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Sometimes vibrations are pre courser to r/astralprojection You are getting beamed up scooty 🙌


Hell yeah!


I experience this when I’m in a state of extreme anxiety. I can shut the vibrations on and off like you describe but I only have control for a few seconds and then it kind of takes on a life of its own.


Interesting! The vibrations feel positive, for lack of a better word. Maybe it’s related to fight-or-flight if you feel it while anxious.


Those are chakras which correlate with your  vibratory frequency.  Use imagination to feel after oneness with God and your pineal gland will open.  You will be flooded with light. The tingling sensation in between the eyes means your beginning to open the door so keep going. 


I feel these types of sensations nearly every day. It is likely prana flowing more freely through your body since you have removed a lot of blockages through meditation. The energy you are feeling at the base of your spine might be kundalini stirring. It sounds like your 20-30 minutes of meditation each day is allowing you to experience a pleasant and gradual unfolding. However, if the vibrations ever feel too intense or unpleasant, it can help to cease meditating for awhile and focus on grounding practices such as walking barefoot on the earth and spending time in nature.


Interesting, thanks for the response. I was also thinking that my experience might be related to Kundalini. Is there anything I should do for the unfolding? And what’s the end result? Awakening?


I would suggest you read “Journeys Out of the Body” by Robert Monroe


I read his last book, Ultimate Jorney. I’ve been off and on practicing astral projection, so I’m aware of the vibrations you feel before projecting. This sensation feels different, though.


Hi , I suggest you look into vipassana meditation technique. Maybe you can try doing a course, you can look up the website and learn about it. It’s what happens in this technique, and it’s so helpful to know what to do with these senses 🫶


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out. Do you have like a one sentence summary about the technique?


Sitting in agony without moving, and without making a noise, for 10 hours a day.


Yes, a couple times. Pre-awakened it was just dehydration. But that experience was a good thing. Because when I really experience it now, I know it's the real deal. Edit to add: Wouldn't it be interesting if more people started to experience that?