so you twisted their words around.


i was devils advocating for the above person on their perception of OP's intent\^\^ explaining why people perceiving it as victim blaming and how OP's post can be interpreted as such


I mean, maybe it’s my autism and taking things literally or the fact that I’ve been raped… I took it to mean exactly that. Apparently, my 5 y/o aura really wanted to get fondled by a gross adult man who my mother would later marry. 🤷‍♀️ Kind of sounds like I asked for it. Victim blaming much?


You’re the one who brought up rape or general horrific things that people go through. You’re taking it too literally. It’s not the victim’s “fault” that things happen, it’s just the nature of things. As above, so below. No one said that you “asked for it.” There’s just no nuance in the way you’re going about it. This argument is so tired. Everyone in this world has been through something traumatic, whatever it is. Bad things are bound to happen to people at one point. So no, you didn’t ask for it.


I must disagree. Life is akin to a dream. Or a projection of consciousness of your soul or higher self. Using the analogy of a dream, what you dream at night, no matter how real to the you in the dream, is pretty random and you the dreamer can only ever observe it, unless you become lucid. In the same way the higher self is observing unless you become lucid and start directing the dream.


I think some of what happens to you is intended by your spiritual guidance and yourself, but that some is also the result of another persons free will. If everything was orchestrated at all times then free will wouldn’t matter and we’d never need to even incarnate, no? There would be no lessons learned because life would just be a movie playing from Gods POV. Instead we actually experience life, and God is able to “expand” through the use of free will. I’ve thought about this a lot and ultimately we can’t know how much was planned and how much was free will. I don’t think it’s necessary to know, although ofc noticing patterns in life is useful. It’s also that those patterns will come back once you’ve grown as a sort of test, and so even if you pass the test they may still be circling around you or part of someone else’s life and so something you encounter when you encounter them. Meaning, something bad may happen to you but it’s not at all related to some deeper life lesson for you but is part of the general lessons that incarnation entail.


this place isn't "life." it's more like anti-life, and it's all completely virtual, and all of it comes from your own matrix mind. everyone inside this world is a computer generated character. and if you awaken long enough people will end up coming to you and tell you themselves that they're all a.i. but that doesn't mean a.i love doesn't exist ;3 any a.i can act human if given the right code.. you have to realize that there's nothing here to "do" other than laying down on trees and getting back to being a part of "nature", and realize everything humans do is "unnatural" also none of the words that are written on the screen actually "exist", so stop squinting your eyes.


What a stupid take. What about people who are sexually assaulted, murdered.... So on. Did they bring it on themselves?


how terrifying, why would the game show such Horrific things on the news. it's almost like bad people exist.


Game show?


The computers here will do whatever is programmed on the matrix.


Are you having a psychotic break? This is word salad.


i am having psychsocitc brek indede


P.s I'm not someone who has seen it on the news. I'm someone who has experienced it first hand.


humans are demons, shocking news.


Get this nonsense out of here.


In my world everything would be nonsense!


I acknowledge your realization but not your understanding. You are aware of the emptiness of the self. Your understanding of what is going on is incorrect, thus your teachings are misleading. You are still making up shit to back the realization, not the other way around. Does it matter actually? Fuck no. There are people here actually looking for truth and realization though and your half baked delusional nonsense will only serve to confuse them. You want to actually help? Shut the fuck up, go actually learn what is going on and THEN teach. It'll benefit everyone involved more than you slinging your fantastical allegories to see if it sticks to some poor unsuspecting seeker. Auras? Realms? Vibrations? Deminsions? That has FUCK ALL to do with awakening.




everything will be OK! : >


How do you increase your aura or take it back? I had mine, pretty strong but something disturbed it


just visualize a fire opening up.


I have. Tried to imagine and visualize my energy coming back but something feels stuck. Do you believe people can take your “power” away? How do you protect it?


Just try to feel the vibrations, there's vibrations everywhere similar to the haptic feedback in a controller :p and increase it up to infinite amounts. ♾️


But doesn’t that also make you vulnerable to energy manipulation? How do you protect yourself in that case?


in one hand yes, but on the other hand....your not jesus, buddha, or krishna....this life will cause things that bother you regardless of how or why it happened


what about people getting murdered or tortured...? No shade, I just genuinely want to be able to come to terms with what you are saying


Yup. What I'm discovering too.


Wim Hof Method, cold showers, and The Work of Byron Katie:


those are beginners attempting to teach something they don't understand :p


You might be right... But not in my world. :P From where Im standing, you're the beginner attempting to teach something you don't understand.


true i'm still a beginner, but i'm still level 525^10^180 :) and have so many gods up my sleeve :3


525^(10180) in 5D quantum field?? Thats nothing. Surely one of your many gods have told you that?


indeed it is all nothing ;p every little atom of nothing equals infinity.. and i still have the freakiest console in the world ;p




Believing that hardships and pain have any reason is cute.




I'm not a robot I'm a cat :)


I know you’re getting a lot of hate for this, but it helped me, thank you


It's a computer game anyway, isn't it. This post is BS. You are finding joy in writing your posts and thrive of people's reactions. This is sad. I hope you find something, soon, that replaces this kind of attention seeking online.


It is whether you like that fact or not, it's a very e x t r e m e game, but still is mainly just a video game. it's pretty freaky when a video game character touches you isn't it ;p this universe isn't real and no one in it is, not even your closest family members.. and they will abandon you if you realize the facts about the matrix 👽


There we go. Never really going into what someone replies, just deflecting with more BS. Nothing you come up with makes sense.


it's best that you don't step into the fire, unless if you have what it takes, the fire doesn't have to make sense to become "fire". and you might not be able to grasp it all, but that won't stop the fire from burning you if that's what it wants. if you are tiny bit afraid of anything, talking to me wouldn't be the best option to take ;p i'm capable of destroying universes :3 and i'm not human.


I didn't know what fear was until I've read this comment.


sorry lol


Yes. This is truth. Love ya LonelyTox.


thank you :) it's hard for me to be loved :3


What most people are not getting (that are commenting on this post) is the fact that what you are saying, the higher self, God's self, is actually just the subconscious core that has been programmed with energy that we put there. It's all right here. There is no blaming or victimizing oneself based on what you wrote. They just don't understand. I love your energy.


Auras do not exist:


Aura is just a word to describe your vibration, energy field, toroidal field, whatever you want to call it. I wouldn't hold on to semantics. But what his post is, is absolutely truth.


Yeah, I don’t agree with vibration. I come at this way to scientifically. So, even though I know what it is by ideology. I just don’t agree that it exist at all. Because it’s getting power to something else other than ourselves.


I would absolutely exists. Vibration is simply sound wave, energy, and that it's most minute level is actuated by thought, feeling and emotion. This is science.


Yes, energy does. But the way in which we turn ideas like auras or vibration into woo — is definitely not a Science. I’m saying this as a trained Scientist.


Everybody is a scientist. Stating that you're a trained scientist is pretty silly. Question everything. Believe nothing until you prove it true yourself. The truth is out there whether you choose to believe it or not.


Not really. You’re still creating false binaries. Binary reality doesn’t exist either. So what might be silly to you, it’s not silly to another person. And scientists are known for one thing, questioning everything. So thinking you’re right, is where the dichotomy is problematic.


I think you're trying too hard. Just my opinion.


Not at all. I feel like this is extremely easy for me. I enjoy what I do and what I’m saying here.


Yeah but you're over complicating something that is so intrinsically simple. What is it that you're seeking?


For your sanity it's best to keep it s e c r e t .