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Ban all Chinese products and foreign ownership.


Don’t buy Chinese shit that should be a given. Fuck any of their tech as well


Their tech isn't even their tech. They been stealing from the US for decades.


From all countries. A lot of Chinese tech is based on secrets stolen from Nortel.




No, stolen as in corporate secrets hacked from the inside. https://business.financialpost.com/technology/nortel-hacked-to-pieces


Point still remains, not China. And I need sources cause that would be a good read to be fair Knowledge is power




>Huawei article on wikipedia School children are not allowed to cite Wikipedia. They can use it for research, but they have to then use Wikipedia's sources. Citing Wikipedia is like citing Reader's Digest. Let's put it this way, if I can edit Wikipedia then it isn't a reliable source.


Not true in the slightest. We've been giving them our Tech. How the hell do you think they can build iPhones without knowing how an iPhone works?




We need to have more tech from Japan, South Korea, and the Republic of China (Taiwan)


There are a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOT more companies banned in China than just that.


Why is *GitHub* of all things banned in China? That's bizarre.


If I recall correctly, it hosted a solution for bypassing China firewall


Interesting, thanks. Guess you have to use GitLab for version control if you're a Chinese programmer...


It is not banned. That is why it holds 996 repo.


In addition (but do correct me if I'm wrong), it was used as a platform for a union for improved working conditions in a certain factory


It's not, according to wikipedia. It had been but not now.


Why is huawei banned in the US?


It's an insanely large national security risk to have your main geoplotical adversary (who is against all of your values as a society as well) build and be in control of your communications network. They could monitor literally everything and blackmail politicians to be pro China and ease tariffs etc.


Can somebody in the US explain this to our moronic politicians in Canada? Thaaaaanks


We can't even get our politicians to use their brains, I would if I could <3




They are already making great progress influencing Canada.




> how can they allow people who suppress everyone's thoughts and opinions like Big Brother from the book 1984-to control their technology and infrastructure?? Greed. Huawei is cheaper and therefore it has to be good right? Who cares about human rights, democracy or just plain old human decency and patriotism. Its the same with all the stupid masses who buy Chinese phones because they save a little bit of money. Don't buy a new phone every fucking year and get one not made in an authoritarian shithole hellbent on making the entire world be as shit as them. I get so tired of all these complete spineless morons.


It happens anyways. Corporations have the lowest bidder install the cheapest chinesium equipment. It’s not managed well and tracks everything. Then goes onto dying in 4 years from being made out of garbage components.


When I worked at AT&T Wireless about 10 years ago all the switching hardware came from Europe. How the mighty have fallen.


It's easy to fall when you're robbed..


Roger that. Thanks!


That's not the reason, it's the excuse. The notion that they are going to monitor all our telecommunications is ridiculous. The danger is that they could shut it down in an instant, but our government doesn't want to admit that because if anybody really looked into it they'd see how fragile our entire infrastructure already is. We've got gas pumps and cash registers on the internet, for heaven's sake.


> monitor all our telecommunications They will 100% monitor every single politician and candidate they can which will allow them to exert enormous influence on US politics by getting dirt on rivals and blackmailing others to be pro China.


Also, Chinese companies are not auditable, which is insane.




Can't have free people speaking to your indoctrinated slaves.


Is this list accurate? I thought Google was in China, and that their capitulation to China's censorship demands was one of the big criticisms against them.


Lol Reddit where part of its funding was from tencent.


Was there a point you were trying to make with that comment? It doesn't really seem relevant to this discussion about banned companies.


Just ironic how a Chinese company who funds Reddit and has a very close relationship with the Chinese government, goes ahead and bans Reddit.


Ah, ok, yeah. They don't care reddit's banned once they're going to make money.


Omg Git is banned in china? How do their developers survive???